
Saturday, September 3, 2022

The Club - Meeting 409 - Erotic v. Disciplinary Spankings - Distinct or Not?

Everything in the world is about sex, except sex.  Sex is about power. -- Oscar Wilde


Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our weekly gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a Domestic Discipline relationship.  I hope you all had a great week.


Our week was such that Anne and I were both commenting this afternoon that we feel totally exhausted and, yet, it’s only the beginning of a three-day weekend here in the U.S.  Getting old does kind of suck.  I’m at that stage where I need a weekend to recover from my weekend.



Thanks to everyone for the robust discussion around a pretty limited topic, i.e. marking.  There’s definitely a wide range of experiences and preferences out there, from actively avoiding to tolerating to willfully causing.


Near the end of last week’s discussion, Alan made this topic suggestion, which I’ve posted in full:


“I am going to suggest a topic that really deserves at least one post. For years when we discussed the question of “how many are there are out there” we have treated “erotic spanking” as something outside of DD, discipline and certainly FLR’s of any kind – at the same time acknowledging that spanking was almost certainly going mainstream among many adults.


For sure distinctions among the types of spanking are complex and appear to reside in the heads of the couple doing the spanking.


But just now I am reading a biography of Socrates. Socrates was certainly and old fart and while he didn’t deserve the hemlock, he was irritating a good deal of the time. And one reason he was irritating was his habit of questioning everything. “How do you know” was his regular refrain.


So planning to drink neither the kool aid nor hemlock I ask a question some may find irritating: How do you know when you engage in “erotic spanking” that it isn’t actually disciplinary in nature?


Think about it. Spanking as a stereotype and a template is inherently about punishment and discipline. We all learn that as children whether we were spanked or not. And in everyday language we tend to use the word spanking to describe punishment in settings as diverse as sports journalism or politics. My point is that spanking as an act and a concept is understood early as a punishment by most people.


Yet we are to believe that as adults it suddenly becomes an erotic pleasure perused for its sensual pleasures or to “role play.” There is a page missing there.


I don’t doubt that many adults experiment with spanking as a bedroom game without any disciplinary overtones. But once someone continues to incorporate spanking into their relationship after that experimental phase—they are inevitably using it as discipline at some level, often laughing all the way. The logic and purpose of spanking is just too compelling to argue it is just “erotic.”


This also explains why many people report “evolving” from erotic spanking to DD. They didn’t evolve. They just allowed the reality of what they were doing into consciousness. Many “erotic spankers” never do this –and continue to make the distinction between what they do and the much scarier discipline stuff they would never do.


So let’s talk about whether people are into spanking or not --because the distinctions we make, between “erotic” spanking and DD – don’t hold up to close scrutiny. They are distinctions without a difference.



The excerpts I bolded above are the ones that evoked a response in me, though unlike the response of the Athenian citizenry to Socrates, it wasn’t irritation, except maybe a tad at the bit about consciousness and accepting reality.

I was in a hurry when I read Alan’s suggested topic, but I put some initial thoughts out there, which were as follows:


“My initial reaction is that the quoted paragraph is kind of a non sequitur. There are obvious overlaps between disciplinary and erotic spankings, and it might be that real life spanking stimulated a desire to simulate disciplinary spankings in an erotic context. But, the desire to simulate a disciplinary spanking doesn't mean that the simulated experience becomes real, let alone that it is inevitable that it becomes so.


If this were a Venn diagram, it seems like you're insisting that if there is an "erotic" oval and a "DD" oval the overlap is 100% My view is that just because there is an intersecting oval between Oval Erotic and Oval DD doesn't mean that there is 100% equivalence between the two. The fact that A includes B, and C includes B, doesn't meant that A = C.


If anything, based on the anecdotal evidence, I kind of see the argument working in reverse. People may incorporate DD and believe they are doing it for purely non-erotic purposes, but for one or both parties it either becomes erotic or they come to admit there is an erotic element to it.


IMO, it's not the case that these are distinctions without a difference. We've discussed here before why many of us believe DD is not some subset of BDSM or DS. I believe that there are important distinctions in intention/motivation and also desired effect/outcome.


You also said, "They just allowed the reality of what they were doing into consciousness." I'm always suspicious of any argument that depends on its opponents being oblivious to or incorrect about their "real" motives or desires. Seems like that Freudian view of things has been pretty well debunked. I personally don't like it because the assertion that someone thinks they are acting for one reason but really it's another reason isn't provable one way or another, and taking that position would require me to assert that I really know more about what makes someone tick than they themselves know.”


I don’t really have a lot to add to that, but I’ll quickly make a few additional points and then turn it over to the group. 


First, Alan said, “This also explains why many people report “evolving” from erotic spanking to DD.”  I’m not sure it’s factually the case that many people report evolving from erotic spanking to DD.  It’s probably the case that many of our readers report that to have been the case, but I don’t think that can or should be taken as an indication that many people who are into erotic spanking evolve, transition, adopt, or experiment with DD.  Obviously there is no real data to turn to, but if you take the position that Alan took in his first paragraph that erotic spanking has gone mainstream, but the also acknowledge that DD seemingly has not, the more plausible conclusion would seem to me to be that very few who experiment with or get into erotic spanking end up doing the same with DD.


Second, I can think of all sorts of areas in which something may be seen as a punishment in one context or at one stage in life yet be seen as beneficial at another.  How about, to take a pedestrian example, running?  Many adults run either because they enjoy it or because they think it has beneficial health effects that make it worth any discomfort.  Yet, most student athletes probably experienced it as a punishment.  I think this reflects a few fairly common-sense truths.  First, context matters.  Second, our perceptions of an activity's utility or desirability may evolve over time. Third, our perceptions regarding an activity's utility may come to outweigh our natural aversion to it.  

Third, I do balk at the suggestion that erotic spanking versus disciplinary spanking is a distinction without a difference.  There are obvious differences that we’ve talked about here dozens of times in the motivations of the parties, the agreed-upon purpose, etc.  I don’t the fact that both may share some level of eroticism renders those very substantial distinctions to be without differences.  In one, eroticism is the entire point.  In the other, it’s more of a byproduct or one component, but only one, of the underlying drive or motivation.  Further, as I said in my original comment, I don’t think it follows that because people once experienced or were fascinated by real discipline and they now engage in simulated disciplines means that those simulations of discipline are or will inevitably become real discipline. 


Finally, I do take issue with the assertion that people who see a difference between erotic and disciplinary spanking to so because they aren’t conscious of their underlying reality.  To me, it’s really the same as asserting, “You disagree with me about what makes you tick. It can’t be because you know what makes you tick better than I do.  It must be because you lack self-awareness.” Though, I also fell into making that kind of argument a bit myself when I said that some people who are into disciplinary spankings may come to “admit” there is an erotic element in it.


I look forward to your responses to Alan’s thought-provoking topic.  For those in the U.S., enjoy your long weekend.


  1. My husband likes to smack my bare bottom before sex, and it arouses us both. But I want it to be disciplinary, and I always imagine he is punishing me for something while he is whacking away. The few times he actually has given me a "real" spanking sent me flying over the moon. And it wasn't just arousal. It was the sense of belonging to him, of him taking control of me, of me having to surrender, of him loving me enough to punish me and make me a better woman and wife. To me this goes far, far beyond the erotic. DD is mental, emotional, and spiritual as well as physical. And it is not just a part of BDSM. I believe I would want him to punish me even if it didn't turn me on, though I guess I will never know that for sure. But I know we can have plenty of erotic fun without spanking, but to be fully controlled by him I need him to punish me physically.
    Cynthia Ellen

    1. "I believe I would want him to punish me even if it didn't turn me on, though I guess I will never know that for sure." That is definitely the case for me. The times that I feel the most that I should be punished are the times I've really disappointed myself in some ways and, at those times, I feel pretty zero erotic attraction to the prospect of being spanked.

