
Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Club - Meeting 450 - DD's Role in Meeting Personal Performance, Fitness, Resilience, Etc.

"If I had got you when you were young you would have been a brain surgeon." – Aunt Kay to her husband Jerry


Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a Domestic Discipline relationship.


I hope you had a good week.  Mine was both fulfilling and frustrating.  As I alluded to last week, I was out and off-grid for much of the week.  Some might call it living up to my mid-life crisis.  Without going into a lot of detail, it involved doing stupid things on my motorcycles with a bunch of men, most of them at the age they may be going through similar mid-life crises.


I took away a lot of good things from it.  One being that men really can be incredibly supportive of other men when they get away from their conditioned roles and face similar challenges in a deliberately non-competitive atmosphere.  It kind of makes me understand how books about manhood and male-oriented support groups have become a thing.  I hope that maybe we have a little of that going here on this blog.


However, some aspects were not so great.  There was an inherent element of danger in it.


Though, nothing really life-threatening, I did have a couple of moments where I (and, in fairness, others) bailed out on some optional training activities that I was concerned I just couldn’t do. Then, some of us encountered an unplanned obstacle that quickly revealed our varying skill levels. And, also, our varying tolerance for risk.


I’m embarrassed to say, my risk-tolerance wasn’t what I wish it had been.  Like I said, there was some inherent danger involved. But, we’re talking broken bone levels of danger at most.  Really serious, permanent injury kinds of outcomes were unlikely.  


Yet, kind of like the incident I described on the mountain, I pulled away from the risk.  The going got tough and, when provided with an “out,” I took it.  I’m still a little pissed at myself for it.


What does this have to do with domestic discipline?  Well, like my mountain climbing story from a couple of weeks ago, not all that much.  At least directly. But, indirectly, maybe some.  It made me question a few things about my current direction.


While part of my withdrawal was about risk, an equal or larger factor was I was bumping up against some physical limitations.  I was feeling way more tired and winded than I should have.  Perhaps I was doing OK for a guy "my age," but I hate, hate, hate that qualifier.


While the activity was physically hard, I think I would have handled it better a year ago. I came out of the pandemic in better shape than I had been in in years, but this year I frittered some of those health, strength, and resilience gains away. It showed on the side of a mountain a couple of weeks ago and it showed on a difficult ride this week.  Had I taken better care of myself and pushed myself harder over the last year, I might have fared better.



It also occurred to me that what I was really afraid of that caused me to back away from this particular challenge wasn’t so much physical injury as ego.  I was afraid to try and fail, somehow not quite getting that my ego was going to take an even bigger from failing by not trying.


I think I do that more often than I like to admit. Sometimes it’s ego. Sometimes it’s laziness.  Or, lack of positive stubbornness.  I don’t try certain challenging things, because I might fail. 


Or, I quit those things before I’m at my real physical or mental limit. 


Or, I try to talk my way out of a well-deserved spanking that I know I’ve earned and that I know might lead to some incremental self-improvement, because it's just mentally preferable in that moment to take the easier way out if that door seems open.


Or, I don’t let go and cry during a spanking because it would involve an ego hit, even though I know the personal growth I'd achieve could be huge.


I’m not sure whether DD has a role in helping with this kind of stuff.  On the risk-taking thing, probably not.  Anne is way more risk averse than I, so it’s not reasonable to expect she would do anything to encourage me to take more risks than I already do.


 But, on things like letting my physical fitness lapse, she could play a role if she wanted.


Moreover, the back-sliding on health and fitness issues was one aspect of a year that has been a disappointment on multiple fronts as compared to the year before.  


Honestly, I’ve just been kind of a slug this year, in lots of areas.  


Last year, I was working out more, writing more, exploring new interests more.   


This year, for some reason, things started to go off course around the holidays and I just got kind of lazy.


I do think DD can play a role in addressing that kind of stuff, but for us it really hasn’t. 


