
Monday, June 6, 2022

The Club - Meeting 401 - Degrees of Openness

Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip. - Will Rogers


Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a Domestic Discipline relationship.  


It’s been another slow couple of weeks here on the blog. I’m actually a little concerned about one of our most regular regulars.  Alan, are you OK?  I’m hoping you’re just out on a long vacation or something.   


This is one big problem with relationships that are anonymous and exist purely on-line; it’s very hard to determine what happened when a person you’ve come to like and value just suddenly stops being there.


I have to admit the quietness makes me wonder whether the blog has hit a point of rapidly diminishing returns. A few weeks ago, someone (I forget who) speculated that maybe this whole topic of DD and spanking has run out of gas, not just on this blog but generally.  I’m not sure that something that never took off outside a very small niche is ever in danger of having reached peak cultural penetration, but who knows?


I also think sometimes that blogging as a whole is in decline.  Certainly, more visually-oriented media like TikTok and YouTube seem to be taking the place of other forms of media, particularly those that take some substantial time to engage with or digest.


Then there are the limitations of Blogger as a platform.  It’s clearly not one of Alphabet’s priorities for technology and marketing investments, and it seems like every time they change something it becomes more klugy.


There is no danger of me walking away from the blog in the near future, and I don’t think I’d ever take it down just to take it down.  I’ve never quite understood bloggers who run out of gas and decide to take the blog down entirely. Why? It’s not like it costs anything to keep it up.


I don’t feel like I’m done with writing and engaging with others who are into Domestic Discipline.  I’m just wondering whether this platform for those discussions has run out of fuel.  In the past, I couldn’t think of any alternatives that weren’t subject to the same limitations.  Lately, I’ve had some other thoughts. Stay tuned.


Like I said, it's not that I'm done with DD.  In fact, it’s been on my mind a lot lately.  I’ve always thought it kind of odd that I don’t dream about DD or spanking very often, given how much time I’ve put into thinking and writing about it.  


It seems like my subconscious is mulling over certain aspects of it more these days.  In the last couple of weeks I’ve had at least three dreams with themes involving either telling people about our DD relationship, knowing others are about to find out, or DD couples getting together.  My subconscious clearly seems to be mulling the whole “openness” thing. 


To the point that it may even be trying to “out” me. Anne and I took a trip recently.  I have two locking suitcases at home, one a little bigger than the other.  I had been storing most of our spanking tools in the bigger suitcase but decided I wanted to use that one for our trip.  So, I transferred all the spanking tools to the smaller suitcase.


At least, I thought I did.  When I got to our hotel and unpacked some clothes, I found a leather tawse pressed all the way against one side of the suitcase; a side that had been oriented away from my line of sight as I was packing.


The tawse wasn't the only spanking instrument in the bag, but it was the only unambigously so. I had brought her ebony hairbrush with us.  If my suitcase were to be searched by TSA, an agent who wasn’t kinky probably wouldn’t think anything about the brush.  On the other hand, one who was into it him/herself might wonder or even surmise that in our relationship its intended use isn't brushing hair bur, rather roasting bottoms.  But, they wouldn’t really know.  


A tawse on the other hand?  They wouldn’t know which of us was the receiver and which the giver, but there wouldn’t be much doubt about the basic fact that we were into spanking in some form or fashion.


My bag was not, in fact, searched on either leg of our trip, but it could have been.  I honestly don’t know how I would react if some official went rummaging through my bag and found something so obviously spanking related.  I’m sure they come across vibrators and other sexual paraphernalia all the time.  I don’t know whether a tawse would even make the average TSA agent’s Top-10 list of most interesting or amusing items found in passengers’ bags.


Given my subconscious mind’s nocturnal wanderings around themes of being discovered or found out, or interacting with other couples, maybe I even sort of want to be discovered? 


Maybe, though I haven't taken a lot of action in that direction even though, looking back at some posts from a couple of years ago, it seems like I was in this same mind-space back then.  As I said then, in pertinent part:



[Last year], I was going through a phase in which I wanted to have deeper, more meaningful communications and relationships with people who are into this lifestyle, including some of the regular commenters on this blog. I also found myself increasingly wanting people, or at least certain people, to know about this aspect of my life or to know more about it. 


Moreover, as I observed at that time, I am constantly reminded of how hard it is for my wife to punish bad behavior consistently and with some degree of immediacy when we are so paranoid about anyone else catching on to our relationship dynamic. It’s an irritant, because the part of me that was fascinated by DD from the moment I first encountered it also seems to gravitate toward the “humbling” impact of her exercising her authority more openly and about others knowing that she’s the boss. None of that has really changed over the last year. If anything, it's grown as I reach a point in my life where the possible risks of being exposed seem less and less weighty.


Yet, my adventures in openness have been pretty tame so far.  I wear a pendant that a few people who are in the BDSM community and very into its culture might recognize as the symbol for a submissive male. That’s not quite what I consider myself to be, but it’s about as close as I can find for ready-made paraphernalia that puts my status "out there" a bit as a disciplined husband who has been “taken in hand,” by his wife in some form of FLR relationship.


Further, as I’ve discussed, to my knowledge, there are two (and sort of three) people who know who I am and that my wife gives me real disciplinary spankings.  


Compare that to the description of Disciplinary Wives Club gatherings that Tomy’s wife, Aunt Kay, sent me a few years back and that I posted again last week, including her description of sending him off for a session with another wife:


"We made friends with other couples and that was a whole other unexpected outcome. I never imagined disciplining anyone but my own husband. But it became easy for me after a while. I learned that some men need a lot more intensity than my Hubby and I had some really fun times delivering longer and harder sessions than he could ever endure. I still recall smiling to myself as I watched him head off with another DWC wife to get a spanking. When we did things together with other DWC couples; like going to dinners, events, visiting for weekends, there was such a sense of liberation. Just hanging out, being able to talk about lifestyle stuff was amazing. It was like we knew we were special, we shared a kinky little secret when we were out among the rest of the world."



We’ve done nothing close to any of that.  Part of me really wants to explore it, though that part is at war with the part that obsesses about confidentiality and not creating any kind of electronic rabbit trail that would allow anyone interested and snoopy to link my on-line and “real life” identities.  I assume my wife feels the same way and may even be more concerned about it. Though, honestly, that is an assumption on my part. I’ve never really asked her. . ..



It occurs to me that I always assume my wife is reluctant to meet others, communicate with others or display her authority more openly, simply because she hasn’t initiated any of that, other than a handful of cryptic references to spanking made with family around.  But, maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to make assumptions about her willingness or openness to new things just because she has not initiated them, particularly since . . . why should she be embarrassed? She’s not the one getting spanked.




I’m not sure how much has changed since then.  In terms of developing closer relationships with people in the lifestyle, in some ways, maybe a lot, though not enough to satisfy my itch for connection.  I’ve deepened my relationships with at least four people I’ve met through the blog, though very little of that interaction has been face-to-face and I’ve met only one of them in person. 


