
Saturday, May 6, 2023

The Club - Meeting 438 - Journaling & Communicating About DD

“Men always remember a woman who caused them concern and uneasiness.” —  Coco Chanel


Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our weekly gathering of men and women who are, or would like to be, in a Domestic Discipline relationship.


I hope you all had a great week.  Mine was . . . not fun.  And, it caps off a full not fun month.  It’s really all about health or lack thereof.  Ironically, it all began with a beach vacation, where I thought I would unwind and rest up.  Not that I have that much to unwind from these days.



Unfortunately, unwinding turned into a little too much socializing with one of our adult kids and her significant other.  I left the vacation more exhausted than when we left.


On the first day home from vacation, along came Covid, with Anne joining me in said illness a couple of days later.  Thankfully, this time both of us recovered—or mostly recovered in my case—fairly quickly.  About the time I was feeling better, however, I had to travel for an unexpected family funeral. I didn't sleep well during the trip and after the funeral some of us staged our own wake-like remembrance, which was great but also contributed to the energetic hole I had been digging for myself.  It also was one of those "life is short" reminders, as the decedent was almost exactly my age.

Then, this week, Anne and I  both caught an entirely separate virus.  She’s now feeling better, but I’m still not feeling entirely back on my feet. Is this what getting old looks like – hobbling from one injury or illness to another?



I had kind of hoped aging would work more like this (I know I've used this pic recently, but I really get a kick out of it):



But, with a month of injuries (Anne’s hand issues) and mutual illness, there has been almost no action on that front. Or, on getting back on track where discipline is concerned.


For once, it’s not because I’ve been delaying with the goal of avoiding entirely.  As I discussed in last week’s entry, I had been feeling contrition for some past acts, and the need for accountability was lasting an unexpectedly long time.  This time, I actually succeeded in following through with a journal entry that reported the unpunished bad acts that were still on my mind and suggested not just one but two separate spankings to deal with two separate kinds of bad acts.  It wasn’t an easy thing to do—both the reporting and affirmatively asking for two spankings in one week—which is consistent with some of your comments from this past week:


“My wife will often take the initiative and make me submit to a spanking. But she will equally as often delay, postpone or simply let slide misbehaviour. This inconsistency is frustrating for me and when we have discussed it she will admit that she sometimes does not feel completely confident in taking the full responsibility for the decision to spank me. To be fair, I know when it is due or needed 95% of the time and a well-executed spanking clears the air & clears my head. So I have agreed to let her know when I feel the time is right or overdue. This is really hard for me but she responded very positively to my very first admission that I felt it was needed. She agreed, thanked me for my honesty and delivered the necessary punishment.” – TB


“Well, as I am writing this my rear end is sore and swollen. My wife followed through on her promise to beat my already sore butt. I was hoping she would forget or not follow through. She had a wonderful dinner with her friend and then immediately ordered me upstairs. It’s the first time I’ve ever been spanked two days in a row. It was not pleasant by any means.” – T


I do think Anne would have responded with some solid and, frankly, overdue spankings had we not run into these ongoing health issues and other distractions.  Though, as I knew would eventually happen, my guilt and/or need for accountability did eventually start to fade, though it’s not gone entirely.  As Alan noted, however, Domestic Discipline isn’t always just about discipline, i.e. modifying behavior.  Instead, sometimes it may simply be about retribution.


“The other issue you raise is the length of time before discipline is no longer needed or appropriate. This taps into one of the purposes of punishment that we don’t discuss as often as we do deterrence and behavior modification. I am thinking of “retribution,” which is punishing simply because the person committed an offense where the suffering should be proportionate to the severity of the offense committed -- punishment for punishment’s sake aside from or absent any other purposes of the punishment –and no matter how long it has been since the offending behavior.” - Alan


My discussion here about giving Anne a journal entry regarding the need I was feeling to be spanked even if it was arguably overdue led to some discussions among the group around journaling and reporting.  I know we’ve covered the topic of self-reporting fairly recently, but a couple of comments suggested some areas I wanted to follow up on (to some extent because, once again, I’m kind of coming up empty when it comes to truly new topics).



Glenmore offered this technological solution to developing consistency through reporting and reminders:  


“My wife and I have tried various tools in the past and while they work for a while the issue is that they take time and effort to complete so they end up falling by the wayside. Recently we have experimented with using Alexa's skills to create a list she can review at any time with no effort. I have set up a list called 'Glen's Report Card' and can ask Alexa to add anything to it. My wife can then ask Alexa what is on my report card and Alexa will give her a list. The list can be cleared once the offenses have been taken care of.” – Glenmore


Alan offered this in response:


“We have tried many reporting and behavior-monitoring systems over the years. Of all of them, the scheduled behavior review with a written record or log-in hand containing things she has ordered to be listed is the only structured system that has worked very well. And, importantly), the log entries need to come from her. She has to be invested in the behavior at issue. It is a simple process. I am told to put an entry into the log, and then it and anything else she has ordered in the log get discussed when during a regular behavior review.” – Alan


I’ve always thought that Anne and I would both get more out of the DD and FLR aspects of our relationship if there were more consistency, and I’ve always thought a reporting process would help.  However, where it always seems to fall apart is that I am inconsistent when it comes to journaling and reporting, especially when I know that it’s likely to lead to a spanking.  While I was doing a little better for a while, it often seems like any process that I have to initiate is doomed to failure.  As Glenmore observed:


“One of the conclusions we can come to is that there are now lots of easy and convenient tools for us to report bad behaviour to our wives, but we are sometimes reluctant to do it because of the consequences. I suppose that type of reluctance is natural because as kids we wouldn't report poor behaviour to our parents or teachers no matter how easy it was.”


So, that brings me to one of my follow-up issues regarding journaling and reporting:  For those of you who do have some kind of journaling or reporting process in place, how do you ensure that it actually happens?  Any ideas from the group on how to somehow make the process more self-initiating, or at least create more powerful incentives for it to happen regularly?


 Is the process something you initiate or is she more in control of it?

Also, for those of you who do keep a journal or log that you share with your wife, what is the content like?  Is it a simple listing of offenses, or is it more robust than that?  Does it include you sharing more about how you feel about things that are going on in your life that you’d like her to focus on dealing with?  Or, maybe some heartfelt confessions and explanations for repeated problematic behavior? 


Mine does go pretty deeply into what I’m feeling, especially regarding behavior that I’m upset with myself about.  I also tend to talk about things she has done that were particularly effective or that really brought home to me the reality of her authority.  She has commented that she really likes the journaling process, because it allows her to get deeply into my head and get a better understanding of things that are going on with me.


Which brings me to a third question around journaling, though it’s more about communication issues writ large.  This comment by GH got me thinking about it:


“I have said I have a feeling that giving spankings serves some purpose for my wife that isn’t purely disciplinary, i.e. not about “educating me” or managing my behaviour. She says it is satisfying to be able to punish me, but she is vague about the nature of that satisfaction. Because I used to keep a FLR journal that was open to her, she knows a great deal about my feelings when it comes to DD, but I know little about hers. That contributes to the power imbalance between us. I often imagine my wife getting sexual satisfaction from spanking me, but she says the satisfaction isn’t sexual. Beyond that I am in the dark.” - GH


I’m in the same boat when it comes to not having a robust understanding of Anne’s feelings about DD and about exercising power and authority.  She will respond if I ask her a direct question about things, which I sometimes do though I tend to focus more on confirming that she is on board with my desires for things like increasing strictness and her stepping up to more extensive control.  Thus, even when I do get insight into her thoughts it tends to be hers in relation to mine.


Do any of you have any kind of process in place—whether journaling or maybe as part of your reporting process—in which she takes the lead in talking about her feelings when it comes to DD and FLR issues, or about her authority and power over you?  Do you think she would find something like that valuable or, as GH reports, does a more unilateral reporting process contribute to a power imbalance that one or both of you prefer?


I hope you all have a good week.


  1. Again, it seems our FLR is different than most. When we began we both decided that punishment would only consist of spanking. No line writing or essay writing or other methods. She felt the same about journaling. Both being retired now, we are together most of the time, so she is aware of the majority of my infractions and punishes as she sees fit. On the occasion she is unaware of any offense I may have committed, I am to report my offense to her. There are times she will waive a punishment for any of a few reasons, but most often I am spanked upon my reporting. She feels this is much better than me writing it down and then at a prescribed time, she reviews what I wrote and decides on punishment at that point. This may take some time depending on how often she is to review my journal. There may be more than one offense in my journal and she does not like to punish for more than one offense at a time. It also goes against our concept of punishing immediately after the offense or at least as soon as possible afterwards. For these reasons, she feels my verbal confessions are better for us than using a journal. All relationships differ and I would never try to instill our thoughts on another's relationship, I am merely stating what works best for us.

    1. Thanks, SC. While we do see value in journalling, much of it has nothing to do with reporting, and I see how a journal that was focused on reporting would be superfluous in situations in which either (a) the couple is together all the time, so she is aware of most infractions; and/or (b) he reliably self-reports. It sounds like you have both of those covered. Other than the honor system, is there anything that helps you keep you reporting consistently?

    2. Only the learned experience that if she finds out before I confess, the spanking is doubled. One for the infraction and one for not reporting or trying to hide it.

