
Sunday, November 27, 2022

The Club - Meeting 419 - Who Changes More and in What Ways?

“Women marry men hoping they will change, and men marry women hoping they will not. So each is inevitably disappointed.” – (wrongly?) attributed to Albert Einstein


Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our weekly gathering of men and women who are, or would like to be, in a Domestic Discipline relationship.



I hope you all had a great week, including for those in the U.S., a happy Thanksgiving.  Ours was pretty laid back.  A drama-free day spent with family, then on to Christmas decorating over the weekend.  I’m not quite feeling the spirit yet, but hopefully it will hit me soon.


One thing that has hit me is disappointment and frustration at my continuing issues with carelessness.  If we hadn’t done an entire topic in it so recently, I’d probably explore it in depth.  Instead, suffice it to say, every time I think that I’ve learned my lesson, it’s not long before I do something else that costs my time and money fixing problems caused by my own carelessness, lack of attention to detail, or tendency to take shortcuts. Most recently, I both delayed doing something around the house that needed doing before winter and took a shortcut when I finally got around to doing it.  In the end, a maintenance job that should have taken about 15 minutes became a repair job taking about 5 hours. As I said, the frustration with the time my carelessness it costing me has hit me, but one thing that hasn’t is a hard paddle or strap over and over until my mindset about these things gets a real correction.


Anyway, with that bit of venting at myself out of the way . . . we got several responses to ZM’s poll last week, which sought to tease out our and our partner’s relative levels of dominance and submission in various contexts.  It was a pretty small sample size, which makes it difficult to talk about patterns or trends.  Perhaps one interesting pattern is I don’t think anyone self-identified as being “submissive” or appearing to others to be submissive outside the home, though several said they have issues with confrontation.


Something else that came up in one thread answering ZM’s poll was the issue of “change.” KOJ had these two comments:


As a young man, I thought I wanted a partner who was the opposite of my mother (overbearing) and I wanted to run the show. I married such a woman. By middle age, with a marriage with a lot of frustration on both sides, I wanted a wife more like my mother -- to manage our lives, including with maternal discipline. Fortunately for me, my wife was growing in confidence and was so sick of my boyish and boorish behavior that she instantly took to her newfound authority backed up by corporal punishment. I think it is no coincidence that we both took on these new roles in middle age, for all the reasons already cited by others. My wife's explanation was simple and straightforward: "I just couldn't take any more of your shit, and whipping your ass to get my way was a better option than divorce."


Reputation among friends/relatives: This changed dramatically after retirement. Folks previously saw us as equals. After retirement she was obviously dominant. One of my adult children has discussed this with me because the change was so blatant to her.


Cynthia Ellen had a question that also was about “change”:


It seems that some of you guys changed your wives' minds, so they took accountability over you. How did you do that? Maybe a future topic?



So, let’s talk about change.  With respect to Cynthia Ellen’s question, did either you or your partner ever change your minds about Domestic Discipline or exercising authority?   


Regarding KOJ’s broader theme of changes over time, in what ways have your or your partner’s attitudes toward DD and your respective roles changed over time?  In what ways has practicing DD changed one or both of you over time?  Who has changed more, and in what ways?


Regarding Cynthia Ellen’s question, I don’t think there have been that many examples raised here of changing a spouse’s mind about Domestic Discipline and dominance, but I can think of a couple.  Interestingly, both were female disciplinarians.  The most recent that comes to mind is Danielle, who hasn’t come around in a while.  She noted a few times that when her husband first raised the issue of having an FLR with her and his kinks around spanking and dominance, she was in a very traditional, vanilla mindset and wasn’t open to it.  It wasn’t until several years later that she “matured” enough to give it a try.  I recall at one point she said she regretted that her delay and initial rejection resulted in so many years lost in which she and her husband could have been exploring D/s, DD, and other kinks.



Then, there was this from “Holly”:


Calling me a bitch was what led to my husband’s first appointment with the strap. He had done it before, but my mom heard it for the first time and told me I was a fool for allowing it. There were other things going on at the time, including his general brattiness and temper tantrums when he was frustrated. It was a big change for me, because I had been determined to manage my own marriage differently than my mom had done. But over a period of time, about three years, I saw the same behavior in my husband that had gotten dad in trouble with mom. When I told him what was going to happen, he gave me almost no resistance. That makes me think he wanted me to take charge and his brattiness and tantrums were his way of asking for it. He knew how mom had run things, and I think that made him want the same thing from me. The strap transformed him into a sweet loving husband. I don't think that would have ever happened if I had not acted, or to be honest, if mom had not pushed it."


In our case, I don’t think Anne nor I “changed” our minds about accountability or Domestic Discipline.  We both were kind of a tabula rasa where the whole concept was concerned.  Until I stumbled on the Disciplinary Wives Club and raised the concept with her, I don’t think either of us were even aware that anything like it existed.


Regarding KOJ’s wife’s changes in retirement, the extent of change and how abruptly it happened seem like outliers, and intriguing ones. I do suspect, however, that on average the Disciplinary Wives do change more than the husbands.


If I’m right about that, it’s kind of ironic, right?  It seems like almost all these relationships (Holly’s being an exception) start with the man raising the prospect of disciplinary spankings with his wife, and it’s almost always centered on changing his behavior.


Yet, maybe a deeper lesson in Cynthia Ellen’s question is that it may take a pretty huge change in the disciplinarian partner just to get the ball rolling!  



I didn’t have a pre-existing interest in spanking, so I guess you could say that I did have a big change in attitude right out of the gate. In most cases, however, the men who ask for DD have had a strong spanking interest or fetish for years. Therefore, when they ask their wives to take up the paddle or strap, they aren’t “changing,” so much as expressing a desire that’s always been there.


The wives, on the other hand, may be coming to that conversation completely cold, having never even thought about taking on that kind of role.  This makes it all the more surprising that so many of them willingly give it a try, with many of them coming to embrace it over time.  


In KOJ’s case, his wife not only embraced it became so open about it that one of his adult kids asked about the change.  I don’t think that’s the typical pattern, but I do think many Disciplinary Wives do change a lot over time.  As I said, it’s a little ironic that so much of the discussion around DD is about how to change us but, in the end, it may change them even more.  


In our case, I suspect there was more inner dialogue going on in Anne's head than I was privy to initially, but she got to where she needed to be surprisingly quickly.

In our case, I do think that over time Anne has changed more than I have, but it was a longer and more subtle process than KOJ experienced.  She was in her low 30s when we started.  Unlike the situation Holly describes growing up with a disciplinary mother, my wife’s grew up in a traditional, male-dominated home.  When arguments happened, it was almost always the passive-aggressive variety in which she pouted and he slept on the couch until one or both moved on, with the underlying problem never really getting resolved.


That was our dynamic when we first got married.  Arguments almost always ended with her flouncing out and pouting.  I think the biggest way in which she has changed over time is her willingness to assert herself more directly and, sometimes, painfully.  I think she also has become way more assertive in general over the 18 or so years we’ve been doing DD and experimenting on and off with something more like an FLR.



Although the changes have been incremental, I do think they accelerated as retirement approached.  During a period three or four years ago when Anne was becoming more openly “bossy,” one of our kids asked about the dynamic, basically commenting that it seemed like Anne was the one who “wore the pants.”  I wasn’t there, but Anne says she gave her a kind of vague or cryptic answer to the effect that I had a lot of responsibility at work and, therefore, didn’t want to make lots of decisions at home. When pressed a bit more, she did own that she kind of did wear the pants.


How have I changed?  Regarding Domestic Discipline, I think my attitude about it has been relatively stable, though I think there are a few things I appreciated now more than I did when we started.


First, I do think that from the very first conversation I emphasized that part of the goal was equalizing the relationship, helping her become more assertive by taking me down a peg or two.  But, I think I had a pretty limited and vague understanding of what that might entail.  I think at the time I still saw her assertiveness as a means, with the end being to bring about changes in my behavior.  Now, I sometimes think I had that “means versus ends” dichotomy backward.  Over time, I’ve come to think that one reason DD seems to work for so many wives is that it allows them to assert themselves—to  “find their voice” as it were—even if many of his problematic behaviors come up over and over.


Another way of putting it might be that I recognized I needed, and that part of me desperately wanted, imposed boundaries.  But, I looked at the value of those boundaries from my perspective. I now think that she gets as much gratification or more from doing the imposing than I get from having them imposed.  


Second, when I first became interested in DD, I thought about it as being almost entirely about the discipline.  Today, I’m far more on board with the observations of many here that even if the whole thing is permeated with sexual energy, that doesn’t mean it isn’t real discipline.  I’ve gotten a lot more comfortable with the fact that the two can co-exist.  


Third, today I’m way more certain that a big part of my underlying attraction to DD is about the authority as opposed to the discipline. Accountability and penance are always going to be a big part of the dynamic for me, but over time I’ve come to see that those aren’t as powerful unless they feel imposed by someone in authority. 