I talked to Aunt Kay’s husband about this a bit by email. He reminded me about the quote at the top of this post, which I’ve used here before.  He also advised this:



“One suggestion is to write her a note or, alternatively, as I have recommended in the past to some other husbands, excerpt exactly what you just unselfconsciously wrote to me and let her know these are your unfiltered thoughts.”


I explained to him that in the past I’ve consciously steered clear of asking Anne to play that kind of “coaching” role in which she takes charge of things that don’t really affect our relationship but where I might benefit from some imposed discipline.



I always felt like it would be kind of a burden.  And, we already had consistency issues around things that we both agreed should be punishable and that did have relationship implications.  It seemed like making her responsible for things like me making bad eating and drinking choices and avoiding the gym would exacerbate those consistency issues.


However, the fact is, things have changed for both of us in the last couple of years.  She now has more time on her hands.  She’s also more fully embraced her DD role and some of its more “maternal” manifestations. And, I do fee like there is something very maternal/parental in setting standards around personal performance and holding someone subordinate to you responsible for them. It’s why getting spanked for bad grades was so prevalent when I was growing up.



Also, recently, I have felt like she is almost looking for more reasons to spank and that she sometimes seems almost disappointed if I haven’t earned one recently. Maybe she would actually want to take on something that involves, at her discretion, addressing performance issues in areas that kind of do affect her indirectly, like staying healthy? 



And, it’s not just health and fitness where, heaven knows, I could use some improvement. There is procrastination and letting little problems become big ones.  This morning, she reminded me that I need to cancel a credit card by tomorrow to avoid an auto-renewal. It was the second or third time she had reminded me about it.   

This time, her tone was more serious. She didn’t expressly threaten a spanking, though perhaps she should have just given one.  It probably would have made me think twice about procrastinating next time she asks me to do something. 


In the end, I don’t want me to be this guy, and I don’t think she wants that for me either:



The Domestic Discipline that most of us practice seems to focus primarily on consequences for “bad” behavior, often behavior that is hurtful or annoying to our spouse or to others.  But, what about more goal-oriented behavioral modification?


There could be any number of such goals or desires, including”


·      losing weight

·      running a 10k or competing in a triathalon

·      starting a business or side hustle

·      meeting a sales or business development goal at work

·      getting a promotion

·      putting a personal budget in place and sticking to it

·      writing a novel

·      learning a musical instrument


It could even work on some bigger challenges and more subjective things like mental resilience.  In my case, what if I picked a less technical mountain climb than the one I attempted last week? One that was more about just gutting it out and pushing one’s body to the limit.  What if Anne told me that a consequence of turning around before the top, absent an injury other serious problem, would be a hard spanking?  Would that help me avoid taking the easy way out when encountering real difficulty?


What thoughts do you guys have about this? What role does DD play in things like hitting personal goals, staying fit and healthy, or in facing up to challenging situations? What role would you like it to play?  If you have used DD in this context, were the areas for improvement ones you identified, or were they things she came up with herself? 

While we don’t have any regular female commenters these days, I’ll take HP’s advice from last week and make the invitation for them to comment more explicit. For the wives, are there areas in which you have provided your husband with some disciplinary “motivation” to achieve a goal or make a change that he was struggling with?  


Is that something you would do if you thought he needed it or if he asked? Would it be more of a burden than you’re interested in taking on? Or, would you get a benefit from either exercising your authority in that context or indirectly from improving his performance in areas like personal effort and goal-achievement?  Would you enjoy the authority that comes with such an empowered mentoring role?



Also, guys, I realize there have been a couple of recent topic suggestions. I thought about working them into this one, but it’s so hard to come up with new topics sometimes, I decided to keep them in reserve and use them in a week or two.


Have a great week.


