
Sunday, December 18, 2022

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 2022

Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection. - Winston Churchill

 Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our (mostly) weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a Domestic Discipline relationship.  I hope you all had a great week.

 Thanks for joining me for what is likely to be the final post of 2022, or at least the final post before people start winding down for Christmas and, hopefully, some serious relaxation between now and year-end.  We’re sticking close to home this year, so maybe I’ll get bored and put out something else.  This year, I’m just going to play it by ear.

 There is something I really love about this particular Christmas meme.  It's peaceful, hopeful, and fanciful, all at once.  It symbolizes nicely what I hope Anne and I, and all of you, experience as 2022 winds down.

Last year taught me a lot about playing it by ear.  When I sat down to write my end-of-year post last year, we were a few days away from celebrating the season with family and friends, looking forward to taking our first post-Covid international trip.  We did manage to take the trip but, a few days into it, there was a very traumatic event back home.  But, I couldn't go home, because I got stranded in a foreign country with Covid, then spent the next couple of months recuperating. 

So, it’s fair to say that 2021 went out with a bang and 2022 got off to a very bad start. 

While it’s easy to cast aspersions on an entire year and blame everything on world events, in fairness I didn’t always put in my best efforts in 2022.  The previous year really was one of rebuilding and recuperating.  I was not in good shape, physically or mentally, after putting a pause on my career early in 2021.  I really didn’t have much choice when it came to slowing down and resting up. 

Unfortunately, that unambitious pace seemed to become my new norm and dogged me throughout 2022.  I did some fun and adventurous things, but it was sporadic and pretty unimpressive in comparison to the amount of free time I had on my hands. 

Yet, there undeniably was progress.  With the exception of the world in Ukraine, didn't the world seem just a little bit more rational in 2022, with people maybe acting just a little better to each other?

On the personal front, my overall health and fitness is much, much better than it’s been for at least half a decade and maybe more.  I’m again wearing the same size jeans I wore in college, and I’ve maintained that fat reduction for many months now.  I’m still too prone to binge drinking, but overall I had far fewer of those incidents in 2022 than before my retirement and, while I didn’t keep any detailed statistics, I think overall I drank quite a bit less in 2022 than in 2021. 

Significantly, for years and years, I’ve set goals to reduce my news consumption and also to focus on creating and producing more instead of just consuming.  While I didn’t perform at anywhere near the level I’d like, I did start doing some (very vanilla) writing for another platform, and it’s gone reasonably well.  For the first time in really my adult life, I’ve been regularly doing something creative that isn’t this blog. 

I also feel like the blog came back to life a bit in 2022.  It wasn’t looking great in 2021.  Some regular commenters stopped showing up. The monthly viewership went way down, after peaking in late 2019.  It was probably a mix of factors, one being the political environment and my own role in stirring that pot. Which I don’t, by the way, apologize for, given the seriousness of the situation at the time.  

 I’m really not sure how much political animosity contributed to the blog’s loss of viewers.  The biggest direct impact was probably from the fact that one popular blog stopped linking to mine in retaliation for me dropping a link to theirs.  A couple of other blogs that had been responsible for a large number of referral traffic were killed by their owners.  In fact, in the course of a little over a year, the blog lost its second and third largest referral sources.

 That downward trend hit its low point about mid-way through this year, and the numbers have been climbing back slowly but steadily since.  Not coincidentally, the upturn started around the same time I started trying to get back to a weekly posting schedule.  I can’t promise to maintain the more consistent pace in 2023, but I’ll try.

 Far, far more important to me than the total viewership, or even the number of commenters, is the number of regular, quality commenters.  That was another area that deteriorated for a while but reversed in the latter half of the year, with new commenters dropping in regularly and some previously sporadic commenters stopping by more regularly.  So, thank you J., T., KOJ, Kevin, MW, JR, Caged Lion, TG, Ward, DWC Fred, Belle, Brett, Red, Glen, and others for dropping by regularly or at least every once in a while.  And, a big thanks to ZM, Alan and al, who so often seem like my brothers separated at birth.

