
Friday, December 15, 2023

The Club - Meeting 459 - Moving Goalposts, Severity, and Getting What You Really Don't Want

“Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.” - Salvador Dali


Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and/or Female Led (FLR) relationships.


Once again, before we get started, I would like to extend a specific invitation to any of our female readers, if they still exist, to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. While I’ve always said the blog is open to both men and women, one of our commenters suggested I expressly invite our female readers to join the discussion.  Please consider the invitation enthusiastically extended. 


I hope you all had a good week and are making it through, and maybe even enjoying, all that holiday socializing and shopping.  For me, it was a week in which I felt a little of my mojo return, mojo being in this case a euphemism for both erotic energy and interest in all things Domestic Discipline.  Not that we engaged in any actual disciplinary or FLR-related activities, but at least it was on my mind again.


Some of it probably is just part of the recovery process post-illness. But, it’s also not lost on me that my interest level in DD jumped by virtue of writing about it.  It’s a good reason to try to exercise some discipline around posting regularly, even when I really don’t feel like it.


One area where my interest level is still at a surprisingly low ebb is the whole Christmas season. This is usually my favorite time of year, hands down.  This year, for some reason I just don’t have a lot of enthusiasm.  I’ve talked to others who are feeling the same way. It’s not really about being down on the season but, rather, feeling the need for something . . . smaller.  Less hectic.  Less complicated.


Of course, I’m enough of an introvert that I must ask myself whether by smaller and less hectic, I really just mean I don’t want to be around people! Thankfully, now that we are both retired, there is so little on our holiday social calendar, it’s not like I really need a break from the party scene.  One bright spot, I guess, is that maybe there will be no need for preventative butt blisterings to keep me in line.



While my disciplinary mojo is, indeed, edging back up, I can’t say I’ve had any sudden flashes of inspiration for novel topics. So, instead, I thought we could riff a little more on some of last week’s comments.


Let’s kick it off with this from KOJ:


“Here's a paradox in the first years of our DD (until I was well-trained): the better I responded to my wife's spankings, the more spankings I got!

Why? Two reasons: One, she saw that they worked to improve my attitude and subdue my male ego, but I still had a long way to go in her eyes. And two, she saw that spankings worked so she kept adding issues covered by DD. First it was all about respecting her. Then she added treating the kids better. Then she added respecting others. Then she added punctuality. Then she added my drinking. Then she added picking up after myself. Then she added actual chores. Then she added procrastination. On and on -- a seeming receding horizon of new issues that guaranteed me an almost constant sore backside for a decade. And she was right about every single issue.”

For those of you who have been in this kind of relationship for a while, has it worked that way for you, too? When you think you’ve improved to the point that discipline might not be necessary at all, does she move the goalposts?  Or, is it the case that regardless of whether you improve in certain areas, new problematic behaviors tend to arise?


For us, it’s kind of a combination.  My proclivity for overdoing it when socializing hasn’t changed much over the years.  But, this year was the first in which she focused increasing attention on “respect for others,” in the context of that socializing.  Probably the second worst spanking, and definitely the worst lecture, of the year resulted from what she saw as overbearing behavior at a dinner with another couple.  She also spanked me for an argument we got into, but it wasn’t so much the argument itself but the fact that she felt I had let something irritate me for a long time and then exploded, which was unfair to her because had I been more open about the situation sooner, she could have dealt with it without all the drama.  

Those developments may have been somewhat similar to the process KOJ described.  But, then there were the repeated spankings and threats of spankings for leaving the garage door open and failing to lock the front door.  Those were new-ish instances of carelessness on my part, and not really her paying new attention to an existing problem.