Alan and ZM in particular have talked a lot about it being the need for strong female authority.  I agree, though I’m not quite as insistent that for me it has to be about female authority. I think I have a strong attraction to power in general and to having power imposed on me, and I’m maybe more agnostic than some about whether that authority has to be female.



Which leads to the final observation about how I think my attitude has changed over time.  I never think of myself as a submissive, yet as I get older and become more open to all sorts of things and shed more and more of my biases—including biases about myself—I do think that part of my attraction to DD reflects a deep-seated desire to be subject to someone’s dominance.


I’ve always had an anti-authoritarian streak, which probably seems at odds with what I just said about getting off on authority and needing it to be imposed.  I think the two can be reconciled by the fact that at work I didn’t feel like anyone who tried to dominate me had any real ability to do so and make it stick, and I didn’t have any particular incentive to submit to anyone.  This may loop back a bit to some of ZM and Alan’s observations about how the sexual or erotic aspects of DD help make the whole thing work.  Anne doesn’t have any more objective “power” over me than some superiors at work, with one important exception . . . because of the erotic and sexual energy involved, I’m driven to submit to her authority to whatever extent she attempts to use it.  I hope that makes sense, because I’m not sure I can articulate it any better than that.


Have a great week.


  1. Dan, like you, much of my attraction to DD is about her authority, as opposed to discipline. I seldom receive discipline any more, as I no longer do things that used to annoy her. I still very much look forward to our maintenance spankings every week. Other reasons for me getting a spanking are either to settle me down, or if I am going to be in a stressful situation. One of my first real spankings was when I very upset over loosing my wallet. It was a watershed moment in our relationship, as she insisted I needed a spanking, and it was a clear demonstration of her authority. She was absolutely correct, and I thanked her afterward. She has let me know she is now more confident in other ways, and is less willing to put up with people or things she doesn't want to deal with. So in those ways, she has changed more than me. I have simply altered some annoying behavior, which hasn't been all that hard. There will still always be little things that might earn me a quick spanking, which serves as a reminder of who has the authority. Those spankings are much more light hearted, but they still sting. It's good for our relationship when I am spanked often, as it really makes me feel calm and secure. Having never had any boundaries growing up, it's reassuring to finally have some now.

    1. "She has let me know she is now more confident in other ways, and is less willing to put up with people or things she doesn't want to deal with. So in those ways, she has changed more than me. I have simply altered some annoying behavior, which hasn't been all that hard."

      This raises a good point. There is a difference between adjusting some behaviors on the one hand, and really changing as a person, on the other. The former may or may not involve a real change to who you are or how you approach other parts of your life.

    2. If I lost my wallet, my husband would comfort me even if I was overreacting. He also would try to help find it. I understand those reactions. But I sure wish he would spank me first! How do I get him to act like Norton's wife?
      Cynthia Ellen

  2. My thoughts will be unpopular here. They often are and, generally ignored. Here goes anyway. I think that it is a massive cop out to transfer responsibility for carelessness to our wives. Above all, we are responsible adults and have to always remember that. I'm not saying that the extra help we get from our observant wives don't help us learn. I know I'm helped. But that doesn't mean she has the obligation of owning my stupidity and carelessness.

    I see DD a bit differently. For us, the main value proposition is that my wife's ability to punish me is a way to balance marital power and set limits. I have always been the primary decision maker. She likes it that way. Our marriage functions well with this model. However, there is a big problem. If i am in charge, how does my wife make her needs known?

    For example, one thing I'm to do every day is set up our coffee pot for the next morning. It's easy to do and saves my wife the work of stumbling around in the morning doing it while making breakfast. If I forget, she has a few minutes of extra work. No big deal, right? Not so fast! Doing that extra work I was expected to do the day before annoys her. We don't need a marriage counselor to help us over that issue, but she is a little pissed. Other little misses builds resentment. She knows it's not rational to scream at me over the coffee pot, so she does nothing and the feelings fester.

    Once I suggested that she should punish me for not following through on my committeemen, and she bought into the concept, she had a concrete way to show me her displeasure in a constructive way. The point isn't that she is assuming responsibility for my failures, as Dan suggests when he posits that a spanking would make him less careless. It's that she has a tool to let me know when I've crossed a line, even a small one.

    My role in our marriage hasn't changed. She isn't some super-mommy. She simply has tools to make sure I understand when she's displeased. It's been working well for the last five years or so.

    1. Lion,
      I don’t think your relationship is extremely different from many others who post here including mine. One thing we do a little differently is (during regular meetings) strive for an explicit consensual agreement that behavior is “spankable” (at her discretion)
      You have mentioned before that your ideas are ignored and your blog doesn’t draw much participation. I am going to offer some completely gratuitous advice to you which you may feel free to ignore.
      But I think there are many valuable ideas put forth on your blog over the years and I have learned some things from it. It is a very useful blog.
      But you publish so frequently that there is no time to develop one topic before you are off to the next. Closely related, your comments protocol places somewhat onerous barriers in the way of commenting, very likely discouraging readers from doing so.
      Your blog really is a valuable resource and I strongly suspect you would have much more participation if you made it easier to comment and published less frequently

    2. We just had a poll in which most of the respondents identified as seeking to avoid confrontation. Yet, you regularly seem to be looking for one, characterizing various practices, interests, or behaviors as "wrong," "selfish" "massive cop out," "stupidity," "super-mommy," etc. So, perhaps they aren't ignoring you, so much as avoiding getting drawn into a confrontation.

      As discussed with your views on conversations with DD among friends, you draw some interesting lines. A wife exercising authority by correcting carelessness (which happens in probably a dozen stories on the DWC website) is acting as a "super-mommy" and "assuming responsibilities for his failures" but spanking for not making a cup of coffee that one is presumably perfectly capable of making oneself is perfectly in-line with DD as appropriately conceived, which means as defined by you?

    3. Lion,
      I hadn't looked at your blog before. The domestic discipline posts seem very useful to marriages like mine and are very close to my DD experience: She decided what to punish me for to make me a better husband, and she decided how the punishment would go, making sure that I did not enjoy it in the least. She was also very consistent, as you recommend. She said that training a husband was just like training a puppy: rewards and punishments consistently and quickly attached to behaviors she wanted to encourage or discourage. And I am not afraid to say that, much like a puppy, I craved her rewards and feared her punishments!

    4. Dan - I apologize. My intention isn't to be confrontational. The labels I used were intended to group activities. I was trying to compare and contrast views like the old DWC materials and the way our DD is working. My intention was to communicate and not offend.

      The distinction I'm trying to make is that for us, the most valuable benefit from DD is giving my wife a way to strongly communicate her displeasure. I'm not saying this is true for anyone else. What I was thinking about when I asked her to spank me was the old "squeezing toothpaste from the middle of the tube" situations. Annoying things I do that could fester under the surface of our relationship.

      I'm probably not doing a good job communicating this. If I'm careless, and that annoys my wife, then I should be spanked. That doesn't mean that I can be careless if she *doesn't* punish me for it. The idea is that I'm a responsible adult and I have to own my behavior. I am grateful that my wife helps me improve, but her paddle doesn't relieve me of the responsibility to improve myself.

      In terms of my blog: We publish two 500 word (or so) posts every day. We've been doing it for 9 years. I get it that most people can't read every one. The reason we ask for an email address with comments is because that's what the WordPress software makes us do. We don't save or check those addresses and readers can feel free to make fake ones. No one is watching.

      KOJ - I guess training us is much like training a puppy. In that respect it's sort of fun for some wives. Mrs. Lion doesn't see it that way, but for my sake is a very consistent disciplinarian. I have to admit that without conscious effort on my part, I have been trained by her. I used to spill food on my shirt. I was a messy eater. She spanked me every time I spilled (I tried to avoid going to a Mexican restaurant. Chips and salsa always got on my shirt). To my surprise, within a few months and a dozen or two spankings, I "learned" not to spill. It was a big surprise to both of us. One of our current problems is that she is running out of stuff like that to correct.

    5. CL, understood.

      "If I'm careless, and that annoys my wife, then I should be spanked. That doesn't mean that I can be careless if she *doesn't* punish me for it. The idea is that I'm a responsible adult and I have to own my behavior. I am grateful that my wife helps me improve, but her paddle doesn't relieve me of the responsibility to improve myself."

      I don't think we necessarily disagree. I don't think anyone would disagree that a DD relationship relieves one party of "owning" their own behavior. But, where we may or may not disagree is I think one means of owning it is asking to be held accountable. Some people who are far more perfect than I (at least in their own eyes), might reply something to the effect of, "You're an adult. Why don't you just improve on your own?" As I said in reply to a comment from Ward, I think ZM answered this a few weeks ago, with something like, "The simple answer is that if I could do something I my own, I would have already done it."

      There are all sorts of circumstances in which someone may genuinely want to improve in some area, or get rid of some bad habit, yet time and time again, they fail. Often, the short term rewards of some behavior outweigh any theoretical concerns about the long-term consequences. Or, our predilection for comfort and/or maintaining the status quo has to be overcome in some way that gives us additional leverage over those predilections. In some cases, the problem areas might be something that annoys the wife. In other circumstances might not have much effect on her, at least not indirectly. While I think DD is more likely to work and to be taken up when the behavior IS something the wife takes personally, I don't think that her personal annoyance or aggravation set the boundaries for when it can or should be used.