  2. We have a check in every Monday and Thursday. I keep a journal, and will read it to her, so she knows exactly what is going on with me. The content is partly about what is going on in my life, and partly about anything involving my need for spanking. She seldom talks about her feelings in our check in, unless she is unhappy with my behavior. Like Spanked Cowboy, spanking is our exclusive punishment, though sometimes she will put me in the corner before a spanking.

    1. Thanks, Norton. I think I'd get frustrated quickly with reading a journal in person and not getting much feedback. I seldom get much reaction to my written journal entries, but it makes the process easier when we don't have to schedule a check-in to talk about it. I definitely see how a formal check-in would be the perfect mechanism for enhancing consistency. Yet, somehow even in retirement we really struggle with scheduling things in advance.

  3. My relationships, as you probably know, have been almost exclusively M/f DD, so I'm just commenting from the general perspective of DD. I don't have experience with journals, per se, but in some cases I've required written reports on specific things. In this case, these were tied to specific times of the day. So, perhaps it would work for Anne to set a rule as to when you are to journal. Like, it could be part of the ritual of preparing for bed or immediately after dinner. She might decide to ask at the appropriate time whether you have journaled. Or, she might ask you later whether you've obeyed her rules on it.

    As for how she might feel about delivering punishment, it seems like people have a large variety of feelings about this. Some people are sexually aroused by giving punishment, but there are a number in my experience who get their satisfaction more purely from enforcing rules or from getting obedience. They might simply like the order that comes from a well-behaved submissive. It's just not standardized. And, unless they are interested in expressing how they feel, it's hard to get that information.

    You might be able to approach this on the basis that you want to satisfy her. Maybe that would provide a framework for her to talk about her feelings around DD and FLR. But as she's in charge, you are just at her mercy either talking with you about it or not. So, good luck!

    1. "Like, it could be part of the ritual of preparing for bed or immediately after dinner." To clarify, journalling is not a daily thing. More like weekly. I think anything more frequent than weekly would be perceived by both of us as a pain.

      "As for how she might feel about delivering punishment, it seems like people have a large variety of feelings about this. Some people are sexually aroused by giving punishment, but there are a number in my experience who get their satisfaction more purely from enforcing rules or from getting obedience." I'm sure that's true, and I do think Anne gets off more from getting obedience, and perhaps from retribution, than on delivering punishment per se.

      "But as she's in charge, you are just at her mercy either talking with you about it or not." I don't really agree with that. It's part of that "topping from the bottom" BDSM thing that I think can create huge problems in a long-term, established relationship. If parties aren't communicating about what is working and what's not, that's likely going to be a problem over time.

    2. I’m like you, Dan. While I was doing it, journaling wasn’t a daily thing. I did it as I felt the need, and that probably worked out to being roughly weekly. Sometimes if I didn’t write anything for a while, Renée would point that out, so I know she wanted me to do it. When DD petered out because of my health problems, I eventually stopped doing it, and she let me stop. I think I need to start doing it again if I want to recover an FLR dynamic. Dan, I think you are right that worrying too much about “topping from the bottom” could inhibit useful communication.

    3. "I did it as I felt the need, and that probably worked out to being roughly weekly." That's basically how it works for me.

      Even though this topic has been up for only a day, working through it is already helping me articulate in my own mind that reporting and journalling have separate but overlapping purposes, and that I probably need to think about separate but overlapping processes.

  4. While some women may get turned on by providing discipline, that seems rare. Most women, including mine, seem motivated to spank because they realize it is something that their man needs. It certainly makes the relationship more intimate and she has a way of making sure you behave. We have found that me keeping a journal, together with a weekly maintenance spanking, makes sure that no misdeed goes unpunished. It also keeps spanking an ongoing, regular part of our lives. She can ask me to read it to her any time, which I always do before a maintenance spanking. The hardest part of this routine for me is being completely honest about putting everything in - especially my alcohol consumption. But I do, as this is something I have asked for, and it would be dishonest to not be forthcoming. Of course the most deeply satisifying spankings are when she decides on her own that I earned one, which seldom happens.

    1. "While some women may get turned on by providing discipline, that seems rare. Most women, including mine, seem motivated to spank because they realize it is something that their man needs."

      See my comments to Rich Person, above. I really don't know that Anne's motivation centers on doing it because I need it. I think it would have tapered off for us a long time ago if that was all there was to it. While in the beginning she may have been accommodating me, I think she now clearly has independent reasons for doing it.

    2. I think it can happen that a wife starts spanking a husband because she realizes he needs it, but then she continues to do it for reasons of her own, as Dan said. Although I don’t use my journal to record infractions meriting punishment, I can see how that would be useful if you have asked your wife to help you control a bad habit like drinking too much or smoking. I have never done that. I think my worst habit is procrastination, but I don’t have to tell on myself for that because she notices when I neglect to do things in a timely manner.

    3. Dan, you are probably correct in that her motavation for spanking in the beginning has morphed from her doing it just to accommodate me, to embracing it as a lifestyle that benifits her as well. She certainly enjoys reminding me and teasing me about an upcoming maintenance spanking, which I enjoy, because it lets me know she is really into it. She is very matter of fact and unemotional about giving disciplinary spankings and seldom will allow any misdeed go unpunished, which I appreciate. They have recently gotten harder, and now she has me making some noise while being spanked, which didn't used to happen. If I screw up over the weekend, I may get back to back spankings on Sunday and Monday. Starting the week with a sore bottom is not uncommon for me.

  5. One way written communication has been an important part of our FLR from the beginning. I initially wrote a letter to my wife to tell her about my desire for FLR with DD because I was too embarrassed to tell her face to face. To be honest, to this day it embarrasses me to talk about spanking with her. It makes me blush just to say the word out loud, so I have to communicate about it in writing. That’s how my submission journal got started. My wife finds it amusing and says it is “cute” that I am so embarrassed by the very word. She is not embarrassed to talk about spanking, and that already contributes to the power imbalance between us.

    Before FLR my wife was constantly frustrated by my masculine reticence to talk about feelings. She would scold me for giving monosyllabic answers when she wanted to discuss things in depth. When she discovered because of FLR that I was able to discuss feelings in depth in writing, she encouraged me to keep a journal, which would be open to her, to write about my my feelings, including my responses to mundane details of day to day life, as well as my erotic fantasies and reveries. Sometimes she would take cues from my fantasies. For example, when she found out that I was turned on by fantasies of domestic service, she was happy to make me do more and more of the housework. But she would pick and choose fantasies to cultivate or not. Thus, when I wrote that I fantasized about being pegged, she said simply, “That’s not going to happen.” My longest entries always followed a spanking. In those entries I would acknowledge and apologize for the behaviour that had annoyed her, I would promise to make an effort to improve, I would respond to the punishment (such as the painfulness of different implements), and I would express gratitude for her caring about me enough to discipline me. Finally, I would praise her sexiness as a dominant woman. I would often get horny while writing journal entries, and I suppose she liked reading about how much she turned me on. I would always feel psychologically naked and vulnerable after writing a journal, so much so that I had to be in a different room when she read it. Often, I would be dying to know her thoughts about what I wrote, but she would just smile and thank me for “the nice note.” Now that I think about it, she undoubtedly knows me well enough to know that keeping me somewhat in the dark about her feelings concerning DD and FLR is a source of power in itself, giving a whole new meaning to the phrase “feminine mystique”.

    My journal has never been a list of infractions for which my wife should punish me because she doesn’t like that. I guess maybe she likes to feel that when she spanks me, she is doing it for her own purposes, and I don’t think she cares much about “misbehaviour” that hasn’t directly annoyed or inconvenienced her.

    1. "My wife finds it amusing and says it is “cute” that I am so embarrassed by the very word. She is not embarrassed to talk about spanking, and that already contributes to the power imbalance between us."

      When I first brought the DWC to my wife's attention, I did it in person but we were in bed with the lights off. Nevertheless, I still had a very hard time talking about it openly. And, honestly, at most I gave her a high level overview of what it was about then the next morning I left her a note with the website's address. She read the content on her own. Even today, while I probably bring up issues around it more often than she does, she probably is less embarrassed to discuss it openly with me than I am with her. There have been times when I have suggested something that created big feelings of vulnerability, and she's been very honest about the fact that she likes see that reaction or hearing it in my voice.

      "I would respond to the punishment (such as the painfulness of different implements), and I would express gratitude for her caring about me enough to discipline me. Finally, I would praise her sexiness as a dominant woman." I do that too, particularly after she has been particularly strict or delivered a particularly hard punishment. I want to give her feedback that negates any concerns she may have about whether I might be resentful or wishing I hadn't signed up for this.

  6. A further thought. I think my wife likes reading about my fantasies because that knowledge is a source of power to her. For example, she knows that I fantasize being outed as a spanked husband or even being spanked in front of witnesses. She also knows I would find it extremely embarrassing if she actually did it. She uses that knowledge by threatening to do it, knowing that the threat both turns me on and frightens me. Would she ever really do that? I don’t think so, but I don’t really know. I have sometimes said, “You wouldn’t really do that.” To that, she will reply something like “wanna bet” or “I would advise you not to test that theory.” I think she is just teasing me when she says that, but I think she likes that I don’t know for sure and intends to keep it that way.