In that post from a couple of years ago, I put together a list of things associated with various degrees of “sharing” this lifestyle and asked people to identify how many they’d done.  Here is my current status on each, along with a few new/modified ones:


  • Worn something symbolizing your DD or FLR status? Yes. 
  • Left a spanking tool, including innocuous but iconic tools like a hairbrush or bathbrush, on prominent display in a context that might hint at its naughtier use? Yes, but only a hairbrush and bath brush, and not in a place that clearly signaled their intended use.
  • Openly displayed or traveled with a tool that is most definitely associated with spanking, such as a paddle or strap? Only unintentionally so, though I have gotten much less diligent about hiding and storing them securely. 
  • Made a cryptic, reference to delivering or getting a spanking within earshot of friends or relatives?  Anne has made some cryptic references.  I haven’t, at least nothing suggesting that spanking and DD is something we do.

  • Engaged in or been subjected to some very overt display of authority in front of others? Not really, at least nothing that overt and unambiguous. 
  • Openly told a friend or family member that you get spanked by your wife or that you spank your husband? Yes, though only one friend and no relatives.

  • Told someone openly that you are going to be spanked or recently were or that you are going to deliver one or recently did? Not that I recall.

  • Exchanged emails or talked by telephone with someone about your DD or FLR relationship? Yes

  • Talked face-to-face with another person who you know is into DD or FLR? Yes. 
  • Gotten together socially with one or more couples who are into DD? No
  •   Been spanked by your wife/spanked with others present or able to overhear? No.
  • Been spanked by someone other than your wife or spanked  someone other than your husband during your current relationship? No.

  • Engaged in any kind of group spanking activity? No.

How about you? Which of the above have you done?  How open have you been so far about your DD relationship? How open would you like to be, or at least how open could you see yourself being under the right circumstances?


And, before I go, thoughts and prayers for so many suffering families, and hopefully a little more than thoughts and prayers from those in a position to do something about it.






Have a great week.


  1. Although you look back and perhaps find yourself reusing previous themes, these may be fresh topics to others. I only discovered this blog at the beginning of this year so everything I’m seeing is new, so keep it going, even if it sometimes seems somewhat repetitive. As for blogs in general, this is my first experience of following one or commenting - and since you’re bound to ask, no I’m not computer-challenged, I’ve worked in the IT industry for many years, I’m a software developer by profession but have just never came across a blog that interested me before. To address your question, I have never said or done anything that would even remotely suggest to any friends or family that I get spanked. The idea of any of them knowing horrifies me. I know my wife on the other hand has spoken about it to a few people, although none has ever been present. It can come up in context, a friend went through a nasty divorce s couple of years ago, triggered by him and he behaved really badly throughout the whole process. I remember suggesting at the time to my wife that she suggest some DD but I don’t believe it ever happened. She said - and I’m sure she’s right - that this lifestyle will only work if both partners are committed to out - and he certainly wouldn’t have been. We found the DWC site probably closer to twenty years ago and I remember reading about their gatherings and thinking at the time that it would be interesting to join one - but I don’t believe they ever did another one after we found them. I would certainly find it interesting to join a RL group and I am pretty sure my wife would be on board as well. We did go to a local spanking group sometimes a long time ago - although this was not DD, and I have no problem engaging in such activities with others of a similar mind set present. Including the kind of swapping you mentioned. I think it would be interesting to experience the various styles and approaches that others may have. TG

    1. Hi TG. I totally get that you can't presume a lot about electronic communications based on experience with the IT industry. I'm not what I would consider "technical," though I worked in or around the industry for a lot of years. Yet, the whole reason I've stuck with Blogger as a platform despite it's *many* limitations is it was by far the easiest platform to use when I started, and I haven't felt like relearning another one even if I probably could.

      It is interesting (to me at least) that you have attended spanking parties and would be OK with witnesses, yet you are horrified of family or friends finding out. Though, I guess these various contexts we live in are separable. For example, I would be horrified at family members outside our immediate family finding out, yet I don't think it would bother me a lot if our (now adult) kids knew about it, and I could live with some friends knowing.

      I *think* you're right that DD requires two committed parties in order for it to work, yet I'm not 100% sure about that. At the fantasy level, I've always noticed that many of the stories on the DWC website involved women imposing the relationship on misbehaving husbands. Although it seems to almost never happen IRL, it seems to be a dynamic quite a few men are into. Even if a husband with big behavior problems was reluctant, I wonder if some women would have the power to impose it through threats to leave if they didn't accept it. Before anyone objects about consent, I actually think giving in to that kind of threat would be consensual. No one ever said that choices don't have consequences.

    2. Interesting point. My experience is that I often feel I deserve - and feel the need for - more DD than I actually get, and my impression from reading this blog for her last few months is that I’m not unusual in that view. TG

  2. When she first started spanking me there was often reminders when we traveled to pack the paddle. Once I forgot and she forgot her hairbrush. We went out and bought a new hair brush and she used it for more than just combing her hair but it did not sting like her paddle. So I got another paddling when we got home

    1. Yeah, it is pretty hard to find hairbrushes in retail stores that really sting. They usually are pretty light and flimsy.

    2. We never travel without a paddle and have on occasion been known to park a cane when it’ll fit in the case. TG

  3. My wife when out with friends refer to writing transgressions in her journal, the women joke what happens then . She says "he knows" the other day she told the couple we were with about her using Alexa to keep track of "my transgressions " . Although I had a medical procedure in early May that has stopped her from discipling me ,we have a follow up Doctor's appointment tomorrow she joked that she is going to ask him if it is ok to spank me . " she wont" . Truth be told I wish she would share it with her friends, not mine lol.
    Great job on blog I look forward to it weekly .

    1. I suspect most of us are more open to our wives telling *their* friends than ours.

    2. Yes, for me too, their friends maybe more exciting? But my best friend knows and about a year ago told my wife that I needed a spanking. She came home and gave me one. I haven't been brave enough to tell him that I received "his" spanking...

  4. My wife would not want anybody close to her or me to know. However, she has lectured me in the grocery store if I have said something embarrassing or disrespectful. She is getting into Saturday morning maintenance spankings and will add to it when she rembers what I did. I wish the punishment was more immediate but she has made it clear she decides when and where

    1. "However, she has lectured me in the grocery store if I have said something embarrassing or disrespectful." I haven't experienced anything like that (yet).

    2. Greg here,
      Getting lectured or scolded in the grocery story or other public setting for misbehavior or attitude is extremely exciting. I believe it satisfies that hidden desire to have others know of your FLR but does so discretely if not anonymously ...very exciting

  5. You Didn't mention whether the hairbrush was actually used during your trip Dan.
    I would think having it in your luggage during the return trip after it had been used would be more embarrassing?
    My wife is quite astute at the cryptic ( and not so cryptic sometimes) comments in front of others and is not afraid to boss me in public if necessary.
    She did pack a paddle once when we we went on an anniversary trip to a hotel but we did not have to go through customs thankfully.
    However at the hotel she did unpack it and it was left in plain view once when we went out so the hotel maid would have seen it!
    Did Anne unpack the hairbrush when you arrived or leave it in the suitcase?

    1. "My wife is quite astute at the cryptic ( and not so cryptic sometimes) comments in front of others and is not afraid to boss me in public if necessary." Mine hasn't done this much (yet).