  1. Interesting question. We haven’t used DD in this way although I’d certainly be quite happy to expand in this direction. However, to be honest, I’m really not goal driven and I can’t imagine her setting goals for me, and secondly I think she would see it as one more thing on her to-do list when she really didn’t need additional things - just a nuisance. TG

    1. I was much more goal-driven when were younger, though most of those goals related to the interrelated issues of career and finances. I find that in this next stage of life, while I do have goals, they tend to be a lot more generalized and high-level.

    2. Hi TG,
      "I think she would see it as one more thing on her to-do list when she really didn’t need additional things - just a nuisance." - I can see why you would worry about that. I can say that for my wife, she didn't seem to feel that way. She took it very seriously, because that is just part of her nature. She may have at times felt like it was yet another duty, but I think overall, she loved exercising this degree of control and even more so, loved seeing positive results from it. More often than feeling like it was yet another thing on her to-do list, she felt bad when it didn't happen on schedule.


    3. ZM, that's great. I suspect there would be huge variability among women in terms of how open they are to that kind of role.

  2. We do not have a bunch of health goal issues in our DD. Yes, we try to maintain a good diet and watch our weight. Every Monday, right out of bed, totally nude, I am weighed. Results have been quite good for me lately and I am not sure if I would be spanked if the numbers went up at times. Mainly here is it the taking of daily medicine which causes a spanking. I take 4 different pills in the morning and 4 different at dinner. When at home, I am very good at remembering to take the required pills. It is when we eat out, I become forgetful. Spankings result for that forgetfulness. It is one of the items on our written list of infractions, and like the others has a 3 level prescribed punishment. Level 1 meant 2 swats per pill missed. Level 2 was 4 swats and Level 3 was 6 swats. I have long ago surpassed the Level 3 punishment and now she just spanks as she sees fit. She spanks hard for this offence as I commit it often and then she pauses to ask if I won't forget again. I always say 'yes Ma'am, I will remember'. Then she says well let's be sure and spanks me more.

    1. That one would definitely be a good contender for something that is for your benefit but also could have big indirect impact on her if you didn't take necessary medication. Knock on wood, so far my middle-age decline hasn't included a new pill regimen, though the doctors came close to putting me on a statin last year. But, I made some dietary changes that took care of most of the issue.

    2. Dan, exactly right about the indirect impact on her. Our health affects not only us, but also our wives in a very big way. If we have a serious health decline, it could result in her having to do much more around the house, or a decline in living standard if it has a financial impact, or becoming a caregiver, or even becoming a widower/single parent. So in the end, "my" health is at least as much about "us" as it is about "me."


    3. ZM, very true. I can see how the level of attention she might pay to health issues might depend a lot on how concrete and acute they are. It seems hard to police generalized health issues like eating right, exercising frequently, etc. But, more concrete or identified health problems like smoking, dangerously high cholesterol levels, taking necessary prescriptions -- those are all concrete things than have big impacts on health and can be relatively easily monitored.

  3. Great topic. My wife spanks me on a Spanked Cowboy kind of maintenance basis, but she has drawn a hard line at anything with the slightest discipline aspect to it. I’ve considered asking her to step it up with something like what you suggest as an “accountability partner” and would have no problem coming up with a checklist of items to be monitored. The lifestyle coach with consequences meme might be a useful persuasive argument with that regard.

    The consequences bit would be the real hurdle. My current spankings are uncomfortable, but even at their longest wouldn’t be a huge additional incentive to meet my goals, and they might be deemed as just another excuse to have her spank me. The ultimate question is whether she would ever be willing to conduct a DWCesque punishment, and do I have the fortitude to climb that mountain and ask even if it risks disturbing what I have.


    1. That issue of whether she is willing to conduct a real DWCesque punishment is so individualized. I was honestly shocked at how little resistance Anne had to the idea and readily she took to giving very hard spankings.