    1. This is a further thought to a previous post about journals that seems to have been blocked. GH

    2. My friend, you are playing with fire challenging her about outing you or spanking you in front of someone. Outing you would be very easy for her and she probably has already thought about who she would spank you in front of since you write about it in your journal Women who have been given disciplinary authority --and really internalized the reality of it -- do not like to have that authority seriously challenged. I have learned that too well. Have fun with her threats and get an erotic charge out of it if she doesn't feel you are daring her. Once you pass that line though , your ass really is hers. Be careful unless you really want to go there

    3. Wise warnings, Alan. It's somehow surprising how quickly wives can seemingly turn on a dime. I've talked about how last year Anne suddenly delivered spankings with our bedroom window shades open. I would have sworn she would never go even that far in potentially "outing" us -- right up until it happened.

    4. Good point, Alan. I don’t intend to challenge her. It’s more like questioning whether she is just teasing about doing it to see whether we are on the same page. I think she has never given me a straight answer because she wants me to think it is possible, even if she knows in her own mind that she would never do it. That, of course, raises an interesting question about consent. When she makes the threat, she makes it sound as though she would be within her right to do it, no matter how much it would embarrass me. I imagine that within a BDSM relationship there would be careful communication about consent before any act of public humiliation. But 24/7 DD is a different kettle of fish, and it is unclear even to me whether my wife would require my consent to take that step. My gut feeling is that I would beg her not to do it, but I would submit if she insisted. She speaks as though no further consent would be needed, but I don’t know whether she really thinks that.

    5. GH wrote:’ It is unclear even to me whether my wife would require my consent to take that step. My gut feeling is that I would beg her not to do it, but I would submit if she insisted. She speaks as though no further consent would be needed.

      You are approaching there what I have referred to as the “dance of discipline,” where nonverbal communication, assumptions about the relationship, and knowledge of the partner can determine what happens.

      If you have really asked her for real discipline and submitted to it in the past, she probably doesn’t feel that further explicit consensual agreement is needed or even wanted. On the other hand, as a loving partner, she is not likely to subject you to an embarrassing punishment you clearly oppose.

      So she would approach it and you carefully, drawing the distinction between what you don’t want at the moment but do want in the longer run. Your writings would be very helpful to her and likely to impel her forward IF you push her.

      As I said above, if you don’t want it to happen, don’t push her

    6. What if I’m not entirely sure whether I would want it to happen? Is it possible to want and not want something simultaneously? My theory is that my wife is playing with my fantasy by teasing me that she could actually do it. But I definitely don’t intend to push her. GH

  7. "Alas it turned out she had got confused as to whether it was or wasn't a reinforcement weekend thus she played it as if it was and as a consequence I got the same as last weekend, a spanking which felt just a little bit firmer than usual but without any reference to the incident. Now I need to decide whether I leave that as a minor to report in advance of my next reinforcement or assume its dealt with. I use this example to show how even if you try both verbal and written it might still not bring clarity."

    You're right -- at the end of the day, communication is just hard sometimes.

    Do you think Mrs.GL is having some problems with the complexity of the processes you proposed? It kind of sounds that way, but I could be mis-reading, or reading too much, into your comment.

  8. No. She generally can find a reason for a spanking. A journal really wouldn’t benefit us. JR

  9. Norton wrote above:
    >"While some women may get turned on by providing discipline, that seems rare."<

    There was an excellent article on the Real People section of the DWC site entitled:
    "Therapeutic Spanking and Emotional Needs: A Husband's Essay". I saved a copy in my archives many years ago. In the article, the author notes:

    "I suspect the wife who spanks for discipline gets at least a little turned on, even when she's angry."

    This observation more closely matches my own experience and my own impressions of what I have read on spanking forums over the decades. Perhaps this is a topic for a different week.

    As to journaling, that has not really been a resource that we have needed to utilize. My wife can always find plenty of reasons to spank me - even if it's just because she feels like it.

    However, in the beginning, when we were still figuring it all out, we did email back and forth (text wasn't a thing yet) - so I could give feed back without the awkwardness and embarrassment of face to face talk about how she could most effectively spank me - without appearing to top from the bottom, but at the same time, helping her figure out what worked the best.

    Also - just to echo Alan and Dan, when a disciplinary wife fully internalizes her role as a spanking wife, be careful what you wish for (or think you wish for). Although my wife has always been cognizant of the noise when others were around, it wasn't long before she wouldn't hesitate to take me to the bedroom and give me a very thorough "silent" switching with kids or company just down the hall. It was up to me not to yelp.



    1. "However, in the beginning, when we were still figuring it all out, we did email back and forth (text wasn't a thing yet) - so I could give feed back without the awkwardness and embarrassment of face to face talk about how she could most effectively spank me - without appearing to top from the bottom, but at the same time, helping her figure out what worked the best."

      We did the same, though I also recall how paranoid I was about sending emails that would be forever archived by Google or another email provider. Anne is a hoarder, so counting on her to delete something embarrassing was not going to work. Like you, we started this well before the day of self-destructing texts. Once texts did come along, security-conscious means of journaling I came up with was sending her journal entries in an Apple Pages app file that was password protected, which I sent by text. It had the advantages of (a) being reasonable secure; and (b) coming in a form that she was less likely to neglect, as she was pretty diligent about reading texts. It also meant that I didn't have paper journals laying around, which could be discovered by kids or other snoops.

      Now that the kids aren't around as much, I'm back to paper journalling. For some reason, I just really like the paper format when it comes to writing things that are very personal. I've kept non-DD paper journals for years, though for less personal entries, things that I want to be able to easily go back and search, or things I want to document with photos, I tend to use an electronic journaling app like Day One.

      Honestly though, I think that switching back to paper journaling has more to do with not caring as much if a DD journal is discovered than about there now being a lesser likelihood that one would. And, they do have some disadvantages, mainly ease of sharing. If I want to share something DD related with Anne but we are not at home, I likely don't have the journal with me. And, if I'm traveling by myself and want to share something before I get home, email or text are the only real options.

    2. I might worry more if we were one of these bold couples who regularly carry their disciplinary tools through airport customs. I recently even read an account (from a wife, I think) who reported her husband was strip-searched by TSA after she had recently spanked him. That should fill his embarrassment quotient for a while. I think I would be blushing for a month.

    3. On our most recent trip, I did take her bath brush. The safest option seems to be a heavy leather belt. It can be very effective, but no one can really raise an eye, given its common vanilla use.

    4. I expect anyone working for TSA for a while has seen it all many times. My wife did actually pack a strap on a couple of trips ( the kind with the long handle which she loves and which purpose is clear . We heard nothing about it although it had to be run under the X-ray

    5. Last year, I got to talking to a recently retired TSA inspector while we were waiting for seats at a restaurant. I asked him about the most embarrassing items he found in peoples' luggage. He didn't rate the embarrassment factor, but he said the most common *source* of embarrassment was vibrators powering on of their own accord, with the sound clearly discernible to anyone standing nearby.

    6. It is interesting how almost any public revelation of our sexual practices can be embarrassing. Maybe we are hard wired to pursue sex privately. But some anthropologists have documented societies where intercourse is not particularly concealed and then there are those infamous Roman banquets, So who knows?

      Maybe our seemingly knee jerk reactions are buried under millennia of acculturation

    7. I suspect that most of that sensitivity is learned behavior, but I could be wrong. Certainly some of our closest relatives, like bonobos, don't have any problem with open promiscuity. Though, I could see how keeping sex seemingly private could maximize spreadings one's genes by putting a premium on sneaky copulation with multiple partners.

    8. I think our extreme privacy around sex must be a fairly recent phenomenon because until the 20th century living conditions didn’t afford much privacy for anyone except the rich, and even the privacy of the rich would have been compromised by the presence of servants. Not long ago, I saw a pioneer farm house from the 18th century in a historical park in Canada. The house consisted of one large ground floor room which served as both kitchen and sleeping quarters for the farm couple, and their numerous children slept in an upstairs loft that was partially open to the room below. I suppose parents would have been as discreet as possible about sex, but how discreet could one have been under such circumstances? I imagine there would have been a lot more outdoor sexual activity back then given the lack of indoor privacy for so many people.

      Incidentally, most of us are writing here about our spanking experiences anonymously because we would find it embarrassing to have our interest publicly exposed. But the 18th century philosopher J.J. Rousseau wrote very candidly in his memoir that because he was spanked by his governess, for whom he had great affection, he developed a sexual need for “flagellation” as an adult. It’s hard to imagine a public figure of such stature writing so candidly about a sexual kink today.

  10. I never journaled, and I don't think my wife would have read it if I had. She was very practical and solution-focused. She didn't much care about the why of my need for maternal authority; she just wanted my bad behavior to change.
    As far as what she got out of it, she would say a better husband and father, first and foremost. Her main feeling was that we both benefited from my "training."
    Years later she admitted that she really enjoyed the power.

    1. "She was very practical and solution-focused. She didn't much care about the why of my need for maternal authority; she just wanted my bad behavior to change."

      Mine, I think, comes at it from a different angle. She is interested in behavioral change, but I think she also is intrigued as to why I want/need maternal authority. And, the latter reinforces the former. For a long time, she held back because she couldn't understand why anyone would want this and, thus, she assumed that if she went "too far," I would change my mind. I think she has largely gotten over that, though it took a long time.

      Like your wife, she does enjoy the power.