    2. Even if it doesn't turn the spankee on, it can still turn the spanker on, which is also a good reason.


  2. This may be simplistic but my starting view is that spanking IS erotic, no exceptions. It can also be other things such as discipline (depending on severity), endorphin releasing, an additional expression of intimacy in a relationship, a power game, etc. Touching or stimulating an erogenous zone (the buttocks, which have many nerves connected to the genitals) is erotic for at least one of the participants. That is why spanking children is so wrong.. Adult spanking is either consensual or abuse. I personally find most aspects of spanking a turn-on and I have done so for as long as I can remember. Being able to incorporate it into an adult relationship has been very enhancing to that relationship. We call it discipline and invoke spanking only when there has been a transgression of an unwritten set of rules but in some ways that is just creating a legitimate context for what is essentially an erotic albeit painful activity. I don't enjoy it much at the time but I do very much enjoy the before and the after, the anticipation and the memory. In fact I fantasize about it happening quite a lot and they are pleasurable fantasies. I watch videos and read stories about spanking. Other people may feel differently but I am convinced of my opening statement that all spanking is essentially erotic. TB

    1. Thanks, TB. I agree that spanking may always be erotic . . . for some people. Perhaps for most. But, I don't agree that just because some people experience it that way that all most do so. I definitely disagree that it's always erotic for one participant and that that makes using spanking to discipline children inherently and inevitably wrong. Sorry, have to agree to disagree on those fronts. Which is totally fine.

    2. Dan, I subscribe to a compromise position. I believe it can be hard to separate spanking from eroticism, but it is possible.


  3. The way I see it, there are many aspects of spanking that can potentially draw people to it. Discipline is just one. Some people, like myself, from the beginning, have a fetish for spanking as punishment. There is a strong sexual motivation behind the interest but, as Cynthia Ellen said, it goes beyond the erotic. For me, sex is a distraction, possibly getting in the way of the actual purpose if made explicit. There are also people into spanking who have zero interest in discipline, and that will never change for them. There also are people who say there is nothing sexual about spanking for them and, while I'm sure some are lying, fooling themselves, or just unaware of underlying impulses, I would not jump to that conclusion about anyone. What proof exists that what they say isn't the truth? And does it matter? If they're getting what they want, enough said.

  4. Dan and Alan:

    I must agree and disagree with both of you, in certain respects.

    Fundamentally, I think it is a mistake to approach our considerations of this question (Erotic vs. Disciplinary) through a "binary" and "single-dimensional" comparison.

    To me, this seems to be much more a continuous, multidimensional process. A process that, at any one time, occupies some of every one of those dimensions, but condenses into specific portions of each (Erotic AND Disciplinary) at the actual time of execution. I.E., The "Erotic" and "Disciplinary" are NOT opposite ends of the same CONTINUOUS LINEAR scale; rather, they are entirely different (orthogonal?) dimensions, where a person can have an infinite number of combinations of intensities of both! However, once you are present within this space, you will always have some at lease some minimal, non-finite amount of BOTH!

    (I know, being a physicist, I'm talking like these are continuous quantum wave functions, that only condense into actual particles (i.e., spankings with a certain amount of Eroticism AND Discipline) upon isolation and measurement. However, in many respects that is true: We don't really know how much of either will be present before, during, and after any particular spanking, until the entire "spanking sequence" completes.)

    Similarly, the milieu of corporal punishment can exist in three separate domains: (1) The mental emotional/subconscious, where most sexual arousal arises, and the most effective operant learning occurs; (2) The mental analytic/consciousness, where we plan and manipulate; and (3) The actual physical spanking. Once again, we can have varying amounts of both Eroticism AND Discipline in each of these three domains.

    For myself, the preparation for Domestic Discipline meant to punish is one of the most erotic times I ever experience; I'm experiencing this mostly subconsciously, but somewhat physically, and my conscious is observing both of these while simultaneously making physical preparations and thinking, "Shit; how the hell did I get into this situation again!")

    During the actual DD, I'm consciously hyper-aware, but not consciously aware of what is occurring deeper within me -- subconscious status, while physically I've relinquished control to my wife.

    Immediately afterward, the eroticism arises again, but in a different, very warm and comforting presentation.

    Overall, the surrender of authority to my wife, and her taking up that authority, and her demonstrating it TOTAL REALITY at the end of one of her paddles or straps, is the source of this eroticism, and it exists throughout the DD process. There appears to be nothing better than her demonstrating her control to allow me to release the social and personal constraints upon my sexuality and allow its full expression.

    Regarding what many people call "Erotic Spankings," or what I might call "more intense" "slap and tickle" sessions: My wife and I have attempted several; yes, higher intensity physical stimulation of the skin of buttocks can certainly be arousing, but it doesn't touch me "emotionally".

    -- Donn

    1. Thanks, Donn, I was going to include a point that I think is somewhat, though not exactly, what you are saying. It relates to your reference to multidimensionality.

      We can talk about the level of eroticism existing at different points on a spectrum, but that begs the question, "A spectrum of what?"

      If you were to ask 10 people who are into DD how much of their interest is driven by eroticism, you'd probably get 10 different answers. BUT, each of the the 10 people probably would be able to give you a workable answer that would make sense to them.

      But, now let's change the spectrum. Instead of asking 10 people who are into DD where their erotic motivation is on a spectrum, let's ask 10 people who are into BDSM how much of their motivation involves using spanking to try to correct bad behavior or be held accountable for it. Likely, 10 out 10 would be puzzled by the very nature of the question. Using spanking to really change real behavior just isn't part of their dynamic.

      Because changing the spectrum you're trying to place the respondents' respective points on--eroticism in one case and behavior modification in the other--likely dramatically changes the answer or whether respondents can answer at all, it seems to me it cannot be the case that "erotic" vs. "disciplinary" is a distinction without a difference.

  5. You'all sure can wax philosophical. Or should I say whacks philosophical!
    Cynthia Ellen

    1. CE:


      In fact, you might consider of this philosophical talk to be a type of "psychological 'defense mechanism'." I say "psychological" because all of this "talk the talk" is certainly no defense when the time comes to "walk the walk" to where the paddle meet the bum.

  6. Ah yes, where the paddle meets the bum. Well put! Some of these comments are so dense I can't really understand them. That said, for me, there is always an erotic componet any adult, consensual, spanking. If it wasn't for that, it's doubtful there would be any interest. It's always us guys that introduce the concept, and the main reason usually isn't because they want to improve their behavior. And it's almost always us guys obsessing and writing about it. We don't have the same enthuiasm for celebrating cognative behaviorial therapey without the spanking element.

    1. Norton wrote: "It's always us guys that introduce the concept, and the main reason usually isn't because they want to improve their behavior."

      I both agree and disagree with the two parts of this assertion. There are some women who introduce Domestic Discipline into relationships (usually as part of Female Led Relationships, which include many other components). While the relative numbers / percentages of these women are clearly small, they do exist.

      My wife made online-friends with one such woman; a woman from a family with history of at least two generations of other women (mother, aunts, grandmother) who maintained FLR's, and who my wife's friend strongly suspects also incorporate DD into those marriages. When my wife's friend found the "love of her life," it was her who ensured her new husband understood how the marriage would be structured, and rules enforced!

      Strangest thing: The couple are both members of a rather conservative Baptist congregation; in fact, the husband teaches at a Baptist oriented teachers' college. How this couple resolves the apparent contradiction, between conservative Baptist / Fundamentalist beliefs regarding the man being the "leader of the family/marriage" and their own marriage's structure, confounds me. But hey, life really, REALLY can be stranger than fiction!