    6. "Often, the short term rewards of some behavior outweigh any theoretical concerns about the long-term consequences. Or, our predilection for comfort and/or maintaining the status quo has to be overcome in some way that gives us additional leverage over those predilections." - Exactly! The rewards of bad behavior are usually immediate, where the consequences may be years in coming and by no means certain. At the same time, the rewards of good behavior often are very long-term, and may or may not happen at all. Given this, and the fact I am living right now, it is pretty easy to choose the short-term reward even at the risk of longer-term consequences.


    7. Spanking flips this dilemma by making the consequences of bad behavior immediate rather than long-term. And if the spanking is hard enough it negates the short-term reward of misbehavior. Problem solved! I am incentivized to behave!
      Cynthia Ellen

    8. "Spanking flips this dilemma by making the consequences of bad behavior immediate rather than long-term."


    9. "Given this, and the fact I am living right now, it is pretty easy to choose the short-term reward even at the risk of longer-term consequences."

      Exactly! And, I think to some extent it actually makes sense to live that way. We are living right now and none of us know whether we will be tomorrow. A few years ago, I was trying to lose weight around holiday time, and one of my kids gave me shit for denying myself a cookie, saying "You know, you're going to be one of those guys who on your death bed wishes you'd have had the damn cookie."

      It was a very wise observation. Still, we also need to take account of the fact that while we *might* die tomorrow, we probably won't, and if we have too many of those cookies we may shave several years of more modest cookie eating off of the total life span we could have if we showed some restraint. It's all a balance.

  3. I rarely strongly disagree with anything published here but I take exception to the above. Caged Lion doesn't publish to often, IMHO. I look forward to reading it almost daily. I don't post comments simply because a email address is required. For my own personal reasons, I remain anonymous in these online activities. Graham

    1. Use a fake email address. Our blog software requires us to ask.

    2. For those who are averse to getting an email address for use on Wordpress and similar sites because they don't want to deal with Google or other providers' verification policies and the lack of anonymity they entail, I would suggest looking into Proton mail. It's end-to-end encrypted. Its servers are located outside the U.S., so it's relatively immune to the prying eyes of official information requests/demands, and its business model doesn't include advertising, so it doesn't collect personally identifiable (like a telephone number) information as a condition of opening the account. I got an account a few months ago and so far I like it.

    3. I will look into Proton. In the case of my site, I control the server and no email checking is made. Feel free to invent an address like :)

    4. I don't mind blogs posting often, and in fact often wish they published more often. However, I also don't read blogs all that regularly, so if there is one that posts frequently, I find it very difficult to participate in a meaningful way, since quite often by the time I read something, there are several newer posts. If I were to write anything, probably few would ever read it, and it wouldn't result in much interaction. I encountered this quite a few times on KD's blog he had before. I found something interesting, but it was already kind of "outdated" by newer posts.


    5. For me, I'm aiming for some sweet spot between "confessional" and "community" in a blog. There are times I really just want to write down thoughts about something DD-related, including thoughts about my own experiences. But, when I blog is basically just an on-line personal journal, I think its author shouldn't expect much participation from others. It's hard to engage with someone who is just documenting their own experiences and not really structuring the post to invite others to share or comment. When I very first started blogging, I tried one that was basically just an on-line journal, and it got old very fast just relating my own experiences.

      On the other hand, I'm not always wild about the topic-driven approach I've taken with this blog since it's inception. Blogs that are basically just a series of topic statements do get responses, but they tend to be short and concrete, without much actual engagement between commenters.

      I actually liked KD's blog a lot, but I do think that posting several times a week has downsides when it comes to participation. I think that's especially true if the blog covers a lot of ground. With too many topics and nothing really connecting them, it's hard to get any kind of community established. I actually liked that KD would explore not just kink topics but also things like his personal hobbies, but the more of that you do the more it becomes something like a personal journal. There's nothing at all wrong with that, but you have to accept that it probably won't get a lot of conversation going.

    6. Quick comment and "expansion" of Dan's description of "Proton Mail."

      I myself have several Proton Mail accounts, and they do have some very unique and useful features. However, there is one aspect of use that is not well described on their website:

      Proton Mail works in three different modes:

      (1) Fully encrypted in both directions, via "Public Key" cryptography;

      (2) Fully encrypted in both directions, via previously "Shared Key" cryptography;

      (3) Totally unencrypted in both directions, just like any other email account and address. This is the "default" mode of operations, just like any other email address.

      I've had so many people comment to me that they like the idea of a truly anonymous email account like Proton, but don't want the hassle of ALWAYS sending encrypted mail, especially to friends and family do who not want the hassle, of either manual decryption, or setting up their own Proton Mail account.

      Totally unnecessary. Default mode of Proton Mail is like every other "generic" email account: Non-encrypted in both directions.

    7. Another issue regarding encryption is it can force you to manage your passwords carefully. I set up the account, then didn't use it for a few weeks. When I took it up again, I set a new password. The problem is, the emails from before the password change are encrypted, and without the old password (which I forgot and didn't write down), I can't open any of those older emails in my own inbox, because they remain encrypted and are not decrypted by Proton Mail without my old password.

      The upside of the "problem" is, of course, that it does indicate a lot higher level of security from prying eyes than you are ever going to get with Google, Outlook, Yahoo, etc. But, you do need to be more careful in how you interact with it if preserving access to your own stuff is critical.

      Proton also, btw, offers encrypted calendar, storage, and a VPN.

      I'm not evangelizing for Proton, but I think it does offer some interesting features for those who are super concerned about security and privacy. Most of the interesting features beyond a free email account are chargeable. But, I think that's a compromise people are going to have to get more comfortable. There has to be some income stream for products to exist. So, if you want a "free" system like gmail, then you have to live with targeted advertising. If you don't want the provider targeting you, there is probably going to be some kind of actual payment involved.

    8. Yes, totally (99%) agree.

      I don't agree with "If you don't want the provider targeting you, there is probably going to be some kind of actual payment involved."

      The Proton Mail account ARE totally free, and do not have any advertising from third parties. ( will occasionally "pop-up" one of their own promotions for one of their other (paid) products on your web-mail home page, but that is minimal, and very rare.)

      Regarding your old password and non-recovered emails, Proton does offer the "option "of providing either a telephone number of email address during signup (or later). Either that telephone number of email address can be uses to "recover" your original password, and thus recover your original emails. Is it possibly you proved such a recovery "address" for your own account (at signup, or later)?

      Just a few thoughts.

    9. No, when originally setting up the account, I did not provide a telephone number or email, basically because I was trying to see how far one could go in setting up a truly anonymous account that has maximal protection against tracing back to an identifiable account. You could probably use a burner phone, though I haven't tried it on Proton. They don't usually work for gmail accounts or social media platforms like Facebook, because those platforms reject telephone numbers that have been used multiple times, as is the case with most burner phone numbers. Using a gmail account for which you provided identifiable information would obviously be problematic in setting up a totally anonymous account.

      The bottomline is, I didn't provide the backup addresses as an experiment, and I quickly discovered one of the problems with that approach. One of the reasons I call it an experiment is I'm not really all that paranoid about security these days. The primary reason I got, and was willing to pay for, something like Proton is I think there need to be more alternatives that aren't financed through target ads. You're right that there are free options on Proton, though what you get is limited, and the paid options need people actually paying for them if the platform is going to survive. Ultimately, there is no free lunch.

    10. Dan said ” Ultimately, there is no free lunch”
      This is probably the single best piece of economic wisdom anyone can absorb. You do have to pay for it -one way or another. And if someone tries to convince you something is free, they are scamming you -or getting ready to do so. In fact, if more people understood how fundamental this is, most scams would all but disappear and a lot of advertising would disappear

    11. Yeah, it's tough getting my kids to realize that even small things like "free deliver" and "free refills" are built into the price in one way or another.

  4. Dan, I feel that I’ve changed drastically compared to my old self. My wife will not take any of my crap. She has made a positive difference in my life. We are two polar opposites. I get loud and upset and she has never raised her voice once in fifteen years. When she met me, I came out of a toxic relationship. She was more mature and a bit older. She put me in my place when I needed to be. Like I stated last week, I would have probably benefited greatly from a FLR early in my 20’s. My alpha ego would not have allowed it, but I would have benefited greatly from that type of relationship. We started with erotic spanking and I approached her about DD. I am attracted to her authority when she is upset and wants to punish me. I just wish it would be more consistent. I don’t forget things often. The coffee pot example above escapes me. I never seem to forget little things. It’s always the bigger things. I do feel my wife is more confident in her self esteem, and knows that I will always have her back. She came out of an abusive relationship. So for her to be able to wield a strap or paddle and set things right is quite a refreshing breath of fresh air for her. I told her up front, I will never decline to bend over for you no matter what. Even if I feel wronged, it will never happen. I feel much closer to my wife after a good thrashing. I appreciate she taking the time to correct me.