    2. When I think about the "why" of my need for maternal authority, the answer is quite obvious, amd I am pretty sure my wife got it. I was raised by a strong single mother who was authoritarian and did not spare the rod (actually her hairbrush). After leaving home, launching a career, getting married, and having kids -- more than 20 years without a spanking -- it was pretty obvious that my self-discipline was lacking. I wasn't self-aware enough to know I needed maternal authority from my wife, but I did suggest corporal punishment and eventually came to realize that was just a tool of the maternal authority I actually needed.

    3. KOJ, the "strong authoritarian" mother route to DD always intrigues me, because it seems to exist both for those who *did* experience and those who *didn't.* You had such a mother and at some point realized you needed the kind of discipline she doled out. My own mother was a lot more erratic and basically gave up on discipline by the time I was 7 or 8. Yet, I'm pretty clear in my own mind that part of my attraction to DD is wrapped up in wanting the maternal discipline that I *didn't* get and my recognition of the stress that came along with being undisciplined from at least the middle of grade school through junior high and high school.

    4. Dan, this may be a question you have answered before, but were you never disciplined by your father? Do you think of the discipline that you were lacking as “maternal”, or do you also think of paternal discipline as something you lacked.

    5. GH, it's a little complicated. I lost my biological father when I was pretty young. I'm pretty sure I was spanked by him, but I have no real memories of it. My mom later remarried, and I didn't have much of a relationship with my step-father in my younger years. I can think of one time I was disciplined by him. To a large extent, my step-father is probably responsible for my anti-authoritarian streak. He had it in spades himself, and I'm sure that when I got into the teenage years I unconsciously modeled his contempt for rules, authority, etc.

      So, I would say that from a pretty early age (8 or 9?), I lacked discipline from both parents, and with my step-father it went beyond lack and drifted into him serving as a role-model for anti-authoritarian, anti-hierarchical behavior.

      As I've alluded to here a few times, my perverse push-pull, attraction-repulsion relationship with authority probably is less hard-wired toward a F/m dynamic than is the case for most here. In real life, I react very, very negatively to any efforts at being managed or bossed by men. BUT, I also do have a perverse attraction to the idea of a male leader being strong enough to actually pull it off. So, while I am primarily wired toward F/m discipline, it's not quite that simple.

    6. Thanks for answering my question, Dan. It’s interesting that, like you, I have an anti authoritarian streak as concerns male authority, but whereas your anti authoritarianism was influenced by a permissive stepfather who modelled anti-hierarchical behaviour, mine may be the result of rebellion against my father’s harsh discipline.

    7. I've always been a little skeptical of pat psychological explanations for complex human behavior, and this is why. Discussions on this blog have demonstrated time and time again that two men can end up at a similar point, with seemingly similar desires, even though the respective directions from which they arrived at that point may have been not just different, but almost opposing.

  11. We have never kept a journal. I touched bases with my wife regarding why not. Since she tends to spank me on a daily basis, there is no need to keep a journal, since things from that day are still memorable and the "inventory" is cleared out each evening.

    My wife gets turned on by spanking me and this is something we have never denied. I have often encouraged her to spank me for that reason when she is struggling to think of specific disciplinary reasons to spank me. I encourage her to talk about it.



    1. "My wife gets turned on by spanking me and this is something we have never denied." I think many women are concerned about admitting they get turned on by spanking and/or by exercising power. It's too bad, and great for you that your wife is open about it.

    2. Is it that they are concerned about admitting that they get turned on by exercising power or that veiling their feelings and motivations heightens their power further and increases our emotional vulnerability? To me it feels like the emotional equivalent of CFNM, but maybe that is because CFNM is one of my kinks.

    3. I think Dan may be right about this one and that: "Many women are concerned about admitting they get turned on by spanking and/or by exercising power" Many of us males don't realize how much women's natural " will to power" is repressed by the contemporary culture


    4. Alan, agreed. And, it's somewhat self-reinforcing. Women seem to have collectively determined that when they use power male subordinates will label them bitchy (which may more may not be true but also likely isn't very distinguishable from how a male subordinate feels about a male superior who bosses him around), and they've decided to care about having that label applied. Many of them could short-circuit the whole problem by simply deciding not to care if the label does, in fact, get asserted against them.

    5. Being called a "bitch" does seem to anguish many women, maybe especially when it happens while they exercise power. I think that is part of the culture's disparagement of powerful women. But to be fair, some women ( I am talking outside the DD framework now) do not handle power well. We could have a very long discussions about the role perceptions have in that, but even today, many women have never been socialized to handle power and its hardly a surprise, some struggle with it.

    6. The older my wife got, the less she cared what others thought of her and the more she accepted the bitch mantle. I followed her lead and cared less and less about being seen (and described) as pussy-whipped. Interestingly, though, I did not truck with her being called a bitch in my presence and had to set a couple of friends straight. I never considered her a bitch and would not abide her being called one. She just laughed about it and warned me not to make too big a deal of it or she would tan my ass, which she did on one occasion.

    7. "The older my wife got, the less she cared what others thought of her and the more she accepted the bitch mantle."

      I assume that is a fairly common trajectory.

  12. KOJ wrote: "Years later she admitted that she really enjoyed the power."

    My wife recognized this factor the very first time she spanked me - which was really more an erotic spanking that happened one night after we had been drinking an swapping sexual fantasy confessions. As I've shared in my story here a few times, this quickly led to a DWC relationship, and she admitted to me very early on that she enjoyed the "power".

    My sense, in participating in F/M DD spanking forums for the last 25 years or so, is that this is actually true in most cases - that spanking wives, while perhaps initially reluctant, soon grow to enjoy the power they experience in wielding the paddle, in addition to the other practical benefits they may experiences (better behaved, more attentive husbands).


    1. It took mine longer to admit it, but I suspect the power rush was there from virtually the beginning. She took to it so readily, and I'm not sure that would have been the case if she was simply accommodating me and getting nothing out of it herself

    2. Good question, GLM. I have frequented some FLR forums over the years, but I found that the women at those forums were often disdainful of the desire of men to talk about spanking discipline, dismissing it as a kink that catered to male sexual fantasy. Dan’s blog seems to be unique in its focus on F/M spanking as DD that may or may not be a component of FLR.

    3. "Dan’s blog seems to be unique in its focus on F/M spanking as DD that may or may not be a component of FLR." Which is kind of sad. There have never been many, but when I first started this blog there were at least a handful of others. It's one reason I'm always skeptical that there are a large number of "closeted" F/m DD couples out there. Though, one counterpoint is that while there is a dearth of blogs in this area, there are no shortage of Tumblrs with F/m spanking themes. Maybe the world is just too visual for blogs these days?

    4. A recent comment (I can't find it) suggested something like "Writing is getting to know oneself". I really find that this is the case when I go to comment on your blog. You have a group of great regular commentors sharing their experience showing the multitude of approaches to DD. When I try to have input I find that it really forces me to think about what I truly believe/think. Society does not provide (to me anyway) very many opportunities to think or write about oneself.
      No visual blog can have this benefit.
      Thank you for keeping this one running Dan!

    5. Thanks, Mark. And, thanks for your comments and participation.

  13. Not a discussion that we have had (yet), but I think that my wife is really starting to enjoy the power that she has. She is increasingly using it to get chores done (that she really really does not want to do herself), and twice in the last two days has threatened a spanking to terminate or draw a line under behaviour of mine - for example if I'm teasing and she's done ("carry on and you'll be spanked" or "do you want a spanking"). Put like that, I don't.
    This is a development for us.

    1. Mark, it sounds like you are transitioning from DD to full blown FLR.

    2. Thanks both, I think that it is a good development. GH I think that we have a long way to go to get to FLR and not sure that I want that either... However, she is certainly exercising the authority I have given her a lot more which I like. She tells me that although she makes the day to day decisions I make the big ones. I'm not sure that this is correct either!

    3. I honestly don't know how to define an FLR or where the line is between one and not one. I think it turns on the degree she exercises decision-making authority, but the question is "authority about what?" Even if it's limited to punishment, including deciding what will be punishable and under what circumstances, I still tend to think of that as an FLR, even if it's a fairly limited version of one. And, obviously, it trends more towards an FLR the larger the variety of decisions she either makes on her own or for which she gets the final say. But, like I said, I don't think there is one agreed-upon definition.

    4. It is an interesting question. Once she determines what is punishable, it would seem that she has ultimate authority however you define FLR. She tells you exactly how it is going to be, you don't comply, she punishes sufficiently to change your behavour.
      My wife has recently seized the authority to determine what is punishable...

      Looking up the thread, it seems that a number of us are nervous about where their wives will take this, and certainly not keen to "poke the bear".

    5. " She tells me that although she makes the day to day decisions, I make the big ones."

      The day-to-day decisions are the big ones.

    6. Mark, it strikes me that if your wife has the authority to decide what is punishable, that is a FLR. If she is deciding what behaviour is acceptable, as opposed to holding you to account for mutually agreed behavioural objectives, that makes her the boss, doesn’t it?

      I also agree with the comment of Anonymous that “The day to day decisions are the big ones.” For example, if she has the power to decide who is going to do what housework, that will have a bigger impact on your day to day life than something “big” like deciding which car to buy or what investments to make. Your wife trusting you to handle “big decisions” about which she may believe you have more expertise and interest doesn’t make her any less the boss. That’s the way our FLR is. My wife trusts me to make “big decisions”, but because I am accountable to her for all the day to day stuff, I feel like I am serving her, whether I am cleaning the bathroom or looking after our finances.

