
Friday, March 31, 2023

The Club - Meeting 435 - Fantasy vs. Reality

“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.” -Lloyd Alexander


Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a Domestic Discipline or Female Led Relationship.


I hope you all had a great week.  Several in Tennessee obviously didn’t. Another week, another fucking school shooting.  What is it we were saying here the last couple of weeks about how we are somehow failing our youth?  Fuck, fuck, fuck, I am fucking sick of this.  But, please U.S. politicians, keep those thoughts and prayers coming.  

On a more personal if much, much less important note, Anne finally got a bit of good news on her hand injury.  It’s not resolved yet, but at least maybe it’s finally moving in the right direction.  So, perhaps a return to discipline will be in our future.  Surprisingly, my behavior hasn’t been that bad during this downtime, but a couple of nights ago, I had an instance of carelessness about something important that definitely should earn a severe one.  Unfortunately, by the time Anne’s hand is in shape to deliver, I'll probably feel much less contrite.


Anyway, we had some good discussions last week.  I didn’t tally the “votes,” but it seemed like a relatively even split between those whose DD yearnings were rooted first in spanking versus those for whom it is an authority thing. Though it’s probably an error to talk about it in binary terms at all, since it seems that for most of us the line has never been all that distinct and/or the motivations—or our insights and self-awareness about them—have changed substantially over time.


Near the end of the week, ZM observed that a few weeks ago some comments started centering on “fantasy vs. reality” but it fizzled out. He then went back to a post from April of 2016, in which I posted verbatim an email ZM had sent me regarding how his fantasies about DD differed from the reality he was experiencing.  I went back and read it and the associated comments.  Since I am struggling mightily again to come up with an original post for this week, here is a lightly pared down version of that post, together with some of the more interesting comments.  Combined, it’s a long read, but well worth the time.


ZM’s observations on “fantasy vs. reality”


I know that I crave "real" discipline, punishment, and control, that which most people would rather avoid. This need for control and discipline is a perpetual enigma that forever lives in the never-never land between fantasy and reality. My fantasy and reality are far apart and in direct conflict:

  • In my fantasy, boundaries are imposed and enforced.  In reality, I rebel against any boundaries. 
  • In my fantasy, my actions have consequences.  In reality, I try to avoid negative consequences. 
  • In my fantasy, I crave punishment.  In reality, I fear punishment. 
  • In my fantasy, I must give up control.  In reality, I love to be in control. 
  • In my fantasy, I am weak and powerless.  In reality, I am strong and powerful.


I am incredibly fortunate because I have someone who loves me enough to understand and fulfill my unusual needs and desires. It is complicated by the fact that my fantasy needs it to be "real," but at the same time, we have a great relationship and equal partnership, so our reality needs it to be "fantasy." In the end, we allow the fantasy to enter our reality from time to time, but our relationship will never be in any way defined by it, but rather by our love for each other. We are loving, we are in love, and everything we do is inspired by love. Even the very firmness, strictness, harshness and at times almost meanness that she unleashes as part of this fantasy ultimately flows from our love for each other. It is very ironic that this fantasy which is based on power and control (both of which have absolutely no place in love) makes us ever closer to each other and more in love.


So here I am waiting, remembering the last time and anticipating the next, not knowing when it will be; It could be tomorrow, next week, or next month.  I crave it because the whole experience is unbelievably exciting, and not knowing when it will next happen only adds to the excitement.  At the same time I also fear the real emotion involved, since I don’t like disappointing her. As more time passes from the last punishment, the desire grows and I want it to happen again. But in order for it to have meaning, it has to be for real infractions and she has to have emotions to vent. Because I love her and only want to make her happy, I will never try to hurt her feelings, so infractions are not intentional, but rather things that I do without thinking or that result from my bad habits.  Also, because she is kind and understanding, she might not choose to punish me even when I deserve it.  However, living together inevitably ensures that infractions will happen from time to time, and at least at some of these times, she will be in the mood to use my fantasy to make her feelings clear.


When she decides to punish me, I am immediately overcome by powerful emotions as my fantasy collides with the reality of my impending punishment. My heart races and I feel a surge of adrenaline bordering on fear. I may think it is unfair or undeserved and try to defend my actions or plead my innocence, but ultimately, it was me who asked for this, who gave her this authority, and who said that her word is final, so I give in to the inevitable.  As soon as the punishment actually starts, everything becomes very real very quickly, and the fantasy is forgotten for a time, totally replaced by reality.  I am initially surprised by how it is more painful than I remembered, since I tend to forget the pain and remember only the experience (kind of like having a baby). At first, I try to fight the punishment and just endure until the end.  I am more focused on being strong than thinking about why I am being punished. As the punishment continues, I start to feel like I can't take any more, and that it will never end.  But of course, it doesn't end yet, since at that point true punishment is just beginning.  The pain, embarrassment, guilt and emotion keep building as the punishment progresses and they overpower all my defenses one by one, until in the end I surrender to and even embrace the punishment, knowing that I deserve it and need it. At that point, I relax and just absorb the lesson being taught.  Finally the punishment can end.


However real the punishment might have been, as soon as it is over, the conflict between reality and fantasy begins once again. Over the following days, the punishment (with all of the feelings of fear, excitement, pain, and embarrassment) is ever-present in my mind.  As I sit down, or perhaps as I walk, I feel the effects of the punishment.  The times I am not consciously aware of it, I am unconsciously replaying the punishment, what was said, what needs to change, etc. But as I remember what happened, I am seeing the reality of what happened through the lens of fantasy.  Yes it was painful, embarrassing, etc., but it was also very, very hot!


Again, THIS is why it works (at least for me). Even though I don't always understand this relationship between fantasy and reality, it is BECAUSE of this paradox that it is so powerful for me. As we walk over this bridge between fantasy and reality, it all at once fulfills my strongest fantasies, changes me, and strengthens our love.

  • It greatly enhances communication. I hear and understand much better than if she just used verbal communication. Because of the sudden harshness and seriousness, and because it plays to my deepest fantasy, the issue is given maximum attention, but in a positive way, rather than negative. Rather than just try to evade the issue and make it go away, I actually listen. Since relationships are entirely dependent on communication, this is incredibly powerful and makes our relationship bulletproof. It changes my thinking or my mindset about the situation or behavior. Over the days that follow, the whole scene and all the emotions of it is on constant replay through my mind, and I see the situation more clearly from her viewpoint. As my mindset changes, it changes my behavior. 
  • It greatly increases intimacy. In life, I am strong and always stand up for her, provide for her, and protect her.  But for a time, I am completely vulnerable to her. This vulnerability enables intimacy which creates a bond that others will never feel. 
  •  It makes me love her and feel loved even more, because she cares enough about me to do anything and everything to make my fantasies reality. Sure, if she was just cold and distant, it would make a point, but I would be angry with her and would feel defensive and might pull away. Instead, she has made my fantasy reality, exactly at the time she might not feel much like doing me favors.   

Because she is using my own fantasy to communicate her own feelings, I fully hear what she says, I see things from a different perspective, I feel closer to her than ever, and it makes me want to meet her every need because of our deep love for each other.  This strengthens our relationship and empowers me to make changes that allow our lives to be better, happier, and less stressful as I become who I want to be and we achieve our dreams."

Marisa’s Response


I believe the challenge for any woman taking on the responsibility of disciplining her husband is moving him from his fantasy to a shared reality for both of them. Whatever the fantasy is, it will take over his life if it is not altered with reality. I think the strap or paddle (or cane if you use one) makes him confront reality quickly. If you don't believe that watch what happens to his erection when the punishment begins. Consistent and if necessary progressive discipline is what makes him confront that reality more and more and hold on to the fantasy less and less. The fact is these guys do need real accountability, real discipline and real punishment. Aunt Kay was right about saying the marks should last for several days or a week and he should know and remember what happened because he dared to disobey or break a rule. His fantasy is what makes him accept corporal punishment but its an adolescent little boy looking for a mommy figure fantasy. But he is not a little boy and I am not his mommy. I am his wife and when I punish him I want him to understand that and gradually replace that silly fantasy with the reality I love him but he gets punished every time he needs it. Looking this over, it sounds harsh but it isn't. Evey wife has a choice to pander to that fantasy while getting little or no improvement in behavior or to help her husband grow and become the best of himself. None of you guys will achieve that until you let go of your fantasy and connect with the reality that your wife is your disciplinarian today, tomorrow and the rest of your life.


Anonymous comment #1


It is often a lifelong fantasy and the fantasy is for real discipline so I am not sure that experiencing the reality -no matter how painful and humiliating- will weaken the fantasy nor do I think it is necessarily desirable. In my opinion, it is better for both to embrace the fantasy and occasionally make it very real, and real punishments should continue well past the point it is fun and leave marks and soreness that last for at least several days. If the husband is seeking this it is important for the wife to very clearly assert her authority and to leave no doubt that she can punish him whenever she wants however she wants and how severely she wants. In the beginning, this can be amplified by occasionally punishing him quite severely for something very minor, when he is not expecting it. She can even tell him she knows that it wasn't a big deal but that she needs him to understand that her authority to punish him is unlimited (unless he decides to no longer have this as part of the relationship) and she can punish him whenever she feels like it. If she does this and this is what he wants then she will also reap the benefit of improved behaviors and attitudes and he will be very loving and attentive to her needs. I too am unsure about the Mommy figure because I don't feel that way towards her at any time, but during and after punishments I very much feel like a "bad boy" and at least temporarily makes me less arrogant and cocky, which is good for everyone around me.

KD Pierre


To me "fantasy" is a tricky word to use in the context of DD. I would prefer "expectation," i.e: how did I envision DD when we were deciding on it and how has the reality of it played out differently? To me "fantasy" suggests that DD is predominantly sexual, whereas, in our case, sexuality is a sizable element...........but not the only one. "Fantasy" also has a connotation of dress-up and concocted scenarios, whereas spanking may well be a fetish...but within DD it is a fetish being used for a genuine purpose.


For me the biggest difference between my expectations and my reality is the way Rosa has taken to all this. Even as I suggested DD, rules, punishment ideas, etc. at the beginning, something in me that craved it all to be real, still saw DD as some sort of 'game' albeit one with rules and real consequences. Rosa sees aspects of our DD as a sort of game as well.......but underneath it all, her belief is that our agreement means that she is "the boss" for real.


I sort of saw my obedience as my way of willingly following the rules of the game, or honoring the promises I made. She sees my obedience as a given. If asked, she would look at you with a sort of "what don't you get?" expression as she confirmed her belief in her authority. That is the thing I still can't get used to even as I admire her for her confidence and unabashed belief in her right to rule and punish. I suppose my expectation is still that she would see my submission as a much bigger deal than she does. Instead of this huge concession of rights, or this big "gift of submission", she truly sees our roles with a 'no-brainer' recognition of each of us being exactly where we are meant to be. So I guess when she has a serious discussion with me over some expectation or behavior, or when she plainly informs me that something I did or didn't do has just earned me a spanking, I am still surprised...........even though it is sort of what I was hoping for in my 'fantasy'.


[Note: There is a three-part comment from an anonymous wife, regarding what a “real” disciplinary spanking should be like, that is well worth reading though I’m not going to post it again here since this is already a very long post.]