      No, it was not used during the trip.

  6. Worn something? I wear my key when I put husband in chastity, but nothing about spanking.
    Left an implement out? Yes.
    Traveled with an implement? Yes, several of them, but not openly, only in the suitcase. We've even taken his dresses and petticoats in a garment bag. It wasn't obvious they were his dresses, but the puffy skirt and petticoats filled up the bag and puffed it out.
    Make cryptic references? All the time.
    Overt display of authority in front of others? Not in front of people who don't know I discipline husband.
    Told friend or family member? Yes. Husband knew from the beginning I tell my Best Friend everything. I have other friends who know, too.
    Told someone I was going to discipline husband? All the time.
    Emails or phone? Yes.
    Talked face to face with others in the practice? Yes.
    Gotten together socially? Yes. It was hard to get husband to agree to this, but I won eventually.
    Disciplined him in front of others? Yes.
    Had others spank him? Yes, when I was in my last trimester and had no energy. There were times he needed discipline. We both did not like the idea in the beginning, but he agreed to it to please me. After a couple of tries, we both understood why we didn't want anyone else disciplining him. If I get pregnant again, we're going to have to work something else out.
    Group spanking activity? Yes, but I was the only one who touched husband.

    1. Hi Celia. I appreciate the lines you've drawn, which seem to involve a fair amount of openness but without direct participation from third parties (going forward at least), and also not imposing your relationship dynamics on those who aren't in the know. While I sometimes think people just need to get over some of the squeamishness around witnessing things they may not be into, ultimately I think both you and Caged Lion are right to draw that line and avoid exposing people without their consent.

    2. Hi Miss Cecilia, you have certainly done a lot more on the openness front than we have. BTW, when it comes to witnesses, I think that both you and Danielle are somehow tied in first place for taking it to a whole different level of embarrassing, and you have definitely captured my attention with your descriptive accounts in the past!

      As Dan said, I think it is great that while you have in many ways been more open to others than almost anyone else on this blog, you have done a good job of limiting it to those who are open to it. I would never want to make some innocent bystander feel awkward by exposing them (or even worse their children) to something they would rather not be exposed to.


    3. Husband's the source of a lot of the limiting. Dsicretion is a big thing for him. When he agreed to me disciplining him, he did mention Best Friend since he knew I was going to tell her. He wanted me to make sure she'd keep it to herself. I assured him she would. She was the first witness, too.

      Husband has said if people who aren't interested knew about it, they probably couldn't be trusted to keep it to themselves. He has a point. I can just imagine me surprising someone by dragging them in my house when I've scheduled hsuband for Discipline and calling him out of his corner and them seeing him in a poofy dress and petticoats and curtseying.

      We did have to make one exception. He had a big house even before I was his girlfriend. When I got pregnant, Mother came to live with us. She wanted to because she'd get to see her grandchild. She offered to help with Baby, She still does. She does as much parenting as me or husband. We decided we had to tell her since she was sure to see husband in lingerie at some point. If she reacted badly, we'd take steps to see she wasn't confronted with it. As it was, she didn't have a bad reaction at all.

    4. Wow, that last part is open in a way I don't think I ever could be. When I think about family and friends knowing, parents are right at the very top of people I would not want to reveal it to.

    5. She would never slow that kind of sharing
      We are very private. However, if it slipped out in a public setting around strangers. I can imagine her. Someone I embarrassed her in front of that she would be dealing with my attitude when we get home

  7. You bring up a couple of points that I have some experience with. First, blogging: I use WordPress and host it on the cloud (AWS Lightsail). It's far better because WordPress is dedicated to building a great CMS. My site isn't free. I spend about $25/month. So, if we ever decide to stop, we may also turn off our cloud server. Yes, it takes more technical work (not hard to learn in a few hours by searching for help), but the results are very pleasing. I'll help you if you want.

    Your interest and fears around discovery aren't unusual. Years ago, I was active in a real-life BDSM organization. It felt very good to share and play with other couples. DWC, as much as you believe is true, was a sort of BDSM club too. People joined because they liked disciplinary spanking. They wanted to share.

    Spanking, especially disciplinary spanking, is a rare kink. It would be difficult to discover others in a given geographical area outside major cities who practice it. I suspect that most of the people who do, aren't really interested in "outing." I miss my old organization and our parties. I've spanked and been spanked in front of lots of strangers.

    You have an outlet to share here in your blog. Maybe publish some after-spanking pictures of yourself. I do that frequently on my blog. In terms of travel with toys, we've been doing that for ages. I've packed paddles and other obvious toys for over 20 years. Believe me, the TSA isn't shocked if they find a tawse, whip, or paddle in your bags. I've never been stopped or questioned.

    Maybe this is more a matter of getting over your own fear of exposure. I never, ever agree to letting people who haven't consented to being in on our kink witness or hear what we do. Consent is key. It's wrong to expose vanilla people.

    I'm pretty sure that Mrs. Lion would be uncomfortable in a DWC setting. She is perfectly happy to write about punishing me, but I suspect she would have a problem with spanking me in a group setting. She's been to a few BDSM parties with me. She didn't mind seeing people play, but didn't particularly like it. She refused to play with me in a public venue (just BDSM people).

    I wonder what it would be like to be spanked by another disciplinary wife. Thinking about it is very hot. I doubt Mrs. Lion would agree. But, who knows? She was vanilla when we met and look at her now!

    1. I may take you up on the offer of help setting up another platform. I'm not quite ready to pull the trigger on that, because I have some other projects that are consuming some time right now, but I do think this blog's ongoing presence on Blogger may be ticking down. I had another problem posting to it yesterday, and I'm just kind of tired of the kluginess and limitations. But, you know what they say, "You get what you pay for."

      "DWC, as much as you believe is true, was a sort of BDSM club too. People joined because they liked disciplinary spanking. They wanted to share." I suspect, though won't pretend to know for sure, that Kay would have agreed with that at least in part. While the DWC website itself distinguishes between BDSM and DD, in its Q&A session in went on to say that practicing DD didn't exclude erotic forms of spanking. And, the quote I included above indicates she was very into the social aspects.

      Regarding our wives' comfort level with things like spanking in a DWC setting or letting other women spanking, I have the same reaction you do. But, I think the truth is in the last two sentences in your comment. Ultimately, who knows? Like yours, mine started as totally vanilla (though I did too) and look where we've ended up.

  8. Please, Please, do not shut this blog down! It may be one of the very few places offering honest sane information and exchanges from real life people involved in this wonderful FLR lifestyle. It offers honest and open dialog from real people not easily found elsewhere on the web. It is my "go to" blog for updates and ideas on the lifestyle. Keep up the "excellent " work and thanks for all the time and effort you put in.

    1. Thanks! I appreciate the thoughts. I doubt I would actually shut it down, at least not permanently. Moving it to another platform definitely could happen. And, I do think the format is in for a refresh, as evidenced by the lack of incoming new voices and attrition among the regular commenters.

  9. Hi Dan,
    Here is the list for me. I will comment more on the overall theme in a separate message.

    Worn something symbolizing your DD or FLR status? Never outside the house, though sometimes when we are alone I have worn different clothing items.