    7. "Your wife trusting you to handle “big decisions” about which she may believe you have more expertise and interest doesn’t make her any less the boss."

      I agree, though the converse isn't necessarily true. The nature of the "big decisions" and who makes them does seem to me to be relevant to whether a couple is in an FLR and is also a good thought experiment regarding where you personally draw the lines on accepting authority. A real life example involves a woman I know who is the "top" in an FLR/DD relationship. A couple of years ago, she had a big job opportunity that would require a move out of the U.S. She wanted it, but her husband was struggling with it -- not exactly opposed but not fully in favor of it either. She told me that she finally told him that, at the end of the day, it was her decision and he didn't really have a choice in the matter. Conveying it that way sounded kind of cold even to me, but I also get it on some level. They were in an agreed-upon FLR relationship and had, in fact, allocated the responsibility for big household decisions to her. Also, as I said, he was fence-sitting and hand-wringing, but a decision needed to be made. In some ways, the situation itself emphasized that she was, in fact, the person who should be making big decisions because she was the most willing and able to do so.

      That kind of agreed-upon deference to a partner's authority definitely wouldn't work for me, and I don't think my wife would ever want to take things that far either. It doesn't mean we're not in an FLR, but ours is definitely much milder or has tighter boundaries than my friend's FLR relationship.

    8. That’s an interesting thought experiment, Dan. I don’t think my wife would ever push her authority as far as that woman you know, but the way she finally just told her husband that it was her decision and he didn’t have any choice really resonated with me. I feel as though I am a bit like the husband in that example. But then, I imagine that if the woman was offered a big job opportunity abroad and she thought it was a good move, she was probably earning more than her husband. I imagine that would have made the husband feel less decisive than the wife. I have done an interesting thought experiment concerning my own life. As previously mentioned, I have been undergoing psychotherapy for a little while. My wife is a more down to earth, pragmatic person than I, and she is skeptical about the value of “talk therapy.” She belongs to the suck it up and move on with life school of philosophy and suspects that talk therapy is self indulgent blah blah. Consequently, she thinks it’s a bit of waste of money. However, she is allowing me to proceed because I feel like it is something I need to do. But I feel as though it is something I am doing with her permission, and I would probably stop if she withdrew that permission. I guess that means I am under my wife’s thumb in a pretty radical way, and I am conscious that some people would probably be contemptuous of my submissiveness.

    9. "She belongs to the suck it up and move on with life school of philosophy and suspects that talk therapy is self indulgent blah blah." LOL.

      I've read that the efficacy of talk therapy compared to some other modalities, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, is not very impressive. But, others here may be far better qualified than me on that issue. I suspect that I would draw a line at letting my wife make medical/mental health decisions for me, but it's a line each person would need to draw for themselves.

    10. GH & Dan - thinking about it maybe I am in a FLR but my wife would not agree that she is the boss.

      Although I earn the majority of the money coming into the house, she does the finances - beause the finances are fully budgeted I do talk to her about larger items that need to come from the budget which I guess is a defacto approval when she arranges it. She does not micro manage me or instruct me to do things, but there are chores that I do that she does not and she expects them done. She does all the cooking.

      Sort of a normal marriage except for the punishment & the finances. I would rebell if she was unreasonable, but she is not.

    11. I think also that both of us are happier. We talked previously about her enjoying the power (with the understanding that the enjoyment was was in the moment that the power was exercised), but also her being happier on a day to day basis because she has power and because she uses it). Her being happy means that I am happier too.

    12. My wife never would have said that we were moving and I had no say in the decision. Nor would she have said I needed to stop therapy. In the first instance, we would have kept talking until we reached agreement. The therapy wiuld have been totally up to me. She did not want that kind of authority over me, nor would I have tolerated it. We did not consider our marriage an FLR.
      Yet she carefully managed my day-to-day behavior, exhibiting a great deal of authority -- and I accepted it. She referred to it as "gentleman training." So if we were talking about moving and I got sarcastic or rude, she would punish me. But it wasn't to get her way about moving.
      We considered the day-to-day stuff "little" decisions, and the "big decisions" were things like moving. But I get the point that daily stuff is big in a way.
      We both read the DWC web site and mostly followed the Aunt Kay model, which in our view was not really a full FLR.

    13. "We talked previously about her enjoying the power (with the understanding that the enjoyment was was in the moment that the power was exercised), but also her being happier on a day to day basis because she has power and because she uses it)."

      Mark, I think that's true for my wife as well.

    14. "We both read the DWC web site and mostly followed the Aunt Kay model, which in our view was not really a full FLR." I'm not sure how to characterize it. FLR is a term that, as far as I can recall, doesn't appear anywhere on the website. And, it's always been interesting to me that some of the former participants--like al and Kay's husband--still talk about this thing we do in terms of a "DWC" lifestyle, as it if is a category unto itself. I think it's unquestionably true that it wasn't advocating for Femdom or female supremacy, but it's not like there aren't elements in many of the stories and some of the FAQ stuff that could be interpreted as female participants as a category being above male participants as a category. I'm thinking primarily of the advice and stories involving husbands being spanked by other women. There are express elements in some of that to the effect that if a disciplinary wife decides to spank you or that you should be spanked, that is the way it should be. There also are, in many of the stories, elements relating to women generally being superior decision-makers. So, while I don't think it advocated what some would characterize as a "full FLR," there certainly were strong elements of women making decisions beyond just the spanking itself.

      I don't want to mischaracterize my friend's stance regarding the move. It wasn't that he didn't have any say in the matter but, rather, that in the end her choice was going to prevail. I know that too may seem harsh but, as I said, he was fence-sitting and they had, in fact, allocated decision-making authority in favor of her. Anne and I do have a pretty good track record of working out disagreements on big decisions but, honestly, on several big ones around where we would live, I basically capitulated to her, and that has not been without its resentment. And, now that we are retired, we are not fully aligned on where we want to spend most of our time, how much we should be traveling, etc. I agree with you that most of the time the solution is talking it out until there is consensus, but let's face it, sometimes that solution is just one party's capitulation masquerading as agreement. Some choices really are zero-sum, and I think in that truth lies a big problem with the idea of truly "equal" relationships. At some point, there has to be a mechanism for breaking a tie.

    15. Thanks both, "breaking the tie" is a good way to consider it. Outside work she tends to plan stuff and I go along with her plans. If either of us feel strongly about something then we both go with that. If we both feel strongly, I think that both of us tend to give extra weight to the other's position and end up in a tie. In that instance, if the decision is important we struggle. If not important, I go along with her position.

    16. I would like to make clear that my wife has never shown any desire to impose her will on me in such a radical way as dictating big changes unilaterally or overruling my personal choices concerning my physical or mental health. Nor would my submissiveness allow her to do so. For example, if she became an anti-vaxxer and tried to impose that on me, or if she tried to force me to turn from conventional medicine to homeopathy, I would say no. Now, if she was more forceful in her skepticism about the value of talk therapy, I might be amenable to influence because I am aware, as Dan pointed out, that there is legitimate debate about the effectiveness of talk therapy, and there is a budgetary consideration. I do have a feeling that I lean much more towards all out FLR than most other guys posting here. I can imagine my wife imposing her will on me concerning something like moving if she had strong reasons for her viewpoint and I was ambivalent and indecisive like the guy in Dan’s anecdote.

    17. "For example, if she became an anti-vaxxer and tried to impose that on me, or if she tried to force me to turn from conventional medicine to homeopathy, I would say no." Frankly, if that happened in our marriage or we suddenly became on opposite sides politically, or if she became a religious fundamentalist, I'd probably be looking for a new wife.

    18. I agree, Dan. I think a fundamental difference in worldviews and values like that would probably be fatal to a marriage. That got me to thinking, FLR and DD could only work if there was a strong concurrence in values between husband and wife. If you are going to submit to the disciplinary authority of your wife, you need to be able to trust that she is not going to impose on you in a way that undermines your fundamental sense of self. I think DD can only work if your wife’s goal is to help you become an improved version of yourself, one that you can respect, not a different person whose essential values are erased.

  14. I just thought of another purpose that journaling about DD and FLR has for me. When I record my thoughts and feelings after a spanking, or after some other expression of dominance by my wife, that draws out and extends the experience. It also transmutes a punishment that is unpleasant in the moment into an erotic experience in memory. That mental process can happen without writing, but for me writing intensifies the process because one has to slow down and linger over the details to write about them. I will often be highly aroused by the time I finish a journal entry, and that arousal is probably communicated to my wife when she reads it. She rarely comments on a journal entry, except to say she enjoyed it, so maybe she gets erotic pleasure from seeing the effect of her dominance on me, even though spanking isn’t directly sexual for her.

    Just thinking, does reading and writing about DD here on Dan’s blog not play a similar psychological role to journaling, drawing out and heightening our experiences of being disciplined/punished by our wives by comparing notes and having discussions with other men in similar marital situations?

    1. Good points. I don't think I personally use journaling to heighten or draw out the experience. What I do use it for, however, is working through issues in my head. I often find that I may feel a certain way about something but be unable to fully articulate why, until I start writing about it. And, sometimes writing about something--whether here or in a journal--helps me decide very practical points. For example, as I said above, just writing this post and engaging with a few commenters helped me decide that I need to think of journaling and reporting as two overlapping but still separate mechanisms for achieving two (or more) overlapping but still separate goals. I think I probably was already intuiting that before writing about it, but the writing process helped crystallize it.