    1. "Like I stated last week, I would have probably benefited greatly from a FLR early in my 20’s."

      That's probably true of many of us, though it's probably also true that while the 20s may be when we need it most, it's also probably when we would be the least open to it. Honestly though, I have no idea how I would have reacted in my 20s had I happened to get involved with a woman who was already into DD and FLR. It just wasn't at all on my radar screen back then, so I'm not sure whether someone raising it with me would have caused the same positive reaction in my 20s had I encountered it then as it did in my late 30s when I finally discovered it.

      "She came out of an abusive relationship. So for her to be able to wield a strap or paddle and set things right is quite a refreshing breath of fresh air for her." My wife dated some dicks before me, including a couple of older men, but I don't think any of them were really abusive. Rather, I think growing up in a very traditional, Catholic home led her to never think of setting things right on her own. I do think DD basically liberated from those traditional values that kept women down.

    2. ""She came out of an abusive relationship. So for her to be able to wield a strap or paddle and set things right is quite a refreshing breath of fresh air for her." - My wife came out of a pretty bad marriage, so I would think this empowering provided by DD would be kind of a motivation for her, but she said she doesn't think it is very much that way for her. I am guessing it is because she had quite a few years to get over the feelings from the bad relationship, and my wife is the queen of closure (unlike me, who never really gets full closure on anything)!

      One scene I have always had in my mind regarding the "others" that I so frequently bring up here is one of my wife's friends or someone like that who has went through a bad divorce or a bad relationship, and her letting them take it out on me. In that extremely unlikely fantasy-fodder scenario, it would probably be cathartic for them to physically vent some of their frustration on a male.


    3. Dan,

      You bring up a good point about community. I never considered that a journal wouldn't foster a large number of comments. Our blog gets a lot of visitors every day, but not many comments. Your suggestion provides an excellent reason for this. Our readership has grown steadily year over year. I figured incorrectly, that a large number of readers would result in a large number of comments. I know people are reading. The average time spent on each page is over two minutes. Somehow the stats seem abstract to me. A single comment feels more valuable.

      I also wonder how many people who read posts also read comments. I suspect the number is a small fraction of the total readership. I like how you quote your favorite commenters in your posts. It gives them a much wider audience. Let's face it, our blogs are personal documents we produce just because we want to. We don't make any money. Mine is actually a substantial expense. I have two virtual servers in the cloud as well as supplementary distribution services. It isn't a ton of money, but it impacts our household budget. My wife and I discuss this regularly and agree that it's worth doing. Many days I wonder if I'm crazy.

      We both put a lot of effort into thoughtful consideration of our lifestyle. Our readers appear to understand that our sites are based on real experiences. I wonder if our readers have any idea how much work it takes to sustain these blogs. It doesn't matter to me if they don't. I'm a loyal reader of your blog and get value from your posts and the discussions that follow them. Thanks to you and my fellow commenters.

    4. "I also wonder how many people who read posts also read comments. I suspect the number is a small fraction of the total readership."

      I suspect you're right, though I don't have any way of tracking it. Also, I don't know how closely the number of "visitors" corresponds to how many people actually read all or most of the post. There is another platform I started doing some writing on recently, basically just to test it out. It does have a function indicates what proportion of people actually read through an article, as opposed to actually clicking on it. It was surprising to me just how many visitors seemed to read a few lines, got the gist of what the article was about, then left.

      "Let's face it, our blogs are personal documents we produce just because we want to." I agree, and I think the more a blogger makes it transactional--I post and for that effort I expect/hope for a lot of comments--the more likely he/she is to get frustrated and quit. Ultimately, you need to really know whether you are writing for yourself or for an audience, because that will, or at least should, have a big impact on what you choose to write about and the level of visitor engagement you can expect.

    5. I maintain my own web statistics server. My site sends information to it and it somehow knows how long people stay on my pages and how many pages are read in each visit. Based on that system, I know the average time spent on the site and how many pages each visitor reads. Based on that information, I know the posts are being read. I'm not bragging, just saying it is fairly easy to get this information. By the way, I don't provide javascript for Google tracking. They still manage to generate stats, but I'm not helping. I don't want to risk reader security.

      I don't have a way to track comment reading. I don't get enough to make it worthwhile. I could probably make that happen with a little tweaking, but in our case, it isn't worth the work. I'm happy that we get a lot of readers. I also figure that the comment count doesn't affect our audience. Comments are for me.

  5. Today was a day of multiples, in fact 3. When I was pulled together after the third, Ann and I spoke about her growth. I told her how thrilled I was that she had spanked me for lack of communication, and had promised a spanking for not putting aluminum foil on a pan.

    She responded that I should be careful what I wished for! She said she was ready to repeat today and repeat at greater intensity. She is more empowered than ever and spanking harder than ever before.

    1. "She said she was ready to repeat today and repeat at greater intensity. She is more empowered than ever and spanking harder than ever before."

      Careful what you wish for, indeed!

  6. When I met my wife she was very confident and as I got to know her I could see some domenance and being raised the way I was I did not like it but thought she would change. I found out the playful spankings I gave her she would let slide but if it started to sting she would not tolerate it. We fought about almost everything and I feared another divorce. When I first approached her about spanking me for discipline she was not really into it but I knew something had to change so when ever the fight got to the point of hurting her feelings I would apologize and come back with the fact that I deserve a spanking. Eventually she agreed and would spank me my behavior changed but that was short lived. She would get frustrated and give up because she thought I should have the self discipline to change myself. After begging her to punish me more. I think that she started to see l needed intervention to make changes with that she would spank me but only if an argument got out of hand. Over the years and after some conversations and life changes she now knows I want and need an FLR. She has been spanking me more but when she sees any improvement in my behavior she backs off and let's things slide which frustrates me because I know I need consistency to be less careless I have the same issue as Dan my carelessness ends up costing money and time that we do not have. She is making an effort but I wish she would not let the little things slide.


    1. "She would get frustrated and give up because she thought I should have the self discipline to change myself."

      I get this attitude, and on the one hand I can see how not just DD wives but people who don't like the concept of DD in general would see things. But, I think ZM said something a few months ago to the effect that there are certain areas where willpower r or wanting to change doesn't seem to be enough to make it happen and where the simple answer is, "If I could change on my own, I would have. Period."

    2. Ward, we seem to be on your trajectory. Erotic spanking is fine but he is very hesitant to give me disciplinary spankings and when he does he expects one spanking to completely fix that misbehavior. Then he gets frustrated when I misbehave again. He doesn't get it yet that I need consistent punishment to really change.
      Cynthia Ellen

    3. I know that I top from the bottom trying to get her to understand my need for a real spanking when I am deserving of it. I think she gets it somewhat. We had a conversation about an accident in which her computer monitor ended up being broken due to my careless handling of it but she viewed it has an accident. I explained to her her that while it was not intentional it would not have happened if I just slowed down and was more careful and I needed her help correcting that beknow She agreed and last night she paddled me for that among other issues she wants to change. The problem is the spanking was so delayed from the behavior that I did not want it or think it would be effective, so I totally over reacted flailing around like she was killing me so she stopped earlier than she would have. My point is I manipulated the situation to get out of a deserved spanking because it was delayed. I know that this is a prior topoic but I think spankings should be on the spot if possible and would be more effective in changing things. I am going to confess my dishonesty to her hoping that she will deal with it more directly and immediately

    4. CE and Ward, anyone who's been around the blog for a while knows my views on "topping from below." It's one of those concepts people import from BDSM to DD. While it may (or may not) make sense in BDSM, I think it has next to zero application in DD and, frankly, most relationships that aren't about fantasy "scenes." In DD, all it seems to do is get in the way about actual needs, which is dumb, dumb, dumb. There is no way these relationships are going to work unless both parties are getting their needs met, which requires actual communication about what those needs are.

      Ward, I do think that there are advantages to spanking immediately. But, what I'd be more worried about in your case is that she backs way off after getting mixed signals. There was a guy who used to come on here (it's been years and I forget his name), who would constantly push and push his wife to be more consistent, then when she'd spank him he would squeal like a little girl (his description) and do everything he could to get out of it. We had more female participants on the blog at that point, and they just *excoriated* this guy for the mixed signals he was sending. You have said several times that you want more consistency. If you really do, you're probably going to have to find a way to accept whatever efforts she does make without trying to have your cake and eat it too by asking her to take control while you actually maintain a lot of it yourself by encouraging then resisting.

    5. Hi Cynthia Ellen,
      One of the more frustrating things is when your spouse either doesn't understand your need for discipline or is unwilling or unable to give you what you need. In a post further up, you asked: "How do I get him to act like Norton's wife?" - The short answer, however unsatisfying it might be to hear, is that you can't, so don't even try.

      What you CAN do is over a period of time explain enough about your needs that you know he understands what exactly it is that you need, even if he doesn't understand exactly why you might want that. Also, you can make sure that whenever he does take the initiative to spank you that you make clear that it was deserved, etc. and then of course go on to behave better. Let him see the benefits of spanking, and maybe - but ONLY maybe - he might eventually become the disciplinarian you would like him to be. In the end, you can't force anyone to be anything they don't want to be, and even if you could, it would be a really bad idea.