 There was one thing that changed a lot in 2022 and was very significant.  I used to get almost depressed when year after year, not all that much seemed to change or deepen in my own DD dynamic.  Year after year we’d talk about stepping up her assertion of power and authority or about her becoming stricter and more consistent, and year after year it wouldn’t happen.  After we became empty-nesters and still nothing changed, I started to wonder whether the dynamic was just what it was and would remain that way, at least until we hit some age where the interest in it would inevitably decline.  That view was reinforced when I retired, and nothing changed.

 But, then Anne joined me in retirement part way through 2022 and, while it wasn’t a night and day difference, things definitely did change.  Spankings became more frequent.  She became generally more assertive. There was that whole thing with leaving window shades open.  I’m not sure whether either of us were ever conscious of her having big concerns about people at work finding out about this thing we do, but it’s pretty clear that her employment was, in fact, a psychological constraint all those years. 

 So, in that very important respect, 2022 does seem to have been a game-changer.  Either over the holidays or early in 2022, I’ll undoubtedly annoy you all with my annual process of goal setting and resolution making.  Humbling, respect, and obedience have been goals in the past, but now that we are empty-nesters and both retired, there is no excuse for not bringing more proactive attention to those issues.  Moreover, as my most recent post’s references to some recent arguments shows, humbling me and showing me who is boss seems to be not only a good goal but a necessary one.  

 On the gratitude front, we once again were fortunate not to lose any immediate or close family members.  Better yet, last year I did lose a couple of people who were not family members but were very big influences on my life; nothing like that happened this year.  Most of our family and friends are in pretty good health.  

 So, as I said last year, as we all run around buying those last-minute gifts, let's think a little about what a blessing it is to have people in our lives to buy those gifts for. Maybe try to do something nice for a friend, family member, or stranger who may not be as lucky.  


Until next year, I hope you all have a restful, peaceful, holiday season and get to take some time away with family and friends.  Merry Christmas and happy holidays!  

 And, in case you're still looking for that perfect gift for that special someone, just remember . . .




  1. I echo Dan in wishing all readers a very Merry Christmas and joyous Holiday Season. Wondering how many other are like me and receive a traditional Christmas Day spanking. Not discipline or punishment, but not sensual either. An enjoyable trip over the lap of your significant other resulting in a warm glow.

    1. Thanks SC. Have a Merry Christmas. I personally do NOT look forward to one on Christmas day, but to each his own. :-)

  2. I've enjoyed your regular posting Dan, and although I don't comment often I've very much enjoyed the conversations that follow each.
    Nice idea Cowboy, oral a wonderful last minute gift but so is spanking!

  3. Happy holidays Dan! I hope my blog contributed to your increased traffic. I know that I see people visiting from my site, but I don't know how important that is for your blog. Web traffic is mysterious. Mine doubled in 2022 with no changes on my end. I figured it would go down again, but it hasn't. Your site brings me viewers every day. Thank you!

    I retired, but my wife still works. We have similar issues with spanking me for subjective offenses. She doesn't talk much about how things make her feel, so I can't get a reading on whether or not dd improves her life. I'm not sure it does.

    I think you have wonderful people commenting here. I like the diversity of opinions. I do think you encourage validation of your thinking. That's natural, but maybe it can get in the way of discovering new, valuable insights. You might consider quoting people who don't share your point of view. It might generate more thoughtful comments from people who view dd differently. Just sayin'.

    1. Web traffic is indeed mysterious. Some believe the drop reflects an overall drop-off in interest in the topic. If that were true, I don't think there would be tons of this kind of content on Tumblr. Tumbler is, however, a visual medium, and it takes little or no effort to post spanking pictures and forward them from one Tumblr "blog" to another. It's the lazy way to both create and consume DD related material, without having to put in much thought or effort.

      I supposed I could quote people who don't agree with me. Or, they could start their own blog and contribute to overall volume of discussion without me doing the work for them!

