
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

"Belle" and Just Checking In

Hi all.  I hope you all are having a nice summer.  It’s a weird one where we live, weather wise.  One day it’s pushing 100 degrees and the next I need to put on a jacket when walking the dogs.  Though here in our area, where vaccination rates are fairly high and life has gotten somewhat back to normal, things have improved over this time last year.


I guess I should just be happy not to be in Seattle or Portland.  My sympathies to any of our community who live in the Pacific Northwest and have been suffering through this week without air conditioning.  Unlike some of our fellow citizens, they didn’t even inflict it on themselves:



On the Domestic Discipline front, there have been a few developments.  Nothing earth shattering, but probably worth exploring in more fulsome post, which I’m not inspired enough to write on this Tuesday afternoon.  But, I did want to check in, and the situation with “Belle” has inspired enough comments that I thought maybe it was worth posting about.


First, a little more background, though nothing very illuminating.  On the same day that “Belle” apparently accidentally outed herself as a fake, I got an email from an address indicating the sender was someone named Alex, though in the body of the email he identified himself as Anton “an infrequent commenter and longtime lurker” on this blog.  I do recall some comments from someone identified as Anton, but nothing in particular, and if there is a way to search Blogger for comments from specific senders, I don’t know how to do it.  He asked me to post a link to his new blog in my blogroll.  I did and wished him well with his new blog.  (As an aside, the captioning haters must REALLY hate his new blog, because it not only is all captioned pictures but consists entirely of captioned pictures he has taken from other blogs and tumblrs and then slightly changed the dimensions.)  It was not until the next day that I saw the “Belle” commented posted from the ScoldedHubby profile.  It looks like the comment actually preceded his email to me by a few hours, but I had not been checking the blog regularly while I was taking my little break, so I didn’t catch it until the day after Tomy posted the first comment asking, more or less, "WTF?"  I waited a day to see whether “Belle” would respond or take down the comment, then sent an email to Alex/Anton asking for an explanation.  My “WTF?” was met with the same silence as Tomy's.


Reactions from our commenters have varied, and morphed a little, over the last few days. Tomy’s initial reaction was: “Oh no! Our trust is violated and it makes me feel like a real fool for allowing myself to believe those compassionate-sounding words. I feel like my confidence in reaching out and making new connections is set back.”


Courandir responded: “Please Tomy, don't feel ashamed or even betrayed by this fake person because his life is wide. I found the DWC in 2000 and learned important things about myself with Real people, and you were part of it! Thank you!”


Alan observed: “One must wonder what his point was. Kicks and giggles I suppose. But what a lot of work just to produce a tacky charade. Call me naive but I still believe the vast number of contributors to this blog are authentic.”


Brett seemed less convinced that authenticity is the rule and not the exception: “I don't know what's going on here, but I suspect that, with anything sexual in nature, men posing as women online is common.”


ZM noted: “Anyway, this is the ever-present danger of these online forums. As far as I know (unless we have some seriously good hackers here!) only Dan knows who I am in real life, and I only know who Dan really is as well as of course KD, who is out there for the whole world to see!  I don't think we should be disillusioned by the occasional poster who pretends to be someone they are not. It is common everywhere else in the online world, and so it will sometimes happen here as well.”


My own reaction was, at first at least, fairly blasé.  This certainly isn’t the first time that someone has slipped up here and accidentally revealed something about their assumed identity that wasn’t quite what they purported it to be.  A year or two ago we had the multiple variations of “Helen” and her husband, who may or may not have even been two people and who kept flaming out and then reappearing again and again in different guises.  There also have been multiple times that “real” commenters have slipped up and accidentally posted from their “real” identity’s email account or accidentally used their real name in “signing” their comment.  (I've done the latter myself a time or two.) Whenever I’ve caught that, I’ve scrambled to take it down for them without waiting for them to request it.  Though, those instances of inadvertent identification are hardly the same thing as intentionally misleading people, are they?  As ZM indicates, KD is out there for the world to see, but he is the exception.  Most of us are participating with constructed identities designed to protect our anonymity to one degree or another, and that’s fine. 