    2. Writing is discovering what you think! Every writer learns that, sometimes to their discomfiture.

    3. "For example, as I said above, just writing this post and engaging with a few commenters helped me decide that I need to think of journaling and reporting as two overlapping but still separate mechanisms for achieving two (or more) overlapping but still separate goals." - Spot on, I think. We tend to lump journaling and reporting together, when they may not be linked at all (at least at times).


    4. ZM, right. There are obvious overlaps, but journaling definitely has a much broader set of purposes for me than mere reporting. I could separate out reporting into a totally different process, and both of us would still see value in journaling.

    5. This may seem strange for a journalist, but I have never wanted to journal. Maybe because my profession was writing about others, not myself. And when you write all day, you don't want to come home and do it. At least not me, though many novelists started as journalists.

    6. KOJ, I get that. Journaling is an inherently personal thing, and I get that it simply isn't interesting for some. I can see how it might be less attractive for someone who already spends their day writing.

  15. Running through many posts this week are speculations, examples, and questions about whether disciplinary spanking has erotic or non-erotic benefits for women, including the satisfaction of exercising power. These sorts of conjectures are almost inevitable since the majority of disciplinary wives become disciplinarians at their husband’s or boyfriend’s request (although some at least do have an original erotic interest in spanking, mostly as bottoms)

    My experience, which is limited to two DD partners and two additional erotic partners, is that the erotic impact of spanking varies according to the nature of the relationship, the particular woman in question, and the nature of the DD relationship. Just three examples: my wife is often anxious for lovemaking after she has spanked me, although my demeanor after a spanking does influence it and whether it happens. But my former girlfriend found herself more and more turned on a day or more after punishing me and almost never immediately after a spanking. . I don’t know what happened in her mind in the day or so since the punishment, but she did recognize the effect, and we talked about it. There was a third woman I played with a few times, but she liked bondage games, and there was no disciplinary relationship there, but she was just very turned on by speaking me.

    So, three different women and three different erotic responses to spanking.
    But the other question raised in many of the posts is about power and the experience of power the disciplinarian has or feels in a DD relationship. It’s a cliché to say that power is an aphrodisiac. Still, I think there is a surge from exercising power for most humans, particularly when one normally doesn’t have power.

    I think it would be hard for a woman in our culture to experience the power to command obedience and inflict pain on a misbehaving male –without getting at least some jolt from it –and, as some of our female commentators have said , experience strong sexual energy.

    So for me, the question: does a wife or girlfriend disciplining her male partner receive satisfaction from her power has a direct and uncomplicated answer. She does, although how she expresses those feelings varies among women.

    As I think about this, what strikes me most is not that women experience strong emotions from exercising their power but that most women seem to manage that power with so much balance and sensitivity. I wonder if men given the same power in M/ F DD relationships do as well

    1. "It’s a cliché to say that power is an aphrodisiac." It is, though clearly true, and thankfully it flows in both directions. Thus, the key seems to be finding the right match between one spouse who enjoys exercising power and the other who enjoys being subject to it.

      You're undoubtedly right that the question of whether disciplinary wives enjoy spanking and exercising power is complicated, and why would we be surprised about that? Every week the discussion here emphasizes how varied our commenters desires and origin stories are. Why would it be any different for those on the other side of the paddle?

      "I wonder if men given the same power in M/ F DD relationships do as well." It's an interesting question, and I suspect the answer is no. I'm pretty into yin-yang notions of balance. When a woman takes on power, she may in effect be balancing out centuries-old cultural practices limiting female power. It taking on a power role, she's bringing more balance to the situation. When a man takes on more power, on the other hand, he's adding to the side of the scale that already gives men an inordinate amount of power, and it's in addition to what our testosterone-laden biologies already push us to. So, he's taking an already unbalanced situation and making it even more unbalanced.

      Though, don't fool yourself, women can go just as overboard when it comes to power and its mind-altering properties. Several years ago, our department in a large company I was with tried a little succession experiment. The group's executive leader was retiring, and there were three top contenders. Each of them was given a six-week "try out," in which they basically took over the role. One of them was a very strong female leader who was a good friend of mine. Many of us believed she was the strongest contender and that the job was more or less hers to lose. And, lose it she did, in multiple senses. When it came her turn to "try out," she started trying to fire people left and right. She basically turned the weakest of the three contenders into her subservient bitch. She seemed truly to become drunk on power. I'd never seen anything like it.

    2. “ I wonder if men given the same power in M/ F DD relationships do as well”.
      I’m with Dan: I think the answer is no. Speaking just for myself, I know the answer is no. If my wife wanted me to spank and dominate her as an erotic game, I could do that. But I would feel very insecure about really disciplining her the way she disciplines me, or about giving her orders and expecting her to obey me. Maybe it’s the yin-yang thing Dan mentioned. Because I am bigger than her, I would feel like a brute to spank her for real. Also, I just feel that she is more temperamentally qualified to discipline me than I would be to discipline her. Actually, as I try to imagine switching roles with my wife, I realize how daunting it might feel for a wife to become her husband’s disciplinarian. It must take a lot of self confidence.


    3. “She seemed truly to become drunk on power. I'd never seen anything like it.”

      Sadly, history is jammed with similar examples, mostly males but some females as well. Observing how people handle power leads me to think of handling power as a kind of trait, like leadership, that can be learned or is “natural” to some. But a sure recipe for abusing power is to have it suddenly thrust upon you without preparation or experience. Contrast a Jerry Ford with Eisenhower or Carter with Johnson

    4. I did not find relinquishing power erotic, but my wife over time did find exerting her authority to be erotic -- which turned out to be good for me a few hours after many spankings!

    5. "I think it would be hard for a woman in our culture to experience the power to command obedience and inflict pain on a misbehaving male –without getting at least some jolt from it –and, as some of our female commentators have said , experience strong sexual energy." - Fully agree. I think this is a great insight.

      As far as whether men would handle the power as well, I (like everyone else) doubt it. I like everything that Dan wrote. One additional factor for this is that it is not just a male/female thing either. Typically, the person who requests or seeks DD (almost always the recipient) is motivated at least in part by some aspect or element of imbalance. I hesitate to write that, because it sounds so bad, but I think the more balanced one is, the less likely they are to want or need DD. Anyway, I look at my wife and she is very naturally self-controlled and balanced, and I am like a poster boy for imbalances! If this pattern applies to others as well - though perhaps to varying degrees - then it seems reasonable and pretty likely that generally the more balanced person in the relationship will handle the additional power and authority better than the less balanced person.


    6. "Typically, the person who requests or seeks DD (almost always the recipient) is motivated at least in part by some aspect or element of imbalance. I hesitate to write that, because it sounds so bad, but I think the more balanced one is, the less likely they are to want or need DD."

      I agree 100%, though I know from experience how much some here dislike the term "unbalanced." I think there are multiple connotations. Yes, it can be used as a synonym for "crazy," but I think the way you and I use it relates to having certain desires, thoughts, stresses, proclivities for action , etc. that tend to run toward extremes and/or that certain aspects of our personalities can be so dominant that they become overbearing.

      I've experienced this on a personal level in those rare moments in which I've been more or less content with how things are, usually as part of meditating regularly and making some actual progress on that front. During those periods in which I feel the most balanced and the least subject to excessive drives, my interest in DD has experienced a noticeable drop.

    7. I take your use of balance in a zen context. When it works, libido and other desires ( longing) are supposed to decrease. Didn't the Buddha teach we should strive to give up all desire to achieve happiness?

      He may have been right, but two-quarters of that for the American consumer, and our GDP would look like Bangladesh.

      Do you think there is a grand synthesis possible between Eastern and Western spiritual thinking?


    8. Buddha did teach that, but it's one aspect of Buddhism that I'm not wild about. I don
      t think the problem is desire per se, but rather the unhealthy way in which we can become attached to those desires. I've done some reading on historical Tantra philosophy (not the westernized sex garbage), and some branches of it conceived the energy of the universe as all about desire and, in fact, saw we individuals as the means by which the universe works through its own desires.

      There was a very controversial Eastern guru who went by the name Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, and later by Osho, who became very popular in the 70s and 80s. He believed that Western materialism had too little spirituality in it, while Buddhism and many Eastern religions had an asceticism and rejection of material desire that also was unhealthy and unbalanced. He tried to merge the two, though one could argue that he went a little overboard on the materialism.

  16. When we started our DD, my wife was so frustrated with my behavior that I believe it gave her courage. In addition, when I suggested that she take up the paddle (so to speak), I assured her that I would never refuse a punishment. I was confident that she would use her authority well and wisely, as she did.
    The more she spanked, the bolder she became and the more she enjoyed her power. I didn't mind. It was better than arguing constantly.

    1. "I was confident that she would use her authority well and wisely, as she did."

      I think we don't talk enough here about how important this is and the extent to which that level of trust probably determines how much authority she ends up taking on and how much he is willing to give up. From the beginning, I've never had any concerns that my would abuse her power. There have been a couple of instances in which I felt like her line-drawing around alcohol was creating a stifling situation that made me want to not socialize with some mutual friends. But, what was needed in that situation was some honest communication, which eventually happened.