Then, there was this series of exchanges between K., GH and me:


K: The first time she did it [gave a post-orgasm punishment spanking] the anticipation was exciting, but that was only because I had no real idea what I was in for. Any physical pleasure is over very quickly. She has me use her vibrator, which gets the job done in no time. I've usually lost most of any erection I had by the time my pants are down, but the vibrator still gets through. What follows is pure punishment, with no sexual edge at all. There's no sexual element to counter the pain or energize me through it. Usually she uses a rubber strap that hurts like hell even with a warm up (and I definitely get no warm up if I'm being punished). There is absolutely nothing you would confuse with fun or sexiness about the whole ordeal. After considerable time passes, I can look back on it and feel warm and grateful, because I LOVE being in a relationship where my wife has that authority and isn't afraid to use it. But her punishments are something I've learned to fear and avoid, not be aroused by. So they work.


Me:  I go back and forth on whether a true punishment can still be "too much." I do feel like there is an important mental element of accepting accountability. During a hard spanking, I will sometimes remind myself that I put myself in this position and could avoid such pain by behaving better in the future. But, I've found that with some instruments--those rubber straps in particular--the pain was so extreme that all such thoughts were driven from my brain as I simply tried to gut it out. On the other hand, one could argue that a very painful punishment has a purpose regardless of whether you "accept" it in the moment. In fact, maybe it reinforces that if she is really in charge she can and should punish whether you "accept" it or not. As I said, I go back and forth on it.


K: Basically, our disciplinary relationship is "she's my disciplinarian, even - maybe especially - if I'm not into it at the time."


That thread touches on areas that I’ve thought about quite a bit this year, as Anne has gotten stricter in some areas.  The incident that triggered those thoughts wasn’t directly about spanking.  Rather, it had to do with one of those hard lectures I referred to above.  That one, and another that came within a few weeks of it, caused me to feel resentful for quite some time.  I started to get past that only after I talked to Aunt Kay’s husband, and he said something to the effect of, “Well, a real, tough scolding is hard to take. It just is.” 


The more I thought about it, the more I started to understand at a deep level that the emotions I was feeling were a demonstration that we had hit one of those milestones in which the transfer of authority, the imposition of a distinct hierarchy with her at the top, became more real.  The scolding stung precisely because it was real and angry and took me down a peg or three.


K.’s discussion was about the severity of the spanking and not a scolding, but the principle is similar.  You know the authority and the discipline are real when they happen regardless of whether you are “into it at the time” or regardless of whether the severity is way more than you would choose if you had any control over it.  The fact that you don’t have any control over it is what makes it more real.


When I look back, I think many—probably too many—of my conversations with Anne have included feedback about whether something “worked for me” or not.  This year, I started thinking a lot more about the fact that it’s when it her approach is not working for me, when I am feeling the most emotionally upset or resistant, that it’s actually doing its best work.



That same point carries over to seemingly more pedestrian, less philosophical issues like the choice of implements and whether some are just “too” severe. I really do go back and forth on that, as noted in my exchange with K.  I do feel like really absorbing (no pun intended) the lesson she is trying to impart requires me to think about why the spanking is happening, how I got myself into this, how I could avoid a similar one in the future, etc.  With certain instruments, that whole mental process of accepting responsibility and really meaning to do better goes right out the window. The pain is just so sudden and so severe that I go into a “man up” attitude that is all about not surrendering and, instead, trying to get it out and get through it by any means necessary.


 But, then there are times where I wonder, are there certain punishments for things like repeated instances of the same behavior, where that kind of severe punishment is not only merited but might be the only approach that’s really merited.  A spanking like that may not really be so much about deterrence—though it could be just want is needed for that purpose—but about pure punishment.  Or, maybe it is still about deterrence but it’s about her being willing to escalate to something that just hurts so fucking bad that you will do anything to avoid a repeat session. 


I don’t have a lot to add in terms of a specific topic, so take it any direction that seems fitting.


Even if I’m having a bit of a hard time fully embracing the Christmas spirit, I hope that’s not true for all of you. Enjoy the season. But behave yourself or suffer the consequences!