      Similarly, about 15 years ago, a female friend of Mark Remond () was part of a Post-Graduate program in anthropology/sociology. This graduate student began a study of Female Led Relationships among older married couples; couples in their 60's - 80's who began their marriages back in the 1950's - 60's. By interview hundreds of ordinary couples, she found a significant percentage who had been in long term FLR's, a majority of which had been initiated by naturally dominant wives. Many of these 50's - 60's "dominant housewives" recounted that their own mothers had similar marriages (from 1930's - 40's ?). It was unclear how many of these "classic FLR's" also included DD, but my suspicion would be that, since corporal punishment was much more prevalent in North America during those decades, a significant number DID include DD initiated by the wife. (It is a shame that these interviews and data were never published. I've asked Mark if he still has access to this researcher and possible results, but have never received any responses.)

      From these (and other observations) it appears that, when a wife introduced some form of DD into a marriage it is part of an "integrated FLR," rather than a stand-alone practice. Alternatively, it seem very, VERY few wives are interested in DD practices "in and of themselves," so almost all such DD-marriages arise from the husband's motivations.

      I certainly agree that the overwhelming majority of men who introduce DD into their marriages experience a very significant eroticism with their "fantasized/imagined" scenarios. As Alan pointed out, and has been validated by many, MANY personal accounts on this blog, most men's initial interest in spankings began in late childhood or early adolescence. as a sexually exciting fantasy, that was reinforced through multiple, long-term personal "reinforcements." (There are exceptions, and I believe Dan himself has described a "later awakening" to the potential of DD for behavior improvement.) It was only later, when opportunities presented themselves, that these "early fantasizers" began considering the potential psychological and behavioral benefits of DD within a relationship. Of course, as Grand Aunt Kay was fond of saying, it was then "time for some 'reality testing'." Some men continued into DD; some simply stayed with semi-intense spanking as foreplay.

      In this way, I fundamentally agree with Alan: In almost all cases, men who participate in exclusively DD (non-FLR) progressed to that state from an initial (almost exclusive) erotic fascination. (Of course, Dan is also correct, in that not all erotic fascinations progress to full DD relationships; possibly only a small percentage.)

    2. Mark Remond manages and blog site.

    3. Donn, I am a fundamental baptist. I have a slightly different view then most. My wife is the head of our home because she is like my conscious outwardly I am the leader but I know that I am far from being a good man that's where she comes in. It's the same as the idea that behind every good man is a good woman full of strength and wisdom. I have asked her to lead me in our marriage so that I don't make stupid decisions that does not make me less of a leader in reality she submitted to me the day we got married and that was the best decision I ever made. It was after stupid decisions that I realized that she was wiser than me and in proverbs Solomon called wisdom her. Feminine. I have trust issues but I have come to trust her decisions and requested that she holds me accountable and that requires consequences. We have agreed that corporal punishment and other forms of traditional punishments are needed due to my constantly selfishness. A result of being the youngest child who was rarely held accountable.

    4. Yes I am spanked and it does have an erotic component for me but the actual spankings and other punishments do not they simply correct some really selfish behaviors

    5. Ward, thank you for sharing your experiences.

      What you describe reminds me of an old Eastern European / Russian / Greek (Orthodox Catholicism?) phrase often used to describe their "traditional family" structures: "The husband is the head of the family; the wife is the neck that directs and controls the head!".

      It is certainly true that wives seem to best incorporate social wisdom better than us males, and express it as a "moral authority" that commands respect. Mine certainly does.

      Might you have a passage reference to "in proverbs Solomon called wisdom her. Feminine?"

      Thanks, -- Donn

    6. Ward, I am curious on your take on "Therapeutic Spankings" in "A Husband's Essay" at in the "Real People" section from your baptist perspective. I was curious from the point of view of a husband loving his wife sacrificially (mentioned in Ephesians 5:25) and therefore receiving a spanking from her for the reasons given in the essay.


    7. That's more complicated because my wife does not find spanking erotica in any way. I do but she only agreed to spank me to help me break my bad habits. One of which was based on the belief that she should submit to me not the other way around. In her thinking I have continuously bullied her to get my way she finally said it out loud and after some thought I realized she was right. I had no idea but I set out to change. Whenever we would argue I came to the conclusion that she was almost always right. It was during an argument that I came to the realization that she was a right and that I was just trying to get my way. I suggested that I needed to be punished because the argument wounded her. She agreed to spank me but it did not turn out to be a good idea at first because she had so much anger at me she spanked me hard for a short time and then she stopped because she felt her anger to be wrong. I told her she had every right to be angry and take it out on my behind but she was still reluctant the next time we had an argument I suggested corner time before spanking. She found that to be acceptable. She rarely gives me corner time before hand now except if she is not ready to spank me. Her spanking has always been therapeutic for me and on occasion for her as well. I have told her on multiple occasions that I would happily accept a spanking from her to release her stress even if I was undeserving. In many ways s she has and continues to save me from my selfish behavior. It is not hard for me to reconcile my need to be corrected by such a wise woman.

    8. "It's always us guys that introduce the concept, and the main reason usually isn't because they want to improve their behavior. And it's almost always us guys obsessing and writing about it."

      I don't personally agree with the first proposition, i.e. that men don't introduce this because they want to improve their behavior. That definitely was the primary part of the motivation for me. I don't think the fact that men obsess and write about it means that their underlying motivation isn't about improving behavior or being held accountable,

      After almost 10 years of interacting with people on this blog--including in the old days several women (well, maybe "several" is a stretch, but quite a few)--women initiating does seem to be very rare. In the few instances where it happens, it does seem to develop from either an FLR or a relationship that already has a strong FLR vibe. For example, a friend I met through the blog and who had a blog of her own for a while did initiate her DD relationship in a moment of big frustration with her husband. But, they had been exploring D/s themes with her in charge for a while. Then came a precipitating moment where she blew up and it became real.

    9. Ward, what do you think about therapeutic spankings (and others) from the perspective of not letting the sun go down on your anger (Ephesians 4:26)? In other words, resolving the issue before the end of the day so it doesn't carry over.


    10. Guys, this is starting to sound a little too much like a bible study session and is WAY off of Alan's topic. I would suggest if you want to continue it, exchange contact info and take it up off-line.

    11. Dan, that's a very good idea. Any ideas about how to exchange contact information so that it is only seen by the two of us?


    12. To exchange contact information?

      (1) Establish a private, single use "Gmail account. An account that is certainly Not Suitable for Work Environments and will not be used for any other purpose(s);

      (2) Establish a "BlogSpot" account using your new Gmail account;

      (3) Formally adopt a "handle" for use in posting in the BlogSpot forums;

      (4) Publish your profile information on you "BlogSpot" account's Profile Page (i.e., INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS in that public profile);

      (5) Log into your BlogSpot account before posting in this forum;

      (6) Then, anyone who want to know more about you can click on your "user handle" to access your profile page (i.e., email address).

      NOTE: Generally NOT a good idea to directly publish your email account here in the blog, regardless if it is a private / single-use account.