    2. I strongly agree that trust is the magical catalyst that makes it work long-term and lets you stay in place when you know you can't take another or take a spanking you think is unfair. That trust alone can create a bond that would make DD worthwhile even if there were not so many other benefits from it.

      Think about the trust it takes to present your ass to a woman over and over when you know what she can do to it -and think of the trust she has to have to know she can punish you, and instead of resentment and recriminations; she knows that she is making your relationship stronger.


    3. I agree with both of the comments above.I know DD is not a panacea, but it totally changed my marriage -- and me -- for the better. And trust was a big part of it. I was not getting the sexual kick that most of you get. For me, I came to deeply believe that she knew what was best for me, and she knew how to get me there. The pain became so many things: punishment for misbehavior, absolution of guilt, a warning of how to behave in the future, and her expression of deep caring about me and my actions.

    4. I'd agree with all that, though I definitely do experience a surge in erotic energy connected to DD

    5. KOJ wrote:” I was not getting the sexual kick that most of you get”

      You are a refreshing outlier on this blog in committing to DD without the sexual incentive so many of us have. It makes me wonder how many males like you have DD relationships where the eroticization of discipline is absent or not a major factor.
      I also have a question if you can answer it. We have discussed the power most women seem to experience as disciplinarians and the almost inevitability of that in an established relationship. And you have said the erotic charge wasn’t there for you. But do you think it was for your wife, or were her discipline and the motivation for it strictly or mostly nonsexual?

    6. Alan,
      Her motivation was nonsexual but she came to find the power erotic. But I do not believe she ever punished me for the thrill of it. It was always for misbehavIor.

  17. I’ve never kept any kind of a diary or journal and honestly can’t imagine ever doing so. I guess I’m just not a writer. In my “other” life I’m a numbers guy, not a words one. And TBH, if I did try and keep a journal I doubt she would ever read it anyway. When I have done something that I feel requires discipline, if she’s not aware of it, as has happened occasionally, I have no trouble telling her about it and asking for it to be dealt with. After reading various recent comments, when we were in the car for a twelve-plus hours trip a couple of days ago, (which is a great opportunity for real conversation,) I pointed out that she has heard plenty about what I need, and why, and how; but thinking about it I really didn’t know what she got out of it or what her motivation was. (We’ve been in this lifestyle for over twenty years so clearly it works for her, this is not just responding to my needs.) interestingly, she had no answer so I’m none the wiser about what she gets out of it - and more to the point, I don’t think she is either. TG

    1. I guess some things in life just work and don't require a lot of analysis or soul-searching as to why.

    2. I think my wife (and likely many other wives) was hesitant to discuss the personal benefits she got from our DD because it might make her feel or appear selfish: I'm spanking my husband like a little boy because I get off on the power and I make him do housework for me. It is much easier to stick with the needs of the husband and the marriage: He asked me for this. He needs maternal authority. It makes him a better person. It reduces conflict between us. Etc. Thus we have reticent wives when we ask them what they get from DD. Of course, they have the power to remain mysterious on this issue. Which only makes them more alluring!

    3. KOJ, agreed, and I think in our (largely faux) egalitarian society, it is generally hard to own up to getting off on power

    4. Good point, KOJ and Dan. I even find it hard to admit (except here anonymously) that I get off on being under my wife’s thumb.

    5. I have encouraged my wife not to be reluctant to say why she likes it. Part of my motivation for continuing it is knowing that she does like it and it very definitely turns her on. In light of me being a heavily-built military type and her being petite, she inflicts a lot of pain, but knowing that it turns her on helps greatly with intimacy afterwards.


  18. I do not use journaling at all, and reporting is very, very minimal, either from the infrequent use of my reporting box or if she happens to interrogate me during a check-in (which also aren't happening right now). And as Dan mentioned above, journaling and reporting are really two quite separate things, often with different purposes.

    I think I might try something similar to journaling, though probably not with the regularity that most people who journal practice. But I can see some real benefit about writing down my thoughts about a lot of DD related things and sharing those with my wife. I find it very difficult and even quite embarrassing to talk about DD with her, and so often I don't really communicate my thoughts very well. I am thinking I should write down all of my thoughts and then go through them with her. It could be powerful.


    1. "I think I might try something similar to journaling, though probably not with the regularity that most people who journal practice."

      I definitely am into journaling in a significant way, though not pursuant to any particular schedule. I started keeping a personal journal several years ago, largely because I have a lousy memory, and I felt like some significant events in my life were slipping away; I wanted to have something I could look at in the future that would prod my memory. Also, when I was working I was very big into goal setting around career, finances, and to an extent health and fitness. I liked setting those goals down in writing and looking back on them later. I've also come to really like certain aspects of electronic journaling apps, namely the searchability and pictures. The pictures are themselves a real aid to my shitty memory. I like the way some of the apps will do a pop-up notice showing pictures you took on that date in prior years.

      Anne definitely sees a value in me spilling my guts to her in journal form. She's said it helps her get into my head in a way that doesn't happen in our verbal communications.

    2. Dan, would you recommend any particular electronic journaling app? Also, do you keep a single journal that is intended for Anne’s eyes, or do you also have a journal that is totally private for you?

    3. The most popular journaling app seems to be Day One, and of those I've tried it does seem to be the best. You can keep multiple journals and can synch across multiple devices. But, I think it's available only on iOS, Mac and maybe Android. I don't think there is a Windows version. It's password protected, and Ive never given Anne the password, though I wouldn't have a problem with it. Most of my entries in that app tend to be more day-to-day stuff that I want to document or keep track of.

      For more personal stuff, I tend to use a bound paper journal. Which, in some ways makes no sense -- I'm putting the most personal stuff in a journal anyone could find and read. I'm not sure why, but I just like the formality and heft of a paper journal. It's not intended for Anne's eyes, but I'm not hiding any of them either. The paper-based DD journal I've been using recently is dedicated specifically to that purpose. When I've added an entry I want her to read, I leave it in her nightstand.

    4. Thanks for the info. I will check out Day One. Like you I love the feel of a nice paper journal, but I do sometimes worry that anyone could read it. I do the same as you, putting the journal on my wife’s nightstand when there’s something new to read.

  19. My thoughts having spoken with my wife. We have never kept a journal because we believed in not keeping a record of right and wrong and never letting the sun go down on your anger. My wife just spanks me for whatever she can remember and since I tend to receive spankings every day (when not on a tour of duty), it tends to be recent offences big enough to be remembered a few hours.

    My wife is openly turned on by spanking me and I am entirely cool with that, since we tend to have sex afterwards. I encourage her to continue even if the purpose is to turn her on, rather than any specific offences of mine. I don't have to worry about getting her stimulated and she is ready when the spanking is over. Sorry, hope this isn't too big a diversion from the topic.


    1. Definitely no problem in bringing up her being openly turned on.

    2. My wife doesn’t seem to be turned on by spanking me, but thinking about this week’s discussion makes me realize that there is some kind of correlation between sexual excitement and discipline. She has never linked spanking and sex, which gives me the feeling that she wants to separate the two things in her interactions with me. But as I think of our FLR as a big picture over the years, it strikes me that during phases in which she seems more sexual in general, she has been more strict and demanding concerning DD. So maybe with my wife the causality is reversed. In other words, maybe spanking me isn’t directly sexual for her, but she feels more dominant during phases of heightened sexual energy. Because of my health problems in recent months, our sex life and FLR seem simultaneously depressed. Alas.

    3. "But as I think of our FLR as a big picture over the years, it strikes me that during phases in which she seems more sexual in general, she has been more strict and demanding concerning DD. So maybe with my wife the causality is reversed. In other words, maybe spanking me isn’t directly sexual for her, but she feels more dominant during phases of heightened sexual energy."

      Makes sense. I hope the health problems get better soon.

  20. Busy week, didn’t get a chance to post.
    The differences in relationships above are quite amazing. I do not keep a journal on my faults. My wife knows when I screw up and I’m punished accordingly. The discussions above are quite thought provoking. I believe my wife does get some excitement punishing me. We have made love after a punishment session and clearly she is aroused. Although, there are times when we do not make love after a session and I’m sent to bed after the strapping. I’m with KOJ, I grew up with a strong maternal Mother who had the philosophy of “spare the rod spoil the child”. I was spanked accordingly and feel the need for that maternal discipline now. I rebelled in my twenties. FLR would have of benefited me then, but not now. Im the bread winner and my wife has no desire to pay bills etc etc. She also knows, I would never place our family in a situation that would affect our future. Im not tooting my own horn, but the bigger things, I need to be held accountable for. For us an FLR would never work because my wife does not want the responsibility. There would be no way, I could accept moving to a different state because my wife said so. Unlike J, I’d prefer not to have any sex after punishment, maybe with the exception of oral pleasure for her. This has occurred on a few occasions in our marriage. I often wonder what goes through our wives minds. My wife seems so in tuned at times and so passé at others. We had a discussion about my drinking. We agreed I should be severely punished when I over indulge. Now I must admit this happens only around a few individuals, and very rarely. Well this happened last weekend and she knew it. I expected a sever punishment over the weekend and it never occurred. I was quite surprised, as I was thrashed severely two days in a row for volunteering her for a family function. I enjoyed the responses above, another great week of discussions Dan.