    Left a spanking tool, including innocuous but iconic tools like a hairbrush or bathbrush, on prominent display in a context that might hint at its naughtier use? Never intentionally, and I don’t think even accidentally. This would be interesting to do, particularly if we knew that someone was coming to the house who knows about our DD.

    Openly displayed or traveled with a tool that is most definitely associated with spanking, such as a paddle or strap? This I have done extensively, since most everything we have I have bought in the USA and brought to our country in luggage. However, almost all of that was in checked luggage, so even if it raised some TSA eyebrows, I probably wouldn’t have seen it or known about it. Of course, since most of my travel is international, there is always the real possibility of a bag being opened or x-rayed at customs with me present.

    Made a cryptic, reference to delivering or getting a spanking within earshot of friends or relatives? I have made some references to my one friend (female) that were not all that cryptic, but my manner was pretty joking. My wife also said something once in front of this same friend, but I don’t know if she heard or paid attention.

    Engaged in or been subjected to some very overt display of authority in front of others? Not so far, but I am pretty sure this is something that will happen over time.

    Openly told a friend or family member that you get spanked by your wife or that you spank your husband? I have not told anyone openly. My wife has told one of her friends everything (and showed her many of our implements), and also has told her sister everything.

    Told someone openly that you are going to be spanked or recently were or that you are going to deliver one or recently did? I never have, but my wife told her friend who called and was wanting to come over that she was going to be home because she needed to punish me.

    Exchanged emails or talked by telephone with someone about your DD or FLR relationship? Yes, but only one person.

    Talked face-to-face with another person who you know is into DD or FLR? No. While I have probably talked to multiple or even many people who are into DD or FLR, I didn’t know it.

    Gotten together socially with one or more couples who are into DD? No

    Been spanked by your wife/spanked with others present or able to overhear? Just the one time that the friend came over knowing I was going to be punished. She hung out with my wife, and undoubtedly heard some of the spanking.

    Been spanked by someone other than your wife or spanked someone other than your husband during your current relationship? No

    Engaged in any kind of group spanking activity? No.


    1. Hi ZM. "Engaged in or been subjected to some very overt display of authority in front of others? Not so far, but I am pretty sure this is something that will happen over time." It's interesting that this one seems kind of innocuous, depending on the setting where it happens, yet it seems like not a lot of it goes on.

    2. Hi Dan, Very true. My wife and I have even talked about this very thing quite a few times, and she seems to think it is a "great idea" that she needs to try, yet it just never seems to happen. I really think a big, big part of that is that even though she really likes exercising her authority (and loves giving spankings), DD still isn't that much a part of her day to day thought process. She might be "into" it now somewhat, and it in some ways feels very much like "our" kink, but in the end it is still a lot more mine than hers, since it has been a large part of my thoughts for most of my life.

      "I’ve always thought it kind of odd that I don’t dream about DD or spanking very often, given how much time I’ve put into thinking and writing about it." - I have thought about this very thing many times. One would think that if you think about something so regularly, it would show up in dreams more often, but it doesn't seem to work that way, at least for me. Another surprising think related to this is that the frequency of DD related dreams (almost non-existent) hasn't changed during the time I was married to someone who was absolutely against it and I was obsessing about it and now, when I am married to someone who has embraced it and who spanks me very hard, if not all that regularly, and who has pushed so many boundaries with me, like with telling people, etc.


    3. "I really think a big, big part of that is that even though she really likes exercising her authority (and loves giving spankings), DD still isn't that much a part of her day to day thought process. She might be "into" it now somewhat, and it in some ways feels very much like "our" kink, but in the end it is still a lot more mine than hers." This pretty much sums up where I think we are, too.

      Regarding dreams, you just blew one of my pet theories. I've thought that maybe the reason I don't dream that much about spanking or DD is that we tend to dream about things that are problems or that we're dissatisfied with, not about things that are working fairly well or that are just part of our ordinary day-to-day life. I haven't been in a situation, however, where I wanted a DD relationship and it wasn't happening. It sounds like in your case, regardless of whether you were or were not getting that need fulfilled, it isn't something that makes it into your dreams very often

    4. Yeah, the dream thing is something that has never made sense. I agree that we tend to dream about problems, worries, fears, and dissatisfactions. But still, it seems like DD or at least spanking would show up more often. It is not that it never does, but it is pretty rare for me. Ideally, it would happen often, and I would remember the dreams vividly, since it would be kind of like having the experiences without having to actually endure them in real life!


    5. So true!

      Like you, it's not that I never have spanking dreams, but it's ware. And, in the few that I've had, the scene in the dream almost always precedes the spanking. The dream never includes the spanking itself.

  10. Thanks again for the great blog. Regarding your questions:

    Worn something symbolizing your DD or FLR status? No, unless you count a chastity cage that was not at all detectable.

    Left a spanking tool, including innocuous but iconic tools like a hairbrush or bathbrush, on prominent display in a context that might hint at its naughtier use? No.

    Openly displayed or traveled with a tool that is most definitely associated with spanking, such as a paddle or strap? Travel, yes. All the time before 9/11. Since then, none. Openly display, no.

    Made a cryptic, reference to delivering or getting a spanking within earshot of friends or relatives? Friend, yes. Family member, no.

    Engaged in or been subjected to some very overt display of authority in front of others? No.

    Openly told a friend or family member that you get spanked by your wife or that you spank your husband? Friend, yes. Family member, not hardly!

    Told someone openly that you are going to be spanked or recently were or that you are going to deliver one or recently did? Definitely.

    Exchanged emails or talked by telephone with someone about your DD or FLR relationship? Definitely.

    Talked face-to-face with another person who you know is into DD or FLR? No.

    Gotten together socially with one or more couples who are into DD? No.

    Been spanked by your wife/spanked with others present or able to overhear? Definitely. Long story.

    Been spanked by someone other than your wife or spanked someone other than your husband during your current relationship? No.

    Engaged in any kind of group spanking activity? Yes. A couple of spanking parties. Also had a girlfriend for a few years who liked taking me to a professional, which was pretty damn exciting for all parties.


    1. Thanks, Graham. You have me intrigued about:

      "Been spanked by your wife/spanked with others present or able to overhear? Definitely. Long story."

      Any other details you're willing to share?

  11. Combining today’s topics, I wonder if a small real world community could be the next step for the blog, if there were a way to safely do it. I read somewhere that the DWC community would require a simple phone call to weed out problematic members. Just a thought.

    Another related thought is that a step for many of us men would be to involve our wives in posting here. Really, why don’t more of us do this, unless we’re exaggerating in our comments and don’t want to get caught, or if we’re not supposed to be on lightly adult blogs? I bet that many of us are the more addicted Internet user in our marriages, but our wives don’t need to post as often as we do. I’m talking to myself as much as anyone else here.

    1. My wife has read this blog several times when I’ve thought there was sobering interesting to put in front of her. TG

    2. I've shown husband entries on this blog from time to time but he doesn't want to post here yet. I've shown him entries on other forums I post to, but he's only ever posted something on one of them once, when I specifically asked him to. If I asked him to post things here, I'm sure he would.