  1. Like KOJ, the list of things that will earn me a spanking continues to grow, which I am ok with. Yesterday a new behavior was added a new one to the list, which is leaving a stove burner on. I am most often punished for things that boil down to lack of awareness. K is punished in several ways that would be deal breakers for me, which are being spanked with heavy implements and post orgasm spankings. While I readily admit that I sometimes do need punishment, I wouldn't be ok with that level of pain. Merry X-mas.

    1. If leaving a stove burner on were spankable in our house, it would be Anne sitting on a sore bottom.

    2. Norton wrote: “K is punished in several ways that would be deal breakers for me, which are being spanked with heavy implements and post orgasm spankings. While I readily admit that I sometimes do need punishment, I wouldn't be ok with that level of pain”

      This, particularly the latter (post orgasm), was an issue raised in both of my DD relationships, although it came up in different contexts. In my first, it came up regarding her authority, especially how making it out of bounds was a limitation on her authority (and ability to discipline).

      With my wife, it came up in terms of our earlier agreement that she would not use corporal punishment after lovemaking. That led to, among other things, no lovemaking after spanking or any other time she might spank me.

      Both my former girlfriend and my wife were adamant on the issue, seeing it as an unfair limitation of their authority. My former GF even felt it made the DD “inauthentic.”

      Ultimately, in both instances, It was resolved when I agreed to no limitations on her authority to spank, including after a post-coital or a forced orgasm.
      Ironically, for all the energy exerted on it, My former GF only used it once and my wife, only a few times, and only once in the last 10 years or so.
      So, it's resolved for us and I am comfortable with it, to some degree because I have found that neither of my partners used it casually or without a lot of thought. But I think it represents a huge question in female-led DD relationships about “ hard limits” and what role they play. My inclination is that there should not be any hard limits if she really has the authority to punish and discipline. This, of course, assumes that you trust your partner and her judgment unequivocally. It is absolutely scary to say and mean: “Your authority to discipline me is unlimited”.

      But there is also the feeling of enormous freedom in doing it

    3. Alan, my inclination has also always been that there should be no hard limits. But, in practice, that has morphed into, "No hard limits, with one very narrow exception," namely no discipline while intoxicated. For me, it's simply a safety issue. I've had a severe tail bone injury, and it's an experience I won't willingly risk replicating. If Anne were a hard drinker who could hold her issue, it might be different, but she's not. I can have several drinks, and most people probably wouldn't notice any change in my demeanor and level of perceived control. That's not Anne. Further, the "not while drinking" limit isn't a "no." It's a "not until tomorrow."

    4. Dan,
      Agree completely re no discipline while drinking ( SWI). But there was never any disagreement about that for us. It just never rose to the level of an issue, although we both drink ( a mild understatement) And like us, it's not until tomorrow ( although too often, tomorrow never comes in those situations)


    5. In almost 20 years, I think it's been an actual issue for us only once or twice. She wasn't happy that I dug in and refused, but as often happens with my own drink-induced obstinance, the next day she forgot all about it.

    6. Speaking of punishment after climax, J mentioned to me a while back that if she were somehow just my disciplinarian and I wasn't also her sex partner, she'd ALWAYS have me orgasm before punishment, because it's simply more effective that way. The only reason she doesn't do so all the time, and leaves it only for the most serious punishment, is that she likes to have me hungry and horny so she can tease and deny me whenever she wants, and so I'm ready and eager to meet her needs when she wants to play. After I climax, it takes a while for that tension to build back up in me (and she's right about that, especially as I get older)..

      She explained that when she forces me to orgasm, it's like SHE'S giving something up just to be able to administer a more effective punishment. So she only does it when I've done something bad enough that she'd needs time before she'd want sex with me anyway. Fortunately not very often!

    7. That's very interesting. I never would have thought of that as a reason NOT to order a pre-punishment orgasm. Honestly, I'm just glad it's something my wife has never ordered. It sounds awful on every level. I don't know why the presence of erotic energy makes a spanking more bearable, but I'm sure it does.