But, it definitely feels different when we learn that someone was not just hiding their identity but actively lying about themselves and their their DD dynamic.  It’s not just covering up something.  It’s wasting people’s time and engaging in the conversation in bad faith.  I don’t go quite as far as Tomy’s initial reaction of feeling betrayed, but it is annoying to me precisely when it comes from people I found myself kind of gravitating to on the blog.  I liked engaging with Belle and was glad when she showed up and started adding more “female” perspective to the blog.  Similarly, some of the longer-term commenters may remember Peter and Anna who, near the end of their tenure as commenters, also slipped with a post that indicated to me they were pulling something over on me. I had liked "them" a lot, and it was disappointing to discovery that a lot of what I saw as a relationshiphad been BS.


It’s hard not to get a little riled up when you feel like you’ve been duped or had your time wasted. But, overall, my reaction is somewhere between Alan and ZM’s.  I do think that most of our long-term commenters are more or less who they are and in the dynamics they describe, but exceptions are going to reveal themselves from time to time. It seems to me that assuming pretty much every “woman” who shows up on the blog is a sham would be counterproductive to getting more women to participate and I’m also, in the end, just not willing to lead my life being skeptical of every new commenter just because a few will successfully dupe me for a while.  In the final analysis, I probably have less invested than the folks who hook up through on-line dating sites and discover their new companion bears little resemblance to the handsome professional from the Tinder profile.


And, really, what is the alternative? Tomy has noted to me that Aunt Kay solved the problem on the DWC by requiring live telephone calls with the wives who wanted to participate.  I haven’t quite gotten to the point of being willing to reveal my own identity by having live conversations with everyone who wants to participate here, and it definitely would drive away some of our commenters who I do believe are real and whose participation I value.  I also think that women might have been willing to talk to Aunt Kay live but likely would be more reticent about talking to me, a man.  Most of us here seem to guard our confidentiality more or less tightly and, while at times I actually would prefer a much smaller but more openly participatory group, I think the current balance is about the best I can achieve right now given my own anonymity preferences. (However, it’s interesting how my “circle of trust” has expanded a bit as time has gone by.  ZM notes that I’m the only one he has revealed his identity to.  I think I am now up to five who know who I am or have had some direct contact that would allow them to easily figure it out.  And, two out of the five are women and have morphed into genuine friendships over time.)


Anyway, while it has irked me a little, I’m not going to change my attitude or practice much as a result of Belle’s little deception and, in any event, I tend to believe what goes around comes around.


I hope the rest of your week is fun and relaxing.  For those in the U.S., I hope you enjoy this Independence Day weekend and that is it is filled with many genuine interactions with family and friends.  




  1. Welcome back. It's good to have your thoughtful Blog management in place again.

  2. Wow. I guess I have to say I'm still thankful for his original work of fiction about the first spanking, because it gave me the courage to buy the same bath brush and have the awkward conversation to bring it into our relationship. I won't lie and say I get spanked many times a month with it, or say that I have a great ass due to climbing utility poles all day and am amazing in bed, but harder spanking is a small part of our lives. So thank you for that.

    I appreciate Dan's relentless aversion to erotic fantasizing in the comments. I'm sure it keeps the number of liars to the minimum that's possible on the Internet. And yes, welcome back.

    Regarding validation, I wouldn't mind if users could be optionally verified by Dan or his wife in some way. It could be as simple as a page on the blog where he lists trusted usernames. I understand that too few people might be interested, but hope as years pass it will become safer and safer to let others know about a personal interest in serious spanking.

  3. I find myself wondering whether there exist real people who are genuinely like the couple described by Belle. I hope so.