    2. Dan, I have my own blog with tons of traffic. My views are very well read. My suggestion wasn't to provide people, like me, who sometimes disagree with you, with a soap box. It was a thought that might expand the conversation and thereby bring more traffic. I thought I was being helpful.

    3. Since I said people could "start" a blog, I clearly wasn't referring to you. You really do seem to be in a very argumentative headspace right now.

    4. I didn't mean to be argumentative. Have a very happy holiday season. I too love Christmas.

  4. Hi Dan,
    Happy holidays! I love Christmas time, probably at least in part because a lot of other people love it and the general sense of joy just buoys everyone's spirits.

    I'm glad that 2022 ended much better than it started, since having Covid, being out of the country and not sure when you could come back, and the stress of the other thing at exactly the same time would have been enough to push me over the edge.

    Kudos on the improved health and fitness! And while you didn't see the year as all that productive, if you somehow managed to greatly improve your health and also actually rested, it seems like probably just what you needed. And the fact that you have been writing for a different venue seems to be a sign that the time of inactivity was just resting and preparing for bigger and better things to come. The fact that your DD dynamic changed noticeably makes 2022 seem like quite a success.

    As far as blog visitor count, I would think that losing significant referrals probably greatly impacts the number of new people coming to the blog, and as you indicated, probably the frequency of posting drives at least a certain degree of how often people visit the blog. And in the end the quality of the blog is what really matters, and that is beyond question.

    As far as political posts, I don't think that you overdid it in any way. Anyone who was here to explore DD likely would have simply ignored whatever small number of posts didn't agree with their politics, or at least it sure should be that way! This is your blog after all!

    Annual goal setting and resolution making can at times be a little disheartening when we look backward with too critical an eye, but the fact that we keep setting goals and fully intending to make positive changes is much bigger than any failures on previous goals. I too unfortunately need pretty frequent humbling, and the more my wife puts her foot down and shows that she is boss, the better it will be, even though I will probably push back somewhat against it, no matter how hard I try not to.

    Thank you for all you do to make this blog an amazing resource for all of us. I know it is somewhat a thankless task at times, but let me take this opportunity to say a big "Thank You!" And thank you for the reminder to live in gratitude and extend generosity. This is a reminder that never comes at a bad time. In fact, I think I am going to make it a 2023 resolution, to daily find something that I am thankful for, and to let that gratefulness express itself towards those around me in graciousness and generosity.


    1. "I love Christmas time, probably at least in part because a lot of other people love it and the general sense of joy just buoys everyone's spirits." I totally agree. For me, it's the vibe of the season. I'm into the secular aspects. It's basically the only holiday we have that consciously focuses on taking time, being with people, and giving. Yeah, it's easy to be cynical and bitch about the commercial aspects, but why.

      "And thank you for the reminder to live in gratitude and extend generosity. This is a reminder that never comes at a bad time. In fact, I think I am going to make it a 2023 resolution, to daily find something that I am thankful for, and to let that gratefulness express itself towards those around me in graciousness and generosity." A very worthy goal! Way better than my typical "Lose the weight I put on during the holidays."

      I hope you and your family have a great Christmas. Thanks for all your contributions here!

  5. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
    Thanks for keeping up this great site and discussions. Our home is once again not an empty nest, so disciplinary activities have been limited, but it's always good to see what's going on here. May the New Year bring many good surprises!

    1. Hi CK. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you too! I'm sorry there is a pause in your empty nest status. Though sometimes that feels like a good problem to have.

    2. Hi CK, we too are back in the "not empty nest" state for the foreseeable future. It definitely limits our opportunities to be more serious about DD, though as Dan said, it also feels like a good problem to have. When my kids are gone, I love the simplicity of life (especially not having to think about meals non-stop), but then when they are there, I realize how much I miss them when they are gone.

      Happy Holidays!