All great stuff!  Something I really like about Marisa’s comment in particular is her view that the reality of DD is necessary to keep the fantasy from taking over the husband’s life.  It’s almost the converse—or at least the other side of the coin—from some of the observations Alan, ZM, and others have made about how the fantasy fuels the disciplinary reality. 


I could come up with a lengthy list of areas in which our DD reality doesn’t match my original expectations. I am using KD's preferred “expectations” here instead of “fantasies,” because there was a very short period between my discovering DD and Anne implementing it, and during that period I don’t think I really had any “fantasies” per se. Rather, I had preconceived notions of what it must be like, based largely on the Disciplinary Wives Club stories.  For me, the three areas in which there is the biggest gap between expectations and reality are:


  • Real spankings hurt so much worse than anything I anticipated then, and even how I think of them now until right before the first swat lands. You would think that after dozens and dozens of spankings I would have very clear, accurate memory-driven expectations, yet there still is this enormous gap. 
  • The DWC stories led me to believe that crying was a common outcome.  That expectation caused me no end of angst in the early days, because I was dreading the embarrassment.  All these years later, it’s still never really happened. 
  • I have an attraction to the idea of being taken under my wife’s strict control, yet when she imposes real controls I feel a lot of internal resistance.


So, how is your Domestic Discipline or FLR relationship different from what you fantasized about or envisioned? Are they in conflict, or do they mutually reinforce each other?  When initiating DD or as the relationship developed, did you talk to your wife about your fantasies and expectations? Does she have met or unmet DD or FLR fantasies of her own that she’s told you about?


Have a great week.


  1. When we began, every aspect was discussed and agreed upon before I moved in. I had no fantasies as I have been in a FLR with DD prior. I have no idea if she had any fantasy about the relationship, but I doubt it as she was widowed from a male led marriage. She was aware of the alternate lifestyle, but never participated. If any fantasy existed on either of our parts, she immediately erased them and brought the relationship to reality. As soon as I moved in she stated "If we are doing this, we are doing it right. Take off all your clothes, you are getting spanked right now to start things off" The reality of our relationship began at that moment.

    1. What about your previous FLR with DD relationship(s)? Any variation between fantasy/expectations there?

    2. Not really, Dan. When my first marriage (vanilla) was on the rocks, I began to see pros for the discipline I felt I needed. Got to know one very well and eventually married her after the divorce of my first wife. Being a pro Domme from NYC, she had no fantasies at all, as our marriage became one unending domination session. I had none as I did not know exactly what to expect. I knew I needed direction and correction and she spanked her way to converting me from an alpha male to a full submissive.

  2. "But, please U.S. politicians, keep those thoughts and prayers coming." As long as we continue to believe that politicians are the source of things getting, they never, ever will. When we collectively allow for the degradation of honor and integrity in the world, all we'll ever have is thoughts and prayers, keyboard warriors, a lot of disgusted head-shaking, and a misguided belief that we are actually doing something by making it appear that we care.

    1. I agree with all of this, though it would be nice to have that change of consciousness AND some actual political action.

  3. What a great topic and a great post. All of the comments you included in the post resonate with me, but I want to remark on Marisa’s feminine perspective:

    “I am his wife and when I punish him I want him to understand that and gradually replace that silly fantasy with the reality I love him but he gets punished every time he needs it. Looking this over, it sounds harsh but it isn't. Evey wife has a choice to pander to that fantasy while getting little or no improvement in behavior or to help her husband grow and become the best of himself. None of you guys will achieve that until you let go of your fantasy and connect with the reality that your wife is your disciplinarian today, tomorrow and the rest of your life.”

    I feel guilty because I agree with the sentiment Marissa expresses: when a wife disciplines her husband, that reality should displace his fantasies. However, I am an incorrigible fantasist, and I feel guilty about that. Why do I need to fantasize about spanking so much, when I get the real thing from my wife? I try not to, but I can’t help myself. I fantasize about being spanked at work by the woman who was my boss. I fantasize about being spanked as a boy by the pretty teacher I had a crush on in grade 4. I replay the memory of the embarrassing spanking I got from my cousin as a result of a bet when I was a teen, which is analogous to fantasizing. Ironically, I have fantasized about being spanked by the psychotherapist in whom I have confided about the shame of being addicted to spanking stories and images. On the plus side, I suppose, I fantasize most about my wife, but even then I feel guilt about overwriting reality with fantasy. For example:

    A fantasy spanking from my wife: My wife is angry, and I am frightened of being spanked, the way I used to be frightened as a kid. I beg my wife not to spank me, telling her I am sorry promising to do better. But she is implacable. She spanks me long and hard with a brush or paddle over her knee on the bare bottom. I am soon struggling involuntarily from the pain, but she is able to hold me firmly in place. I cry and plead for her to stop, telling her I have learned my lesson, but the spanking continues until my sobbing and my bruised bottom satisfy HER that I have learned a lesson I won’t soon forget. A variant is that we have a guest in the house who is going to hear everything. I beg my wife to wait until after the guest has left, but my wife is merciless, figuring that the heightened embarrassment will do me good. She gets sexual pleasure from spanking me, and having a witness increases her pleasure.

    A real spanking from my wife: My wife orders me to go to the bedroom and get ready for a spanking. I’m not exactly frightened because her spankings aren’t extremely harsh. But I feel embarrassed and ashamed. I have to bend over the end of the bed with two pillows under my hips and my pants and underwear around my knees. I wish she would do it over her knee, but she prefers this. The position is less intimate and maternal than OTK, but it is nevertheless shaming. She scolds and lectures me as she spanks with the hairbrush, paddle, or strap. Before long it starts to hurt, and I am yelping and squirming, hoping that it will soon end. Then, unlike the fantasy, she stops. She asks, “Are you going to behave now, or do I have to spank you some more?” I always say I will behave, bringing the spanking to an early end versus the fantasy. Afterwards, I will wish that she had carried on and broken me down like in the fantasy. But I never ask her to spank me some more because in the moment I want it to end. Also, it would feel disrespectful to tell her I need to be spanked more before I will behave. The fantasy version of my wife would spank me even if there were guests who would overhear. My wife has threatened to do that, but I don’t think she really would. She says that she likes having disciplinary authority but that it isn’t a sexual thing for her. Alas!

    Marissa might argue that my wife just needs to spank me harder to cure me of fantasizing, but I doubt it.

    1. Okay, I need to clarify something for the sake of complete honesty, since the topic is fantasy versus reality. I have been writing about my wife’s DD in the present tense. In reality I haven’t been spanked in months, so my use of the present tense is almost like a fantasy. I have some serious physical health problems, and I have been seeing a psychotherapist to try to deal with anxiety and other emotional issues. In the meantime, DD has been suspended because my wife thinks it might not be good for me right now. She might be right. But I continue to fantasize about spanking. Wildly. Even though I couldn’t get an erection right now if an entire squad of cheerleaders lined up to give me a bare assed paddling. (See what I mean?) I hope we will get back to real life FLR and DD someday, but who knows. In the meantime, it comforts me to write about DD in the present tense because I like to think it has merely been suspended, not ended.

    2. "Afterwards, I will wish that she had carried on and broken me down like in the fantasy. But I never ask her to spank me some more because in the moment I want it to end."

      I'm sure that's not at all uncommon. In fact, I know it's not from personal experience.

      I think Marisa is a little harsh, or maybe just too categorical, in her comments about the necessity of letting go of the fantasy. It may be that the reason for the continuing fantasy is because there is a big gap between the expectations and reality, and the expectations are closer to what is needed for the discipline to be real. If he needs a hard spanking and the wife is giving love taps with a flimsy plastic brush then, yeah, there may still be a lot of fantasizing about a different kind of discipline. In Marisa's case, she obviously was pretty strict and demanding, so there may not have been much if any gap between the fantasy and the reality.

      Also, even if the reality does meet the reasonable expectations, that doesn't really exclude a role for fantasy.

    3. I certainly wouldn't use a multi-month break as a reason not to use the present tense or to describe the DD relationship as a fantasy. I've gone through pretty lengthy periods when DD came to a halt for one reason to another. Sorry to hear about the physical problems, and I hope those get better soon. Regarding the anxiety issues, I always feel more anxious and on edge when I'm *not* being disciplined with some degree of regularity, but only you, your wife and your therapist can make that call.

    4. Thanks, Dan. Then I shall continue to use the present tense.
      I can see Marisa’s point about closing the gap between expectations and reality, and not giving love taps when a hard spanking is needed. I think she was also thinking that when men fantasize about hard spankings, and the fantasy gives them erotic pleasure because the pain is imaginary. Thus, a real spanking needs to be so harsh that the eroticism of his fantasy will be nullified.. In my case, I fantasize about my wife spanking me until I cry, and Marisa would probably say that my wife should really do that. Maybe she’s right. But I don’t think that would stop me from fantasizing about workplace spankings, school spankings, spankings with witnesses, etc.

    5. "Thus, a real spanking needs to be so harsh that the eroticism of his fantasy will be nullified.. In my case, I fantasize about my wife spanking me until I cry, and Marisa would probably say that my wife should really do that. Maybe she’s right."

      When I first discovered the DWC, the stories that hit me the hardest were those involving crying, and particularly anything involving a wife announcing that a spanking would not end until he was crying. Some memes with similar statements basically ordering tears still get to me. But, the reality is that in almost 20 years in this kind of relationship, it hasn't happened. Though, it's also true that Anne has never given me that kind of ultimatum. Perhaps if she did, it would give me some kind of "permission" that I haven't felt before.

    6. I do think there is some power in the ultimatum. The one time that I would say I was spanked to actual tears was also the one time that she told me she was going to continue until I was in tears. By her verbalizing this, it not only gives the feeling of "permission," to cry - actually more than permission, because she said she expected it - but also it makes it pointless to try to stay strong, since it just prolongs the spanking.


    7. I have always remembered you explaining how she did that. You're right that it's way more than permission.

  4. A lot of the fantasies I had been holding onto coming into our DD relationship were about anticipation of my spanking. For that reason, I've always loved that point where my pants come down and my wife is giving me a serious lecture before guiding me over her lap. There is no mistaking the maternal overtones of this, but Beth and I almost never really discuss that. We both find that conversation to be too uncomfortable, so she just assumes that role without being too overt about it.

    If anything has come as a surprise to me, it's how painful a lengthy spanking can be. The first couple of smacks from her hairbrush on my bare skin provides plenty of sting, but I have to say that it's also quite exhilarating. I can't say the same for the next 20+ hard spanks. We have never used a safe word, but my wife has an uncanny ability to know just when I would be using one - and then she gives me at least one more for good measure. I was also taken aback by how sore my bruised bottom would be the next day.

    A true "fantasy" that I have discussed with my wife involves her spanking me in front of her three sisters. Beth tells me it won't happen, as it would be too embarrassing for both of us. My alternative of having just one sister participate in spanking me didn’t go over any better. Beth is very clear that she will not be taking my pants down in front of other women, including her own sisters. She also makes the point that the family dynamic would never be quite the same after they witnessed something so intimate. No doubt she is right and I should be careful what I ask for.


    1. It took us a very, very long time to start discussing the maternal overtones and, honestly, we're still not entirely open about it. It's definitely a tricky subject. Though, I wonder sometimes, should it be? I think Anne and I probably are not all that far apart in how we feel about DD having a maternal aspect and we're probably both have positive feelings about it. So, why *can't* we talk more openly about it? I'm not really sure.