    1. I am not sure what you mean by “like the couple described by Belle “. There are probably dozens of us who read and comment on this blog who have real female in charge DD relationships, some of which are much farther along than even the overheated imagination of “Belle” could conjure up. So if that’s the question, the answer is “of course” such relationships exist.
      But if you are asking the question and limiting it to the generation “Belle” pretended to represent – my answer would have to be that I don’t know. What made the Belle charade interesting was not that he purported to have become a disciplinary wife – but the generation he described that happening in.
      Most if not all of us actually in a DD have learned that a woman usually requires some maturity (say early to mid-40’s and up) as well as a long term committed relationship –before she becomes seriously invested in DD. Since the long running Belle narrative has now been moved from the serious non-fiction section to the frivolous fantasy fiction section , the generation question remains open
      . Part of what sucked me into the Belle fairy tale was my personal belief that younger generations of women are more and more amenable to DD relationships. But the evidence for that is thin and now post Belle, perhaps even thinner

    2. Hi Alan,
      I am not sure how much my wife is like Belle pretended to be, but she is a very proficient disciplinarian, considering her relative lack of experience at it. We have been doing this thing about 5 years, but definitely with more off periods than on periods (especially in the first few years). Also I know for her it started mostly as a game and something that she was doing only because I seemed to really need/want it. One of my greatest unexpected joys is that over time, it has become much more her thing, instead of just mine and it is now something that she takes much more seriously, especially when enforcing things related to my health. I think at least much of this change in her level of engagement is because she has seen what a difference it has made especially in my attitudes and in getting things done. Also, she gets pretty turned on by the exercise of power, which certainly helps too.

      Your mention of younger generations was interesting (and likely mostly true). How old were your previous disciplinarians? I guess I was just imagining at least one of them as being quite young, though I don't know that you ever said anything to make me think that.

      I would speculate - having no real knowledge or facts or figures to go by - that younger women are probably MUCH more open to BDSM play than they were in the past, probably largely due to societal influences such as 50 Shades and things suggested in movies, music video's, etc. However, I wouldn't be surprised if this is largely limited to fantasy play. So if you want a young femdom mistress for roleplay, probably that is easier than ever to find. But I don't know that it would carry over to actual domestic discipline (real punishment for real behaviors).

      "Most if not all of us actually in a DD have learned that a woman usually requires some maturity (say early to mid-40’s and up) as well as a long term committed relationship –before she becomes seriously invested in DD." - In our case, I told her about DD very, very early on in our relationship, though it was totally clear to both of us even at that early stage that we were heading towards marriage, so our relationship was definitely committed, even though it was hardly long-term at that point. What I think helped in this case is that my wife brought with her many very bad experiences from her first marriage, so she was quite open to there being some way to help me become a well-behaved husband! This made me wonder how many others in our group might be re-married and if that plays into the likelihood of pursuing DD? I know that for me (in my late 40's at the time) it was much easier to share what I really wanted than it would have been when I was a young groom many, many years ago. Also, I was able to introduce it early in the relationship, which I think was probably much easier than springing it on someone that you have been with for many years. Finally, for young married couples, there are just so many things going on in life and so many things that cause momentary disruptions (and shifts of perceived power) that maybe would interfere with things? Anyway, just my thoughts.


    3. "One of my greatest unexpected joys is that over time, it has become much more her thing, instead of just mine and it is now something that she takes much more seriously, especially when enforcing things related to my health. I think at least much of this change in her level of engagement is because she has seen what a difference it has made especially in my attitudes and in getting things done. Also, she gets pretty turned on by the exercise of power, which certainly helps too." Same here in all respects, other than the health thing. I tend to be pretty self-motivated where health and fitness are concerned, other than drinking too much.

  4. Welcome back! We live near Seattle. We are fortunate that we have 2 portable AC units. They cooled our house from 105 to 90. It was brutal!

    I regularly get "contact us" emails from guys pretending to be women. At least I think they are. I don't worry too much about comments to our posts (Yes, Mrs. Lion is really female). This blog rewards female commenters with a lot more attention. I think that fuels the frauds. It is natural to feature the "female" perspective. Without verification, the temptation for trolls to fake it is strong.