  6. Hi Dan,
    Merry Christmas and the Very Happiest New Year to you and Anne and all your family. We all owe you a HUGE debt of gratitude for keeping up the blog and seeing it show revitalization this year was very encouraging.
    A slight digression: but I absolutely love the “Santa against the moon drawing you have featured again this year. It is evocative of so much of the season and hopes we carry into the New Year. I am over the moon about it.
    To my surprise and delight my wife ( who is now officially retired) has told me we are going to inaugurate a back to basics next year around our DD relationship. I am not sure what she is intending –but much more excited than intimidated by it at this point. She has asked me to acquire some toys and a couple of disciplinary items we have not used for a very long time (one never used). To my point: I am thinking of a possible topic/theme for an upcoming Blog (one that may be impractical)
    Thinking about her direction , I realize I still have some questions (maybe more than some) about spanking related issues. I wonder if maybe some others have a few questions too that someone might be able to answer –maybe a kind of round robin, trading on our own unique experiences. To make this happen as I envision it, you could open up for a week or even less strictly to questions folks have about the art and practice of DD/FLR. Then collated a little, they could be presented ad seriatim to be discussed by whomever might wish to do so,
    Consider it if you find it feasible, otherwise trash it. I am almost sure I will be able to come up with even more eccentric ideas in 2023
    Best to all

    1. Thanks, Alan! I obviously agree on that drawing. I don't know why I love it so much, but I really do.

      I'm very curious about where your wife intends to take things. Sounds like a big and very intriguing change.

      I'm not sure I totally understand the suggestion, but I'm happy to talk about it more. Maybe shoot me an email with more on what you're thinking?

    2. Hi Alan,
      It sounds like you have an interesting year ahead. "I am not sure what she is intending –but much more excited than intimidated by it at this point." You are approaching it with exactly the right attitude and that will help to make it a positive experience, regardless of exactly what she might have in mind.

      I like your idea for the compiling questions about the "art and practice of DD/FLR." It could be really good especially for covering many of the more practical "mechanics" of DD, like spanking instruments, length of spankings, etc. that individually may not gather enough input for an entire week's topic.


    3. Hi ZM,
      Pleased you like the Q & A idea. Dan asked for some clarification on it but not sure I can add more that you have here. Many of us probably have some hard won knowledge of the practical side of DD while others (including me) have some questions about same. That’s the basic idea and a chance to list our questions followed by a chance for answers would be a plus

    4. What I'm missing is the logistics. How do you guys see this working? Poll the group for questions they have and then anyone who wishes to can answer them? All in one session? Or, are people taking turns asking questions, in a multi-week process? I'm probably being dense, but I'm not getting the mechanics of how you see it working.

      I'm happy to try anything, though I'd note that early last year I did ask for topic ideas, and it kind of flopped. So, if it's going to get any traction it may need to be something different than just asking people what they have an interest in.

    5. I would just have people submit questions for a week with instructions to not answer the questions, but rather just to think about how they might answer it. Then the next week, I would do a mini post telling people to feel free to chime in on any question, and then create a new thread for each question, that people can reply to (just by writing each one as a comment and not a reply to the previous comment). There probably is some easier way, but that is the first thing that came to my mind.


    6. Yes, making it a two parter separates questions that folks might have from the answers others might offer. Dan, it does produce some collating, and editing for redundancy for you. But basically, it might produce a FAQ for the blog. Maybe a good idea would be to limit a contributor to the 2 or 3 most important questions they have so that the list doesn’t become overwhelming

  7. Merry Christmas to all. I’ve learned so much on this blog regarding DD. Although we have a lot of work to do in our DD relationship, my wife has become much better at scolding and spanking. Dan, I also had a major disagreement with my wife a week ago. DD would not of fixed the issue and cooler heads prevailed after a few days. We rarely argue and I’m sure the stress of the holidays did not help. This too is my favorite time of the year. We prepare many many courses on Christmas Eve for friends and family. We drink lots of wine and cocktails. We laugh and enjoy each others company. I enjoy the political aspects of your blog. I feel our world is too woke and changing for the worse. I hope things improve for 2023, but I’m a bit of a pessimist when it comes to that. Thank you for your blog. God bless you and your family. I hope you have a great 2023. I look forward to many more post. By the way I love that last meme!!!