    1. T, you and KOJ have both talked about how your need for “maternal discipline” as an adult was conditioned by the strict discipline of your mothers while growing up. I am curious whether discipline was handled exclusively by your mothers. I was spanked by both parents, but my father was more severe by far. Though I didn’t like being punished by my mother, I was somewhat relieved when she handled discipline herself instead of saying “Wait until your father gets home.” I guess that for me “maternal discipline” has a connotation of being loving and caring as opposed to my experience of more brutal “paternal discipline.”

    2. "I’m with KOJ, I grew up with a strong maternal Mother who had the philosophy of “spare the rod spoil the child”. I was spanked accordingly and feel the need for that maternal discipline now. I rebelled in my twenties."

      T, I'm curious, how old were you when the spankings from your mom stopped?

      "We agreed I should be severely punished when I over indulge. Now I must admit this happens only around a few individuals, and very rarely." My own instances of over-indulgence also center around a few individuals. Though, I have to take some responsibility and admit there is a fair amount of mutual enabling going on.

    3. GH, I was a posthumous birth, so it was only my mother who spanked me. Her spankings can't have been too far off what a man would have likely done though! She stopped in my teens and I began to realise I was falling into some bad patterns, meaning that the armed forces were a good career path for me. I also prioritised early marriage for the same reason, as I feared that a prolonged period of singleness would also help me slip into bad patterns.


    4. GH,
      My Mother was a single parent, so she was the only one that disciplined inside the home. I was paddled at school and my best friends parents spanked me one a few occasions. Although, they were tame compared to my Mothers. I actually feared her spankings more than the school paddling’s I never cried during a paddling at school, but sobbed when spanked by Mom. I think I wanted to Man up during the school paddling’s. She spanked long and hard. Also, as strange as it sounds, I grew up with other kids whose Fathers never spanked. It was left to the Mom. Our neighbor across the street spanked her kids, the Father never did. My Moms best friend had three children growing up and she did the spanking as well. I asked the boys and they said they were never spanked by Dad. Obviously, being around them, I observed many spankings from their Mom as well. She spanked all of us one day with a heavy wooden spoon. They also feared Mom as well. My last spanking came at 13. I stole from a store and was caught by management. My Mother showed up and told the manager right in front of me. “He won’t be sitting for a week”. The Amish paddle was used on my bare bottom for quite the long time. I vividly remember telling her I was too old for a BB spanking. Her response was typical, while in my house you’re never too old for a spanking and she humiliated me ,like I humiliated her. I should have know better. That spanking was memorable for sure.

    5. T., I wonder whether the mothers spanking instead of the fathers is some kind of regional cultural thing? Where I grew up, spanking was just as prevalent as what you describe, but it was more evenly distributed between mothers and fathers, with "equal" really meaning both did it freely. There definitely were times when the mothers would do the "just wait 'til your father gets home" thing, in which case you knew you were really in for it. But, I don't think there was much hesitation by either parental gender to deal with things themselves.

    6. Dan, most of the kids I knew had stay at home mothers and fathers who were sole breadwinners. That meant that child care responsibilities, including discipline, tended to fall mainly on the mother. But I think “wait until your father gets home” was a dreaded phrase for all my friends too.

    7. This discussion has jogged a memory. I knew a guy in high school who told me that he and his siblings were still spanked throughout adolescence. But his mother never did it, and his father had a job that took him away from home for extended periods of time. So his mother would keep a checklist of behaviours warranting punishment, and when his father got home, he would consult the list and administer spankings accordingly. That stuck in my mind because I found the description of his parents’ system grimly fascinating. The idea of a running tab of misdeeds and a mathematical calculation of severity seemed strangely dispassionate to me. The mother may not have spanked herself, but her control of the list gave her disciplinary power. I should mention that they went to a conservative evangelical church, which undoubtedly influenced their ideas about the need for every misdeed to have a consequence, even if there was a lengthy delay between crime and punishment.

    8. GH, going off-topic a bit, the spanking misbehaviour list you mentioned could probably have a serious evangelistic purpose. If our mother keeps a long list of our infractions, then imagine how long God's list of our infractions against Him is and what punishments we escape as a result of free grace (Luke 7:41-50).

      Back onto the topic, a mathematical system sounds like a good idea, because it forces some level of rational thought about whether the punishment fits the crime. If the focus is purely disciplinary (I admit that isn't the case with me and my wife), this is useful, because when one is angry, one can lose sight of analytical decision-making like this.


  21. To add to the above, my ex had zero desire to punish me for bad behavior.
    I think she spanked me once in the entire time I was with her. It was reassuring to finally find someone who was willing to spank the living daylights out of you when needed. Although our DD goes through ebbs and flows, my wife could have went the same way as my ex. She despised being paddled growing up and vowed never to repeat the actions of her parents. She has a wonderful relationship with her Father and holds no grudge, but I’m glad our relationship is close enough to share the intimate moments surrounding DD. I do think my wife enjoys strapping me bare bottom and putting me back in line.

  22. Thanks for answering my question, J and T. I can imagine that a single mother could give a “man sized” spanking if circumstances warranted—like getting caught stealing. My mother generally spanked with a wooden spoon, whereas my father used his belt, which was far worse. For a really serious misdeed like stealing, my mother would leave the punishment to my father. But had she been on her own, I think she would have been capable of more severe punishment. I would say that my mother was the main disciplinarian because my father worked long hours, so my mother decided when punishment was warranted and whether to do it herself or ask my father to do it. . T, like your mother, mine was not shy of letting people know I was going to be spanked. I think back then it was almost a point of honour for parents to let people know that they disciplined their kids properly, and spanking was the gold standard. Like you, T, I was probably about 13 the last time I was spanked. However, I didn’t know that would be the last time because there was never any official acknowledgment that I was too old to spank, so I was never sure there wasn’t any risk.
    J, I like what you said about early marriage reducing the risk of going off the rails during a long period of singleness. I think that even without formal wife led DD, women often have a domesticating effect on young men.

    1. GH,
      I agree with you on the gold standard. My Mother and others would announce that a spanking was coming. She would give a glare that could stop a train. If the disruptive behavior continued, she would say just wait till we get home. I also was not aware that 13 would be my final spanking. I did hit puberty right around that age and I think that probably played a part in my last bare bottom spanking. I also believe it was done to humiliate me, because I humiliated her by taking an item from the store. I definitely was embarrassed when the spanking began, but quickly could care less about modesty. I know I probably should have been spanked a dozen times after that but that was the last one. We were generally always spanked BB or in our underwear. I do remember a sermon where the pastor actually encouraged a good bare bottom spanking was the only way to train a child properly. Can you believe if that was said today? My best friends Father paddled him and his sister and he did more of the punishment. I did notice he was a rarity amongst our circle. Dan, it could be a regional thing. I also know in my experiences, the Fathers worked long hours. The Mothers handled business immediately.

    2. GH, I am glad you see sense in it. All too often today, young men want a period of prolonged adolescence without any restraints, which never goes well. Early marriage with DD the way we do it provides so many guard rails and outlets that are good for both spouses. I allow my wife to spank me every evening, making it unnecessary to keep records beyond a mental note for that way, since she has an outlet for her dissatisfaction. My outlet is the fact that issues are ended quickly and we make love after spankings: I hear too many stories of resentments building up and the couple's sex life being non-existent because the wife expresses her dissatisfaction by cold-shouldering her husband. Men tend to have the most energy for that sort of thing early in life, so it is therefore useful for him to seek the guardrails of DD early on.


    3. J, if your wife spanks you every evening, I’m thinking those spankings must be serving an erotic purpose for both of you that goes beyond discipline. Of course, if the spankings help to keep you in line, all the better.

    4. GH, they serve both purposes.


  23. J, I agree about spanking being especially beneficial to young adult males. I was in my early 20s when my then fiancee started with me. We were living together at the time and our relationship was feeling some growing pains. It wasn't all my fault, but there was definitely a maturity gap between my future bride and me. She likes to say now that she caught me before it was too late.

    And yes, my mother was the spanker in our family. The dozen years between my last one from her and the first one from Beth seems to be the time when I pulled my dumbest stunts. That may be typical for other post adolescents, but my wife thinks it's no coincidence.


  24. Agreed Kevin, there are too many young men who should be moving towards marriage and fatherhood who are engaging in a perpetual adolescence. Some men would claim they aren't ready because they aren't mature enough (not taking responsibility for this), but many of them don't ask the question of how they could be made sufficiently mature. Staying away from a committed relationship is not really the way to go, because then there is no driver. For the overwhelming majority, the best thing to do is to take the plunge, get married early and get their wives to spank them regularly.


    1. As provocative as this recommendation is, it is unrealistic. Unless a male has the spanking gene or was unusually well trained at home, he will not accept consistent spankings initiated by his wife.
      KOJ, who posts regularly, seems to be an exception to that, and other than having an unusually discipline-oriented wife, I don’t understand how that works. Most women/wives don’t even think about corporal punishment as a strategy to manage difficult or immature husbands- because they believe their male would resist it.
      So, unless a husband asks clearly, a spanking marriage isn’t going to develop for the vast number of couples

    2. "Unless a male has the spanking gene or was unusually well trained at home, he will not accept consistent spankings initiated by his wife."

      Is the impediment male acceptance or, rather, than in 99% of cases the wife will never even think of adult corporal punishment as an option, let alone administer it? Would I have accepted disciplinary spankings in my mid- to late-20s? I really have no idea. What I do know is no woman ever suggested it, and it never came up in our marriage until I came upon the DWC and initiated it.


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