    2. Dan, is the difficulty in discussing the maternal overtones because they could be seen to have Freudian undertones? My wife doesn’t usually spank me over her knee. I think she prefers to bend me over the bed because our size difference makes that easier. But maybe it’s because OTK feels a little too maternal? Imagine if she asked me why I have such a thing about OTK, and I said, “My mother spanked me that way.” Lol. That reminds me, last year we were cleaning out my mother’s apartment after she passed away. I found in one of her kitchen drawers a large wooden spoon, just like ones she used to spank us with sometimes. I took it and put it in a drawer in our kitchen, without saying anything to my wife. I would be embarrassed to try to explain to my wife why I kept that wooden spoon.

    3. I don't really know. I don't think it is about Freudian overtones, though it could be concerns about being *thought* to have a mommy thing. I don't feel weird about spankings having a maternal vibe, though I think for a long time I thought Anne might think it was weird that I feel that way. It is interesting that we started doing more OTK at about the same time we started being a tad more open about the maternal thing, though in the past the reason we didn't do OTK had nothing to do with feeling it was inappropriately maternal. Rather, we just thought it was physically awkward and not very effective.

    4. I think the maternal aspect probably triggers feelings about incest. For some people, it may be easy to distinguish a spanking from an adult partner playing or simulating the role of the mother from any sexual feelings. For others, it may trigger enough sexual feelings that they conflict with the incest taboo. And, for some people, triggering that taboo could add extra kink to the experience that makes it more desirable.

      If the spankings are for punishment, it may actually be easier to talk about the maternal aspect, because that puts aside the sexual aspect of the activity. So, maybe the first step is to explore whether there are sexual feelings on either side before broaching the subject of the maternal relationship. Also, exploring the power relationship of maternal discipline could possibly sidestep the sexual aspects and make that easier to talk about.

      My experience is primarily with female submissive partners, and I never had the urge to play daddy to them. But if that had been important, I would have been fine to talk about it.

    5. I'm sure the incest taboo has something to do with it, though it's interesting that there seems be more openness to women saying directly that they want some kind of "daddy" in a straightforwardly sexual context, while vague allusions to discipline having a "maternal" aspect seem to trigger resistance in the F/m context.

    6. “I think the maternal aspect probably triggers feelings about incest. For some people, it may be easy to distinguish a spanking from an adult partner playing or simulating the role of the mother from any sexual feelings. For others, it may trigger enough sexual feelings that they conflict with the incest taboo. And, for some people, triggering that taboo could add extra kink to the experience that makes it more desirable.”

      I think that is true, Rich Person. But I think analysis of our fantasies can show that the concern about incestuous feelings is misplaced for most of us. I fantasize about being spanked by my wife (or other women) the way mothers spank (or used to spank) their sons. But I have never fantasized about or eroticized memories of being spanked by my actual mother. My theory is that we want our wives to discipline us in a maternal way because:
      1. A mother’s discipline is loving and nurturing
      2. The mother/child relationship is one of deep trust; we trust that our mothers want the best for us
      3. Our mothers’ disciplinary authority didn’t require our consent, but that was okay because of points 1 and 2
      As I see it, I don’t fantasize about spankings my mother gave me because I have no incestuous feelings. But I like maternal style DD because it imbues the sexual relationship with my wife with the positive emotional trappings of the non sexual relationship I had with my mother. To me the non consensual aspect of mother/child discipline becomes deeply erotic when the woman isn’t my mother. When my wife spanks me, it is consensual insofar as I could refuse to submit. But I fantasize that it is non consensual, just like the spankings my mother gave me. In fact, I would go as far as to say that when husband and wife both buy into the maternal dynamic of DD, the power relationship goes to a deeply intimate place beyond consent. I would infer there is a similar dynamic when wives want their husbands to discipline them like a daddy. I could be wrong, but that’s what my intuition tells me.

    7. "But I have never fantasized about or eroticized memories of being spanked by my actual mother."

      Consciously, that's true for me as well. But, it's also true that I've had one vivid dream about my mother intending to spank me (I woke up before she carried it out), and had another in which she was present at a function that I was being taken out of to be spanked. So, she seems to have some role in my psyche where spanking is concerned.

    8. I'm with GH on this one. Sure, I want it to feel "maternal," but that just means like "A" mom would spank "A" naughty boy. It has nothing to do with "MY" mom. And significantly, when I think of spanking and the want/need for it to feel somehow maternal, probably less of that has to do with how my wife acts (like a mom) than in how I act/feel (like a naughty little boy). However, even though I am mostly talking about how I feel in the process, it isn't exactly a misuse of the term either, since I also do want her to act kind of maternal. For me, the trademarks of maternal with regard to the wife's approach is about the same as GH said. There is an overriding love to everything, even if there is anger or frustration being expressed. Also, the power dynamics of a mother punishing her child are pretty absolute and have a strong feeling of inevitability. She has all the authority, and he has none, and if she decides it is happening, it is completely out of his hands.


    9. This may sound bad, but the love and trust things aren't what maternal is about for me. It's really about the confidence and unquestioned authority. It's exactly this that you said: "Also, the power dynamics of a mother punishing her child are pretty absolute and have a strong feeling of inevitability. She has all the authority, and he has none, and if she decides it is happening, it is completely out of his hands."

    10. This theme is quite an eye-opener for me. Having not grown up in a spanking environment, it never even occurred to me that there could be maternal overtones to DD. TBH, I find the whole concept rather disturbing, especially as there are certainly sexual overtones in DD. (Which comes back to there if discussion of a forced climax before a punishment.). TG

    11. The old discussion. TG

    12. When I think of maternal authority, it is nonsexual so I never had a problem with my wife's punishments being very much like my mother's.
      However, my wife admitted that over time she did begin to be turned on by the power she had over me. If I noticed she was aroused, I would get aroused after the pain subsided.
      Still, I never thought that made punishments from my mother sexual in any way!

  5. FYI, the spam flagging algorithms on Blogger have gone absolutely freaking crazy. I was out for several hours today. Came back to about 20 messages flagged as spam, which is about 20x normal. Of those, 17 were *my* comments. The newest was over four years old. This platform is getting sillier and less stable every day.

    1. Fucking Blogger. Apparently, it has decided to transform it's spam filter into a profanity filter. I woke up this morning to 40 messages flagged as potential spam. Most of them years old. The common theme among almost all of them? They contained the word "ass" or "fuck" and a few other potentially nasty words.

    2. And, right after I posted this, Blogger flagged it as spam.

    3. Overnight the algorithm decided that the word "Thanks" is a spam signal. Eleven older comments in the spam box, all of them including the word "thanks" and most of them including ONLY that word.

  6. I not only have to sign in with a google email but also have a verification code texted to my phone!

    1. You mean when setting up the account, right? Not every time you login?

    2. Every time I try to comment.

    3. Hmm. Are any of you other commenters experiencing that?

    4. I already am logged into my Google account before coming here, and I turn off the ad tracking protection before commenting. I think the ad tracking was causing problems, but since I now turn it off before commenting, I haven't seen any problems. The request to enter a verification code may be the result of the settings on KOJ's Google account. I don't have mine set up to require a code to log in, so I would be shocked to see a request for a code. For one thing, Google doesn't have a number to send it to!

    5. All of the Blogger Accounts with an 18+ age rating, which means all spanking blogs, now require visitors to sign in with their Google account, supposedly as an age control measure. A verification code gets texted to one’s phone if two step authentication is turned on, which isn’t a bad idea.

  7. I'm not. Certainly have to log in but don't have to send message to phone. I think that this is a setting that you can change in Google account settings.

  8. Dan, I’m glad to hear your wife is feeling a bit better. I’ve also commented on the miserable state of this country. I believe it’s past the point of no return. The morals and values that were instilled upon us are no longer important to todays youth. I also believe that parents today have no idea how to rear children. A lot of disrespect amongst todays youth. With regards to this weeks topic fantasy vs reality. I’ve fantasized about DD for as long as I can remember. I wanted my Moms friends to spank me. I wanted the neighbor across the street to spank me as well. I had a boss that was attractive and I wanted her to spank me. Unfortunately, we know reality is quite different. Our DD is still a work in progress and we are in a bit of a lull. When we started I would cut and paste a few things from the DWC. I felt this would help her a bit to understand what I needed. I don’t think she felt comfortable going into the site. I feel my spankings should go on longer than they do, but I also feel the intimacy after one is given to me. I wish they happened more often. I’m to the point I’m happy she has taken a bit more control in our relationship. This has taken a long time to happen and we are lucky we have wives who understand our needs. I have to have the maternal aspects of a spanking. I also do not want sex before or after the spanking. I feel the need to be punished should be separate from the sex. Although Dan, I love the last caption. I would love for my wife to make me go down on her after a beating. So obviously, there is a sexual component to it.

    1. Wow, T, your testimonial sure resonates with me! Every word of it could apply to me and my wife. Sex and spanking are strictly separated in our house too. Like you, I love that last picture too. In fact, when I go down on my wife, I always fantasize that I have just been spanked, even though I never get to do that after a spanking. In my imagination, I always frame cunnilingus as an expression of female dominance and male submission, but I know most people don’t see it as D/s.

    2. I hadn't thought about it your comment, but it makes sense to me that the longer spanking has been a fetish, the larger the gap between fantasy and reality is likely to be, or at least there are likely to be more concrete instances of it.

    3. That last picture is would describe my fantacy if the one who is having it was the man, instead of the woman. I particularry enjoy cunnilingus on my knees after a spanking. A favorite fantacy is being spanked to the point where I really want it to stop, but she keeps going. It would be great to be able to cry, but even with her encouragement, no luck with that. Another fantasy is having her girlfriend or her sister watching or listening to a real disciplinary spanking. These days, it seems like real discipline is no longer needed, as Iam very well behaved now. ZM's description of the paradox inherent with DD very much resonates with me. I enjoy maintenance spankings, but miss the drama, tension, and ultimate intimacy around real DD. As far as the maternal aspects go, we have discussed it very openly. I had a very narssistic mother, and we never bonded, so there is a part of the maternal flavor to DD I enjoy. We practice OTK, and always have a long chat before the spanking. I usually share parts of this blog with her to inform her about what is on my mind. It has been very useful, and helps get us in the mood.

    4. "As far as the maternal aspects go, we have discussed it very openly. I had a very narssistic mother, and we never bonded, so there is a part of the maternal flavor to DD I enjoy." Mine wasn't narcissistic, but she was very erratic and, by the time I was out of grade school, had pretty given up on exercising control over me. I suspect the absence of actual discipline, and her erratic temperament, did play a significant role in wiring me the way I am.

    5. I too fantasized for many, many years. And pretty much like T, while probably all the guys around me were fantasizing about getting into some woman's pants, I was fantasizing about her taking my pants down and spanking me.

      We make absolutely zero effort to keep spanking and sex separate, nor do I expect we ever will. However, just due to practicality they almost never occur together, so it really doesn't matter if we intentionally separate them or not. Though, if she is really mad, I guess it is less likely that sex would happen until she spanks me and gets it out of her system, but at that point, if circumstances permitted, I could easily see us making love. On a tangent, this is the one way I have actually thought of that chastity cages could be used to good effect. She could, once she "sentences" me to a spanking, put me in a chastity cage, and say it is not coming off until the spanking happens. This would 1) ensure that the spanking WILL happen, instead of falling by the wayside, and 2) possibly put me in the awkward position of asking/begging her to spank me.