      Some posters on other forums have suggested making him post as a disciplinary tool, but I've never seen an occasion where that would work for me.

    3. MW, it's a good thought. I recall the DWC thing with the phone call. I thought about something like that a long time ago, but at the time I was too concerned about confidentiality on my end to give out my telephone. Of course, with things like Google Voice and burner phones, it' would be possible to do it while not giving out my real number. I also questioned whether anyone would really do it, particularly if they were calling a man. With the DWC, I think it was Kay handling those confirmation calls.

      I really need to ask my wife directly how willing she is to explore the community side of things. I kind of do have my own very small community. It's still mostly electronic contact, a lot of it by email, but there is one woman (a bottom) I met through the blog who I've had a Zoom call with and text with very regularly (though 99% of the time on vanilla subjects -- we met virtually through blogging but became real friends over time), another woman (a top) who I've talked to by phone several times and met once in person, one participant here who I've talked to a lot by email and who knows my real identity, and I've had personal contact with Kay's husband. So, the basis for a little community is there on my side already and reflects how much I've moved away from confidentiality concerns over time.

    4. Regarding having spouses post, it's obviously fine with me if they do, though I also see how it could inject some awkwardness for some couples and make one or both less likely to share openly.

    5. That's a good point. Actually now thinking of another community where I participate with people who know me, and we kind of all pretend we don't know the others are also there. Maybe I'd rather just drop a hint to my wife and not know for sure whether she made it here.

    6. My wife isn't interested in reading or posting comments on other blogs. However, she writes daily posts on our blog. She also happily answers comments and questions. She just doesn't seem that interested in social media other than Facebook. Our blog, of course, is her exception. We have over 5,500 posts now. She's written half. I have no reason to complain.

    7. As I have written here before, my wife never looks at the blog, unless I show something to her, and certainly has never thought of writing anything on it. Interestingly enough, she brings up the blog every few days asking if there is anything new on it. I think it is her way of bringing DD into our conversations. Also, I routinely read most of my posts to her, excluding only those that are just addressing something someone else wrote where it may take a lot of explaining to develop adequate context. Even then, it takes some time to read everything some weeks. If I were to read top to bottom every comment, it would take too long. Plus, some conversations seem to end up happening randomly throughout different threads, so it gets kind of confusing.

      As for why she doesn't come here herself, probably because she isn't all that interested to actually sit down and read everything, let alone participate. Plus, she has me to filter everything for her! Also, she would be reluctant to write much here because she is not a native English speaker, so even though her spoken English is pretty great, her written English has a variety of small errors.


    8. It is interesting that I have such a need to express myself in writing that I do things like keeping up this blog for almost 10 years, while for others that's just not a thing. My wife reads the blog sporadically, but a long time she showed no real curiosity about it, even though she knew I had it.

  12. Dan, I'm glad you're not abandoning the blog! I find as I get older, and more bombarded with input, my attention span is growing smaller and smaller. Maybe that's one possible explanation for a smaller audience — less people able to stick with in-depth discussions, and then to take the time to compose a response. I can also see where the topic of DD is no longer fresh and new to most enthusiasts. I think what keeps it going is the obsessive nature of it. We can't stop talking about it.

    I can only answer the questions here from a wishful thinking perspective.

    • "Worn something symbolizing your DD or FLR status?" I wouldn't know what to wear. Is there a symbol for a husband who gets spanked for discipline by his wife? As much as I enjoy the idea of DD and FLR, if there is a designation for it, I wouldn't want to announce my status as if it were a source of pride. That's just me.

    • "Left a spanking tool, including innocuous but iconic tools like a hairbrush or bathbrush, on prominent display in a context that might hint at its naughtier use?" If my wife did this, it would be exciting. The reason could be as a reminder to me, or because she likes the idea that someone else might think it's for discipline. The best implements to me are not too obviously for spanking, like a household item, innocent or ambiguous enough to be displayed, but at least my wife and I would know what it is used for.

    • "Openly displayed or traveled with a tool that is most definitely associated with spanking, such as a paddle or strap?" Not on airlines, only car trips. They were just for play, but I guess if discovered by someone, they could have been seen as used for discipline. I think hotel staff probably saw a thing or two, but maybe nothing that unusual for them to see.

    • "Made a cryptic, reference to delivering or getting a spanking within earshot of friends or relatives?"  I don't want people I know to know. This embarrassing scenario was bad enough growing up.

    • "Engaged in or been subjected to some very overt display of authority in front of others?" Again, I hated this as a teenager, but it is an intriguing idea for me as an adult. I imagine "others" as being strangers or a select kind of relationship where I can live with the idea that this person knows.

    • "Openly told a friend or family member that you get spanked by your wife or that you spank your husband?" I would definitely not.

    • "Told someone openly that you are going to be spanked or recently were or that you are going to deliver one or recently did?" See previous answer.

    • "Exchanged emails or talked by telephone with someone about your DD or FLR relationship?" Some emails on the subject, but I have no such relationship myself to discuss.

    • "Talked face-to-face with another person who you know is into DD or FLR?" I don't know anyone like that. It would be difficult to talk to anyone about such a personal and, for me, awkward topic.

    • "Gotten together socially with one or more couples who are into DD?" This scenario is interesting to me, but I'm not driven to it by my discipline desires. I don't fantasize about such a situation.

    •   "Been spanked by your wife/spanked with others present or able to overhear?" This is a very exciting idea associated with hated experiences of my past.

    • "Been spanked by someone other than your wife or spanked someone other than your husband during your current relationship?" Under the right circumstances, the idea is a powerful attraction.

    • "Engaged in any kind of group spanking activity?" This does not interest me. A group activity is not the kind of authentic disciplinary scenario I've always wanted to imagine. A public spanking is an exciting idea, but not if it's staged for spanking enthusiasts. I know it's not right to impose this scene on a non-consenting audience, but that's the fantasy that works. The whole realm of consent in discipline weakens my attraction to it, and that's one of the reasons I'm answering this survey from a wishful thinking perspective.

    1. Brett, I think your first paragraph hits on some of the things that have probably caused a drop-off in participation. I do think some of it is that one disadvantage of a blog, and this blog in particular, is the in-depth discussion. That can work when people are consuming most of their content on a computer, but it doesn't work as well on a phone, which is where so many people consume most of their on-line content these days.

      Regarding your answers to the topics, a couple of observations:

      "I wouldn't know what to wear. Is there a symbol for a husband who gets spanked for discipline by his wife?" I don't think there is anything specific to DD. The pendant I wear is a BDSM symbol for a sub male in a committed relationship. It's basically a shield with an upward-facing arrow. There are also day collars that are used in some BDSM relationships, though I think worn mainly by women.

      • "Gotten together socially with one or more couples who are into DD?" This scenario is interesting to me, but I'm not driven to it by my discipline desires. I don't fantasize about such a situation." I'm like you on this one. I'm open to it, but it isn't something that drives me. Similarly, I'm not into group spanking activity. I could see it in the witness context, but not really gatherings for the purpose of spanking multiple people or being spanked by multiple people.