  7. For me my wife only spanks for discipline. Usually it for some attitude that she does not like. Every spanking for me is erotica until it happens. I'm rarely erect when she is going to spank me. That happens in my fantasy but never in reality. She knows this and will indulge me in foreplay and during sex by telling me that she is going to spank me afterwards. However if she chooses to spank me it is always for some behavior or attitude that needs to be addressed. It is a hard paddling at her discretion. I got such a spanking this morning. I would call it a maintenance spanking. She wanted to correct my attitude towards her yesterday and also make sure I behaved while we were out and about today. The fantasy met reality and it was not erotic in any way while I was over her knee getting paddled


    1. Continued! I wanted sex this morning but she was not in the mood. I really didn't like it but what can I say. I guess it was coming out in my attitude and she said she was in no mood for another day of me being grumpy. I kind of ignored her and headed out to take care of something she had wanted done but I had forgotten apparently she was not satisfied with my non answer and said you need a spanking. I smarted of an said quit talking about it and do it needless to say when l tried to walk by her she ordered me to strip from the waist down and get over her knee. She was mad and it was painful I got her point quickly but promising to be good did
      not stop the spanking. I had hoped for fantasy but felt reality

  8. There are two points I’d like to make, both relevant to this topic but entirely unrelated to each other. Firstly, this seems to me to tie in to a conversation that got a lot of coverage a few weeks ago, the discussion about a forced climax prior to a spanking. For those who experience this, surely this is a recognition that even a punishment level spanking can be erotic and the purpose of a forced climax is to remove that eroticism and make the spanking a pure punishment. Secondly, Cynthia Ellen’s comment about belonging struck a a chord for me. We were into D/s before we discovered DD (my wife is Domme and I am a switch - although always sub with her, only Dom with others) and I realized long ago that emotionally, D/s was all about ownership. For example, there are plenty of activities in a D/s situation that cloud be seen as humiliating - which is a negative emotion, but in a really good D/s relationship, they instead engender a feeling of ownership which is a much more positive emotion. Cynthia Ellen’s comment has me considering whether we should perhaps consider DD as an extension or a subset of D/s. TG.

    1. "For those who experience this, surely this is a recognition that even a punishment level spanking can be erotic and the purpose of a forced climax is to remove that eroticism and make the spanking a pure punishment." I agree with this.

      I think there are very obvious overlaps between DD and D/s and they can co-exist. Perhaps DD could be an "extension" of D/s, though it can exist independently as well. I don't see it as a subset of D/s, because I think the motivations and purposes can be very different.

  9. There are two points I’d like to make, both relevant to this topic but entirely unrelated to each other. Firstly, this seems to me to tie in to a conversation that got a lot of coverage a few weeks ago, the discussion about a forced climax prior to a spanking. For those who experience this, surely this is a recognition that even a punishment level spanking can be erotic and the purpose of a forced climax is to remove that eroticism and make the spanking a pure punishment. Secondly, Cynthia Ellen’s comment about belonging struck a a chord for me. We were into D/s before we discovered DD (my wife is Domme and I am a switch - although always sub with her, only Dom with others) and I realized long ago that emotionally, D/s was all about ownership. For example, there are plenty of activities in a D/s situation that cloud be seen as humiliating - which is a negative emotion, but in a really good D/s relationship, they instead engender a feeling of ownership which is a much more positive emotion. Cynthia Ellen’s comment has me considering whether we should perhaps consider DD as an extension or a subset of D/s. TG.

    1. TG wrote: “this seems to me to tie in to a conversation that got a lot of coverage a few weeks ago, the discussion about a forced climax prior to a spanking. For those who experience this, surely this is a recognition that even a punishment level spanking can be erotic and the purpose of a forced climax is to remove that eroticism and make the spanking a pure punishment”

      I am not sure I understand completely the linkage between this week’s conversation and that about post orgasm spanking. But I would put a “forced climax” spanking toward the far end of the adult consensual spanking continuum with the motivation of the spankee to submit to the spanking probably erotic. Although nothing about a post orgasm spanking while happening is erotic (at least in my experience), it can be erotic leading up to it and remembering it afterword. It is true that a forced climax spanking is probably the purest form of corporal punishment that can be administered to a male. But the severity of that punishment is one of degree and not one of kind. All levels of adult consensual spanking include a punishment/discipline dynamic

  10. I believe the erotic aspect of spanking is likely different for the spanker vs the spanker.
    For me as a spankee, the aspect of having her take charge and order a spanking in itself is erotic , even if an actual spanking does not take place, but I would suggest the erotic aspect to the spanker is the actual spanking itself and watching the cheeks turn that erotic red hue ,which of course we as the spankee do not get to see until after.
    Either way there is an element of eroticism for both as sex usually follows a spanking....for us anyway.

    1. I'm not sure my wife does see the spanking itself as erotic. She definitely sees the lead up to it as erotic, and it's kind of the flip-side of what you experience. While I see her taking charge as erotic, she sees me giving in and submitting as erotic.

    2. Glenmore, seems to sum things up with me and my wife well, though the spanking itself is a very erotic part too.


    3. An obvious barometer of eroticism is our erection.
      Mine is usually more apparent in the lead up to the spanking and afterwards.
      I'm really not sure if it dissipates during the spanking but if it does , it definitely makes a comeback.
      I think this sends an obvious signal to her that this is an erotic experience for us both.

  11. I am going to try to restate succinctly my hypothesis about “erotic spanking” -and in the absence of solid data, it is just a hypothesis:

    I am challenging the notion that so called erotic F/M spanking is different in kind from disciplinary spanking in a female led DD or FLR relationship. Adult consensual spanking is inherently erotic and exists along a continuum from light playful spanking to real domestic discipline-held together across that continuum by a punishment /discipline gestalt
    I am not specifically addressing M/F spanking, but I see no reason to think it differs from F/M as far as the punishment/discipline dynamic is concerned.
    A caveat to this proposition is that casual\ experimentation with spanking as a bedroom game that is infrequent or of short duration probably can be described as “erotic spanking” and doesn’t necessarily imply any underlying punishment/discipline dynamic.
    Fire away!

    1. I'll hold my fire other than to point to my response to Donn above, which addresses why I think it isn't the case that the two are a distinction without a difference and that when talking about a continuum or spectrum it seems necessary to first be specific about "a continuum or spectrum of what?"

      I'll also point that many seem to have missed what I took to be the heart of your proposition, which was whether spankings some label "erotic" are inherently disciplinary, not whether disciplinary spankings are inherently erotic. We've obviously talked about the latter dozens of times while I don't think we have addressed until now what I took be your proposition.

    2. Dan wrote: "[I disagree that] spankings some label 'erotic' are inherently disciplinary."

      I don't think I missed your point, but I could have been more explicit in defining the two dimensions (eroticism vs. disciplinary) of ever CP session.

      Each of these dimensions extend through the axis junction to the opposite pole.

      For example, a disciplinary spanking could be either "punishing" (P+) or "rewarding" (P-), depending upon which end of the continuum (axis) was used. (NOTE: I'm using the term "discipline" to mean "training" using either punishment or rewards.)

      Similarly, an erotic spanking could be either "arousing" (R+) or "inhibiting" (R-), again depending upon which end of that independent continuum was used. As an example from recent discussion, we could have a spanking that incorporated "pre-punishment sexual release (masturbatory orgasm)" that would clearly have NEGATIVE EROTICISM as part of the spanking.

      So, theoretically, any spanking could fall within any of the four quadrants of those two dimensions.

      Thus, your (Dan's) assertion that some spankings (often called "erotic spankings") do not have ANY punishment aspect is clearly, CLEARLY CORRECT! (Note: I don't say that "erotic spankings" can exist without some "disciplinary component" because "discipline," as a "technical term," can involve EITHER "punishments" OR "rewards/reinforcements," and clearly some "erotic spankings" are very rewarding, above and beyond the eroticism.)

      P.S. Dan: Thanks again for regularly checking your spam-filters. I seem to have many of my (longer) posts end up being "extracted" from your blog shortly after initial posting.

    3. Dan wrote: “It seems necessary to first be specific about "a continuum or spectrum of what”

      It seems to me the implied continuum would be labeled something like” adult consensual spankings” with major magnitudes of discipline, seriousness and severity increasing as one moves from the “erotic” end of the continuum toward the DD end

      I agree with you that so far the heart of the proposition seems not to have been addressed by those who have posted.