    2. Presented her with the perfect opportunity yesterday to squash some behavior she disapproves of and she flatly refused. She said she wouldn’t spank me for it because I’d just enjoy it regardless of how harsh she was…

    3. We had a somewhat similar issue very early on. We had a very brief period where we tried some erotic spanking that involved some role play involving spanking me for things that really happened. So, she was basically giving me little patty-cake spankings as "punishment" for real offenses. It didn't do much for either of us, and she decided that since the whole thing was basically foreplay, it was effectively rewarding me for bad behavior, so we stopped entirely. It was shortly after that when I discovered the Disciplinary Wives Club website. When presenting it to my wife, I emphasized that the DWC spanking were "real," i.e. very hard punishment that anyone in their right mind would want to avoid. Reading the stories that depicted that kind of spanking got her to give it a try and, like I said, she took to it almost instantly.

    4. I could definitely show her DWC archive, which you posted a link to in post a while back and which would make a great permalink, but I suspect that the maternal aspects would be a complete turnoff. I’m more likely to try to bring her here if I go down that route.


    5. I don't personally find the maternal aspect to be very prominent on the DWC. There definitely are references to it, and some of the individual stories have are heavier with it than others. But, it's not like it's absent from here either. I was pretty uncomfortable with it years ago, though looking back, it wasn't so much that I had a problem with it but that I feared Anne might. Whatever squeamishness I had was probably just leftover Freudian BS.

    6. I can see why your wife might think you would just enjoy a spanking, no matter how harsh it was. Especially if you have a spanking fetish. But I can say for me, that while I do find the thought of spankings a turn-on, I definitely don't like being spanked. I like being a "spanked husband," but wish I could somehow do it without the spankings (and yet retain the authenticity).


    7. ZM, my wife knows that I enjoy thinking of myself as a spanked husband. But that just motivates her to make certain that the actual experience is anything but pleasurable. I'd happily take a hand spanking from her, as it would seem more like foreplay than punishment. That never happens though, and the use of a hard implement for an extended period of time ensures there is no confusion about what is taking place.

    8. "I definitely don't like being spanked. I like being a "spanked husband," but wish I could somehow do it without the spankings (and yet retain the authenticity)."

      That definitely would be an attractive arrangement.

    9. Thanks for comments. We’ll be on a couple week hiatus for a business trip and upcoming skin check at dermatologist. Hope to have a conversation during this period to see if she’s willing to “go there” re: a more severe experience that I won’t enjoy.


    10. The "maternal" concern should not really matter in my opinion, discipline from a mother is just discipline from someone who loves you and cares about you... really no different from discipline from a wife.
      I like being struck by a leather strap, it does not hurt enough to make me want to climb out of my skin. Leather is never used for punishment spankings in our house. Canes and wooden paddles are used instead. I work to avoid being punished with these. With either of these it is easy to give punishment that really hurts, that is painful for a day or two, and that I will remember and try and avoid giving an excuse for a repeat. Right now, I haven't been punished for more than a month and in that time I haven't (so far as I am aware) done any of the behaviours that my wife considers punishable.
      In some ways (in our house at least) its a bit of a game, she identifies things that she wants to change, punishes harshly (for our standard anyway), and then I work to avoid repeating that behaviour. One would think that would mean that I (as a grownup) would almost never be punished, but two things happen: She makes new rules, and I slip up. I get a sore bottom and for a while do better. On the whole she has a husband who is relatively well trained without having to punish too often, and I live under the threat of punishment (which suits me).

    11. While I think leather is often less painful than wood, she does have one leather paddle, which I got as a gift from Aunt Kay's husband, that rivals most wood. It's very thick, with holes, but short enough for OTK use. It's end has this very wicked way of curling in between cheeks or around the side of the hip, in ways that are just excruciating.

    12. You are right Dan, depends on the implement! We had a strap that was similar to a Canadian Prison Strap that was just horrible. I got rid of it...