    2. Dan, I hadn't thought about it, but you are right about the phone. I rarely use it for web surfing. I also don't like typing on the little pop up keyboard, but that doesn't seem to be a problem for most people, at least for short responses.

      I know about the collar. The pendant would only be recognized by members of the club, so to speak, so I think that's a plus. In the relationship I like to imagine, we don't think of ourselves as Dom and sub, or call it BDSM. She's an authority figure, like a parent, but in the context of discipline, it is dominance and submission. A collar would not feel appropriate. Organized group spanking would also feel like BDSM and not domestic discipline.

    3. Dan, I hadn't thought about it, but you are right about the phone. I rarely use it for web surfing. I also don't like typing on the little pop up keyboard, but that doesn't seem to be a problem for most people, at least for short responses.

      I know about the collar. The pendant would only be recognized by members of the club, so to speak, so I think that's a plus. In the relationship I like to imagine, we don't think of ourselves as Dom and sub, or call it BDSM. She's an authority figure, like a parent, but in the context of discipline, it is dominance and submission. A collar would not feel appropriate. Organized group spanking would also feel like BDSM and not domestic discipline.

    4. Your comments got caught up in the spam filter.

      I agree on not identifying as dom or sub. Maybe some a lot more creative than I can come up with a symbol a symbol better suited for DD

    5. Hi Brett,
      "In the relationship I like to imagine, we don't think of ourselves as Dom and sub, or call it BDSM. She's an authority figure, like a parent, but in the context of discipline, it is dominance and submission. A collar would not feel appropriate." - I agree about not thinking of ourselves as dom and sub. I really liked the way that you put it that she is an authority figure much like a parent, but there is a definite dominance and submission element that takes place in the context of discipline.

      "Organized group spanking would also feel like BDSM and not domestic discipline." - Again, I agree, though Alan (I think) made some comments lower about some contexts that even that could somehow work and still feel real. I will post about it there.


  13. I very much enjoy your blog, Dan, it is one of a very few sensible blogs on the topic of interest. I am always surprised that there is not more content on DD from a submissive male perspective but maybe, as one of the comments above suggests, it is a rare interest (I dislike applying the word 'kink' to something that has always been an essential part of me).

    We are private about this part of our relationship although our families and close friends would always see my wife as 'having me under control', well as much as anyone could!

    I was interested in the imposition fantasy that you refer to earlier - I have to admit I do not feel the attraction of being dominated and imposed upon in that way. I enjoy my own dynamic which is that I want and don't want corporal punishment often at the same time. I enjoy our relationship dynamic of giving my wife full consent to use DD, in fact I have and do encourage her to do so. As I explain to her, I find the whole 'spanking' thing arousing as a fantasy up to the point when it becomes real and painful; then the enjoyment stops only to return once the heat starts to die down. Which is why I have never asked for a spanking; because asking transcends from fantasy to reality. It is the moth to the flame. But I have discussed with her the option of letting her know when I reach the point where I know that a spanking would do me good. She wants me to (I suppose it removes some of the pressure from her) but I feel that it may dilute some of the magic, some of the mystery... TB

  14. I very much enjoy your blog, Dan, it is one of a very few sensible blogs on the topic of interest. I am always surprised that there is not more content on DD from a submissive male perspective but maybe, as one of the comments above suggests, it is a rare interest (I dislike applying the word 'kink' to something that has always been an essential part of me).

    We are private about this part of our relationship although our families and close friends would always see my wife as 'having me under control', well as much as anyone could!

    I was interested in the imposition fantasy that you refer to earlier - I have to admit I do not feel the attraction of being dominated and imposed upon in that way. I enjoy my own dynamic which is that I want and don't want corporal punishment often at the same time. I enjoy our relationship dynamic of giving my wife full consent to use DD, in fact I have and do encourage her to do so. As I explain to her, I find the whole 'spanking' thing arousing as a fantasy up to the point when it becomes real and painful; then the enjoyment stops only to return once the heat starts to die down. Which is why I have never asked for a spanking; because asking transcends from fantasy to reality. It is the moth to the flame. But I have discussed with her the option of letting her know when I reach the point where I know that a spanking would do me good. She wants me to (I suppose it removes some of the pressure from her) but I feel that it may dilute some of the magic, some of the mystery... TB

    1. I hate that some times I have to be direct with her and some times a subtle hint. I both love and hate it when she does not need either. Then I know I am in for it and will soon be sorry that I told her about my needs in the first place

    2. Hi TB. "But I have discussed with her the option of letting her know when I reach the point where I know that a spanking would do me good. She wants me to (I suppose it removes some of the pressure from her)." That makes total sense to me.

  15. Hi Dan I have written several times before but didn't get anything in. I love this blog, and read it every week. My lady friend and I are in our mid seventies, and she knew nothing about DD or spanking a few years ago. Now, she has become very proficient and
    spanks me every week. It has radically altered my behavior, especially drinking to excess. As far as being open with friends about spanking, only one male friend knows.
    I have encouraged my lady friend to confide in her friends, and she has dropped hints, but there has been little interest. I have spanked and been spanked by numerous women at the Shadow Lane party a few years ago, but other than that, just a few pros. Being spanked for a reason is so much more gratifying. I spank her for fun, she spanks me for real. Nobody has listened to a spanking so far, but that is an exciting prospect.

    1. "Being spanked for a reason is so much more gratifying." I definitely agree. It is really interesting to me how many people here have participated in spanking parties, yet are still generally pretty private about the DD aspect of their relationship.

  16. Hi Dan,
    Thanks for the expression of concern. I am fine: just a concentrated period of personal business combined with some challenging travel. Hope to contribute a post this cycle

    1. Hi Alan. Very glad to hear you are OK! No hurry on contributing.

    2. Hi Alan, welcome back! I am just glad that all is going well. I love - and have greatly missed - your always insightful comments!


  17. Hi Dan,
    “ A few weeks ago, someone (I forget who) speculated that maybe this whole topic of DD and spanking has run out of gas, not just on this blog but generally. I’m not sure that something that never took off outside a very small niche is ever in danger of having reached peak cultural penetration, but who knows?” - I agree especially about it not being a case of reaching penetration, since I am reasonably certain that most people who are interested in DD, even those who are practitioners in DD, have not even discovered the blog. And while the number of people interested in DD may be small (or may not be for that matter), the number of people interested in spanking is huge. I don’t think the DD topic is getting stale - at least for DD practitioners - because I fully agree with what Brett said about the “obsessive nature of it.” I don’t think anyone who is really into it ever completely loses interest in spanking, at least based on my observations.

    But I think there are other drivers. First off, it may be that Blogger (or a blog in general) is no longer the ideal medium for the discussion. Not only because users are gravitating towards more visual media, but also because of the real limitations on the platform. One thing that I particularly dislike is that only the current topic really gets seen. If anyone posts on a previous thread, almost nobody sees it, and certainly no meaningful discussion occurs.