      "...when he does he expects one spanking to completely fix that misbehavior. Then he gets frustrated when I misbehave again. He doesn't get it yet that I need consistent punishment to really change." - This is a common refrain that we discuss frequently on the blog. There are some behaviors and attitudes, particularly those that are quite deep seated, that might not be easily extinguished with a spanking or even many, many spankings. Instead, the best that might be hoped for is to control that behavior. If your husband was more eager to assume the disciplinarian role, he would probably come to understand that for more intractable issues, particularly as he sees other behaviors that DO improve quickly from spanking. On the other hand, he might not, since some posters on the blog who seemingly have been involved in DD for years still say something to the effect of "if you do it again after you were spanked, then spanking doesn't work." If those who are part of this whole thing struggle with the concept, how much more your reluctant husband? Anyway, considering his reluctance, I would try very, very hard to really toe the line after a spanking in every way. I know it might be tempting to push things a bit to see if you can get him to spank you again, since overall he is not doing enough of it, but I think you are much better served by letting him see swift and sure results from a spanking, and then maybe he will start to view it as more beneficial.


    6. What great comments! When we decided to start DD, we discussed how it might work. This wasn't topping from the bottom; it was setting expectations. We had our discussions when there were no disciplinary issues on the table. I had the advantage of a couple of decades as a BDSM top and instructor. My wife knows that. Also, she is very smart.

      When we talked about disciplinary spanking, I said that I didn't think I could change unless discipline was applied consistently. She didn't look too happy about that, but agreed. She then decided to make some rules that I was bound to break often. They were fairly trivial and didn't impact our marriage. (told you she was smart!). Things like spilling food on my shirt or failing to wait for her to eat first, were a couple. Predictably, in the beginning, I broke them very frequently. She spanked me each time.

      She considered it a sort of game. We had two surprising (to me) results: She became completely consistent and I stopped spilling food and eating first. I didn't try to improve. I just did. She noticed first and pointed it out to me. In that moment we both realized that DD would work for us, We've had our difficulties expanding the scope of her authority, but neither of us can imagine any other way to do things.

      Maybe trying this approach of consistently enforcing trivial, unemotional rules is a way to learn consistent enforcement. I guess it's disciplinary gamification.

    7. Agreed that starting with high frequency, low stakes stuff can be a great way to build a habit.

  7. I think both my wife and I changed considerably -- especially in how we appeared to others -- but at different times.

    The first change for both of us was adopting DD. While I was intimately familiar with parent-child corporal punishment dished out by my mom, I had not considered it in my marriage until my wife expressed her disgust with me and asked how my mother would have handled such behavior. Without thinking, I blurted out the true answer -- with a spanking! That set the stage in my mind, and not long after I suggested that she take my answer seriously -- which she did. She also had not thought of using corporal punishment on her husband, but we both took to it because it addressed immediate problems, in particular my mouthy attitude. I definitely had not realized how much I had been offending her, but the subsequent frequent spankings made it very clear!

    What followed were improvements in my behavior, some of which became noticeable to others. While I was rather reserved professionally -- a good journalist should be an observer and not a participant in a story -- it was a different story socially. Especially when I was drinking, I tended to get loud and obnoxious, though I didn't always remember it later. I also could be unfeeling with my wife. She addressed both this private and public disrespect with various implements, and over time people started noticing that I drank less and was more gentlemanly in social situations. This was good for our marriage in many ways, as we made more friends in addition to not embarrassing my wife. So initially it seemed as if I was the one who was changing most from our DD.

    However, my wife was changing internally. She grew in confidence, and not just in the confidence that she could thrash me when I misbehaved. Over a period of years after DD, her confidence grew in her career field, and she became much more successful. Her confidence grew in social situations, and she became more outgoing. I can't attribute all of this to DD, as most people mature and gain confidence as they age, but I do think DD "released" her from holding back and not letting her true dominant personality come to the fore. This was noticeable to those closest to us, but not nearly as public a change as my improvement in social situations.
    See Part 2

    1. Part 2 from KOJ

      As I have related, that changed dramatically after we both retired. She suddenly and unilaterally (in my mind at least) "took off the gloves" and became much more public about her marital authority. While this initially shocked me (in particular with the semipublic punishment I have already described), I at that point had been under her training for about 20 years and had truly internalized that obeying her was best for us as a married couple and best for me individually. I liked myself way more than I used to! So I tolerated the embarrassment that came with her newfound brazenness. I would say that the view of me had gone from boor to gentleman and now likely in the eyes of others transitioned into "pussy-whipped."

      I think as she became more dominant, I became more submissive. Here's an example of the stages I went through: For the first 15 years we were married, if she asked me to refill her wine glass at a party I would do it grudgingly, possibly with some disrespectful but supposedly funny comment ("Oh, are you crippled?"). For the first 10 years of DD I would refill her wine glass on request without the nasty comments or body language, but I did it partially because I feared punishment -- and I might either feel some resentment or pat myself on the back for being such a great guy. For the next 10 years of DD I lost the resentment and just refilled her wine glass because it was good for both of us to obey her -- and I knew what happened when I didn't. Initially after retirement and her public displays of authority, I would jump to fill her wine glass partially because I feared the embarrassment of her scolding or threatening me in public. But after about a year of that -- when it became clear to many that she wore the pants in the family and I accepted that they knew it -- for the remaining years of our marriage I filled her wine glass because she was the Queen Bee and I was the Worker Bee and I admitted to myself that I loved our roles and all I wanted to do was to please her and know that she was happy with her husband.

    2. "I can't attribute all of this to DD, as most people mature and gain confidence as they age, but I do think DD "released" her from holding back and not letting her true dominant personality come to the fore."

      I meant to raise this in my post but forgot to. In my wife's case, there probably is a bit of a "chicken or the egg" aspect to her gaining confidence outside DD. It's true that she probably would have gained some confidence without DD just by virtue of being a parent with all the authority that entails. Her job also required learning to control the unruly. So, she probably would have gained some confidence anyway. But, I'm not sure that confidence in those settings would have translated to confidence in dealing with me. I also do think that DD kind of gave her "permission" to, as you say, bring a more dominant personality to the fore.

    3. Your wine glass transition is a great way to illustrate the change in attitude. In all honesty, I'm probably stuck in your first or second stage on that one.

      Interestingly, I've said here before that in all the time we've been doing this, I can think of only one time that I got a vibe from friend or co-worker that they might be in a DD or FLR relationship, and that vibe specifically related to a younger female co-workers confident way of telling her husband to get get a drink refill at the bar at a holiday party.

    4. My husband is the King Bee and I am his Worker Bee but he is reluctant to "sting" me even when he should!
      Cynthia Ellen

    5. Hi KOJ,
      I loved the wineglass example, and how you went from refilling it to avoid negative consequences like spanking and public scolding to ultimately refilling it because she was your queen and you wanted to please her.

      "I think as she became more dominant, I became more submissive." - This is definitely something that happens. And it can happen subtly over a long period of time, like you described with the wine glass example of how your relationship changed. These changes can happen so slowly that you really aren't even aware they are happening, unless you look in the rear-view mirror.

      Her increasing dominance feeding your increasing submission can also happen immediately, during the course of a punishment or other exercise of authority, where the more dominant she becomes the more submissive you become. In the case of the quick episodic change, it often doesn't change the overall relationship dynamic very much (if at all), and instead you both revert to normal when the situation passes.

      As far as DD giving her more confidence in day to day life, I am not sure whether there is direct connection or not, but certainly there is at least an indirect connection. Anything that increases confidence significantly in one sphere of life is likely to make it easier to be confident in other things as well, especially if both are tied to exercising authority.

      And Dan,
      I am not sure that I have ever gotten a clear DD or FLR vibe from any friends, but I have definitely seen marriages where it is very clear who wears the pants. And it is not unreasonable to think that at least one or more of those might have crossed over into DD or FLR.


    6. I've seen plenty of marriages in which the wife clearly was the bolder, more aggressive party. What was different about this one was the directness and business-like tone with which she told him to go refill her drink, plus the way he simply scurried off to do it. There was a level of confidence and familiarity in her command that made it seem like exactly that -- a command.

  8. Hi Dan. Seasons beatings. I don’t think I am submissive either. I don’t know if this will make sense or not but I handle 99.9 % of everything. Devs health has become a factor so I do it all. This is very stressful. When I’m over her knee for whatever reason she has total control. I know what will happen but don’t know what she’ll use or how long it will last. For those several minutes it may hurt but the endorphins released help immensely. The first of the month is upon us. She usually has a “ maintenance “ discussion that day. JR

    1. Hi JR. I'm sorry her health is such a concern and hope she gets better. I totally get the connection between DD and the "comfort" of giving up control. There definitely is a paradoxical freedom in being under someone else's control.