    1. Thanks, T! Sorry to hear about your disagreement. These things really do seem to happen more during the holidays, don't they? It's a great time of year but definitely stressful in some ways, too.

      Can I come to your house for Christmas Eve? Sounds very fun!

      I wouldn't say I'm a pessimist, but the last two or three years have sure convinced me that my crystal ball is pretty opaque when it comes to predicting good and bad years.

  8. I'vs started to regularly visit this blog this year exactly because of weekly posting. I hope, Dan, that you will maintain this habit in 2023.

    Secondly, and this is also the reason why I have decided to put some comments, is the high quality of the discussions.

    Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to everybody!

    1. Thanks for stopping in. We'll see what 2023 brings. The aspiration is for weekly posts, though real life--and enjoying it--sometimes got in the way in 2022 and undoubtedly will again from time to time in 2023.

  9. Happy holidays to you and all contributors here, Dan. With my DD life kept very private, it's a pleasure to have access to such a thoughtful blog on the subject. I have been so impressed with your dedication to regular postings. Taking the occasional break is understandable. No problem with the occasional political comments here.

    1. Thanks, Kevin! And, thanks for your contributions this year.

  10. Thanks so much for continuing to keep this wonderful blog going. Like many others, I also share the political views you have expressed, as well as your interest in F/M DD. It is often the most uplifting thing I read, and it helps many of us feel less alone. Merry Christmas.

    1. That's great to hear. For some reason, I keep reading or seeing things that reference men feeling alone. The universe seems to be sending me some big, flashing signals about male friendship. Not sure what to do about that in 2023, but clearly it's something that seems to be kind of screaming out for my attention right now. I'm glad the blog makes you feel slightly less alone.

  11. Happy Holidays to All, and much thanks to Dan for this marvelous and informative site. Graham

    1. Thanks, Graham! And, sorry that I missed naming you among this year's new contributors. I freaking knew I'd miss someone.

  12. Dan !!!!!!!! - Wow, Is there some sort of great DD karmic energy out there drawing the fold back together??? It's a blast from the past, hopefully not a distant remeberance, Darren. Been ages since I posted....more accurately, took a long (jeez can it really have been near 2 years?) sabbatical from the blog! Sounds like I wasn't the only one that wondered during this past period. Was so great coming back to this particular message of your!

    In the spirit of the season and seeing as we're talking appreciation, I'd like to share mine. You can't imagine how appreciative I am of you, the blog and many of the old names I still see here. You have no idea the roll you've played in my wife and I journey in regards to "all this". 8 years ago I was the nervous, CONFUSED, "but I've always been Alpha in all aspects of my life" husband who was struggling to come to terms with these new and crazy thoughts and desires running through his head, married to an amazing woman who was whatever is 10 degrees past "vanilla". I was positive I'd never be able to share this need with her for fear of killing her... due to her head exploding. It's been years of SLOW but steady progress with fits and starts but Dan, I'm thrilled to say like you 2022 was a break through, transformative year for wife and I as well. It finally CLICKED with her on a multitude of levels. That same lovely lady now has 2 paddles and within the last few months we've been figuring out what version of a WLM would work for us. We're not anywhere near done progressing. Few aspects she's still learning and growing into but the big hurdle is crossed!

    Hearing theres a pick up in new viewers, in an effort to try to pay it forward, something I want to share that maybe some guy who just found the blog and is currently in the position I was in might see. The most crucial thing I learned here was put "fantasy" aside and acknowledge the reality of introducing this in your real life to a 50 something woman, who has zero experience, knowledge or interest and getting her to understand and ultimately adopt it absolutely happens. There are those "duck to water" stories we all hear about but for the majority be very realistic about how LONG and hard a process it is. Years of fits and starts...she's in, she's out. But hang in there, don't give's worth it, life and relationship changing.