    Also, a trend I have noticed is that when there is a significant break in posting new topics, like more than 1 missed week, when a new topic is posted it takes some time to regain momentum. This is probably not all that much of a surprise, because at first people might check every day, and when there is nothing new, after a while it becomes a few times a week that they check, and eventually never. Strangely, when this happens we seem to lose “regulars” quite quickly (I would think that they would come back for a much longer period of time), and when things resume, we seem to first have a sea of new posters who have seldom if ever been heard from before, until finally those regulars that eventually come back “rediscover” the blog. For me, this blog has been super helpful and informative, plus of course enjoyable. I am pretty sure there haven’t been 5 days in the last year that I haven’t checked to see if there was anything new on the blog.

    Also, I am pretty sure that the possible topics that fall within DD are not exhausted, as aptly shown by this week’s topic. We have covered the topic of others knowing extensively, particularly in the past year. Coincidentally, I have been one of the ones who keeps pulling us back to this topic, because it is such a fascination right now. This week, we are addressing it again, but mostly from a new angle. We have talked a lot in the past year about telling others or having others as witnesses, but this time you added angles on others finding out (vs. being told), how much we do to keep everything secret, and also DD/spanking groups!

    I will write more about this week’s topics tonight or tomorrow, but wanted to chime in with my thoughts about the blog in general.


    1. It would be too bad if I'm right that visual mediums will displace blogs. I'm not sure where I'm going to take things over time, but I promise you it won't be a TikTok channel!

  18. Hi Dan,
    When you alluded to Aunt Kay’s practice of both spanking other husbands from the DWC group and sending hers (Tomy) sometimes to another wife, you tapped into what might be my ultimate fantasy --and a fantasy very linked to “Openness”.

    Imagine a world where husband discipline was both common and open enough to allow that sort of sharing among wives. It is a 10 on my fantasy meter although in practice I would probably dread it. Consider what leverage a wife would have just threatening her husband to send him to X, known perhaps as an especially strict disciplinarian or just for the embarrassment of reporting to another women for discipline.

    It might be fun as an experience once or twice but beyond that I think it would turn the average DD husband into an angel to avoid it happening

    Or imagine what Tomy must have felt when the husband of the woman who was going to spank him answered the door when he arrived (I believe he related an experience similar to this) Just the trust and communication that would be necessary among couples to make this work is fascinating

    Now, I expect among erotic spankers or those practicing BDSM, that some version of this does go on. But that is not discipline or DD As I understand Aunt Kay’s system, it was strictly discipline.

    Somewhat related to this fantasy for me would be to be disciplined regularly at the same time and place as another spanked husband with each wife demonstrating her techniques and control and sharing their experiences.
    I did correspond some time ago with a European who credibly described some experiences similar to the latter scenario. But personally we have not come close to Aunt Kay’s practice and I suspect it will remain a fantasy for me

    But my larger point is that my feelings over the years and many comments on your blog make me believe that the drive for openness becomes stronger as one goes deeper into DD. It’s a human impulse to connect socially –and especially with people who have similar attitudes, goals and values as you do.
    I suspect that women, social creatures that many are, would become enthusiast for such openness and sharing – as well as the pleasure of occasionally warming the bottoms of another misbehaving male. But alas. Such openness is unlikely to happen as long as the bias exists even among some spankos of women doing the spanking. At bottom I have come to see that as another form of the misogyny that is often hidden, but still so prevalent in our society


    1. Hi Alan. Again, welcome back!

      "Imagine a world where husband discipline was both common and open enough to allow that sort of sharing among wives. It is a 10 on my fantasy meter although in practice I would probably dread it." I don't know whether it is a 10 for me, but it's way up there. In terms of the emotions it would involve, I don't think it's any accident that one of my most vivid spanking dreams involved being spanked at a work social function that my wife was at. She didn't initiate someone else spanking me, but once it became clear I was going to be spanked, she very dismissively told me to go take it. That very casual and cavalier exercise of control strikes me as close to what you are describing as a world in which being sent off for a spanking was open and common.

      "But my larger point is that my feelings over the years and many comments on your blog make me believe that the drive for openness becomes stronger as one goes deeper into DD. It’s a human impulse to connect socially –and especially with people who have similar attitudes, goals and values as you do." I think that is definitely what is driving some of my own needs to communicate and connect.

    2. Hi Alan,
      I am with Dan in that while being sent to another woman for spanking is pretty high up the fantasy scale, it is not my ultimate fantasy and not really one I have thought much about.

      I cannot even imagine the feelings that one would surely feel when being sent to someone for punishment. I would probably pee my pants when I pushed the doorbell! And while it would be a powerful and unforgettable experience, it would also be one that you would want to avoid happening again (or often), especially if it was a different disciplinarian that you were being sent to, since it would have pretty much all of the fear, uncertainty, and embarrassment that you experienced the first time.

      I don’t really see group spankings working for DD, though as you mentioned, I could see it working with two wives sharing tips (demonstrating on their husbands) or one teaching the other. If the couples were comfortable enough with each other and had a high level of trust, I could see a wife sending her husband to the other wife for discipline, if for some reason she couldn’t do it herself or to very clearly make a point. I could also see going to someone for discipline with your inexperienced wife accompanying you and learning from the more experienced disciplinarian.

      About the openness surrounding this: “Imagine a world where husband discipline was both common and open enough to allow that sort of sharing among wives.” I am not sure exactly how I feel about this. As Dan has said, I kind of like it that spanking is a shared naughty secret. If it were too common, then it would undoubtedly lose some of that.

      On the other hand, I was talking with my wife last night about how it was when we were kids - albeit from different cultures. At home, spankings were generally administered privately, but often others heard the spanking taking place. Plus there was the whole being taken out of the room and then the embarrassment of coming back into the room. And sometimes spankings in homes did happen in front of others, though rarely. But either way, we generally knew when our friends (and even more so those we didn’t like) were spanked, because people talked.

      At school, the cultural differences were more evident. In America, people were sent to the principal’s office and if a paddling occurred it was generally there. I doubt that anyone other than maybe the school secretary heard anything. In my wife’s country, most punishment took place in the classroom, usually in the form of a cane (really more of a switch) to the hands or fingertips, though I expect it also happened on clothed bottoms and thighs sometimes. These punishments more often happened to boys, though sometimes to girls, and when it did, it was usually in front of the other students. But either way, whether given publicly or privately, the one common factor in school spankings in both countries is EVERYONE knew about them, and there was enormous embarrassment and teasing (sometimes met with some arrogant pride) for the unfortunate recipient.

      I think this is what I really want and crave, though can of course never fully experience. I want spanking to be common and acceptable enough, at least within a small, selected group of people - or even one person - around me, that when a spanking occurs, it can be openly talked about and laughed about, with all the surrounding feelings, embarrassment, shame, and teasing. But on a wider scale, I kind of want DD to remain a shared naughty secret.

      “...the drive for openness becomes stronger as one goes deeper into DD. It’s a human impulse to connect socially –and especially with people who have similar attitudes, goals and values as you do.” - Exactly right! And I agree that the taboo surrounding spanking (especially wives spanking husbands) is mostly what prevents women who are naturally very social from more openly sharing with their friends, like they do with most everything else.