      (Not so incidentally, Google's policy of trashing postings randomly makes it even harder to have a real dialogue on blogger. There has to be a better way than Google. Google should be ashamed of itself: either they really can’t distinguish between spam and legitimate postings and are incompetent – or they don’t care. I am not sure which is worse

    4. Don said: "P.S. Dan: Thanks again for regularly checking your spam-filters. I seem to have many of my (longer) posts end up being "extracted" from your blog shortly after initial posting." I had that happen to one of mine yesteday on Hermione's blog. I posted a comment, it appeared on her blog, then a few minutes later it was gone. I thought she might have deleted it, but there didn't seem to be anything in the content that would have caused her to do that. I looked again a few hours later and it was back up again. Same thing happened several weeks ago.

      Alan, I definitely agree on Blogger's increasing problems as a conversational tool. Hosting on Wordpress doesn't seem to solve the problem, since I've heard it too sometimes deletes or blocks adult content, and it also seems to require a Wordpress login, while several commenters here don't want to have to login to anything. I could construct a blog using Wordpress then pay to host it somewhere else, but that isn't ideal either in terms of my own anonymity, plus my technical skills to set up such a thing are not great.

    5. Dan

      I do understand the problem and can only hope for google to solve it before blogs become extinct. Under the present format there is no way to carry on any coherent dialogue with the sole exception of one with you since you actually respond to posts on point and in a timely manner.

    6. Whatever they changed in their algorithm, they haven't changed it back. Still blocking blocking almost every single comment.

  12. All, sorry that many of you have been waiting for comments to post. Blogger's "solution" to its recent issues with randomly blocking *some* commenters seems to be to non-randomly block virtually *all* commenters. Very annoying.

  13. When my husband spanks me during foreplay without a "reason" other than he wants to, I believe that is purely erotic for him. He is turned on by viewing the reddening of my bare bottom and he is turned on by the power he has over me. I, however, want the punishment aspect, so I imagine that he is correcting some recent misbehavior. And amazingly, after the spanking I often improve my behavior because I feel I was punished for it, even though that was not my husband's intent and there was no discussion about my misbehavior. Incredible what the mind can do. So on many occasions a spanking is purely erotic for him but both erotic and disciplinary for me.
    Cynthia Ellen

    1. Cynthia Ellen, that ability for it to be one thing for him and something else for you makes a lot of sense.

      Ironically, for us the situation was almost the opposite. We experimented for a short time with erotic spankings but with some kind of play-acting that involved her spanking me for some real offense. She got concerned (rightly) that by giving me play spankings for real offenses, it was making the offenses more likely to happen again. At the time, neither of us had heard about DD, so the alternative of giving real spankings for real offenses literally had never occurred to either of us

    2. Dan wrote: "She got concerned (rightly) that by giving me play spankings for real offenses, it was making the offenses more likely to happen again."

      I certainly agree (and I think the science agrees): If it is a "play spanking" then is it clearly a reinforcing (rewarding) behavior; it certainly has a significant likelihood of INCREASING the problematic behavior. (Or at least creating a mental conflict between the conscious and sub-conscious minds.)

  14. I don't see erotic and discipline spanking as on the same continuum at all. A light spanking can be discipline, a severe spanking can be erotic. Whether it's erotic or not is irrelevant. Discipline is a different purpose than for sex. A punishment is a consequence for misbehavior or failure of some kind. Regardless of whether the spankee is turned on or not, or when they're turned on or not, doesn't change the intent, or the awareness of cause and effect. The desire for shaming punishment tends to be an entirely different desire than it is for most who spank for pleasure. A masochist might enjoy lots of pain, but if the idea of pain as a penalty earned satisfies their desire for discipline, then that's who they are, not to be confused with anyone who spanks as fun, gift or reward.

    1. Brett, this is again the heart of my position. I think the underlying purpose is a critical distinction.

  15. Cynthia Ellen wrote: “He is turned on by viewing the reddening of my bare bottom and he is turned on by the power he has over me. I, however, want the punishment aspect, so I imagine that he is correcting some recent misbehavior. And amazingly, after the spanking I often improve my behavior”

    Cynthia Ellen’s post provides a very important insight into how the discipline/punishment dynamic can work in real life relationships. She has identified herself as a spanko while her husband is not. However when he spanks her she experiences it as punishment while he is turned on by the eroticism of it and I suspect her own excitement.

    I know personally some part of my wife’s “turn on” is a reaction to my own turn on and vice versa. The fact that she is turned on by spanking me ramps the eroticism up enormously.

    But perhaps the larger point to draw from C,E,’s post is that both partners don’t need to be discipline/punishment oriented for a spanking to be disciplinary.
    PS Google anti-trust

    1. "But perhaps the larger point to draw from C,E,’s post is that both partners don’t need to be discipline/punishment oriented for a spanking to be disciplinary."

      It is a very interesting point, though I'm not sure it could work that way for me. So much of the emotions for me are wrapped up in the overall power dynamic and the notion of DD and boundaries in general being imposed on me. I'm not sure it would work for me if for her it was just about scratching an erotic itch and not about punishing or disciplining me for something real.

    2. I agree that it's all in the mind of the one being spanked. Not that it's the case here, but one could be completely delusional — if they feel punished, I don't know what else you could call it but punishment.

      As Dan says, it wouldn't work for me if the spanker is doing it only because they like to spank. That isn't the psychology I'm looking for. The mindset and intent of the disciplinarian defines the experience for me. That's why self-spanking could never work. For people who crave the act of spanking, no matter the circumstances, it must be a different desire than mine, possibly not understandable to those who think it's all just a manifestation of the same basic urge.

  16. Hope nobody minds off-topic posts here if they are about suggesting posts for future weeks.

    During the last post, Donn said:
    "YES! Nothing opens up and exposes the "sit spot" for direct attention than a "butt up-and-out arch." That move should be mandatory training for all of us DW-Hubbies."

    It might not have been meant seriously, but it got me thinking. What sort of "training" would DD have if such training existed (a little like pre-marital counselling)? If say a man came to you saying he was about to get married and wanted to know all about the subject, he hadn't been intimate with his wife up to that point and he had agreed with his wife that they would start DD on the wedding night (i.e. he needed to know in a hurry and there were no time for on-the-job training), how would you advise/counsel/train him?


    1. Hi J:

      Yes, I did see your original question to me, posted yesterday morning in the " Meeting 408 - Marking" blog.

      I wasn't quite sure if you meant "training" to mean (1) "physical conditioning" in preparation for DD, or rather (2) learning good methods (interpersonal practices and communication) to create and manage a good DD-relationship with a loved-one.

      In yesterdays post tou mentioned that you will soon (upcoming marriage / wedding night) be embarking on a "new," long-term DD-relationship, so I think the latter (#2) would be most appropriate. Unfortunately, that (#2) covers a great many different elements. To me, the "good methods to manage a DD-Relationship" would be an excellent subject for a future discussion. CERTAINLY HAS MY VOTE!

      Alternatively, if you were inquiring as to methods of preparing underlying musculature and skin for "impacts," could you be more specific as to your needs?

      Thanks, -- Donn

    2. Donn, looks like my original reply wasn't published as part of this chain. Anyway, to give some more details, #2 has some resemblance to what I was thinking of.

      If we are going into the realms of possibly silly things, maybe training would be writing a summary book to explain about the DD lifestyle quickly and concisely? Maybe it would be an in-person training course delivered by an experienced F/M DD husband?

      #1 could definitely be useful to husbands-to-be, so that they know what to expect. Obviously, they don't want to experience it so much before marriage that they have leather butt and spanking is therefore ineffective.

      #2 could include educating husbands-to-be about the different kinds of spanking, say disciplinary, erotic, therapeutic (as described in "A Husband's Essay" on Aunt Kay's DWC)? It could also include the typical dynamics of how a DD relationship works.