    13. I had one of those too, and I too got rid of it.

  4. She will give me a hard punishment spanking for going over my alcohol limit, which I self report on. She will also punish me for driving in any way that makes her nervous. Most spankings are for little things that annoy her, such as leaving the toilet seat up. Lately, I have asked her if she wanted to hold me accountable for meeting certain tasks by an agreed upon date, and she assured me she did. She has come up with specific suggestions for me to accomplish the tasks, and seems to want to see me complete them, rather than punish me for not accomplishing them. We tried it before, and it didn't work out so well, so we are attempting to do it again, but with more specific methods of keeping track. I really enjoy being "taken in hand" and feel much more stable and relaxed, knowing she will hold me accountable. As far as the physical challenge of being limited by getting older, I can't say I feel the same as Dan about it. I have generally accepted that I will slowly get older, have more physical problems, and die. I do push myself to hike every day, go to the gym, and keep my mind stimulated. Now I would never do anything that could result in broken bones, but I certainly used to. At this stage of life, I have nothing to prove anymore, which is actually a kind of relief.

    1. "I really enjoy being "taken in hand" and feel much more stable and relaxed, knowing she will hold me accountable." Same here, though it doesn't always feel that way at the time it is happening.

      "At this stage of life, I have nothing to prove anymore, which is actually a kind of relief." To some extent I get that, though I also want to pack in as much as I can while I'm still physically capable of doing it, because a time will come--and it's probably not all that many years away--where things will just start shutting down.

  5. Dan, I think I’m similar to you in the aspect of , I have slowed down but my competitive side has not. I play in a league in the summer with kids twenty years younger than me and hold my own. It is a physical sport. I do see myself slowing down. I have put on a few pounds, but due to the nature of my job, I stay in shape. I’m at the gym three times a week. I could push myself a bit harder, but as you get older, like Norton says, I have zero to prove. I actually go above and beyond what I consider most men do for their wives. I’m the primary chef in the family. I take care of the cars and yard. I help clean when needed. I need discipline for my negative attitude and wish she would deliver on the spot thrashings. I did receive a strapping last week for my attitude. The punishment was not long but to the point. As far as goals, at this stage in our lives I don’t have any. We are fiscally responsible people who are empty nesters, enjoying life. I think as we get older as well, I don’t need any broken bones. So risk versus reward plays heavily with me. I feel your pain on the ego crusher. I wish I could do what came so naturally in my twenties. My wife has also taken on the “maternal” aspect of punishment. She scolds when spanking and explains why I’m being thrashed. I do admit though, I get away with too much and should be spanked more often. I have told her that a few times but life seems to get in the way. My wife says she does enjoy spanking me. She enjoys seeing me writhe and apologize. I do wish she was more like Anne, who seems to want to punish you more often. I have to be happy that we have wives that indulge our need. So, I continue with my positive feedback and encouraging support.

    1. "Dan, I think I’m similar to you in the aspect of , I have slowed down but my competitive side has not." It's funny, but I've never considered myself very competitive. But, as I get better, I'm not sure that was ever actually true. I think I am competitive, but it's often a competition with myself, if that makes sense.

      "As far as goals, at this stage in our lives I don’t have any. We are fiscally responsible people who are empty nesters, enjoying life." We are at that same stage of life, but I do think I still have goals, though they aren't as extensive or formalized. Even financially, while I no longer have a career (or, at least, I don't have one now and no immediate desire to go get one), I still have financial goals but now they revolve around investing and long-term wealth growth. Physically, the goals used to be about things like how many days I got into the gym, my bench press workout weight, etc. Now, it's things like being in good enough shape to climb a mountain, and it's not so much summiting it that is the goal but by meeting the goal demonstrating to myself that my physical fitness and stamina are strong.

      "I do wish she was more like Anne, who seems to want to punish you more often." It is important to note that I am kind of intuiting that she feels that way. She hasn't said it directly, and there hasn't been a big uptick in frequency.

  6. For us the key goal that DD is used for is preventing any smoking. And for this for me it definitely works. Even with alcohol I remember that bludging a cigarette is going to earn me a really sore bottom. My wife is not the most disciplined in respect of getting exercise so would not be the best at holding me to account - however a few weeks back she did add to another punishment because I had skipped an exercise class that day.