      With regard to going down on her being a sign of dominance or submission, I can see why people might feel that way, and I do think I have seen it portrayed that way. Personally, I just see it as a way of ensuring that she has an orgasm every time.


    6. "We make absolutely zero effort to keep spanking and sex separate, nor do I expect we ever will." Same here. It's not like we have sex afterward every time, but probably 7 out of 10. It used to be close to 10 out of 10, but after we became empty nesters and after retirement, she's done more afternoon spankings, and sex almost always happens at night. So, there has recently been more of a separation between the two.

    7. I think my statement “sex and spanking are strictly separated in our house” was badly worded. That made it sound like my wife has a strict rule that there will be no sex after a spanking. In fact, there is no formal rule. She controls when I get spanked, and she controls when we have sex. The way it works out, sex never seems to be combined with spanking. I don’t know whether my wife is conscious of that as an unspoken rule, or that’s just the way things work out. I’m jealous of guys who get to have sex shortly after a spanking.

    8. We did keep spanking and sex separate. For years there was no sex the day/night of a spanking. The philosophy was that reward should not follow punishment (or pleasure follow pain). As my wife became more and more aroused by her power over me, she relaxed the rule. Ultimately it was a wait of at least two hours. Yes, it invariably started with cunnilingus on demand. Even with the gap, I enjoyed the "aftercare" immensely.

  9. "Mrs GL is slowly, carefully asserting herself on little things and also already growing a little as her responsibilities grow." That sounds like a great development.

    It's hard for me to imagine a cane being effective in the OTK posture, though the cane has never really worked for us, so I'm not in a position to opine with any authority.

  10. The maternal theme has come up so often that I would like to comment on it. I do believe strongly that the reason male-female conversation is so inhibited on this is the conscious or unconscious feelings held that maternal implies “he” has a mother problem or “she is being asked to be his mother.” – or perhaps some other uncomfortable Freudian interpretation involving an oedipal complex.”

    These ideas, which have slipped into mainstream thinking, are usually doubly doubtful: one, Freud got many things wrong, and two, our culture has simplified Freud to a point where he has become a caricature.

    Here is the reality of maternal feelings in adult relationships.
    1. First, “maternal” memories (or paternal) are almost bound to be reawakened when you are punished in a way you were punished as a child (OTK), for example.
    2. Secondly, material spanking is the template for much DD, simply because that is the manner many are introduced to spanking, especially. When your wife treats you like a naughty child(which you probably were), takes down your pants, and blisters your ass, you will experience ( at least initially) some of the memories you retain from childhood. But you are not a child; your wife is not your mother. You have acted like a naughty child and are being punished like one, but you both remain adults throughout the experience.
    3. Finally, your relationship with your wife in a DD is sexual, involving adult feelings and desires. A child-like quality often becomes part of it when corporal punishment is used, but that doesn’t make you a child seeking a mommy; you are an adult with needs and desires who asks for consensual discipline from your wife. How many spankings did you ask your mother to give you?

    So, enjoy whatever aspects of “maternal spanking” that occur in your relationship. Your wife is not your mother, and you are not her child. The spanking you receive from her is part of a healthy adult relationship that is more likely to strengthen your relationship with your wife and support your personal emotional growth rather than fixate you on some mystical relationship with a parent.

    1. Alan, I think you hit the proverbial “ nail on the head” with your statement above. When my wife had given me a sound thrashing, it does reawaken what I endured while younger. I stated last week that I wish my wife would spank when angry with me and right at that moment. I want it nipped in the bud and corrected immediately like when I was a child. Your number three point is great. I am not seeking a Mommy type relationship, although there is a maternal aspect to it. I want my wife, who I love and adore to hold me accountable for my actions. The spankings I receive from her, I feel brings us much closer as a couple than others. For example, four of our closest friends are divorcing. This will be the extremely awkward for us. We are friends with both sides. I found out that they both cheated (the guys) and their wives cannot forgive them. These are couples we traveled with extensively. I do not believe DD would have fixed this, but I do believe if they practiced DD, then maybe it would have not have gotten to the point of cheating. I love looking at beautiful women with great figures. That is the extent of which I would ever go. I love my wife, but I love her more when she puts me in my place.

    2. Alan, all great points. I do think that letting a partner know about the maternal vibe can, however, be tough because while you're right that there is nothing unnatural or unexpected about it arising in the DD context, I do think some women have a knee jerk reaction of "I don't want to be a mother to my husband."

    3. Exactly on target, Alan. I think you nailed it on the maternal issue.

      And Dan, I agree that many women do have that knee jerk reaction. Thankfully, my wife either never had that feeling, or got past it very quickly.


    4. Alan - exactly correct about you are not a child and your wife is not your mother. That is completely true for me and my G/F, and I don't associate consensual F/M spanking with my mother. Our style of DD may have a slightly maternal vibe, but we are both fully aware of who we are and what we are doing. Dan's comment about women having a knee jerk reaction of "I don't want to be your mother" is a valid point, and is a completely natural reaction.

    5. Alan wrote: “When your wife treats you like a naughty child(which you probably were), takes down your pants, and blisters your ass, you will experience ( at least initially) some of the memories you retain from childhood.”

      I agree, but with one difference in my case. I don’t associate the expression “blisters your ass” with maternal discipline. My mother spanked me sometimes, but not that harshly. That phrase would be more appropriate to describe punishments with my father’s belt, which left welts. Something that has perhaps coloured my feelings about maternal discipline is that my mother had the power to punish me herself or to say, “Wait until your dad gets home.” I was frightened when I had to wait for punishment from my dad, so I much preferred being spanked immediately by my mother. Anyway, I think adult F/M DD generally differs from mother/child discipline because it is way harsher. It is possible, of course, that some mothers spanked more severely than mine did, but I have always assumed that maternal discipline isn’t as harsh as paternal discipline. Am I wrong about that?

      Alan wrote: “…you are an adult with needs and desires who asks for consensual discipline from your wife. How many spankings did you ask your mother to give you?”

      Actually, I think I may on occasion have asked my mother to spank me instead of consigning me to rougher justice from my father. But your point about consent is true, at least on the surface. My mother didn’t need my consent to discipline me, whereas my wife theoretically does. I say “theoretically” because I don’t FEEL that my wife needs my consent, and that is perhaps the most significant way that DD feels maternal to me.

  11. Yeah GH, forced cunnilingus would be the ultimate expression of female dominance. I admit I wish my wife would force it after a good beating. I think you are correct that most people don’t see it that way, but after a harsh spanking, one might not be in the “mood” to give pleasure. Norton, my Mother was part narcissistic but we had a tremendous bond. I whole heartedly believed that I needed the punishment given to me when I was younger. I think it made me the man I am today and not some young punk that grew up without values and morals. I definitely need the maternal aspect of DD. Without it, I would have no need for it.

  12. Marissa's comment is exactly what I've been writing about for years. It's also what draws the most grumbling from you, Dan. She hit the nail on the head. I, at least, approached DD from the fantasy of being spanked for a reason. The erection I had when my first spankings started were ignored by my wife and disappeared shortly after the spanking began. Marissa also said what I've been saying that the hot fantasy made me docilely get into position for my punishment. After a while, the fantasy faded and I wasn't aroused when she wanted to spank me. I got into position because that was my role.

    I understand that some men approach DD from a deep need for control and punishment for misbehavior. I'm not entirely sure if Aunt Kay's blog appealed more to those, who like me, were drawn by the spanking fantasy or those who saw DWC as a model for domestic punishment. I strongly suspect that all of us have elements of both needs that got us into this.

    1. Cages Lion, I generally do not get an erection prior to a spanking because my wife has ordered me over the bed, at a time I don’t want to be spanked. That’s why some of these spanking tube videos are a joke. For example, the FLR couple whos wife spanks while in oversized sweaters. She beats the hell out of him and when she lets him up, he has a massive erection. He sounds like he’s crying, but he’s not. To me, that’s not DD and he isn’t truly being “punished”. It’s just a way to make money I would assume. I think DWC was fantasy for some, but for me it was about accountability and correction. I obviously have fantasized about being spanked by numerous women.

    2. No, what draws grumbling from me is when you insinuate that *all* of DD is just some kind of pretense or enhanced role-play. Then, when I call you on it you re-characterize your argument as simply that the attraction to DD involves eroticism, which I have never once disputed.

      Also, what Marisa describes seems to be the polar opposite of your position and how you characterize your own relationship. She says straight-out that men need to give up on the fantasy or have it spanked out of them, while you insinuate that on some level it's *all* fantasy and that those who think it's not aren't sharing in your realism.

      These strawmen arguments you make by recharacterizing what I've said to fit your purposes are getting a little old.

    3. Marissa said:
      "I believe the challenge for any woman taking on the responsibility of disciplining her husband is moving him from his fantasy to a shared reality for both of them." - absolutely spot on. This is where the power is - a shared reality inspired by fantasy.

      "Whatever the fantasy is, it will take over his life if it is not altered with reality." - again, completely true. Fantasies tend to become all-consuming, so reality can help temper that.

      "I think the strap or paddle (or cane if you use one) makes him confront reality quickly. If you don't believe that watch what happens to his erection when the punishment begins. Consistent and if necessary progressive discipline is what makes him confront that reality more and more and hold on to the fantasy less and less." - True, a very hard spanking is a huge wake-up call.

      "The fact is these guys do need real accountability, real discipline and real punishment. Aunt Kay was right about saying the marks should last for several days or a week and he should know and remember what happened because he dared to disobey or break a rule." - This is the reality that most of us want, to some degree or another.

      "His fantasy is what makes him accept corporal punishment but its an adolescent little boy looking for a mommy figure fantasy." - And this is where Marissa went from hitting home runs to suddenly striking out. Sure, it might be true for some guys, but certainly not all. At least nobody on this board that I have seen seems to indicate this is their fantasy, though the inverse is often true on things I have read for female bottoms, many of whom seem to gravitate to this whole "daddy" figure.

      "But he is not a little boy and I am not his mommy. I am his wife and when I punish him I want him to understand that and gradually replace that silly fantasy with the reality I love him but he gets punished every time he needs it." - Excluding the whole mommy thing, which I don't think is nearly as common as Marissa seemed to think it was, I think she was totally off base relegating fantasy to "silly." It is this "silly" fantasy that she just said is the whole reason that he accepts corporal punishment, in other words, it is the fantasy that lends any sort of power or effectiveness to the whole affair. If he didn't have the fantasy, then her whole "reality" (that she loves him but punishes him every time he needs it) wouldn't even exist. While I am happy with the fantasy and the reality co-existing, the fantasy can exist without the reality, but the reality can't exist without the fantasy, so which one is "silly" of the two? (No, I don't think either is silly, but just saying...)

      "Looking this over, it sounds harsh but it isn't. Evey wife has a choice to pander to that fantasy while getting little or no improvement in behavior or to help her husband grow and become the best of himself. None of you guys will achieve that until you let go of your fantasy and connect with the reality that your wife is your disciplinarian today, tomorrow and the rest of your life." - And this is where her remarks went from reasonably well thought out to absurd. Yes, it is true that a wife can "pander to her husband's fantasy while getting little or no improvement in behavior," and I expect that at least some do. To this I would say that I tend to think that "pandering" to your husband's fantasies is a pretty good idea unless you really like the idea of him going elsewhere for it! There is a third path, which she seemed to ignore (I guess it is easier to try to reduce everything to binary choices); the wife can "help her husband grow and become the best of himself" by wisely using his fantasies to mold and shape him, and the husband doesn't need to let go of his fantasy to "connect with the reality that your wife is your disciplinarian today, tomorrow and the rest of your life." Sometimes the reality is the embodiment of the fantasy.