    8. I should also point out we have a safety valve that doesn’t require me to be misbehave in order to get spanked: if I want a “fun” spanking , I can always just ask for one. She may not do it right away, and it’s a basically a treat, but she’s never said no. MUCH better than the punishment kind!

    9. I would say that erotic energy makes a spanking more bearable because the body is releasing endorphins as well as adrenaline, and both mask pain. If one just feels nervous, as was my case, then adrenaline is released but not endorphins.

    10. My partner is not a 'drinker'. Having one cocktail with a special dinner is about her limit. So possibly 2-3 drinks a month is normal for her. I however am a beer drinker and although have slowed way down as I age, I still consume 3-5 beers a day. I never have to concern myself with discipline while she has had a drink as she lapses into a sleepy mode. As far as being spanked for my drinking, it has only occurred a very few times. However those few times I received some of my worst spankings, some double on the same day or single spankings over several consecutive days. By and large, drinking causing or postponing a spanking is nearly non existent in our relationship.

    11. Beer is also my drink of choice. Wine sometimes if we're out to dinner or at a party, and good tequila every once in a while, but mainly beer. But, in terms of volume, most days I don't drink at all. But, when I do, three often becomes five or six (or more sometimes but not often).

    12. Other than the very short period in which we tried erotic spanking before discovering DD, I've never asked for or wanted a "fun" spanking. Remove the disciplinary/punishment context, and it just doesn't have much appeal.

    13. K, I have a question about “fun spankings”. When someone is into spanking in a BDSM sort of way, doesn’t a “fun” spanking also hurt like hell? I woman I met online at a spanking website used to be a professional spanker, but in her non-professional life she liked to be spanked. She used to use the word “thrashing” for the kind of spanking that really turned her on. By that she meant a spanking that was really severe. She wasn’t into DD, except as role play, but the kind of spanking that turned her on was probably as severe as a harsh punishment in many DD relationships, and more severe than anything I could take. She once said, “The harder the better,” although with a safe word just in case. She told me that some of her clients liked to be spanked that way too. They paid her to make it really hurt. I guess my question is, when someone is turned on by harshness, can there be a clear demarcation between a fun spanking and a punitive spanking? And when one moves from BDSM into real DD, would one have to maintain the practice of a safe word because of the intensity?

    14. GH,

      For me, a "fun" spanking fulfills my erotic fantasy of what a spanking is, not the reality of punishment. Over her lap, maybe stings a little, but nothing serious. Since we started our FLR and I started getting punished "for real", I've not fantasized about erotic spankings nearly as much as I used to, but sometimes if we're in the mood and she's feeling generous, she indulges me that way. It's not at all like punishment, and definitely erotic for me.

    15. Thanks for answering my questions, K. That makes sense. I sometimes wonder how things would have played out if my wife had a spanking and D/s fetish like me. I imagine that there would have been lots of role playing, both F/M and M/F. I think we had a 24/7 FLR because I had a craving to be spanked, and giving my wife the power to use DD as she saw fit was a way of ensuring that there were real benefits for her, so she wasn’t just doing it for me. Having a 24/7 FLR also made the DD more real, and therefore more exciting. I am using the past tense because we seem to have reached a point in life we’re both FLR and DD are sporadic. Alas.

      Just thinking, my first spanking experiences were with a cousin when we were teenagers. We were exactly the same age and were intensely competitive with one another. We started placing bets on games, with the winner getting to spank the loser. We didn’t spank hard, but there was serious gloating by whichever one of us was the winner when the loser had to go over the knee for a spanking on the bare bottom. I sometimes wonder whether my cousin got into a BDSM lifestyle as an adult, or what my life would have been like had I married someone who was into BDSM. I’m not saying I am unhappy about the life I have had, but I do wonder about other possible lives sometimes.

  2. I've seen an increase in the number of spankable offenses, especially in the first couple of years of marriage. That could easily be chalked up to my wife's growing comfort level for using it and recognition from both of us that it improved our home life. My first ones were related to bad habits and a reluctance to take responsibility for myself.

