
Sunday, November 26, 2023

(Slightly) Extended Hiatus

Hello all.  I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving and a relaxing long weekend.

I apologize for the very inconsistent posting.  But, I'm not going to get a post out this weekend and possibly not this week.  It's not really busyness, so much as a post-illness total lack of inspiration or even DD interest.  This has happened a few times. gotten really sick or had a medical procedure and had all DD inclinations go poof!  I felt a few glimmers of an idea for a post come through today, but not enough to lead to an actual post.

So, feel free to start a thread here if you have anything you want to talk about. Or, just tell us about your Thanksgiving.  

Have a great week.


  1. Hope you feel better and your DD spark returns soon Dan.
    As a thread, I'd be interested in hearing from others what happens AFTER a spanking as it is an integral component of the act which seems to be ignored.
    Are you stoic afterwards , trying not to show any reaction which may give her the satisfaction of a job well done , or do you rub and hop around yelping and making a full.
    Do you embrace and thank her afterwards , or perhaps get down to some intimacy?
    Does she say of do anything afterwards ? Does she look proud ,amused or firm?
    Does she enjoy teasing about the state of your bottom or difficulty sitting?
    Is there corner time or other added punishment?
    What about aftercare ? Does she have you put away the implements afterwards or does she keep them on display or in her hand?Do you have to wait for her permission to dress ?
    For me ,I try to be as stoic as possible but doubt if she buys it as she usually expresses satisfaction at a job well done.
    On occasion I have done some rubbing and even congratulate her on her efforts if she delivered a real good one.
    We will embrace and as I remain naked there is intimacy afterwards.
    She will bring up mention or remind me about spanking a over the next few days , and her demeanor remains confident and in charge for a while afterwards.
    For me I feel relieved , not only that the spanking is over , but that my conscience is clear and guilt gone.
    I even consider my sort butt as a kind of badge of honour and have a sort of hidden desire to mention it to others , but never do.
    I feel very proud of her for her assertiveness and my respect for her is renewed.
    Would love to hear from others about their post spanking experiences.

    1. We were affectionate but not sexual after a spanking. Usually we would sit side by side on the couch and snuggle. Often my pants were still down. I would feel very loved in a maternal way. I loved those moments.
      If I was being spanked for a chore not done, she often would push me off her lap and order the chore to be done right then. But we would still snuggle afterwards.
      Sometimes she would keep me over her lap and rub arnica gel on my sore butt. I loved this form of affection, too.
      I usually would thank her for making me a better man. It did help clear my conscience.
      Sometimes she would be bossier after thrashing me, feeling her authority.
      Sex didn't occur for at least two hours and usually not until the next day.
      She did like to tease me about being spanked like a naughty little boy. Every once in a while she made me pull down my pants the next day and show her my marks.
      She didn't use other forms of punishment.
      I miss my authoritarian wife!

    2. If it's a straightforward clear-the-air spanking, we're chatty, but only to a point since it's late at night. If it's a more "ambitious" spanking then we don't have much to say afterwards, whether to avoid spoiling the mood or because of some shyness about our roles.

    3. For us, the ending tends to be pretty abrupt. She generally tells me she thinks that's enough and hands me the tools to put away. Probably 8 times out of 10, sex happens within an hour or two of the spanking. Foreplay often does include "checking in" in some way about the spanking itself, where it left both of us in terms of things like her sense of satisfaction at having exercised her authority. my sense of accountability being enforced, etc. There is never any "aftercare" per se, and that's not something I want or feel any need for.

    4. I am jealous of you guys who get aftercare and sometimes sex after a spanking. My wife is businesslike at the end of a spanking. She generally ends with the question whether I have learned my lesson or need to be spanked some more. I always assure her that I have learned my lesson. In a way, that is the most humbling moment for me because I have often suggested that maybe she should spank me more harshly, but the way she ends it seems to show that I couldn’t endure a really harsh spanking. My wife then drops whatever spanking implement she used on the bed beside me, tells me to pull up my pants, and admonishes me not to make her have to spank me again. She then walks away, leaving me to put the implements away. I feel shy and submissive after a spanking, and I often do some housework to show my desire to please her. She might tell me I am a “good boy” when I do that, adding a further maternal vibe to DD. I always thank her in writing for disciplining me, often the next day. Though I am jealous of you guys who get erotic attention after spankings, I also find my wife’s businesslike attitude to discipline kind of sexy. I should add that my wife never leaves spankings until bedtime. When she decides I need a spanking, or when she feels like punishing me, she does it right away, and then it’s back to daily routine. I suppose if a spanking was given at bedtime, there would be a greater chance of having sex afterwards.

  2. As a spanking is being given , Dev always asks “ am I getting through to you ?” The answer is yes ma’am. She finishes with two more very hard swats and I’m allowed up. JR

  3. Hope you get your mojo back soon and enjoy the year end in the meantime.

  4. After a spanking, I always thank her and kiss her. If it's a particularly hard spanking, I let her know that it was a job well done. She puts cream on my butt and often takes a photo. If she's in the mood, I will get down on my knees to reward her. Sometimes she likes that before the spanking, to get her in the mood. If there is any corner time, it's always before the spanking, not after. There is a maternal vibe for me to be ordered in the corner, and it underscores her authority and my submissiveness. Like Glenmore, I feel proud of her, and I am grateful she is strong enough to keep me in line. The entire ritual before, during, and after a spanking is a very intimate time for us, regardless of if the spanking is for maintenance, punishment, or preventative. Yesterday, I thought I was getting a maintenance spanking, but when there was no warm up, quickly realized I was being punished. Afterwards, she told me she had been annoyed with me, but obviously, she didn't realize it until I was over her lap. I asked her if she felt better after giving me a spanking, and she said indeed she did.

  5. Does anybody else inspect the 'damage' in the mirror after a spanking?
    We have a full length mirror in our bedroom that I instinctively head for after being spanked.
    I'm usually as proud of the results as she is !

    1. I do and have even taken a selfie a couple of times so I could get a better look.

    2. Yes. Every time. The heat can be felt for a while after too.

    3. I don't always look, but I do ask her to describe it and compliment her on the change in color she accomplished.

  6. Seasons greetings. There haven't been any new posts for awhile, so it seemed like a good idea to toss one out. Christmas is usually a stressful time, and this one has the added stress of a resurgence of Covid where I live, as well as the brewing threat to our democracy, plus the Israeli - Gaza war, as well as the ongoing war with Russia and Ukraine, which has further devided the country. When I feel stressed out, I drink more, and pay attention less. This has led to my earning 3 disciplinary spankings in the last 10 days. Before this, I went for over a month or longer, not earning any discipline, and getting only maintenance spankings. When I find things that seem relevant to us, I bring them up in our check before most spankings. One entry I read from awhile back was about how difficult it must be for our wives to be in the role of constantly needing to make decisions about how often and how severe to punish. My partner affirmed that was true for her as well, and in the middle of yesterday's spanking, she told me "I don't like having to do this",
    which made me feel somewhat ashamed of putting her through that. It also left me feeling the need to increase my resolve to not earn any more punishment for awhile. Does any of this ring true for you guys as well?

    1. It would depend. If she said it to increase my resolve to do better, I would appreciate that. At the same time, I want her to take pleasure in spanking, understandably not every time, but generally. So I would be trying to read whether she was saying it for my benefit, just wasn't in the mood that night, or down on the whole dynamic.


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