    4. I agree wholeheartedly, ZM. I think Marisa missed the boat on the issue of fantasy. As you said, fantasies can’t be dismissed as “silly” because they are probably the thing that makes a husband amenable to spousal discipline in the first place. I also think it is hubris for any person, man or woman, to believe they have the power to stop their spouse from fantasizing. Your idea that the wife can use the power of her husband’s fantasies “to mould and shape him. At the beginning of our FLR, my wife encouraged me to write about my fantasies in my journal, which she periodically read. She didn’t take my fantasies as scripts to role play, but I have noticed that she uses elements of my fantasies. For example, she knows that threats about spanking me in front of witnesses or in public have a powerful effect on me. I think she is consciously playing with my fantasy when she does that. She knows that such threats give me an erotic jolt and that they actually work to control my behaviour in public.

    5. ZM, I didn’t finish one of my sentences. I meant to say your idea that the wife can use the power of her husband’s fantasies “to mould and shape him” is right.

    6. You definitely had a more negative reaction to her comment than I did. Though, I do agree with you about the way she seemed to characterize "mommy" issues as being at the core of all DD-related fantasies. I also agree that women seem more prone to "daddy" fantasies than men are to "mommy" fantasies, though I do wonder whether the gap a difference in the prevalence of such fantasies or differences in willingness to express them.

      Other than her choice of the word "silly," I didn't have as big as you did with the rest of her thoughts about moving from the fantasy to something closer to reality. It seemed to me like the iterative process was not all that different from what most seem to go through, starting with fantasies that may not reflect how most relationships actually work. In the end, you're right that the fantasy and reality probably end up co-existing, though it seems inevitable to me that the two probably converge to some extent if the arrangement is going to work at all.

      Though, it seems to me that the process of converging or accommodating or whatever depends to a huge extent on how big the gap is between his fantasy and her view on what the reality should be.

    7. I definitely disagree that the reality of DD can't exist without a fantasy, as contended above. I never fantasized about DD. I never found spanking erotic.
      My wife in frustration asked how my mother would have handled my disrespect when I was still living under her roof. I answered truthfully that I would have been spanked. About a week later I suggested my wife adopt a corporal punishment approach. This was not because I had a fantasy. It was because I was desperate to end the conflict in our marriage and realized I needed to be held accountable.
      For us, there was no fantasy-reality discrepancy. It was all reality. I misbehaved, I got punished, I learned not to misbehave. I am glad that I didn't have a spanking fantasy to complicate things.

    8. Thanks, KOJ. We've had a few others like you here over the years who didn't seem to have any non-functional interest in spanking.

      For me, it's complicated and not nearly as clear as the reality requiring the fantasy to exist. As I've said, I didn't have any pre-existing spanking interest until shortly before I discovered the Disciplinary Wives Club. During the very short period in which we had tried non-disciplinary spankings, I don't think there was much, if any, "fantasy" involved. I saw something on cable TV regarding adult spanking, and we tried it. It was pretty cut and dried and didn't involve me playing scenarios in my head about it. When I discovered the DWC, even that didn't really invoke a fantasy per se. It was more like reading a powerful and disturbing novel that sticks with you for days. You aren't fantasizing about the plot or the meaning even if you find yourself thinking about it hard and often. That's why for me, KD Pierre's preference for the word "expectation" as opposed to "fantasy" seems to fit better.

    9. Hi Dan,
      I agree that I did take Marissa's comment quite negatively. I am not sure why I felt that way, but I think the core of it was her over-generalization of spanking fantasies. In fact, at best, she probably knew 1 man's spanking fantasy, that being her husband's, and that is assuming that he even really knew, and that he told her in detail just what his fantasy was. And from this, she seemed ready to extrapolate it to all male DD practitioners... Meanwhile, I only know 1 DD male fantasy, and that is my own. And while I do seem to gravitate that maternal style of DD, I don't in any way think of my wife as my mother, even during punishment sessions. So, if I add Marissa's 1 data point with my 1 data point, I am estimating that she is only 50% right!

      As for moving closer to reality, I am all in favor of that, and most enthusiastic about it in fact. However, based again on my experience and my observation and conversations with others, the spanking fantasy doesn't really ever seem to die for those who have it, so I think any idea of extinguishing it is a fool's game. I not only see fantasy and reality co-existing, but I see fantasy informing reality, and reality informing fantasy, so yes, they do converge quite a bit over time. In the best case, you get to live out your fantasy, even if your fantasy might now have been somewhat changed by reality along the way! And for the smart wife, she is not just accommodating his fantasies so he gets his thrills, but she is using his fantasy to create a reality where she is getting more of what she wants and is molding him into the most ideal husband (and man) that he can be! What's not to like about that.


    10. I agree regarding the problems with over-generalization and don't like it when anyone makes some point by beginning with "all you men . . .", and I would feel the same way about anyone over-generalizing about women. It's one of the reasons I get pissed off when BDSM-ers generalize their own reality by assuming that anyone who is into DD is just putting a disciplinary gloss on a sexual kink. That may be their reality, and it may be the reality for many others, but it doesn't make it the reality for everyone. And, honestly, if a decade with this blog has taught me anything, it's that we're on very shaky ground if we try to generalize much of anything regarding motivations, origins, etc.

    11. And KOJ,
      Fine for you to disagree, if you wish. I was using what Marissa said for frame of reference, since I was evaluating her other statements, and she said: "His fantasy is what makes him accept corporal punishment." Ok, so clearly believed this, or she shouldn't have written it. And if she does believe what she said, then she is placing the whole reality on the fantasy, at least with regard to her husband. If the fantasy weren't there, he wouldn't accept corporal punishment, hence the DD relationship (the reality) could not exist, assuming she was not abusing him. So for her to call the fantasy "silly" seems a bit asinine. Again, this is all from what she said and her point of reference.

      I wasn't saying that in all cases the reality couldn't exist without the fantasy, though most of what we write about here each week on the blog is DD, either outright consensual or consensual non-consent, and with most contributors claiming that there is a sexual element to it for them, if not during the spanking itself, then when looking at the power dynamics of it, or when anticipating or remembering the punishments. So, for most DD practitioners that I have heard from (not all), DD has a clear sexual element, and because of that there is often some fantasy, fetish, or even just "expectation" as KD said.

      And obviously, corporal punishment can, has, and does exist in many situations with no underlying fantasy or sexual element to it.

      Having said all that, I will forever scratch my head at how anyone would come to a blog and read about and post about something like this if there was no sexual titillation around it for them. To me, it feels like going on a gardening blog and posting about mowing the lawn last week. I know you have explained this before, and that for you it was all about becoming the best version of yourself, but for me, that simply wouldn't be a motivation that would keep me coming back. I guess for me, I am just very driven by fantasy.


    12. Also, upon reading it through again, I don't think Marisa was saying that fantasizing writ large was bad. That would, in fact, be inconsistent with her observation that it's the fantasy that makes him take the punishment. Her negative comments about fantasy all appear to be specific to a particular fantasy, namely one centering on some kind of "mommy" role for the disciplinarian. As ZM said, it's definitely up for debate how prevalent such a fantasy is, but I do think the more objective reading of her comment is about replacing such a fantasy with something else and not "pandering" to the fantasy if it is not producing any results in terms of behavior modification. I'm not sure she's really saying anything very different than Anne did when she stopped our initial "play-acting" spanking experiments on the ground that she was essentially erotically rewarding and reinforcing bad behavior.

    13. Yeah, you are probably correctly. I just didn't like the over-generalization. Assuming she was not trying to extinguish fantasy completely and replace it all with reality, then I am fully onboard with her. If the wife is just accommodating her husband's fantasy, there is nothing wrong with that (since good spouses should in fact try to do that), but she is correct that it is all just fantasy fodder if it isn't producing results.


    14. This is very interesting. Dan, I never characterized all DD as sexual or fantasy based. I just said that for me and probably some others, a fantasy that aroused me got me started. I said that my wife wisely ignored any sign of sexual interest and punished me for my misdeeds. Her dispassionate discipline separated me from my original interest in the practice. I have no way to know what motivates you. I have no interest in characterizing your behavior. I can only do that for my own.

      Like you, I assume, I've read thousands of posts from people on this subject. I've also written thousands myself. My attitudes toward disciplinary spanking h lave evolved over the years. I didn't get too hung up in Marissa's rather inflammatory language. I've seen that sort of stuff before. It's silly to me. What made total sense was her approach that acknowledged that we men might have motives based in fantasies of various kinds -- sexual or disciplinary. Essentially, she said that our wives have no obligation to play into those fantasies, and probably should just punish us as needed. I agree with that. Don't you?

    15. "Essentially, she said that our wives have no obligation to play into those fantasies, and probably should just punish us as needed. I agree with that. Don't you?"

      To me, it's not a binary, black-or-white kind of thing. As you just phrased it, it's kind of restating the whole "no topping from the bottom" thing in a DD context. I think what she's saying is that she isn't going to "pander" (probably an overly harsh word) to the fantasy if that's all it is and if no effort to actually change the behavior at issue is being made. I would disagree with her if she were making a broader point similar to how I think ZM originally read her comment, i.e. that the wife should ignore or reject fantasies and expectations. I've always thought if *both* parties aren't getting core parts of their interests/desires/expectations met or at least addressed, things probably aren't going to work long-term. That could happen if he's all about the fantasy and not about actually changing anything, but it could also happen if she just wants him to change certain things but doesn't care about what he says he needs out of it.

    16. ZM,
      I read and post here because I miss my maternal authority, so I get something from reading about ongoing DD relationships. Also, this is the only blog I know that seriously explores the complexities and variability of DD, and that is intellectually attractive.
      So I come for the mental and emotional stimulation, but not sexual stimulation. Aren't those other two reasons enough to read a blog regularly? They are for me.

    17. And maybe most of all, I get to share about the wife and life I miss. There is no one else to talk to about DD.

    18. Thanks KOJ,
      That makes a lot of sense. And as far as sharing about the wife and life that you miss, I can only imagine that it would be painful to not have anyone to talk to about the DD element. So please forgive any unintended slight on my part. I am happy that this group provides at least some outlet for talking about things, and it is wonderful if it brings even the slightest bit of comfort or pleasure as you remember and reminisce about your wife.


  13. Interesting conversation. My biggest reality check (compared to my fantasies beforehand) was how much a real disciplinary spanking actually hurt! To this day - after 20 years of regular spankings - I sometimes get caught off guard by that first whack.

    Dan has talked about the fantasy of crying and how it is a common element in spanking stories. My story, "Even More" (written a couple of years before my first real disciplinary spanking) did feature crying. When I wrote "Even More", I had not had any actual experience to draw on, but I had formed a fantasy scenario based on my reading of many F/M spanking stories - many of which featured crying, so I included it in my story. And part of my fantasy did involve being spanked till I was at least sobbing.