    I am sure that she would happily add failure to exercise to the list of things that are punishable, but two things... I haven't been brave enough to ask her, and I would need to self report and ask for punishment.

    1. Regarding your wife not being a disciplined exerciser herself, I sometimes wonder how much that does, or should, matter. One the one hand, I know I personally would feel hypocritical if I were punishing someone for something I'm not self-disciplined about myself. On the other hand, the nature of most of these relationships is that we get punished and they do not, regardless of whether they do some things we would get punished for.

    2. "I haven't been brave enough to ask her, and I would need to self report and ask for punishment."

      I was going to talk about that in the post but forgot. Asking for it and self-reporting honestly about areas in which you aren't meeting commitments you've made to yourself probably is the biggest impediment to being punished for that kind of thing.

      It's one reason why the "maternal" model has so much appeal to me, because it involves an authority figure (the mother) setting the standard on certain things that she can detect, and then imposing consequences. It gets around at least the "I haven't been brave enough to ask" hurdle. How to get around self-reporting is harder. Maybe it's about things that she can see, like how many times did I leave with my gym bag to got workout. Or, maybe there is some kind of weekly interrogation involved.

    3. Yes the whole thing is interesting. I feel sometimes that she undermines my exercise efforts with extra sweets and alcohol that I have to work hard to refuse... possibly because too much success by me would reflect poorly. If this is correct then she is not incentivised to take a maternal approach to ensuring that I exercise. Very different from correcting (multiple minor) things that I do that annoy her...

    4. I understand that dynamic. We had to have a frank discussion about her wanting me to hang out with another couple who are total booze hounds. The primary connection is between the wives. We would go to their house and inevitably there would be too many drinks, then Anne would want to discipline me for over-consuming. I finally had to tell her straight out that it was unreasonable for her to expect me to hang out with her boozy friends but keep myself under much stricter control, so she could either stop spanking me after hanging out with them or accept that I wasn't going to hang out with them anymore.

    5. "Asking for it and self-reporting honestly about areas in which you aren't meeting commitments you've made to yourself probably is the biggest impediment to being punished for that kind of thing.

      It's one reason why the "maternal" model has so much appeal to me, because it involves an authority figure (the mother) setting the standard on certain things that she can detect, and then imposing consequences." - THIS!


    6. Yes agree ZM, and for many things that is how it works in our house.

      To Dan's point, I would like to be subject to a regular interrogation about my performance and punished for failings. I'd make the point that this is also maternal behaviour... I watch my wife interrogating my 21 year old son about whether he has done things that he needs to. She doesn't punish him of course but the process is the same and it's definitely maternal.

    7. Mark, I think that kind of interrogation would be very helpful, though I'm sure I would absolutely hate it as it was happening.

    8. Yep, don't think that the son likes it much either. He's a good student and works hard but there are things that he just doesn't get to on his own and so gets ridden!

  7. Hope does spring eternal, doesn't it? And, that's way better than the alternative.

  8. Mostly I’m spanked for leaving my socks in the family room, dirty underwear in the bathroom, etc. However, I also get spanked for forgetting to take my morning medication (14 different pills), or taking them too late in the morning. And since I’ve been spanked more than once, I get two spankings when I forget.

    It’s been three weeks since my last spankings. It was a rough week. I got one on Tuesday, two Wednesday, and one Thursday. Two of them were for missing a day of taking pills. I was really sore when I got on the plane that Sunday, and even a little bit at the beginning of this week.

  9. My wife has put for ma a fitness goal, which is going to the fitness 3 times week. At first I wasn't so sure, but now I belive it works brilliantly! There were many weeks where without spanking on horizon I would never go to the gym! I also adore the feeling of being on the gym and contemplating that it' better to sweat here than during long spanking :)

  10. Our spankings are primarily about these kinds of goals. I'm of that generation and at an age where my potential is significantly higher than what I've been able to realize. A lot left to prove, in other words. I have some health and productivity goals related to that. I've used automation to report to her on some of them.