    3. Hi Dan and ZM
      As far as being sent to another woman for punishment, that is not only something I have never experienced but also something I never expect to experience. My wife has spanked me in front of her sister and never indicated in any way she wanted or expected her sister to participate, even though she has reason to think her sister would probably do so if asked.

      Given that, I can’t envision my wife ever sending me to another woman for discipline. I do wish Tomy was still commenting as he actually experienced it as well as experienced having other husbands report to Aunt Kay. His observations on those experience would be fascinating as would that of any other male who has had the experience.

      When I said that being sent to another disciplinarian was my ultimate fantasy, I really meant fantasy in the sense that it’s not something in real life I think I would like to actually do. Maybe the real fantasy comes from imagining my wife using her authority that way.

      However, the other fantasy I mentioned –being disciplined together with another male whose wife is also disciplining him – is closer to a real “bucket list” wish.

      It almost happened several years ago when the male half of a couple we were drinking wine with pushed his wife too far after being told he would be spanked at home. She actually had his pants down and was ready to start and my wife was getting ready to join in on me (we had a lot of wine).

      But then after his wife give him a couple of cracks she stopped and sent or dragged him ( don’t remember which) to their car Actually when I think about it I am glad it didn’t go any further because I think discipline doesn’t mix well with any drugs including alcohol. But probably since then I have wondered what such a “dual” session would be like

    4. "I think this is what I really want and crave, though can of course never fully experience. I want spanking to be common and acceptable enough, at least within a small, selected group of people - or even one person - around me, that when a spanking occurs, it can be openly talked about and laughed about, with all the surrounding feelings, embarrassment, shame, and teasing. But on a wider scale, I kind of want DD to remain a shared naughty secret."

      ZM, this summarizes my own feelings. Also, your comments about how everyone knew when someone was going to, or had recently been, spanked is very consistent with what it was like for me growing up. And, because it was a very small town, everyone knew everyone else's business all the time.

    5. Alan, I agree strongly that alcohol and spankings do not mix.

  19. Your comment about the numbers interested in spanking being huge reminds me of something from about twenty years ago. This is related to spanking in general and not DD, but I think it’s relevant. We used to go to a spanking group that got together about once a month. The group was run by a woman who among other things, guest-lectured at a big local university. I don’t remember the exact subject but it was broadly involved with kink and I think it was a part of some kind of psychology course. She reckoned that the proportion of people involved or interested in spanking was around one in three overall, but she said that one time she had delivered this lecture knowing that at least one of the kids in the room had had parents she knew as members of a spanking group. TG

    1. "She reckoned that the proportion of people involved or interested in spanking was around one in three overall, but she said that one time she had delivered this lecture knowing that at least one of the kids in the room had had parents she knew as members of a spanking group."


    2. I actually think the one out of three isn't probably too far off in terms of general interest in spanking (at least in the USA), considering what I have read in the different studies of human sexuality that have been done over the years. However, I assume that a huge percentage of that interest (almost all), is in erotic spanking and not DD (real punishments for real offenses), and then it is split between being interested in giving, getting, or both. And finally, that small sliver of people interested in receiving DD spankings is divided into males and females, with females being the higher percentage. So while spanking as an interest is a huge thing - easily one of the most common fantasies - I expect the percentage of males who are interested in being on the receiving end of DD is pretty low and the percentage of those actually getting what they think they want is miniscule.


    3. ZM, I agree with your views on the prevalence of F/m DD. Among those who are into spanking, whether erotic or DD, I wonder what the split might be between those who want to give and those who want to receive.

  20. Hi Dan,
    This week has had some good discussion around openness. Most of my thoughts I have already posted as responses to other comments, but here are a few that have been bouncing around in my brain this week as I have been mulling the topic.

    “...I also found myself increasingly wanting people, or at least certain people, to know about this aspect of my life or to know more about it.” - This is exactly where I am at on this. I am not wanting total openness on this where I am fully “out” for all the world to see, like KD seemed to be (even posting personal pictures showing his face, spanked bottom, and everything else. But I do want more openness with 1 or several selected people.

    “...the part of me that was fascinated by DD from the moment I first encountered it also seems to gravitate toward the “humbling” impact of her exercising her authority more openly and about others knowing that she’s the boss.” - And THIS, this humbling impact, is what makes me want this openness with one or several people. Or at least, I am pretty sure this is what is driving that.

    One other thing I was thinking about this week is that being a little more open (by making less effort to hide our DD activities), which may lead to people discovering it or at least speculating about our DD relationship is fundamentally quite different from directly telling someone. Telling someone is of course less subtle and in fact you might tell them point blank everything there is to know about your DD/FLR relationship. Whereas if you just make less effort to hide things, or if you openly do or say things that show or hint there is this aspect of your relationship, it may or may not ever be openly talked about, and in many cases people will merely speculate. So on the surface, the being a little more open thing seems less risky and intimidating, compared to outright telling someone. However, I think this is actually an illusion because when you just stop covering things up and make it discoverable, you don’t know WHO will discover it or put the pieces together, and you also don’t know WHAT they will think. When you just outright tell someone, you already chose them, you can gauge their response and pull back if necessary, and you are controlling the narrative, so they know what you actually do, instead of just use their possibly overactive imaginations.


    1. "This is exactly where I am at on this. I am not wanting total openness on this where I am fully “out” for all the world to see, like KD seemed to be (even posting personal pictures showing his face, spanked bottom, and everything else."

      ZM, I agree. I want to be more open but probably not *that* open. To some extent, it's that "naughty little secret" thing again. If I were totally "out," I'm not sure the lifestyle would seem as "edgy" to me, and I like that feeling.

  21. Dan, I have been following the blog for years and have not commented yet. I do find the blog fascinating and it provides some great insight into the DD world. I like others have struggled to encourage my wife to punish me when she feels fit and upset with my actions. We like others have used spanking as foreplay at times. She has punished in the past and I definitely encouraged her after the session to continue to hold me accountable for my actions. I remember not sitting comfortably at work for two days after and was surprised at how aggressive she was during that thrashing. I like you Dan, went out with some friend too late one night and failed to come home at said time. She was a bit worried and I apologized to her the next day. Her response was you won’t be sitting comfortably after I am finished w you. Just wait till your first day off. I am dreading but excited with anticipation and hope she follows through on the spanking. As far as the topic of the week, no one knows about our DD or lack Thereof at times. I would not want my friends or family knowing. I am an alpha male and would be way to embarrassed by it. Although, she has a childhood friend that she talks to, who lives across the country, I overheard a conversation one day, and her friend was complaining about her husband, my wife’s response was, no way T would of done that, I would have beat his ass. I do not have a problem w her knowing as we don’t see her and she is my wife’s friend. My wife’s friend was shocked by it and she stated to her if he acts like a naughty boy, then I treat him like one and he gets beat. I continue to encourage her but like others on the blog, we fade in and out. We do not have a flr but I continue to yearn for her to hold be accountable. T

    1. Hi T. Thanks for joining in. "I overheard a conversation one day, and her friend was complaining about her husband, my wife’s response was, no way T would of done that, I would have beat his ass." While I would be OK with my wife doing something like that, I'm sure I would be hugely embarrassed at the time.


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