    She soon realized though, that this would be the way to deal with disrespectful behavior, whether it is directed at her or others. A bad attitude in the presence of her family or friends (even if they're not the target) has often resulted in a spanking when the opportunity allows.

    Although Beth has commented when I have a pre-spanking erection, she's never required me to deal with it before she gets down to business. There was only one time that I recall getting spanked soon after I orgasmed and just from that experience, I can vouch that it was especially unpleasant. I hope that the idea doesn't take hold with her.


    1. "She soon realized though, that this would be the way to deal with disrespectful behavior, whether it is directed at her or others. A bad attitude in the presence of her family or friends (even if they're not the target) has often resulted in a spanking when the opportunity allows."

      One of the things about Anne and DD that I still don't get, and maybe never will, is that while she has stepped up things like spanking being overbearing, it only seems to be when it's attitude/demeanor in general or when directed at others. She just never seems to think of spanking as the solution when the attitude is directed at her.

      I don't know whether it's simply a matter of aging, or more about familiarity, but I used to get erections almost every time. Now it's more like 50-50.

    2. For me, it's a posative thing when the list of things I'll get spanked for gets longer, because it increases the likelihood of my getting spanked more often. I look forward to our maintenance spankings, but the real excitement is around punishment spankings, because I have no control over how long or hard they will be. The motivation is all coming from her. Since I cut back on drinking, thanks to several years of hard punishment spankings, my attitude/demeanor around others has improved to the point that is that they are simply no longer an issue. I seldom get erections any more before a spanking, but they are still sexual, and sometimes for me, seem to substitute for sex. R.e. the post orgasm spanking, the closest thing to that for me has been getting a spanking the day after I've had an orgasm. It is definitely a turn on for me to know I'll be getting a spanking the next day, and often it occupies my mind until it happens. That increases the likelyhood of us having sex, which is usually dependent on me being able to get it up. The anxiety and anticipation I feel is always there, especially if it is going to be a punishment spanking. After the spanking, we feel very loving towards each other, and I am always relieved it's over. She is very matter of fact about all this, and approaches it in a loving, but firm, maternal manner. She does it because she knows I need it, and it's good for the relationship. Also, she has said that she also appreciates having more power in the relationship, and our DD has helped her to become more confident outside of the relationship as well. Both the maintenance and the punishment spankings have become longer and more intense with time, as her confidence has grown noticeably. We do a check in on Monday, and Thursday. The Monday check in always includes a spanking. The Thursday check in usually does, but not always. Therefore, I am usually spanked twice a week. The only downside to all this spanking is that my butt is always quite wrinkled, in spite of using cream every time. Considering how much happier and more stable I am now, it's a small price to pay. I constantly feel I need to cover up at the gym, but nobody seems to notice or care about what an old mans butt looks like. It still makes me self conscious, as I've never seen another guys butt that looks wrinkled like mine.

    3. Norton, I think the wrinkles come from aging rather than spanking.

  3. Merry Christmas to all. We too have brought our Christmas celebrations down a bit in recent years and now have decided and made arrangements to spend Christmas away from home next year. Still have the house decorated and a tree up for this year and I still expect my traditional Christmas Day spanking.
    Moving on to other topics for this week, we have not moved the goalposts at all in our 24/7 FLR and DD household. We composed a list of spankable offenses at the beginning of the relationship and each has a 3 level prescribed punishment. Like others here I was spanked much more often at the beginning of our FLR as I learned her way, likes and dislikes. She probably has added 'reasons' under a title however. 'Disrespect', has added reasons as well as other broad titles like 'Behavior'. More exact descript titles like 'forgetting my cell phone' have remained constant. Scolding here is not a big item, but she will say things like 'you have earned this' or 'this is the second time you have done this, so I am moving to level two for this offense, now bend over'. I know I will be getting a much increased punishment spanking. Still, after over 14 years, I still love her, love our FLR, take my punishments as I know they have made me a better person.