    2. That is what I feel exactly after being spanked by my husband, the peace and comfort of being completely controlled.
      Cynthia Ellen

  9. JR,
    I know exactly how you feel and can relate. My wife was sick for years.
    I handled and still handle a majority of almost everything. I cooked, cleaned, worked, did laundry and handled all financial responsibilities. As my wife became better, I believe she still expected me to carry 99% of the workload. She will never be 100%. I did this obviously because I love my wife. I started to build a bit of resentment. My wife has told me a million times how much she appreciated all that I have done. She said most men would have left. Like JR, I feel much closer after a thrashing from my wife. I also enjoy the “comforting” aspect of DD. This is her time to be in control and hold me accountable for my actions. They are mostly for attitude and over consumption. Like a few above, I open my mouth when I shouldn’t. My wife has addressed this through some severe spankings. I hope consistency continues, as I need to be held accountable. Maybe maintenance spankings would be a good idea, I’m not sure she would be into it though. She likes to spank for wrong doing only.

    1. Yes. Our lives mirror each other. I agree that resentment sometimes enters the equation as well.

    2. I think resentment is a real potential pitfall. On the one hand, I do want my wife to punish me for bad attitudes and things like that, because bad attitude helps nothing and it is not something that I want in my life. On the other hand, whenever my wife hints that I might have a punishment coming for bad attitude, I feel a quick swell of indignance simply because I carry a very heavy load, one that I am confident that few others could carry. Of course, rationally, I know that even if (or more likely especially if) you are carrying a heavy load in life, a bad attitude is the LAST thing you need, I still bristle at being punished for it, knowing that others would break under an even lighter load.


    3. I totally get the resentment thing, and it happened to me more than once during my last year or two of work in relation to being spanked for over-indulging. I was working under a tremendous workload and experiencing tons of stress. Sometimes, yeah, I just wanted to hang out, have an excessive number of drinks and binge movies. I could definitely get more than a little testy if she tried to bring an end to those rare times of just blowing off steam and indulging myself. That doesn't mean what she was doing wasn't well-intentioned and in my best interests.

    4. When my wife told me to get my pants down because of my attitude, it was almost always my attitude toward her, and she was very emphatic that my hard day at work had nothing to do with how I treated her at home.

      Occasionally I would describe a situation where I had a bad atttitude toward someone at work. She would say something like, "You need to make this right. Do you need some 'encouragement' to do so?"
      "No, Ma'am!"

    5. "She would say something like, "You need to make this right. Do you need some 'encouragement' to do so?"

      I've written here before about an incident in which I went off on someone in a work context. He was the kind of guy who deserved that reaction a lot, but on that particular occasion I misinterpreted something. I told my wife about it, and she made my apologize, specifying that I could not do it by email. It was kind of mortifying.

    6. For me, this kind of resentment is more likely if she moved too quickly to punish me before I had calmed down or if she didn’t take the time to talk through what happened and why she was going to spank me.

      Sometimes she has used pants down corner times for this ( cooling down) which immediately eroticizes it and makes me want to obey her.

      Sometimes there is going to be resentment before or even after a spanking and that is probably unavoidable in a real DD relationship. But if it is happening a lot, that needs to be addressed

    7. Alan, I agree. I might even go a little further and say that if you aren't feeling some resentment now and then, is it really discipline you are doing? Or, maybe it is discipline but isn't very strict or effective discipline? I don't want to sound too judgmental on this point, but it does seem to me that some level of resentment is inevitable if the discipline is real, consistent, and hard enough to be effective.

    8. Hi Dan,
      This is a really good point. It has been rolling around in my mind the past few days. We always tend to treat resentment as a very bad thing - which generally I believe it is, especially if there is much of it - but occasional resentment is probably not only the inevitable outcome of DD, but in fact a pretty good sign that DD is being done correctly and that it is indeed real.


    9. You're right, resentment is almost always seen as something negative, but it may also mean that you're subject to boundaries and rules that you may not like, but that may also be good for you.

  10. My wife did not believe in maintenance spankings. They go against our concept, which was to punish specific behavior as soon as possible. There were times when we had to wait and have punishments for several behaviors in one session, but she still addressed them separately. I understand the concept of maintenance and I know it works for some. But I liked how we did it. I always knew what I was guilty of!

    1. We were against maintenance spankings for a long time. They seemed to trivialize the true disciplinary aspect of DD.We changed our minds recently. As my behavior has improved (really!) and less reason to punish resulted, she lapsed back into her more passive self. It's only been a few weeks since I get maintenance spankings, but I see a change in her. Go figure!

    2. It’s interesting how some DD practices that seem counterintuitive at first do actually work. Maintenance spanking seems to be one of them for many but not all couples.

      Another might be the preventative spanking which I remember I first proposed to her when we were having some serious strife around the holidays. But I also remember resenting them at first until it became so obvious how well they worked.

      KOJ’s revelation about being spanked in earshot of a party of friends might be another one of those counter-intuitive practices that do work -and does little or much less social harm than it would seem.


    3. I do get that about preventative spankings. I've gotten them only a couple of times. In both cases they did work. And, they happened in a context in which I think we both agreed it was probably a good thing to try. But, I can see how if she started doing it more often or more spontaneously I might feel resentment. Though, as you say, that resentment wouldn't necessarily mean it wasn't a good idea. In fact, the resentment might be a great signal that it was both real and effective.


  11. Hi Dan. I found your point about authority not necessarily needing to be female, together with the accompanying drawing interesting. It got me thinking along a slightly different path. Speaking for myself, the authority has to be my wife, I can’t get my head around the idea of giving that kind of power to anyone else. But what if there were a third person present administering the actual spanking under her direction ? Firstly, would it matter if they were male or female - I think probably not - and secondly what would be the emotional effect of this ? I suspect that having to bare all or part of oneself in front of one’s wife and someone else would increase the sensation of - actually I’m not really sure what to call the emotion. “Submission “ doesn’t really cover it. That feels more like D/s than DD, but whatever the emotion is, I think it might increase it. Also I suspect that the spankee would try and be more stoic and accept the punishment with less reaction. Again, I’m not sure exactly why - it just feels that way. We sorta kinda sampled this a few years ago when she had shoulder surgery on her spanking arm and we invited a friend (from within the community) to join us one day. However, this was a play season and not discipline so none of the emotional aspects I speculated about above applied. Bottom line: I can’t imagine giving spanking authority to anyone other than my wife, but I can well imagine being spanked by someone else at her direction. (Yeah, sorry, I know. I picked up a side comment and went off at a tangent again) TG

    1. Thanks, TG. I am, btw, fine with picking up on side comments and going off on tangents. It's probably by #1 way of developing new topics.

      I too struggle with the word "submission." Depending on the context, I think "vulnerability" is sometimes closer to the actual feeling I'm trying to get at. Or, sometimes, "surrender." I agree that submission has a very D/s or Femdom connotation.

    2. For me, certainly my thoughts over the years have been much more slanted towards females administering discipline or exercising authority over me. And the most common thought I have about that is my wife being the one exercising the authority, since she is the one who does. However, I have of course thought a LOT about there being one or more third parties present, with those thoughts generally drifting towards one or more of the witnesses spanking me as well. And occasionally, I have thought about my wife "outsourcing" punishment to someone else, with her being present or not.

      I haven't thought nearly as much about males exercising authority or spanking me, but I can see how if that were the case, overall it might be the same sort of feelings involved, but it would certainly change the dynamic. First off, I expect that in the case of a male witness (or spanker) it would increase the feeling of vulnerability quite a bit. Also, I think it would make the whole thing more embarrassing, since we guys don't like having our masculinity challenged by other guys at all. And finally, depending on who it was, it makes it possible that I couldn't as easily stop the spanking like I could with any virtually any female, thus increasing the feelings of vulnerability even further.

      As far as terms, none of them ever seem to work that well, so I guess the best we can hope for is to use whatever terms seem closest and hopefully people can contextualize a little in their heads. I do think that "surrender" seems better than "submission," but every term I can think of for most any of what we talk about here never seems to be quite right!


    3. I think you nailed the different power dynamics that would be there with a male, particularly your final point. It could make the vulnerability more real because it would take away at least some degree of voluntariness and remaining in control.

    4. Dan & ZM,
      I rarely disagree with either of you guys and never with both of you: but including a male in my discipline seems a non-starter—UNLESS the male was completely under the direction (or discipline) of my wife OR was a witness added to enhance my punishment at the direction of my wife.

      I think I am saying the authority must run from my wife, otherwise, it won’t work for me. I have related an anecdote from a UK correspondent who related how his wife used him as a “model” to teach other couples the techniques of DD. That might work for me if my wife wanted it and maybe also because I do believe in DD enough, I would be happy to help other couples if I could.

      The other situation where a male’s involvement in my discipline would work is if we were being disciplined together by our respective wives. That actually is a mild fantasy I have, one unlikely to ever be realized. But in this latter situation, normal male competition would not arise since we would both be under female authority. I think the situation my UK correspondent talked about would be embarrassing but my wife imposing her authority to make it happen would overcome that,

    5. "I rarely disagree with either of you guys and never with both of you . . ." LOL! Disagreements among friends is a good thing!