    In real life, my wife has spanked me to sobbing on many occasions. However, it requires a certain scenario to bring on any sobbing. If the spanking is too severe - bent over and paddled hard - I won't cry. All I can think about is the pain, and my reaction is yelping and cussing. However, if she puts me otk and starts spanking hard enough that each whack is genuinely painful (but not unbearable) - and just keeps on spanking at a very steady pace with no breaks, as well as scolding me while paddling, I will sometimes begin to sob - probably somewhere around 50 or so whacks. And a spanking like this will be at least 100 whacks and up to 200 - so she can have me sobbing for a bit.

    On the "maternal issue", I sometimes use the phrase "maternal style discipline" to describe the DWC or F/M DD lifestyle, but I never actually think of it in terms of my Mom actually spanking me - it's just a descriptive phrase. --al

    1. I hadn't thought of it until now, but I probably can blame you directly for my crying fixation, since that story was one of them that put it firmly into my brain. LOL.

    2. Hi Al,
      I too am always surprised just how much spankings hurt. There have been enough of them now that I kind of know it, but still each time the first swat lands, I am a bit taken aback because I simply don't remember accurately just how much it hurts.

      I don't have nearly as much experience as you do about being spanked to tears, since it has happened a grand total of 1 time for me, and even then, she stopped quite shortly after I reached that point as I recall. I have also almost or sort of reached tears another time or two, but certainly nothing like sobbing. So, I certainly can't say what consistently works to cause tears, but I do feel very comfortable agreeing with you that bent over and being paddled hard is NOT the formula! It just puts you in the "enduring it" mode way too quickly, and tears are all about breaking through emotional barriers, not erecting new "survival" barriers.

      As for maternal issues, I am totally with you on this. It is a style, like A mom might use. Never once have I thought of my mom spanking me during this.


    3. --al wrote: “my wife has spanked me to sobbing on many occasions. However, it requires a certain scenario to bring on any sobbing”

      To those seeking the experience of crying under a disciplinary spanking, --al has described fully what will do it. The spanking needs to be a punishment for something you are already sorry or ashamed of – and your wife ideally has delivered a scorching scolding before the spanking begins, one she continues at some level during the actual spanking.

      The spanking should be a gradual buildup rather than hard and fast, although the strength and intensity can increase as the spanking progresses. Unlike normal spanking (for us), it should last with scolding and perhaps some corner time, at least a half hour and even longer until you reach a point where it seems like it is going to go on forever, and you give up and surrender to it ( and her).

      Another important element –al has mentioned before and has been important to our experience is that she should clarify that she expects tears and even wants them. -in effect, giving you permission to cry.

      One other thing implicit in –al’s comments: tears from being spanked are almost totally an emotional response to the spanking and rely very little on the severity of the spanking. Continuous scolding and the duration of the spanking are probably the most important part, and ( I believe) your disciplinarian’s expectation /intent that you be brought to tears.

    4. Alan wrote:
      >"One other thing implicit in –al’s comments: tears from being spanked are almost totally an emotional response to the spanking and rely very little on the severity of the spanking".<

      Alan, thanks for adding these additional comments to expand on the scenario. I was considering adding an addendum but you covered it well - the sobbing is very much a result of an emotional component (guilt, shame, remorse, regret, love of your wife) that is given permission to manifest as crying or sobbing through the catalyst of a very real spanking. I find that the spanking itself needs to be hard enough to bring real sting and pain and delivered at a steady pace that just does not stop - barebottom otk adds to the intimacy of that experience - accentuating the emotional. (Too severe a spanking will drive the husband into survival/endurance mode as ZM mentioned - which may bring tears - but almost certainly no sobs). And, of course, as Alan noted, scolding is a key component as well.

      I had never thought about the wife giving the husband permission to cry - or saying it was expected - although I have seen many memes to that effect, but it does make perfect sense. An event that happened to me early on as a spanked husband occurred when I was reduced to very evident sobbing - I knew my wife had to be aware that I was crying as she spanked me. After the spanking was complete, I confessed to her that I was very embarrassed that I was crying while being spanked. She replied that she expected me to cry, that she would expect anyone to cry who was being spanked as hard and long as I was. This was a very comforting statement, and one that also gave me permission to sob in future spankings as well.

      While she admitted early on that she enjoys spanking me and all that goes with it - the crack of the paddle, my reddening bottom, my reactions - she never said that she "enjoyed" bringing me to sobs - but I do believe she receives satisfaction from doing so. --al

    5. Just an addendum - in retrospect, it probably isn't really accurate to say that I never considered the role of my wife's expectation and acceptance of me sobbing during protracted spankings. It's been a given for so long for us, that I just more or less take it for granted. However, it was an important aspect to address in the beginning, so that I would not feel embarrassed about sobbing, understanding that my wife expected as much. As Alan mentioned, I do recall a prior discussion in this vein sometime back.

      I wonder if most disciplinary wives have similar thoughts - that there husband's breaking down and sobbing during a long spanking is to be expected - and even desirable? Like more than one meme I have encountered has said, "If he's not crying, you're not really trying". Or, are there disciplinary wives who see it as less than masculine?


    6. The prescription you guys are laying out is undoubtedly correct, though it emphasizes how unlikely it is to happen for me unless there were to be a big change in style from Anne. Our spankings all tend to be very similar and totally binary -- she's either fully on in terms of severity or off. There is no warm up. It's just right to uniformly hard swats. And, it's almost always over in six or seven minutes, often because of the condition of my bottom. And, almost always by that point numbness has set in anyway. So, getting there would probably require her to accept the need for a warm up, escalating intensity, longer duration possibly with multiple "time outs," and probably different tools that aren't as prone to numbing.

      For all that to happen, there probably would have to be a conscious desire on her part to bring about tears, which I don't think she really has. I don't think she would wig out if it happened, but I don't think it's a conscious goal for her either.

    7. My wife doesn’t do any warm up spanking either, and her spankings probably last less than 4 or 5 minutes. I have always wondered why the spanker would accord the spankee the luxury of a warm up, if the spanking is purely disciplinary. But it makes sense now. If she wants to bring the guy to tears, building gradually in order to make the spanking last a long time might accomplish that.

    8. GH wrote: >My wife doesn’t do any warm up spanking either<

      Warm up swats were part of Aunt Kay's recommended method outlined in the "Tips and Methods" section on the DWC site. She said that the warm up swats would prevent the husband from jumping up when the first couple of hard swats hit - let him get accustomed. Probably very helpful for beginners. My wife started by reading the DWC site tips section so that is how she started in the beginning, but eventually the warmups went by the wayside as I became accustomed to getting spanked regularly.

      However, the severity of the whacks vary. For a true punishment spanking, I am bent over and spanked hard - pushing the limits of endurance. For weekly maintenance, typically otk, she spanks so that each swat is still genuinely painful but is more bearable - so that I can take a lot more whacks, always 100 minimum, delivered at a nonstop steady pace. --al

    9. My wife almost never does warm up, even when she thinks she does. She might give me one or two pretty hard whacks (still with a big paddle), before going all out, but it is nothing like a proper warm-up.

      GH said: "I have always wondered why the spanker would accord the spankee the luxury of a warm up, if the spanking is purely disciplinary." - many would agree with you, saying or thinking "if it's punishment, then try to make it as painful as possible." However, by not giving you a warm-up, in a very real sense they are doing you a favor, because almost certainly the spanking will be over earlier because 1) visible damage, bleeding, bruising, and so on are all increased without a warm-up and 2) they will see that you are struggling so much with taking it that they will think you were really well punished. But the reality is, the longer a spanking lasts the longer a spanking will be felt. By starting with a proper warm-up and then continually ramping up over the duration of the spanking, they insure the spanking is painful the whole time (rather than quick numbness followed by little pain), they maximize the chance of you being spanked tears (and whatever emotional things come with that), and they guarantee that you will be feeling the effects for days and days.


    10. I too think warm-ups are probably a good idea but for a slightly different reason. To the extent a wife's goal involves psychological acceptance of the spanking, the reason for it, etc.--basically "surrender" to it and to her authority--lack of a warm-up makes it harder, at least for me with some instruments. This was the real issue with me and rubber straps. She would go heavy from the first strike, and I would immediately go into "man up" mode. Now, as we discussed a week or two ago, maybe sometimes the wife just wants pure punishment and couldn't care less whether he mentally accepts and surrenders to it.

    11. My wife did no warmups. But she wanted surrender. She would continue through the man-up phase, scolding all the while, until she got the demeanor she expected, which was lying still in a sorrowful state. Sometimes it took a good while for me to stop thrashing and begging, but she was diligent (I won't quite say merciless)!

    12. I never beg or thrash much. For me, the "man up" manifests as just gritting my teeth and trying to outlast her.

    13. I think Alan's comment on the September 12, 2021 post on tears is some of the best advice on the subject and I recommend it to anyone interested in the subject.

    14. Jake, I just read that and absolutely agree. I remember reading it when it was first posted, but I had forgotten just how good it is.


  14. Fantasy by definition always includes elements that don't and probably will never appear in reality. I often think that I am lucky in that my reality of DD is a 100% subset of my fantasies. It must be difficult if reality is more of an overlapping Venn diagram where some of the reality is outside of the range of fantasy. Psychologists have written extensively on the fantasy world and how useful / important it is in allowing us to explore the outreaches of those areas which may be of interest in a safe & private way. Bringing fantasies to life (as most of us know!) can be risky and embarrassing. Explaining those fantasies to someone who does not share the interest can be equally difficult. The balance between these inner and outer worlds can be challenging to maintain but can lead to some very interesting conversations and experiences. TB

    1. TB, that's an interesting point about the difference between a subset and Venn diagram with parts of the reality being outside the fantasy elements.

    2. “Fantasy by definition always includes elements that don't and probably will never appear in reality. I often think that I am lucky in that my reality of DD is a 100% subset of my fantasies. It must be difficult if reality is more of an overlapping Venn diagram where some of the reality is outside of the range of fantasy.”

      TB, I really like your idea of representing fantasy and reality as a Venn diagram. I think I can say that my reality of DD is also a 100 % subset of my D/s fantasies. Then the question is, is it a small subset or a big subset? I think in my case it is a fairly small subset, and that explains why I am unable to quell the restless fantasies that make me feel guilty for not finding complete satisfaction within the reality of the DD my wife provides. I’m trying to imagine what it would mean for some of the reality to be outside the range of fantasy. Would that be like a wife imposing spanking discipline on a husband who is not turned on by the idea? Or maybe a wife using non-spanking punishments on a husband who only wants spanking? My wife has done that, doing things like grounding me, sending me a my room for a “time out”, or not allowing me to do things I like. Punishments like that can be harder to take because they aren’t sexual the way spanking is, so they feel even more infantilizing. They also fall outside the boundary of my my initial DD fantasies. I say “initial fantasies” because the boundary of my erotic fantasies has since moved so as to absorb that kind of discipline.

    3. "I’m trying to imagine what it would mean for some of the reality to be outside the range of fantasy." GH, I could envision it being pretty simple things, like (a) spankings that were more severe than he fantasized about or expected; (b) getting spanked or otherwise punished for things he didn't necessarily agree with; or (c) spankings that escalated in severity, duration, or frequency until the behavior at issue actually stopped or was curtail. Any of those could be beyond the bounds of the fantasy, depending on what the fantasy actually was.

    4. Dan, all 3 of those examples you gave sound appealing to me, as they all are examples of her exercising her authority. That is the ultimate turn on for me.