      #3 could also be the technical stuff, such as which instruments tend to leave marks (permanent or temporary), which instruments make not much sound and so on.

      Interested to hear your thoughts.


    3. My advice to someone who hadn't been intimate but wanted to start DD on their wedding night would be -- don't. If you've never even been intimate with your partner but are immediately going to introduce something with some pretty profound power dynamics -- sounds like a recipe for disaster. These relationships seem to work better with people who have been together for a while and know each other inside and out. This whole "we introduced DD on our wedding night" seems to be a fantasy that pops up from time to time on here.

    4. Hi Dan, I absolutely agree about the power dynamics. However, I must say that I shared with my wife shortly after we started going out, just because I was afraid that it would be an obstacle later. But the first time she actually spanked me was probably 6-7 months into our relationship or something like that, and it has been a learning experience that continues to this day. I agree that the "DD began on our wedding night" sounds more like a fantasy to me, especially since the people who say it usually also say or imply that there was no physical intimacy before the wedding night. I just don't see couples who have never been physically intimate doing something semi-kinky like spanking from the first night. It is just a stretch too far.


    5. Hi again J:

      Yeah, sometimes posts to this blog are "delayed" by that Illegal-Trust-Monster "Google," so sometimes the ordering of responses can be problematic, if not look downright ridiculous!

      First, I think some sort of good book on DD (and including parts of FLR/WLM) would be an excellent idea. From what I've seen on the current marketplace, most writings are very short and simplistic on DD in long-term relationships, and cover FLR/WLM's in an unrealistic manner. Who would write such a book? My own wife has "mused" on the idea of a more psychologically-oriented FLR/WLM book, but so very many people have "plans for books" that never, ever come to fruition.

      J wrote: "[An]in-person training course delivered by an experienced F/M DD husband?"

      Frankly, I think it would be mostly the newly-enlightened wives that would most benefit from some good woman-to-woman advice and sharing of experiences/techniques.

      Grand Aunt Kay certainly established a significant group of like-minded DD enthusiasts back in the late1990's and early 2000's in the Northern California / Bay Area. Pretty remarkable considering she did much of this assembly BEFORE the WWW really exploded; did most of that through the old IRC channels and Yahoo Groups. Even with a very low percentage of couples actually practicing DD (Dan's rough estimates of 0.1 to 0.01 percent), that would still result in upward of 100+ couples in most (1 Meg) metro areas, or 25+ in most smaller (100 K) cities. More than enough couples to form groups for mentoring, provided there was a way to locate one another.

      Your queries re #1, #2, and #3 all sound like good topics for future discussion in this forum. I ONCE AGAIN CAST MY VOTE TO DAN FOR A FUTURE DISCUSSION ALONG SOME OF THESE LINES.


      I agree with Dan and ZM that a first-time DD session on a wedding night would be a mistake, regardless of any previous sexual intimacy; the power dynamics would be too hard to manage, and the DD would likely be ineffective. Plus, many couples, after a long, LONG "wedding-day" of activities are so tired (if not exhausted) that they would not have the mental state necessary.

      Which is not to say that a new bride and groom could not engage in some mild, wholly "symbolic" spanking (somewhat between "erotic" and "therapeutic") as a form of mutual acknowledgement and commitment to the upcoming lifestyle.

      -- Donn

      (Member: Google Anti-Trust Police)

    6. Donn, agreed, new literature is generally useful, though I assume there are already several things out there, including on Amazon. What do you anticipate a more psychologically-oriented FLR/WLM book would cover?

      Woman-to-woman advice would be good, but man-to-man advice would be good too. A more in-person setting than an anonymous group would also give men accountability for upholding the DD lifestyle that they set out to live and encourage them if they looked like they were flagging.

      Agreed on the "symbolic" spanking on the wedding night thing. One hopes that if they were so happy on their wedding day, there wouldn't be such a need for it to have a disciplinary purpose. However, as you say, it could be a symbol of the DD lifestyle the couple intends to live from then onwards.


    7. Also Donn, what do you view as short, simplistic and unrealistic in the writings about DD/FLR/WLM? If I am honest, some comments here could be more concise. It will not help the author, the readers or the DD/FLR/WLM movements as a whole for a book to be unnecessarily wordy and possibly at risk of being viewed as psychobabble. A lot of books on the subject already are that way. But maybe your wife will be good at writing a book that offers the best of both worlds, conveying all the required information (and more), but still being punchy and concise.

      I suppose the ideal would be an experienced F/M DD husband teaching other men new to the lifestyle or considering it, plus experienced F/M DD wives teaching other women new to the lifestyle or considering it. They would cover the psychological stuff, but also the technical details about which instruments are used for which purpose (horses for courses), for instance. I also think that men encouraging other men in the lifestyle would be good for encouraging men to take up and stick with the lifestyle. Men who are worried about what other men might think of them might be more likely to waver, but with other men telling them to "be a man" and "take it like a man", that seems less likely.

      There are various forums out there covering some form of adult spanking, so I suppose it would need some pretty wide marketing to put together a group like the one you alluded to, though this is not to say it couldn't be done.

      Regarding symbolic spanking, if, for instance, the couple has already discussed the subject and wants to do spanking before sex, then yes, the wedding night could involve an almost "ceremony" of the wife giving her husband an erotic/therapeutic spanking before consummating their marriage.

    8. Hi J:

      As previously alluded to, such a book was my wife's "musings," not my own, so much of what I write here is simply recounting my wife's observations and ideas (mostly arising from her own initial ignorance and early frustrations). (This subject is rather "off-topic" for this weeks discussion, so to keep Dan happy, I'll keep it short. Maybe another idea for future a week's discussion?)

    9. (Continuing to break-up my post into shorter, more Google acceptable (?), chunks.)

      (Continuing to break-up my post into shorter, more Google acceptable (?), chunks.)

      My wife has repeatedly commented on the general lack of understanding of how both men and women range across the continuum from "dominant" to "submissive," and how these traits can be both "whole personality" oriented, and then also modified in their expression by particular milieus. She has expressed her own difficulties with "socially instilled" role as being a kind, care-giving person with the expectations of being a DD-wife; the conflict between her rational understanding of the benefits of a DD-marriage vs. her emotional/subconscious resistance to expressing her power and inflicting pain. She thinks this is the single biggest obstacle to more women adopting the lifestyle.

    10. (Continuing to break-up my post into shorter, more Google acceptable (?), chunks.)

      My wife has further commented that there is little information available on the quite varied, deeper psychological and emotional reasons that men desire FLR/WLM relationships, as well as DD. There is also very little information about the range of men on the "dominant" vs. "submissive" personality scales, and how submissive men often "pass" as dominant to survive in our patriarchal culture (just as many dominant women "pass" as not-dominant to be accepted in many milieus). Further, how many men are "corrupted" by the mass-media (porn) presentation of the FLR/WLM/DD subject, and what is necessary to bring such men into better psychological understandings of what functional, mutually beneficial FLR/WLM/DD's require.

    11. (Continuing to break-up my post into shorter, more Google acceptable (?), chunks.)

      Really, I don't know me wife appreciates just how much material could be explored in these areas, or even if one book would be sufficient.

      Currently, there are a lot of books on Amazon dealing with FLR/WLM's, and I've only had a chance to read, maybe 25-30%; I don't know how representative this 25-30% sample is, but I was not impressed -- no functional use for my own relationship, even in its early days. Most of the DD books directed to males seem little more than soft "wank" material.

    12. (Continuing to break-up my post into shorter, more Google acceptable (?), chunks.)

      J wrote: "I suppose the ideal would be an experienced F/M DD husband teaching other men new to the lifestyle or considering it." Well, that pretty much defines what goes on here in Dan's forum. While it would be a lot of reading, a careful reading of this forum from the very beginning would cover almost all of that.