    The thing about these goals is that while she agrees the benefits (as I describe them) are important, she will never be as opinionated as me about the best way to do them. She is obviously not an experienced coach who has taken other men to their potential. She just wants a healthy husband who is pleased with how he spends his time. The details of that and the taste for excellence have to come from me. So while those goals help me stay the course I've set and scratch an itch to be brought into line with spanking, they aren't really led by her, nor can be right now.

    By contrast, and like other commenters often mention, she has a keen sense of when my character is hurting others or when I'm unhelpful in her domains of expertise, especially around the home. when she brings up these things, she is confident about judging what I should be doing, and understands the consequences of my misbehavior better than I do. Submitting to those kinds of spankings puts me under her leadership.

    Perhaps we could unify these two types of discipline goals with more communication and exploration as we mature, but we are okay with them dissonantly coexisting.

    1. "She just wants a healthy husband who is pleased with how he spends his time. The details of that and the taste for excellence have to come from me."

      MW, that makes perfect sense to me. Can you elaborate more on how you've used automation to report to her?

    2. Sure. It is a mix of approaches. The specific tools have changed over time. For computer use, I use a couple of programs that report time to Zapier automatically sends emails at certain thresholds. Some of them are sent when bad things happen and others are only sent when good things happen. (Side note: I get way more butterflies in my stomach when the good email fails to send, and it has nothing to do with punishment severity. It's something about imagining her looking for that good news in her inbox and failing to find it.)

      For physical health, I have some automatic report generation based on Apple Health. This isn't as slick as I'd like because there is noise in the Apple data and the reporting has too much data in it. In the last few years more apps have been released that sync and export Apple Health data.

      There are some additional goals that aren't automated right now, because they're easy for her to visually verify on her way to doing other things. And some other goals we've booth cared about too inconsistently, so I stopped them to cut down on noise.

    3. Thanks, MW. Zapier looks interesting, though figuring out how to use them effectively for something like personal behavior tracking may be beyond my limited techie abilities.

      I'm a big Apple fan, but their Health App, and the Watch apps that feed it, kind of drive me crazy. As with most things Apple, its set up the way some Apple engineer thinks I should track health and performance data, rather than how I myself want to track it. It's too inflexible and lacks customization.

  11. Hi Dan,
    I find it super easy to relate to this week's topic. First off, because my wife and I employed DD in the past for exactly this purpose, perhaps much more so than most others. And secondly, because in the past year or two, I have run into health (and age, to a degree, but really more health) being a limiting factor in which activities I do. And I hate that!

    As everyone who has been here for a while knows, my wife and I had a very regular system of weekly check-in's going for quite a while, complete with a very detailed weekly "report card" of sorts. And it worked! I was getting in better health, and at the same time also staying more on top of life, household tasks and repairs, social activities, and so on. Not only that, but most importantly, it helped us to get "unstuck," since we were in a very, very bad place financially and couldn't find a path forward. DD and our weekly check-ins fixed all of this.

    But then life happened. We stopped the weekly check-ins for a while because we had a long spell of having no privacy at all (we live in a relatively small apartment with no sound insulation at all) so we really have to be alone in the place. And then my wife was out of the country for some weeks, and then, and then, and then... And we never got restarted.

    And this past year, I have struggled a lot with my health being a limiting factor in life. And rather than addressing it and fixing it, it seems that we just use our ridiculously busy life to justify continuing to make bad choices.

    Ok, enough rant for now!

    When we were doing this consistently, I found it to be super effective at helping me, and my wife enjoyed the element of control and power that she exercised over me, plus she loved that it was helping me to become the best possible me! So, I can say for sure that DD can and does work great for this.