  4. Over a period of 20+ years of FLR, my wife’s level of strictness fluctuated, but the list of spanking offences didn’t increase, mainly because there was never a list as such. My wife would spank me whenever she felt my behaviour or attitude merited it. That’s not to say that spankings were totally arbitrary. I knew that I could be punished for certain behaviours, but there was no list. In that sense, spankings from my wife were a bit like spankings from my parents when I was growing up. I knew when I was at risk of being spanked, but there was no formal list that said “for x you will be spanked, for y you will be grounded, for z you will lose your allowance.” And depending on circumstances any given misbehaviour might result in either punishment or a stern warning. FLR has been like that too. I don’t think my wife would have liked to feel that she was duty bound to spank me for some formal list of infractions.

    1. We made the list along with our written agreement at the onset of the FLR. Still in place, it now acts more as a guide. She has the right to and has spanked me at any time she pleases for whatever reason she wishes. We still use the prescribed punishment at times, but also she alters it to suit her method of administering an effective punishment.

  5. I don't remember ever losing sight of the reason I was being punished, even during a severe spanking. That is partly because my spankings were quick -- typically about two minutes. Another reason is the extensive scolding that preceded the spanking. She made it very clear what my misbehavior was and how she expected it to change. Also, my wife sometimes would ask questions while spanking -- and expect answers! "So why are you over my knee getting your bare bottom thrashed?" "What is your promise for the future?" "How many drinks are you going to have from now on?" It was hard to formulate a cogent answer, but I definitely understood the question!

  6. Repeat spankings, for the same misbehavior two or more times in a short period, were definitely the worst. They were, as Dan says, "about her being willing to escalate to something that just hurts so fucking bad that you will do anything to avoid a repeat session." My wife felt repeated misbehavior was likely intentional and therefore a direct affront to her authority. She did not respond lightly.

  7. You mention that severe pain puts you into a "man up" frame of mind that precludes surrendering. One of the things I've discovered is that severe, continuous pain fully occupies my mind and drives out any other thoughts, such as fear, worry, etc. That kind of spanking is actually easier for me to take than a spanking where there is severe pain, then a short pause, then a resumption of the spanking -- and the cycle repeats. During the pain there is at first relief, but that's quickly replaced by a kind of dread of the next round of spanking and thoughts about, "gee, how long is this going to go on?" In the severe continuous spanking those kind of thoughts don't arise because the brain is fully occupied by the pain. The pauses have to be of the right duration. If they are too short, it's like there is no pause at all, but if they are too long, a kind of recovery sets in that makes it easier to bear the next round of spanking.

  8. Error in last post: it should be, "during the pause there is at first relief."

  9. I do want to say that I wasn't surprised by my wife "moving goalposts" by adding additional behaviors for which I was spanked. She told me she was going to add new behaviors. She believed in focusing on just a few things until I was not getting spanked regularly for them. When I had obviously made improvements, then she added something else. Like, "I haven't seen your socks on the floor in a month. Great! Now go get the paddle and let's talk about missing garbage day."

  10. The one big surprise -- and this might be considered moving the goalposts -- was her interpretation of "witness" as being seen being punished but not being heard. We had a standing agreement to "no witnesses." As I have previously related, she spanked me at a party in an upstairs bedroom and I believe that many people heard. To me, they were all witnesses. To her they were not. We got into a debate, with dueling definitions of the word "witness"! She finally stopped me with, "Do you think that our children and my parents and your mother and other houseguests never heard any of the HUNDREDS of spankings that you got after we all went to bed in our house?" I was appalled at the thought. I had to think about that. So the argument just ended. She retained the authority. But she never again spanked me in such a public manner.

    1. I had nearly the same experience with being spanked at the home of one of our friends. She took me to an adjacent room for a bare bottom belting and I knew everyone in the next room heard. I was red faced and red assed when we returned to the group. There have been a few times when witnesses have been present and she has used that for a warning. These words have been heard more than once... 'You are getting spanked when we get home, but if your behavior continues, I will spank your bare bottom right here in front of these people'.