      In this case, I'm not sure how much we actually are disagreeing. I think I may be a little more open to M/m discipline than you, but I agree the most palatable would be something where my wife was directing it. But, her role in directing it could be as minimal as sending me to someone to be spanked; kind of like Tomy's stories about Aunt Kay sending him to another woman's house for a spanking.

      Perhaps oddly, where I think we disagree more is on something like modeling to teach others. For some reason, that doesn't resonate with me at all. Regarding being disciplined with another man at the same time by respective wives, I would probably comply with it, but I think it would feel more like a play "scene" to me than real discipline, though that probably depends *a lot* on the context. For example, if the other guy and I were caught in the act of doing something that the wives legitimately had a problem with, I think it could be "real" enough that it would feel like real discipline and not like a game.

    6. The other thing that hit me when I re-read ZM's comment is the level of embarrassment or vulnerability I think I'd feel seems to much more depending on who a witness is, rather than their gender. When I think about being spanked in front of, or by, a stranger--like someone at a spanking party--I don't have any real emotional reaction to that scenario. However, I have a big reaction to the thought of being spanked in front of pretty much anyone I know well, regardless of gender. And, the most threatening wold be someone who I know and don't like.

    7. Dan writes: “Perhaps oddly, where I think we disagree more is on something like modeling to teach others. For some reason, that doesn't resonate with me at all.”

      That is interesting but also understandable. My UK correspondent mentioned above did apparently have a couple of bad experiences being a model although overall my impression was that he thought it was worthwhile.

      Candidly I am not at all sure how I would react to it since invariably it would pierce the veil of intimacy that is part of DD. I think I would be more comfortable in a situation where our DD relationship was already known or suspected and we were building on that.

      At one time something like that could have happened with my sister-in-law and her husband, with whom she was definitely interested in exploring DD. But he shut that down pretty firmly beyond some erotic spanking and so it never happened.

      With strangers, it might seem more like role-playing or theater. I also wonder how many couples would want to learn more about DD in that kind of setting.

      On the other hand, apparently, quite a few pros do offer “couples counseling”, so maybe there is more interest in it than one may think, albeit a lot less embarrassing to the male.

    8. You're probably right that for the male in a couple doing the learning, the pro context would be a lot less embarrassing. At least, I think that's how it would work for me.

    9. Alan, I too was more thinking that in the extremely unlikely event that any male was ever involved it would be in the capacity of a witness or something like that, with my wife present and presumably calling the shots. But as I said, my thoughts have always revolved almost exclusively around females being witnesses or spanking me, and always at my wife’s behest.

      And Dan, so true that the most important factor in how it would feel to have a witness would be who they are and how you know them. And if you don’t like them - or they don’t like you, or both - that would be very threatening, especially knowing the satisfaction they likely are getting from your predicament.


    10. Being spanked with witnesses was an agreed hard limit in our marriage, though I learned the hard way that my wife did not include people overhearing as witnesses (which technically is true by the standard definition of witness).
      SpankIng was not an arousing kink in addition to punishment for me, so I never fantasized about witnesses as many do here. For us it was power and punishment but not sexy. The idea of witnesses was embarrassing, not titillating.
      A male witness would be more embarrassing than a female witness, I would think. That makes it ironic that I actually had an accidental witness, and a male at that!
      I arrived home from work one day, already in a bad mood, just as a workman was leaving. I asked him what the total was and he gave me a shockingly high number. Then he left. The amount angered me because my wife and I had an agreement that she would call me if a repair bill was above a certain amount because repairmen tend to try to take advantage of female customers. She had not called me!
      So I exploded on her in the kitchen, which was visible from the front door. She was taken aback but did not respond to my rant. She merely said for me to get my pants down. She grabbed her brush out of her purse, and over her knees I went for a much-needed attitude adjustment on the bare.
      I was starting to grunt and groan from the pain when I heard her sing out, "Oh you can just leave the bill on that table by the door." The workman was standing inside the front door with a clear view of my predicament! I wanted to jump up but I didn't want him to see my face or my genitals, so I stayed in position. He said nothing and was gone in a moment. He had not left but had gone out to his truck to write up the bill! I thought my wife already had it, and she thought he had given it to me.
      I was so embarrassed. I am sure my face matched my rear. But my wife resumed spanking me! She made me promise I was not going to blame her for our accidental witness.
      I never felt anything but embarrassment from this incident. Maybe some of you would feel differently.

    11. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I am convinced that I would feel only embarrassment in this situation. While there is a pretty strong sexual overtone to DD and FLR (at least for me), if a guy was involved as a witness or anything else, I think that would zap any sexual energy out of it and it would just be pure pain and embarrassment. Having said that, I don't really know, having never had any witnesses or participants of either gender.


  12. Alan, I agree completely; the authority must run from my wife. I am thinking of a situation where she was present and directing events. I could conceive of being sent to someone for a spanking but I think that person would have to be female. If there were a male involved, she would have to be there actively directing. I think that being sent to a male would cross a line and be impossible for me. TG

  13. Hi Dan,
    I wanted to comment on some of the great material that you wrote this week. Some of it I have already addressed as it came up in different comments.

    “…every time I think that I’ve learned my lesson, it’s not long before I do something else that costs my time and money fixing problems caused by my own carelessness, lack of attention to detail, or tendency to take shortcuts.” – This is me. I work pretty hard, but have a hard time getting going on things; if something can be put off, I will procrastinate every time. And usually at the cost of more time, money, stress, and frustration.

    “…I don’t think anyone self-identified as being ‘submissive’ or appearing to others to be submissive outside the home, though several said they have issues with confrontation.” – I was one of those who has issues with confrontation. I would say I am a “closet submissive.” I have always found myself in positions of responsibility that force me to be more dominant than I really am comfortable being, and also as you said, I would rather lead than have someone try to lead me.

    “In most cases, however, the men who ask for DD have had a strong spanking interest or fetish for years. Therefore, when they ask their wives to take up the paddle or strap, they aren’t ‘changing,’ so much as expressing a desire that’s always been there.” – I had a spanking fetish for years. But when I started actually getting punishment spankings, much of my spanking fetish went away. I have come to realize that all those years, I didn’t know what I really wanted, and that actually the real fantasy was for my wife to have authority over me and to exercise it by imposing discipline and punishments of different sorts which result in me feeling truly chastised and controlled.

    “…it’s a little ironic that so much of the discussion around DD is about how to change us but, in the end, it may change them [our wives] even more.” – Absolutely agree.

    “Today, I’m far more on board with the observations of many here that even if the whole thing is permeated with sexual energy, that doesn’t mean it isn’t real discipline. I’ve gotten a lot more comfortable with the fact that the two can co-exist.” – Totally true, and in fact the sexual energy is part of what can make DD work so well.

    “…I’m way more certain that a big part of my underlying attraction to DD is about the authority as opposed to the discipline.” – Exactly this!

    “I never think of myself as a submissive…part of my attraction to DD reflects a deep-seated desire to be subject to someone’s dominance.” – Interesting juxtaposition.

    “I’ve always had an anti-authoritarian streak, which probably seems at odds with what I just said about getting off on authority and needing it to be imposed.” - I’m pretty sure we are somehow long-lost brothers!


    1. "I would say I am a “closet submissive.” I have always found myself in positions of responsibility that force me to be more dominant than I really am comfortable being"

      This is kind of where I am. When I was working, there definitely were times I felt like I stepped into leadership roles not because I wanted to but because there was a limited number of people who could, and many/most of those weren't willing. But, where maybe I'm a little different is, while I whined a lot that my previous profession was too adversarial and stressful, the reality is now that I'm more or less retired, I definitely miss the adversarial part of the role. While I think it's true that I seldom started fights, I think I was lying to myself when I claimed not to get off on it on some level.

      "I have come to realize that all those years, I didn’t know what I really wanted, and that actually the real fantasy was for my wife to have authority over me and to exercise it by imposing discipline and punishments of different sorts which result in me feeling truly chastised and controlled." I didn't have your early fetish, but when I encountered the DWC, I don't think it would have gotten to me the way it did if the authority on display didn't express itself in spankings. I'm not sure that dominance without the spanking element would get much of a reaction from me (other than annoyance), and I'm very sure that spanking in the absence of both authority and accountability wouldn't do anything. I seem to need the combination of the two.

      " 'I never think of myself as a submissive…part of my attraction to DD reflects a deep-seated desire to be subject to someone’s dominance.' – Interesting juxtaposition." Yeah, it's a hard one to articulate. The best way I can explain it is I do have some need for being dominated, yet I don't get off on being submissive and it doesn't come naturally. It's the exercise of power that is attractive and not me giving in to it. In fact, giving in to authority causes negative feelings for me. That's the best I can do, yet I know it still sounds inconsistent.

      Yeah, you and I definitely need to do a DNA test sometime.