      As I've observed, and said, there is very little material directed exclusively to the wives themselves, and so that was the book-perspective my wife was thinking about.

    13. Donn, definitely interesting thoughts.

      I must admit, I had never looked at F/M DD material aimed at wives. Have you come across "Female Led Relationships & Domestic Discipline: Memoirs from Real Couples" by M. T. Olson? If so, what did you think of it?

      Does your wife generally take the view that with F/M DD couples, the man is either in the openly submissive or pseudo-dominant ranges? Or is this oversimplifying things?

      What reasons does she believe men have for wanting such relationships (besides the obvious ones we know about)?

      I am looking forward to reading your wife's book if she goes ahead and writes it!

      Even if a book/in-person training only replicates what is here, I still believe it will be useful, say if a man doesn't have the time to go through everything, or if he just has a different style of learning. Also, an anonymous group doesn't have the same accountability effect as a group where people know each other and meet in person.

    14. No signature on that last Anon-post. (Might that be you again "J"?)

      Anyway, yes it has been my experience searching through FLR/WLM/DD practical/instruction books that most seem to be written for purchase by men to give to a female in their lives. (In fact, in a lot of those books, the authors repeatedly loose track of whether they are writing/speaking to the man or the woman! Very disorienting.)

      Yes, I have read the Amazon introduction to Olsen's anthology, and found the writing by Mrs. West to be realistic, informatory, and "down to earth." I wouldn't mind reading the rest of the anthology, except I have a general policy of NOT "renting books" (i.e., "Kindle 'Licensing'").

      Anon Wrote: "Does your wife generally take the view that with F/M DD couples, the man is either in the openly submissive or pseudo-dominant ranges?"

      I'm not sure what you mean by this. However, I would suspect that you could find all levels of domination and submission in the wide range of men who are under DD. I think it is more common for such men to be on the submissive end of the spectrum, simply because it is a more common fantasy among such men, but also because the basic fact of participating REQUIRES a man to release submissive elements of his personality to participate. What kind of "presentation" any of these men make in open society/work/school/etc. is also quite variable depending upon both the man's and spouse's desires, but I also expect that it is evolving as society places less emphasis on open displays of "masculinity," and is starting to deprecate behavior that suggests "toxic masculinity;" I think this social evolution is better, psychological, for all involved!

  17. Hi Donn, Thanks for the reply. It wasn't regarding myself, so there isn't that hurry. I was originally thinking of #2, but #1 also sounds like an extremely good idea. I was also thinking along the lines of structured training (whatever that means), as well as counsel. Thoughts?


    1. That Illegal-Trust-Monster "Google" disappeared my reply to your two most recent messages. Maybe Dan can locate and repost it.

  18. Our first experience with spanking would be considered erotic and was almost exclusively me spanking Beth. These were mild hand spankings on her bare bottom, but even at that, I remember her saying that she liked being over my knee, but the spanking part not so much. I encouraged Beth to try spanking me the same way, as I knew it would turn me on. That went slightly better.

    Beth came around to giving discipline spanking on her own. You may have seen my previous post about her frustration with me and my mom's rather innocent comments on the effectiveness of a hairbrush when I was growingup.

    Beth proved to be a more talented disciplinarian than I would have expected and from that point spanking became far less erotic in nature. Yes, I would be erect when we started, but we would not be having sex after my punishment - more likely the next day as sort of making up from our disagreement.

    For me, there is still a strong correlation between spanking and sex, but not immediately after a hard one from her. We both like the idea that Beth can and will discipline me and that is erotic on its own.

    1. I don't know how typical it is, but my wife has never expressed the slightest desire to be spanked herself, especially any kind of "real" spanking,

    2. My wife is definitely not up for disciplinary spanking, and for that matter even erotic spanking other than a quick playful slap here and there.


  19. Beth can't fathom why anyone (other than a true masochist- which I'm not) would subject themselves to a very sound spanking. Nor does she believe that taking one could possibly make her feel better. It does have that effect on me, both before and after.

    So even though my wife might deserve one occasionally (and I would enjoy warming her cute bottom), any form of spanking from me has been off the table for a while. And actually I think I like it better this way. There's omething to be said for clear roles in a relationship.

    1. Kevin, how would you say the roles are with you two?


    2. We share in decision making resposibilities and each have our own areas of expertise. It's Beth who handles the spanking though. We don't have kids, and wouldn't spank if we did, but I'm pretty sure she would be the disciplinarian then too.

      It's hard for me to picture a marriage where spanking authority is mutual. That seems like an opportunity for misunderstanding and resentment.

    3. "Beth can't fathom why anyone (other than a true masochist- which I'm not) would subject themselves to a very sound spanking." Mine definitely struggled for a (long) while with anticipating that I would one day balk or refuse discipline or drop the whole thing, because she couldn't conceived why anyone would want to be on the receiving end of one of these relationships.

  20. I haven't had any time to comment so far. Life is too crazy right now!

    On Alan's point, I had never thought about it before, but as I do think about it, I agree - at least mostly - with the basic premise. Spanking is first and foremost a punishment, and pretty much everyone first learns about it in that context. And I would be willing to bet that 99% of those who include spanking in some sort of role play scene also include references to "naughty" or "bad" or "good" or "brat" or something like that, so even though perhaps they are just playing, even there they are linking spanking to behaviors or attitudes, so even if it is just pretend, it is pretend punishment.

    As for the angle everyone seems to have went, about whether spanking is inherently sexual, I would say that most if not all DD is at least. But I would certainly not say that all spanking in every context is sexual for one or both partners, since I cannot for the life of me see how that would work in a Singapore caning type scenario. It is of course possible that one or both people in any spanking scenario or situation finds it erotic, but it is by no means a given.


  21. I completely agree with Donn that the biggest beneficiaries of training would be interested wives, being trained by practicing wives. Not sure there’s any mileage in training husbands into DD, they just need to have an acceptance (whether enthusiastic or not) of DD and then be led by their wives. On another point, I’d certainly like a DD relationship that went both ways, but it’s definitely not going to happen. When we first met, long time ago, I was the spanker - but in an erotic ambiance, not DD. But it hasn’t been that way for the last twenty years or so.

  22. Oops. Sorry, forgot to sign that. TG

  23. Hello all, like Bad Boy, life has been crazy and we have had way too many things on the agenda. We have had to travel for weddings and other obligations that have put DD on the back burner. I usually give it a lot of thought, but the last few months it has wained. I think all DD has a sexual/erotic component to it. We started with erotic spankings and have slowly progressed towards disciplinary spankings. I must admit that the erotic ones are quite painful. A hard hairbrush and strap are used. My wife enjoys spanking me and for her it’s a turn on. We are still working on the disciplinary part. I think where we continue to struggle is that I don’t often get in trouble. I know she feels bad about not wanting to hurt me at times. When I do push her buttons, I def hint a thrashing is due. At times, she follows up and others not so much. DD will always be a work in progress for us. I definitely think DD has a erotic and sexual element to it for all involved.

    1. I think many of us are hitting some end-of-summer craziness. Even without a current job, I seem to have no shortage of commitments.

      I used to assume that it would help a woman gravitate toward the disciplinary role if she were to not only get turned on by it but come to embrace that arousal. Now, I think it may be more complicated than that. I suspect that some people have a hard time embracing the fact that exercising power can be stimulating to the person exercising it. We're all so over the top egalitarian these days, I suspect that it may be psychologically harder to admit you get off on being in control than it is to admit you get off on being under someone's control.