    At the same time, I did struggle with this quite a bit along the way, even as I was the one promoting it. I think this is largely because DD when used in this way seems to lack the "punch" of when it is used to punish bad behaviors. Somehow, the whole being momentarily reduced to being a "bad little boy," as would happen when misbehavior is punished, really pushes my buttons a lot more, so these weekly check-ins didn't play much to my punishment fantasy/fetish/whatever it is.

    Also, I think it was really hard because even though I LOVED my wife exercising authority in this way and me being subject to her control, I also kind of hated that I lacked the self-discipline to make these improvements on my own.

    Anyway, wanted to get a comment it at least, so now I will read what others have said and maybe chime in there as well.


    1. Hi ZM. I can definately relate to your struggle with loving your wife exercising her authority over you, and hating that you lack the self control to make improvements on your own. Just yesterday, I felt the same way about my continuing to fail at cleaning up certain messes in the garage. Every previous attempt has resulted in failure, because I get so distracted by all the things that need attention, and eventually bail on it all together, so nothing gets accomplished. We agreed that I will concentrate on 2 specific tasks, with a finishing time, and clear consequences of a hard, long, punishment spanking if the tasks were not completed by that time.
      That worked very well, and I did complete the tasks on time. Our DD has been evolving slowly, and only recently have I come to accept that I need very clear goals, as well as clear consequences for not completeing them. I recieve a pretty hard maintenance spanking once a week, which is helps me remember how a punishment spanking will feel, and gives me real motivation to avoid one. Before the maintenance spanking, we do a check in, which is always an intimate time for us. I have had a lifetime of resisting accountability, and being a rebel. Now, however, the more we both embrace our DD, the better our lives seems to be.

    2. "Somehow, the whole being momentarily reduced to being a "bad little boy," as would happen when misbehavior is punished, really pushes my buttons a lot more, so these weekly check-ins didn't play much to my punishment fantasy/fetish/whatever it is."

      Something I've struggled with this year is accepting that the scoldings and punishments that LEAST play to the erotic part of my DD drive probably are also the most effective at getting actual results. It's a proposition that really is just common sense, yet it's also hard to accept because of its practical implications.

    3. I have had a lifetime of resisting accountability, and being a rebel." That pretty much describes me to a T.

  12. I like the idea of using our existing DD regime to 'help' me with goals such as drinking less as she has mentioned that my consumption seems to have increased.. So I was prompted by this weeks blog topic to explore the possibility in my (almost) daily journal update to my wife. There had been a couple of behavioral issues which she wanted to 'address' this morning in her currently very focused way. Once that was out of the way I asked her for her thoughts on extending the punishment regime to include a reduction target around alcohol and without hesitation she said no. She was not prepared to include that kind of goal but that as usual she would address any poor behavior caused by too much alcohol.

    DD for her is all about controlling behavior that affects her such as rudeness, disrespect and moods - other changes are down to me as she feels that I should be adult enough to address such goals myself. Upon reflection I agree and I like the clarity. TB.

    1. TB, that sounds like a great discussion. Sometimes it is very helpful to get clarity, even if it goes in a direct opposite to your own initial leanings.

      I go back and forth on how alcohol-related issues should be dealt with. I often feel like where your wife drew the line--poor behavior caused by alcohol is the issue, not the alcohol itself--strikes the right balance. On the other hand, a pattern of having too much too often can become self-enforcing, and it might be helpful for me if the guardrails were tightened up a bit prophylactically, i.e. before something more dramatic happens. As for being adult enough to address it myself, in an ideal world it would work that way, but ZM had an observation a few months ago to the effect of, "I am a disciplined person in many aspects of my life, so the simple answer is if I could do better in this area on my own I would, yet I can't." I am paraphrasing his thought, but that is kind of the way it is with me and alcohol. I recognize that bingeing is an ongoing risk area for me and, therefore, I recognize I should rein it in. But, in 40 years I haven't been able to do that successfully on my own, so saying I should just do it really isn't all that helpful.

      Complicated stuff.


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