    5. Dan, I am like Norton: all three of those examples fall within the boundary of my fantasy. I fantasize about Renée spanking me much harder than she does. It is, however, possible…in fact, I think it is probable that I would find it difficult to endure the kind of spanking I fantasize about. The biggest difference between a real spanking and a fantasy spanking is that the fantasy doesn’t hurt at all, being imaginary. I think that’s part of the point Marisa was making.

    6. Hi GH. I think Marisa was confused about letting go of the fantasy. It seems most of us on this blog never let go of the fantasy for very long. For me, it goes away after a good spanking, but the need to be spanked again comes back pretty quickly. Also, I have had some long and hard fantasy spankings that hurt for quite awhile. We are all so different, what may be true for one person might be the exact opposite for another. The difference between fantasy and reality can be pretty subjective.

    7. TB, good point about the overlapping and non-overlapping parts of fantasy and reality. Like others, I can say that the reality - at least so far - is a subset of my fantasy.

      GH, my wife hasn't done much with non-spanking punishments, but I can definitely see how them lacking some of the sheer sexuality implicit in spanking might make them feel more infantilizing or make them harder to accept. Also, I really liked what you said here: "They also fall outside the boundary of my my initial DD fantasies. I say 'initial fantasies' because the boundary of my erotic fantasies has since moved so as to absorb that kind of discipline." - This is exactly what I was saying above about how fantasy and reality interact with each other. Not only can fantasies become reality, but also reality can cause changes in the underlying fantasies.

      Dan/Norton - I am just like Norton on these three examples. Probably because at least one of my big fantasies is getting a lot more than I am asking for or wanting! And I agree that reason this is such a stimulating thought is because of the open exercise of authority on her part.

      Also, Norton, I too can have the fantasy spanked right out of me... for the entire duration of the spanking plus maybe a few minutes afterwards... Then it is game on again for the fantasy.

    8. Norton wrote: “Also, I have had some long and hard fantasy spankings that hurt for quite awhile. We are all so different, what may be true for one person might be the exact opposite for another. The difference between fantasy and reality can be pretty subjective.”

      Norton, I agree the dividing line between fantasy and reality is subjective. When I said that fantasy spankings don’t hurt, I meant fantasies that are entirely in the mind. I wasn’t thinking of role playing the fantasy. There’s no reason a role played spanking couldn’t be just as painful as a “real” spanking. I mean, physically it IS real; it is only the motive that is imaginary, and if the people role playing have powerful imaginations (and acting talent), role playing can simulate reality.

  15. My wife caned me a few times as she explored how the "Brits" did CP. It was never OTK. I would think that even a short cane would land very unevenly in the OTK position, mostly missing the cheek closest to the spanker.
    The cane seems to be made for a spanker standing with some distance to swing. My wife did not care for it and we went back to OTK virtually exclusively.

  16. We've tried the cane a few times, but it just never seemed to work well for Anne, even standing up.

  17. Hi Dan,
    I have already written a lot this week (too much) about Marissa's comment and about the maternal aspects of spanking, but I had a few other comments about your original post.

    First off, the part you seemed to trim off was the beginning, all about "why do I want this?" The answer hasn't changed in seven years. Maybe all the reasons I gave, maybe none, I really have no idea! In fact, I am so surprised that with all that my wife and I have done around this in these years (I wrote this when the very first real spanking had happened only a couple of months before), nothing has really changed at all. If I were to write this again today, I think it would read pretty much the same in every way.

    From "Anonymous Comment #1" -
    "In my opinion, it is better for both to embrace the fantasy and occasionally make it very real, and real punishments should continue well past the point it is fun and leave marks and soreness that last for at least several days." - Fully agree. This is exactly what I think. Use the fantasy to your advantage, but make sure the reality is all that and more.

    From KD Pierre:
    "... spanking may well be a fetish...but within DD it is a fetish being used for a genuine purpose." - Exactly this. This is how reality and fantasy can fit together so perfectly, and how it can be both sexual and also very real at the same time.

    "Even as I suggested DD, rules, punishment ideas, etc. at the beginning, something in me that craved it all to be real, still saw DD as some sort of 'game' albeit one with rules and real consequences. Rosa sees aspects of our DD as a sort of game as well.......but underneath it all, her belief is that our agreement means that she is 'the boss' for real." - This is kind of in line with what Alan says from time to time, that once the authority is clearly established, then she can take it pretty much where she wants to go and how far she wants to go, so if she wants it be more FLR, then it probably will become that way.

    Also, the three-part comment from a disciplinary wife about what a "real" DD spanking should be is just outstanding. I kind of wish my wife would read it (10%), but at the same time I am a bit afraid to show it to her (90%), for fear that she might take it all to heart and learn how to punish me a bit too well.


    1. "Also, the three-part comment from a disciplinary wife about what a "real" DD spanking should be is just outstanding. I kind of wish my wife would read it (10%), but at the same time I am a bit afraid to show it to her (90%), for fear that she might take it all to heart and learn how to punish me a bit too well."

      Yeah, I really wanted to include it verbatim in the post, but it didn't fit the subject all that well and it would have made an already very long post even longer. But, I did really like it. I don't recall being wowed by that post or its comments at the time, but there really was some great stuff in there.

    2. "I am so surprised that with all that my wife and I have done around this in these years (I wrote this when the very first real spanking had happened only a couple of months before), nothing has really changed at all. If I were to write this again today, I think it would read pretty much the same in every way."

      While that can be a positive and probably shows you've consistently examined goals, desires, etc., I've also had the experience of reading a post from years ago and thought, "Fuck, in all this time I haven't changed one bit and am dealing with the exact same shit this year that I was dealing with X years ago." It can be more than a little demoralizing. Honestly, I often feel like the negative things started to budge substantially only in the last two or three years.

    3. Hahaha. So true. More than anything, I was just surprised that nothing had really changed, simply because this was written so early on in the "reality" phase of my DD journey. I really would have expected that these years or actually doing what I had only fantasized about for all those years would have significantly changed my perspective. I guess in a way that means that the reality fully measures up to the fantasies.

      Perhaps the only "disappointment" in this (for lack of a better word), is that I still don't understand why I want this any better than I did at the beginning. However, I can say that while the relationship/paradox between fantasy and reality really hasn't changed very much for me during this time, and I haven't yet figured out exactly why I want/need this, we have made huge strides in how we practice DD in these years, and I have learned so much about myself in so many other ways.


    4. I agree that the three part comment on how to discipline in that post is outstanding. And who knows, it might even have been written by an actual woman.

    5. "And who knows, it might even have been written by an actual woman."

      Implausible, probably, but why not be optimistic!

    6. Can someone help me out? (Maybe you Dan?)

      I can't seem to find the "three-part post on properly disciplining your man."

      What was the approximate date of that post, or the opening date of the discussion, or the original subject of the discussion.

      (It's possible more members, than only myself, would like to locate and reread that post.)

      -- Thanks (Oops! Wrong word? Did I trigger the Google Spam Monster?)

    7. It's not actually a post. It is in the comments to the post on Fantasy vs. Reality from April of 2016 that is linked to in my post above.

    8. Dan and all.
      I just re-read the three-part comment on “real discipline” from the anonymous commentator in 2016. Of course, I don’t know if the commentator was male or female, although I know at least two women who possess that kind of understanding and could have written it.
      My sense, though, nurtured by long experience with males posing as females, is that Anonymous was a male. BUT, if a male, he had almost certainly experienced real discipline and was recounting it with some accuracy. That kind of savvy comes from real experience far beyond fantasy, so male or female, the article is valuable. (I don’t entirely agree with his/her “hard and heavy” advice, but it is one many others seem to share.

    9. Thanks, Alan. My guess was that it was a male, too. But, who knows. I may post the three parts as my post for next week, as we're going to be out on vacation and I don't plan to post anything really new.

    10. I have no idea if the commenter was male or female but the advice seems pretty spot on and I agree with Alan that at the very least that was written from some real experience at one end of the paddle or the other. Also, like Alan I think that that the hard and heavy from the beginning part isn't ideal, and probably counterproductive. But other than that, it was one of the best how-to's for punishment spankings that I have seen. Put it together with Dan's tutorial in "Tips and Methods" and it would be better than 99% of the spankings in DD relationships - mine included.


    11. Upon re-reading that set of comments, the commenter never actually represents or even insinuates that he/she is a woman.

  18. This discussion has raised even more different perspectives than usually, which reflects how TTWD can vary a lot among couples. IMHO, there should certainly be no judgment here, as there is no “right” or “wrong” way to participate. But it’s interesting to hear the different views.

    As for me, I don’t think that the fantasies are “silly” at all, nor do I believe it is possible to “spank” the fantasy out of the man for more than a short period afterwards!

    As for the mother part, I was never spanked by either parent, nor did I desire it. The idea of my Mom taking my pants down and putting me over her knee is gross to the verge of sickening. Again, to each his/her/their (!!) own.

    Cunnilingus – almost always after my spankings. She wants it and I’m always dying to give it!


    1. "As for me, I don’t think that the fantasies are “silly” at all, nor do I believe it is possible to “spank” the fantasy out of the man for more than a short period afterwards." Agreed.

  19. >Cunninlingus (after a spanking)< Yes, that is a tradition in our home also, following the weekly maintenance spanking, The discussions here generally stay close to DD rather than Femdom (although they often overlap - and I suspect that a number of here have experienced some degree of femdom other than a DD spanking...)

    I loved the final pic in Dan's post this week - the lady being serviced while fantasizing about strapping her lover's rear - right up my alley. An interesting variant of that pic might be to show the man's well reddened rear while his face is between her legs.

    I am reminded me of a crude drawing I saw once of a man with his face buried in a woman's behind (both face down) and with his own bottom a freshly spanked bright red, and a paddle lying beside them on the bed. And with the caption, "Let's see, what's next on the list of those things you will never do". --al

    1. Al, I think I have or had that drawing in my collection somewhere, though unfortunately my search in the app where I keep such art isn't turning it up.

    2. Isn’t that one of K.D. Pierre’s drawings? GH

    3. Yes.

    4. I just found that cartoon at K.D. Pierre’s Collected Submissions website, but it concerns enforced chastity rather than spanking. Unless there’s a different, similar cartoon. GH

    5. Yeah, I just found it too. Took me forever because the "Chastity" section seemed the least likely place for it to be. It was literally the last section I went through.

    6. It also explains why I couldn't find it in my collection even though I'd seen it at some point. Chastity isn't "a thing" for me, so I don't tend to save art or memes with that theme.

    7. >"Isn’t that one of K.D. Pierre’s drawings?" GH<

      Yes it is. I do have a copy of the original with KD's signature - which does not have a red bottom or a paddle, but a key on the woman's finger.

      I also came across a modified version where the bottom is red and the key (hanging from her finger) is replaced by a paddle on the bed. The caption has been modified, and KD's signature removed.

      (I had to check my archives - wasn't really sure until I looked). --al

      The original is strictly black and white and the modified version had red on the bottom and the paddle is "gold-ish in color". --al

    8. I remember the original drawing (with the key) very well. And, I expect that if I were actually locked in a chastity cage for more than about a day, there would be a lot of things I would be willing to do to be free of it. Chastity isn't really my thing either, though as I said above somewhere (or maybe it was last week?) that I could see it working "post-sentencing," to provide an incentive for me to actually want a spanking to happen, rather than hopefully be forgotten.