    2. Yes, that is a shame. I suppose that is where constant support from the husband comes in.


    3. My husband has no problem getting off on control. He loves it! He just doesn't like hurting me so he won't spank hard. I guess maybe it's still easier for men to get aroused by control in our culture.
      Cynthia Ellen

    4. "I guess maybe it's still easier for men to get aroused by control in our culture." It's certainly possible. I think the flip side--that women have been conditioned to NOT like taking control--is almost certainly true.

  24. My wife and I began dating nine years ago and like several others here, we did our share of spanking as foreplay. It was a couple of years into the relationship when I began getting discipline spankings from her. Our sex life remained very fulfilling, but spanking wasn't part of it except for the occasional swat from each other. That's still true today.

    Real spankings started about the same time that we became engaged. I remember how many friends and family members commented that I had finally found the woman who can handle me! I did need more frequent discipline in those early years of engagement and marriage. I'm in my early 30s now and give my wife far fewer reasons to bring out the hairbrush. It's been around twice a year in the recent past.

    Our first play spankings were exactly that, but the introduction of the hairbrush, and Beth's willingness to spank me hard, changed our relationship. For a long time, she continued to spank me over her knee, which was a ritual we both liked. I still do get it that way, but now Beth sometimes has me bend over the bed with my pants and underwear down. She uses her same hairbrush like a paddle, same force and same number of smacks as I got otk, but it's less intimate and sets a different tone for both of us.

    As I've said in a previouspost, we almost never have sex right after a spanking. It's definitely not foreplay. What's more common for us is to have great sex a couple of days later when we are both ready to make up over whatever transgression required her to punish me.

    1. If you are in your early 30s and have already matured enough to give your wife fewer reasons to discipline you, you have my compliments. It took me quite a while longer to mature. Of course, we also didn't start DD until I was in my very late 30s. Perhaps if she had started sooner . . .

      We've had kind of a round-trip journey on OTK. Probably like many, that's how we started, probably because it was what was described the most on the DWC website and in spanking stories. But, we both found it uncomfortable and ineffective. So, for the vast majority of our time in the DD lifestyle, we didn't do it at all. Over the last year, largely at my instigation, we gave it another try. It was kind of an attempt to simplify the whole process and get it down to something much more quick and efficient. It seemed like we'd larded up the process with a lot of ritual and procedure--and too many implements--that made consistency more difficult because every spanking was such a "big event." Trying to OTK and using only one or two implements was kind of a "back to basics" experiment.

      It's worked for the most part, and I think now that things are just simpler, she's more psychologically prone to order one. Though, I also have started feeling like the lack of severity is still kind of an issue. Don't get me wrong, an OTK session with the bath brush, and even the ebony hair brush, can hurt like hell. But, when I've done something seriously wrong or feel the need for even more accountability, bending over for a hard paddling definitely hurts even more, and sometimes I think that additional severity is merited.

  25. I'm sure there were lots of reason for my newfound maturity. My wife's discipline was surely a contributing factor, but I can't discount the fact that I spent less time with old friends, and was consuming less alcohol. This led to fewer opportunities for bad behavior.

    1. Yeah, I have one formerly close friend who I always think of as someone who really could profit from DD. We got ourselves into a lot of trouble, usually centering on too many happy hours that got out of hand. Unfortunately, I was just getting into DD around the time I left that job and we stopped seeing as much of each other. I didn't have enough confidence or security at that time to tell him about it, though I still think that probably was the right decision on my part. I don't think he's the type who would have really taken it to heart or given it a try. But, you never know.

    2. Are you still in touch with the friend in question? And do you know much about his life's direction? And is he married still?


    3. I'm still in touch with him, though we haven't gotten together for a real conversation in several years. I hope to change that sometime soon. He is still married.

    4. Looking forward to hearing if anything comes from the follow-up with him.


    5. I kind of doubt I'd tell him unless he's changed a lot. He was a good friend, but we never got into any real discussion around things like sex lives or kinks.

    6. I suppose whether it would go anywhere now would depend on how you presented it.

      If I were in the position of sizing something like this up, I would have a general conversation to see how his life is going and to see if there are things going on that point to lack of self-discipline, as well as seeing how badly he wants to change his ways. It may be that he hasn't changed a lot, but he badly wants to.

      If he does want to change his ways, I would then tell him about successes in my life that have resulted from improved self-discipline. Hopefully, he would eventually be curious to ask what is different in my life that caused these successes. If not, I would see if I could find a way to ask him if he is interested to know and how to reap the benefits that would result from improved self-discipline.


    7. I think it would depend not so much on how I presented it but on where his head is these days. When we first became friends, we were a lot alike. It wasn't an accident that we gravitated to each other or that we enabled each other's bad tendencies. But, while I could swing between bad behavior and wanting accountability for that behavior, his swings in behavior were more intense and, in the last year or so that we had a real relationship, his bad behavior was getting a lot worse. Daily trips to the bar before going home from work, getting a little too flirty with young waitresses, etc. Yet, he would also go through periods of pledging not to drink at all. But, the downward spiral was there, and I didn't feel like there was much of an openness at that point to changing it.

    8. I understand where you are coming from with these questions, and where you want to go, proposing DW/DD as a possible solution.

      However, whenever someone is having a substance abuse problem, I think it is best to first determine if it is really a "bad habit" or if it is really a "chemical addiction" (e.g., "alcoholism").

      From everything I've seen and read, and from discussions with my own wife, with her professional experience and connections, behavior modification methods (e.g., DW/DD) simply DO NOT WORK WITH CHEMICAL ADDICTIONS (e.g., nicotine, opioid, amphetamine, alcohol and similar "chemical/brain-chemistry" addictions)! Whether it is AA-Programs, or Medical/Psychological treatment/intervention, the only long term treatment is COMPLETE/ABSOLUTE CESSATION. Of course, it is possible that some behavior modification methods could help when incorporated into a scientifically validated cessation program (e.g., AA, Medication, Psychological Therapy).

      For chemical addictions that could have such devastating effects on a person's family, as well as the general public, proven interventions should be first choices.

      (Sorry to get preachy, but I'm a recovering "nicotine addict," and for me it truly was an addiction, that medical intervention was necessary to help me overcome. I've been clean for almost three decades (28 yrs). But I know that I am only one "fix" from being right back to where I was back then -- messed-up and dying!)

    9. My view about using DD for alcohol problems is similar to Donn's. If it's a true addiction, the best approach is undoubtedly professional intervention and treatment, not DD. In terms of my friend's specific issues, like I said, whether I would tackle any issues around his state of mind would depend on where I think his head is at these days. I don't know and, given the lack of a deep current relationship, I'm not in the role of staging an intervention, particularly wit the the goal of talking him into DD.

      Donn, I agree with you that nicotine can be a real addiction. Like you, I was a full-blown addict and like you, I quit about 30 years ago. I haven't let myself have another cigarette since then (though I have smoked maybe two or three cigars during that three year period), because while I could probably do one or two, it wouldn't take much more than that to put me back into a full-scale, physical addiction. And, it was so hard to quit, I never want to go through that again. Unlike you, I did quit on my own, though it took at least a dozen failures before I finally quit cold turkey.

    10. (My bad, I put this in the wrong place originally)

      I agree. DD is unlikely to be useful with a chemical addiction (i.e. an addiction caused by underlying chemical processes). However, it is useful for things like lack of motivation, as well as knowingly doing things that are wrong that we could easily refrain from if we wanted. Is there a chance your friend might find it useful regarding other behaviours, e.g. flirting with young waitresses?


  26. I agree. DD is unlikely to be useful with a chemical addiction (i.e. an addiction caused by underlying chemical processes). However, it is useful for things like lack of motivation, as well as knowingly doing things that are wrong that we could easily refrain from if we wanted. Is there a chance your friend might find it useful regarding other behaviours, e.g. flirting with young waitresses?



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