    2. Glad to hear someone else got it in hearing distance of many others. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life.
      She threatened in public but never used the word spank. Always euphemistically. "Do you need an attitude adjustment?" "You are getting too big for your britches." "You know my brush is in my purse, right?"

    3. I'm not sure "You know my brush is in my purse, right?" counts as a euphemism. :-)

    4. And I feel the same way when a guest could see a wooden hairbrush left where it typically wouldn't be. Like on an end table next to the couch!


    5. For sure Kevin. She leaves a paddle out here in our bedroom. Not as open to view as near the couch, but it has been seen. Several of our friends are aware I am spanked for discipline and maintenance.

    6. Truth be told, I like it when there is some subtlety to her approach. I enjoy seeing an old fashioned looking wooden brush on the bedroom dresser or bathroom vanity. Probably lost on the majority, but I know where my mind would go if I saw that in someone else's home.


    7. Anne has taken to leaving the heavy ebony hairbrush and bath brush on the counter in the master bath. It would be pretty rare for strangers to see them, but our adult kids could conceivably do so during some of their visits. It's also interesting that months after she started leaving them out like that, they still get a reaction from me almost every day, unlike most other possessions which just kind of fade into the background.

    8. I always get a jolt just from from seeing the objects my wife uses to spank me. That never wears off. Sherlock Holmes or Columbo would undoubtedly notice that her paddle sized hairbrush has no hair in the bristles. If I saw that in someone else’s house, I would suspect that it was being used as a paddle.

    9. I definitely get a reaction from things that my wife spanks me with. This also holds true for a couple of paddles (actually cutting boards) that she has at work just for this purpose, even though until now she hasn't actually even used them. Just the fact that she can - and most likely sometime will - use them is enough.

      GH - good observation about the lack of hair in the bristles.

      And to all, I hope you have great holidays. It looks like I will still be too busy to post much for the next little bit, but maybe I will find some time here and there, as we are getting things a bit under control at last!


    10. I don't think either one of us ever used the bath brush to wash our backs. But it was in frequent use. Sometimes we would forget to take it back to the bathroom ... and there it would be in the kitchen or living room. I don't recall anyone remarking, but it certainly was seen.
      The oversized brush she carried in her purse was actually a clothes brush, I believe. It never brushed any hair.

    11. ZM, happy holidays to you too. I definitely miss having you around, but you're focus obviously needs to be elsewhere right now.

    12. There is no second guessing or detection work needed here as it is not a hair or bath brush. It is a paddle, made to paddle backsides. It hangs ominously on a hook, easy to see and for her to use. She also carries a small wood paddle in her purse, if seen, its use could not be mistaken. When it makes an appearance, I know my ass will immediately be bared and I will be paddled.

  11. In previous posts, I have said that most of my punishment spankings these days have been for absent mindedness, like forgetting to put the toilet seat down or turn a burner off. Today, I reverted back to my old habit of arguing, instead of listening, when my partner told me she didn't approve of something I had done. If I had simply agreed and said "Yes Ma'am", that would have been the end of it. Later, I realized that I had challenged her authority, which violates our DD agreement. Of course, I don't want to experience being punished, but I deserve it, and have admitted that to her. As opposed to the spankings for absent mindedness, challenging her authority should result in my getting a more severe paddling, which is what I expect will happen within the next few days. If I hadn't brought this to her attention, it's likely nothing would happen. However, I want to encourage her to hold me accountable, and not allow me to get away with anything.

    1. I never had to remind my wife to punish me -- especially for backtalk or being argumentative. I would be over her knee so fast that I barely realized what was happening until I was perusing the carpet!

      P.S. She had a habit of slightly raising her left heel and then bringing it down with each spank. She liked to have high heels on as they helped her create the platform across which I lay. I would watch the rhythm of her left high heel to know when the brush was going to land. That helped me get through many a thrashing.


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