    9. Chastity would be my thing if my wife was into it, but she isn’t, apart from occasionally telling me I’m not allowed to have an orgasm after she has had one. I find it fascinating that lots of guys who are into spanking DD don’t have a thing for enforced chastity. In my mind, enforced chastity and spanking have a similar power dynamic. Therefore, our different responses to chastity probably reveals some psychological difference in our response to spanking discipline.

    10. I admit, the appeal is lost on me. Interestingly, I'm not sure it is lost on Anne, though she's never tried to impose it. I have a link on here to a site called Better Spouses that advocates orgasm denial. Anne brought it up out of the blue a few weeks ago, saying she found the concept interesting.

      In addition to having no personal interest in it, the medical data seems pretty damn clear that frequency of orgasms is inversely correlated to prostate cancer risk and to ED.

    11. From some websites I have seen, some couples get into enforced chastity as an extreme sport, the man being denied orgasms for weeks. Some even claim the man is permanently denied normal orgasms. I doubt the veracity of some claims. I also think you may be right that such extremism could have negative health effects for the man. But I doubt enforced chastity would be harmful if done moderately, and I think the power dynamic could be exciting, especially if combined with DD, as the Better Spouses site recommends. It’s intriguing that Anne is interested in it, but you aren’t. Do you think it would become more appealing to you if Anne decided she wanted to extend her authority over you in that direction? As with DD, it’s the D/s aspect that appeals to me.

    12. Neither my wife nor I have ever had the least bit of interest in enforced chastity, and like Dan, the appeal is completely lost on me. Our focus is primarily F/M DD (DWC) although we have incorporated a bit of what is usually considered more femdom into our lifestyle (occasional pegging, for example). --al

    13. GH, no, I don't think it would have any appeal even as an expression of authority. And, as much as I love Anne, I'm not going to do anything that increases my cancer risk just to make her happy.

    14. I totally get your point about not increasing your cancer risk. But I figure that, at this point in my life, the cancer risk of being limited to, let’s say, one orgasm per week would be pretty small…probably smaller than my risk from alcohol. But the question is academic, since Renée isn’t into chastity. I just find it psychologically interesting that a desire for DD can be one part of an array of D/s interests for some of us and a stand-alone desire for others. There is a strong commonality that brings us together here, but considerable psychological diversity too.

    15. Another thought occurs to me. Spanking can fall under the umbrella of BDSM erotic play, or it can be primarily disciplinary. Enforced chastity, on the other hand, strikes me as straightforward BDSM, more closely related to bondage than to corporal punishment. At least it FEELS that way to me. Chastity is also far more focused on male sexuality as central to the relationship. Maybe that’s why Renée agreed to DD but has never been interested in chastity play….and it IS erotic “play”, in my mind.

    16. Hi GH,
      I too FEEL that enforced chastity feels more closely aligned with BDSM or bondage than to punishment or DD. But the question this raises is why?

      - Is it more suitable to a scene or roleplay? Actually, for it to mean anything other than just being purely symbolic, the cage needs to remain in place for days or even longer than a week. This makes it seem very unsuitable for any sort of play scene, which might normally span a few hours, and actually seems more suitable within a long term committed relationship.

      - Of course chastity isn't corporal punishment, or at least certainly it is nothing like anything involving impact like spanking or caning. Having said that, many, many other punishments (writing lines, loss of privileges, etc.) are also not corporal punishment, but we have no problem visualizing them in the context of a DD.

      - If anything, chastity elevates female sexuality, and only emphasizes male sexuality in the context of loss. Which, if you think about it, sounds a lot like FLR. Maybe that is why so many FLR sites are focused on chastity (and also pegging).

      In the end, I kind of think that the only reason chastity feels more like BDSM/B&D than it does DD/FLR is because that is what box we have seen it put into so often, whether the box is the appropriate one or not.


    17. You make good points, ZM. It’s possible to think about it in different ways. I should explain why I feel chastity gives a more central position to male sexuality than simple FLR, since I can see that is counterintuitive. It strikes me that if your wife makes a production out of locking your penis in a cage, wearing a key around her neck, and making your access to orgasms her business, there is an intense focus on YOUR sexuality. Compare that to the kind of FLR I have with my wife. She decides when we have sex, and she decides what kind of sex it will be. As with the couple practicing enforced chastity, sex may involve my penis or not. One doesn’t have to be locked up to be denied sexual release during sex. But unlike the wife who keeps her husband in chastity, my wife doesn’t pay much attention to my penis when we’re not having sex, and she doesn’t care what I do with my own body. That means that I am free to masturbate unless she orders me not to, but she generally doesn’t care if I do. In one way, I am lucky to have that freedom, which is denied to the guy locked in a device. At least I don’t have to worry about infrequent orgasms heightening my risk of prostate cancer. Lol. Yet I am kind of jealous of guys whose wives take such an interest in their sexuality that they actively control it and wear a key to show that they own their man’s sex. Okay, maybe I think too much. By the way, Dan, I apologize if this comment kicks the spam filter into hyperdrive.

    18. Inexplicably, after over-rotating on every profanity in the English language, then about words like "thanks" and "good point," today the spam filter seems disturbed by literally nothing. Other than you, ZM and Alan all seem to get flagged about 30% of the time merely for being you.

      The funny thing about me being adverse to enforced chastity is I actually very rarely masturbate these days. I probably should start again, because it wasn't like I ever intentionally stopped. I just kind of did it without consciously intending to, which would seem to be a really bad sign that on the backslope of middleage.

    19. And, this morning it's right back to flagging the word "thanks," along with any short comment containing an exclamation point, such as "Great point!" As Google continues to lay people off, I strongly recommend putting their spam filter algorithm people at the top of the list.

  20. “An interesting variant of that pic might be to show the man's well reddened rear while his face is between her legs.”. That’s exactly what my wife said when I showed her the pic. TG

    1. “An interesting variant of that pic might be to show the man's well reddened rear while his face is between her legs.”. That’s exactly what my wife said when I showed her the pic. TG”

      The way I interpret that picture is that the woman is thinking about the spanking she has just given the guy to put herself over the top as the cunnilingus comes to climax.

  21. ZM wrote: “With regard to going down on her being a sign of dominance or submission, I can see why people might feel that way, and I do think I have seen it portrayed that way. Personally, I just see it as a way of ensuring that she has an orgasm every time.”

    ZM, you are right that there is nothing inherently D/s about cunnilingus. In fact, I remember it felt empowering the first time I performed cunnilingus: it was the discovery of a powerful technique to give sexual pleasure. But reframing it as an expression of D/s demonstrates the wonderful power of fantasy to enhance reality. I didn’t think of going down as a form of submission before we embarked on FLR, but because DD made me feel so wonderfully submissive, I began to think of going down as an expression of submission. My wife would never actually have to force me to go down on her because I love doing it, but it really turned me on to IMAGINE that I didn’t want to do it but was being forced to. Furthermore, I liked to imagine that my wife was getting off on using her disciplinary power to make me do something she knew I felt squeamish about. (Easy for me to imagine because I can remember feeling squeamish about it as a young man, before I learned to love it). The truth is that my wife probably doesn’t think about it as a form of D/s. I can imagine that most women get more pleasure from cunnilingus when they believe that, far from having to be forced, the man is doing it enthusiastically. My wife knows I love doing it, so she probably thinks of it that way. But because of the power of fantasy, I can simultaneously enjoy doing it while imagining that she has used her disciplinary power to make me do it. I would love to do a role playing scenario in which I was a squeamish young man who resisted doing it, thinking it was “dirty”, being “educated” by a hairbrush wielding older woman about a man’s duties in the bedroom.

  22. GH wrote (to ZM): "ZM, you are right that there is nothing inherently D/s about cunnilingus."

    I'm sure we all agree that there is nothing inherently D/s bout cunnilingus (or even anilingus) - cunnilingus is a great way to ensure that your female partner is pleasured and achieves orgasm (true for most women, at least). And some of us love going down on our lady just for the joy of it - the scent, the taste, her reaction, her orgasms, perhaps (for some of us) a sense of submission. Cunnilingus is part of our lovemaking routine almost every time have sex. However, I do agree that there can be a femdom element projected onto cunnilingus (and, anilingus, even more so). - especially after a spanking, or in combination with other femdom elements. And - I know that my wife (and I'm sure others as well) often gets a bit horny spanking me and is more than ready to be pleasured afterwards.

    (Just as in M/F D/s, fellatio can be a submissive element - although it is usually not so during vanilla sex) --al

  23. Good points, Al. While cunnilingus doesn’t necessarily have a D/s vibe, analingus definitely does, in my mind. Cunnilingus was an essential part of lovemaking long before we got into FLR, but analingus came as a result of FLR. The thing that gives analingus a real D/s vibe for me is that I know my wife would never reciprocate…nor would I want her to. My wife knows from my journal that doing that gives me a deeply satisfying feeling of submission, bordering on devotion, so I think she probably does view that as a symbolic expression of D/s. I fantasize about her ordering me to do that, but in reality I ask for permission to do it because I periodically get a craving to express my submissiveness that way. She seems to like it too.

  24. GH wrote: >analingus came as a result of FLR<
    That was not true for us - however it did become much more frequent and much more femdom oriented after we entered the DWC lifestyle. As we settled into our custom of a weekly maintenance spanking followed by cunnilingus (all those years ago), at some point - instead of parting her legs, she laid on her stomach and told me "this side tonight". Cunnilingus has always been more frequent after spanking, but on occasion she sill offers me the other side instead. --al

  25. Addendum - GH, same with us. My wife would never reciprocate anilingus either - and, like you, I would never even want her to. --al

  26. You guys are certainly right about how something can change significantly when it is done in conjunction with DD/FLR. It might be the same activity, but it can take on a whole new dynamic. And I am sure this is true with cunnilingus and even more so with analingus (both are very much a part of our sex life, but not really ever tied in directly with DD).


  27. All these references to cunnilingus and analingus -- you guys are definitely all going into the spam folder soon! :-)

  28. At the risk of being sent to spam, can I just say that when I tried to spell it "analingus" in my first post on the subject, Google told me that I was misspelling it. So I looked it up, and found "analingus". But, everyone else was spelling it the way I wanted to spell it originally. So, I looked again, and apparently there are two variant spellings. :). --al

  29. Oops, typo, and you cannot edit anonymous posts. That obviously should have been that I found "anilingus". --sl

    1. Agreed - "analingus" makes a lot more sense for obvious reasons - although as I typed it, Google flagged it. Google prefers anilingus (not flagged) - but both spellings appear around the web. I can see the spelling anilingus being contrived to fit with cunnilingus. Regardless, there are more interesting topics than the best way to spell rimming. :) (As I continued to flirt with the spam folder). --al

    2. Lucky for you, the spam filter seems more interested in flagging words like "thanks" and "ass." Rimming probably isn't a word widely known by the Russian hackers they hired at cut rates to write their spam-flagging algorithms.

  30. My wife has a very good tip how to make punishment real. She tries to search for a moment when I'm not in the mood, and definitely planning something pleasurable like watching footbal. In such moments even short spanking is a VERY REAL punishment

  31. While we haven't (unfortunately) ventured into analingus, I am now compelled to service her both before and after we have sex. She found she really enjoys the aftercare and I enjoy the humiliation for her pleasure.


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