    2. I agree about the combination of authority/dominance and spanking. I am still certainly a spanking fetishist, just monitor my heart rate and blood pressure and mention spanking and you would see. But I have realized that the exercised authority is at least as big a part. But still spanking or a credible threat of spanking also needs to be there as well, otherwise it just feels like nagging. Spanking or other physical punishments add the edgy sexual element for me, compared to writing lines or something like that.

      Your explanation of the not really being submissive but still having “a deep-seated desire to be subject to someone’s dominance” makes perfect sense. I think the key words are “subject to.” I often mention the need for imposed discipline. Ideally, I don’t want to submit voluntarily but rather basically be forced to submit. Of course in real life this would create an impossible situation for my wife, so instead we walk the very blurry line of consensual non-consent.


  14. Hi Dan,
    I will attempt to address the specific questions for this week, though combining them together. Some of it I might have already answered on other comment threads.

    "With respect to Cynthia Ellen’s question, did either you or your partner ever change your minds about Domestic Discipline or exercising authority? Regarding KOJ’s broader theme of changes over time, in what ways have your or your partner’s attitudes toward DD and your respective roles changed over time? In what ways has practicing DD changed one or both of you over time? Who has changed more, and in what ways?" - As I said elsewhere, I have been a spanking fetishist since my teenage years. For many years, I would read or look at anything I could find with regard to spanking. My first wife had very strong feelings against it. She apparently still felt strong resentment from being spanked when she was a child, so spanking was super negative to her. Also, she was from an extremely conservative family, and they viewed pretty much anything other than sex with the lights off in an effort to have children as perversion, so she found spanking basically revolting. Even though she was in no way interested in exploring it, for me the fascination with spanking was ever-present. She never warmed up to the idea at all. Of course, it is possible for people to change, but if someone has pretty deep-set feelings against something, they are unlikely to ever change.

    From the beginning, I always liked the domestic angle. I was mostly turned off by traditional femdom, with the leather, chains, and so on, largely because it just seemed so fake. Seven years ago, I began dating my current wife and I had told her about spanking somewhere about after the first month of going out. For her, she had never really heard anything about adult spanking as punishment. She had heard of BDSM (very little), but had no idea there were people who actually used it for real life. She initially learned a lot, mostly by asking me and I provided her with things to read and so on. She embraced it quite enthusiastically, though as expected she was overly careful at first because she was afraid of injuring me and also probably - though she doesn't think so - was afraid of being too much of a bitch.

    Once I finally started to get the real spankings I had wanted for about 35 years, I began to realize that I don't like spanking just for the sake of spanking and that it is much more about the power exchange, exercised authority, and all the feelings that surround the event. In fact, I realized that I don't find getting spanked all that much of a turn-on at all, though the thought of it is still somewhat exciting. Interestingly enough, as I have been more and more into the power exchange and authority elements, I have become much more open to other non-spanking activities, and also with different fetish apparel, either to emphasize her projected power or to increase my feelings of powerlessness. I still don't get all that turned on by the idea of BDSM play, but my wife does like role-play, so at least at times we do something on that front. But mostly, I want it to be about actual authority with a clear power exchange and real punishments for real misdeeds.

    She of course started with no concept of any of this, so she has changed radically. Now, she is able to quickly and completely assert herself in this role. Also, she has really gotten off on exercising her new-found authority.


    1. My wife also loved her new-found authority, mostly because she was suddenly able to control her recalcitrant husband. As I have mentioned, her sense of authority and confidence over time took effect in other areas of her life.
      She changed so much, and eventually became more authoritative (to avoid the implications of dominant) in some other aspects of our marriage.
      But ours was not an FLR, nor did either of us want that. She sometimes ran the show in the bedroom but sometimes I did or we made love as equals. She liked to act bossy, even bitchy, with both of us knowing that she controlled my attitude but I did not control hers. Yet we made all significant decisions together. I would say I was obedient (to avoid the implications of submissive) -- or punished and then obedient -- in the day-to-day minutiae and our social interactions ("Take out the garbage NOW!" "Stop talking politics before you get yourself in trouble") but not submissive in the marriage overall.
      I do think I like the terms authoritative and obedient better than dominant and submissive.

    2. "I would say I was obedient (to avoid the implications of submissive) -- or punished and then obedient -" LOL!

    3. It seems most of us are attracted to the idea of having an authoritative wife or G/F. Spanking is a natural, sexually charged way to express it, and like many of you, it took me a long time to reconcile how these ideas could actually work together. I've have had a lifelong fasanation with spanking, and was blown away when first discovering DWC. My former wife wasn't really into it, and we eventually agreed I should get spankings from a pro, which I did for years. At first, it was a tremendous relief. But after a while, I realized that what I really wanted was accountability and a partner that could be authoritative, giving me spankings at her discretion. We eventually split up, and when I found another lover, she let me know she had never been into anything like that. I realized it was essential for me, I took her to witness my pro dom giving me a hard spanking. It was a big risk, but fortunately, she got a little excited by it, and also got to see how it felt getting spanked by a woman. So, for a few years, we would use spanking as foreplay, but that was all. Then we agreed to do maintenance spankings once a week, and she slowly has gotten into taking on a more authoritative role. The spankings would be harder if I had done anything during the week that displeased her. Eventually, we agreed that she should add spankings as soon as possible after the offense. She still enjoys getting spanked as foreplay, but for me, it is much more tied to discipline and accountability. Like many of you, I would like her to be more bossy and strict.
      That said, I am amazed at how much better my life is now that I finally get most of what I have been craving for so long. I am grateful she has been willing to do this for me, and that we are so simpatico. She gets a lot of help from me doing housework and cooking, and I am very careful about not over indulging.

  15. It's good to see that with so many of you, your partners increased their authority and willingness to use corporal punishment over time. I guess I have to be patient with my "hesitant husband" to understand that "you're helping me when you're hurting me!"
    Cynthia Ellen

    1. Hi Cynthia Ellen,
      I don't know if you saw it, but Caged Lion had what I considered to be a very good suggestion for you. Perhaps if you can get your husband to spank you consistently for things that are unimportant or even trivial and with no emotion attached. This makes the whole thing almost a game. If he gets to the point of consistently enforcing these, then perhaps it could grow to other more serious things.

      But ultimately, it will depend mostly on him and how far he is willing and able to go. It is not something that can be forced. As I said earlier, my ex-wife never warmed to the idea at all. It was simply a hard stop with her, and there was no changing that, not that I didn't try. On the other hand, when I first began talking with my current wife about witnesses, she quickly threw out a "imagine if ____ (one of our dear friends) saw you being punished," but then quickly squished my fantasies by saying "it is never going to happen." We were talking this morning about how it has progressed from that point to the climax (so far) where one of her friends was in our house while a punishment happened, and with full awareness of what was going on. My wife even offered for the friend to come in and punish me too, but she wasn't quite ready for that. So, on the one side I can say that sometimes people never change and are unable to overcome their mental barriers, but on the other side, never say never, because sometimes they do!

      Either way, patience is better for everyone because it will likely be a process of years for him to change - if ever - and being patient gives time for that to happen and also lets you enjoy what you have at least.


    2. I have tried the trivial approach and he saya it is ridiculous to spank for such little things I can fix easily. Harumph.
      Cynthia Ellen

  16. Hi Cynthia. It may be even harder for your husband than many of our wives to take you in hand, as we have gotten the message that it never ok to hit a woman. Of course, all of this is consensual, and you need it, but much of the public doesn't understand that concept. Have you ever shared this blog with him? Many of us guys have shared the DWC with our ladies, and I have shred relevant parts of this blog with mine.

  17. He is past the never OK to hit a woman because he spanks me lightly as foreplay and has given me several medium disciplinary spankings. I think he would be unhappy that I was telling my story to all these guys. But I doubt he would spank me for it!
    Cynthia Ellen

  18. Hi Cynthia. It's good that your husband can at least give you medium spankings, which probably shows progress, so hopefully, he may eventually give you what you really crave. Like ZM, my ex was simply not interested in exploring this fantasy. However, when she finally realized how important it was for me, she agreed to have me visit a pro that would give me the kind hard and long spankings I needed. While that didn't satisify my desire for real DD, it was much better than nothing. I am not suggesting that is what you should do, but your husband might not understand how important it is for you. Good luck.

  19. There has been some discussion of Caged Lion's 8-year journal here. While I have no interest in chastity, I looked at the journal in regard to domestic discipline. And it is wonderful in describing the process that Mrs. Lion went through to become a strict disciplinarian! I did a search for "domestic discipline" and am now reading the posts chronologically, starting with the oldest one on page 155 of the DD search pages. There are posts from both him and her, and they address her reluctance to severely spank him, which is the issue I am dealing with regarding my husband. I am only up to page 150 but I have already learned a lot. Thank you, Lion!
    Cynthia Ellen

  20. CE:
    You might also want to check out the link at the top of Lion's blog for the "Disciplinary Wive's Hanbook:"

    Mr. and Mrs. Lion both post almost EVERYDAY, and have been for many years (i.e., ~5600 posts). The "Handbook" is an excellent introduction, as well as the links at the bottom of each handbook page.


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