    Now the only reason I'd mention this is because you brought it up and seemed genuinely curious about the participant flows. I'll be honest with you. break was in large part due to the heavy political overtone it adopted. My posture has always been, "hey it's his blog...he can do w/ as he pleases", but you clearly recognized the correlation between the ramp up in "rhetoric" and what happened to attendance/views/comments. Especially during a period when everyone was home with unprecedented time and access.

    Onward and upward! Really glad to be back. Doing some back reading. Fun to be seeing this from a bit of a different perspective now that things have changed a bit in dynamic with wife!

    1. Hey Darren! Good to hear from you. And, great to hear 2022 was such a breakthrough year.

      "The most crucial thing I learned here was put "fantasy" aside and acknowledge the reality of introducing this in your real life to a 50 something woman, who has zero experience, knowledge or interest and getting her to understand and ultimately adopt it absolutely happens. There are those "duck to water" stories we all hear about but for the majority be very realistic about how LONG and hard a process it is."

      That's all great advice. "Fits and starts" is probably right for most of us. For those in relationships where it instantly took off, many of them seem to have been in previous relationships that may or may not have been DD-like but had a heavy spanking or BDSM element. As in everything in life, practice makes perfect.

      We'll see where things go on the political postings. If we don't have another president who tries to stage a coup or politicians getting millions killed in a pandemic, I probably won't have much to say. No one hopes for a politically quiet 2022 more than I do, but that's not really up to me. Of course, with 61% of Republicans now saying they prefer someone else over Trump (most recent USA Today poll), it seems lots of the R's now see things my way. Just took them two years to get there. ;-)

  13. Merry Christmas, Dan, and thanks for your blog. It is nice to be part of a thoughtful DD community, especially since I am no longer personally experiencing it. It has been helpful to relate some stories that I can't share with many and to read such intelligent opinions.
    To widows and widowers, the holidays will never be the same, but there is still joy to be found with my adult children and their families and in cherished memories of a wife who in her last decade and a half lived life to the hilt -- and thus I did as well. And ... NYE was the one night where I could drink too much and not get punished for it!!

    1. Thanks, KOJ. And, thanks for contributing to this community. I'm sorry and am sure the holidays can be tough after losing a spouse. But, it's good that you have adult children to be with. This is actually the first year that our family unit is not all together for Christmas. I admit I'm a little sad about it, although it's just part of kids getting real adult responsibilities.

  14. A merry Christmas to all. As I think back, it’s exactly a year since I discovered this blog - found it while surfing (and looking to see if DWC had revived ) during a quiet time at Christmas last year. It’s really been a breath of fresh air for me not only to find others in the DD lifestyle but also to see the commonality of the mindset in so many ways. Keep up the great work Dan. TG

  15. I'm really happy to see that things are going well and improving on so many fronts for you, Dan. I wish you a wonderful holiday season, and look forward to another year of thought-provoking posts here in 2023.

  16. Merry Christmas, Dan! I’m so happy to hear that your health is improved. For now, mine is too.

    I’m humbled that you even mentioned me. I am grateful for your blog and to know I’m not alone out here. I just share thoughts from time to time.

    And it turns out I was right. Two weeks after my first work trip I screwed up and left clothes laying around. So I got a bruised behind before Christmas. We have to come up with rules for when I’m on the road!!!

    1. Thanks, Fred! From time to time we tried to address rules while on the road. It never really worked out. It hinged too much on self-reporting, which doesn't seem to work well for us.

    2. Maybe something about FaceTime calls at or before a certain time each night, or a walking tour of my room. Especially since my next trip is 10 days away, I need something to keep me anchored.


This blog is a curated resource for those genuinely and positively interested in DD and FLR lifestyles. Comments that are rude, uncivil, inconsistent with the blog's theme or off-topic may not be posted or may be removed. Please use a name or initials (doesn't have to be your real one) when commenting - it helps commenters keep track of who is "talking."