    1. Lion said: “This blog rewards female commenters with a lot more attention. I think that fuels the frauds” All true, but the risk is probably worth the reward. I value the female perspective and have learned much from this blog and the handful of female moderated F/M blogs that have published. I might add that the quality of the discourse matters much more than the gender of the discourser. I would cite “Danielle” for example. If she is a fraud I would be shocked because her thinking and ideas and even language seem to be in sync with both women who have disciplined me. But even if she was a fraud, her contributions have led to countless valuable discussions we would not have had without her. So if the frauds are the price we pay for real discussions by real women – it is a price worth paying

    2. Hi Alan,
      I too was thinking a few days ago that I would be shocked if Danielle turned out to be much different than she has portrayed, and like you it is largely because she at least "rhymes" with how my wife thinks and approaches DD.

      I agree that Belle did lead to some good discussions, but the thing that got me about Belle was not that "she" was apparently a guy pretending to be a female disciplinarian, but rather that "he/she" was so disingenuous about feelings about DD. For example "If arousal was the core of our DD, I wouldn't do it." Quite ironic for someone who probably was jerking off while writing about their imaginary DD.

      However, in the end I agree that we still got quite a bit of good out of our discourse, despite their being an imposter among us (probably more than one, if we want to be realistic).


    3. Hi ZM. I forgot about that comment from Belle. Ironic indeed.

  5. I do not understand how men can impersonate women...I mean the thought of trying to actually write what women think seems incomprehensible to me. An example, me and my wife both have contact with a colleague who is a vendor. My emails are one or two sentences...he commented on hers "I think that is the longest email I have every gotten" and must not of actually read it because he got the order wrong.

    I am more of a lurker and occasional poster. But I do enjoy the perspectives and cynical enough to think others are not who they say they are. But overall we drive on.

  6. Danielle here:

    I missed the incident concerning Belle because I have been offline spending time with my two young grandsons. It is good to finally be able to see them now that we are vaccinated. I assume that all the women who post here will now be under suspicion, including me. There's not much we can do about that. Have I mentioned previously that I am a grandmother? Maybe not. I don't think I have ever actively misrepresented my age, but I may have allowed people to imagine I am younger than I am. Most of the pictures Dan posts show women who are 30 or even 40 years younger than me. If some of the men here have associated me with images like that, I have been guilty of not minding. Like Allan, I found Belle's purported age interesting. Allan's point about most women being unwilling to consider DD until they reach a certain age was certainly true for me.

    If people want to be certain that they are talking to real disciplinary wives, it is probably a good idea to have a verification system like the one Tomy says Aunt Kay had. Dan may wish to consider it. I don’t think I would be willing to participate in it myself. I have revealed things about my husband and my marriage that I wouldn't have revealed if I didn’t think my identity, and my husband’s identity, would always be totally private. Wouldn't the most practical thing to do for people who want to be certain that they are talking to real spanking couples be to get involved in a local spanking scene where people meet in person? I have heard that such clubs exist all over the country. I don't think that would be my cup of tea, especially at my age, but it might be a good idea for some of the people here.

    1. Danielle, FWIW, you come across as real to me, and I always enjoy your take on things. I think you've suggested your general age at times, and I was under the impression that you were probably in my generation of seniors or at least approaching that stage of life.

      I don't stress out on what I'm reading or who the actual person is behind the writing. We're sharing ideas, and those ideas are what they are regardless of where they came from. The reality of the internet is that a lot of what is presented is not real, and in the larger scheme of things, that seems to be contributing to a more dangerous and unstable world.

      One advantage of being an anonymous old dude is that there's not much reason for people online to question my true identity. I also would not participate in any verification system, and my opinion is that you don't owe anyone any guarantees unless you plan to meet in "real life" or are involved with them in some way where they have a need to know. We participate and share our private thoughts only because we can do so with anonymity.

    2. Hi Danielle,
      I think I recall that you have shared several times about being a bit older. Having said that, when I read what you write, I still have tended to visualize you as being in your 40's, so I guess your references to age, while vaguely remembered, just went right over my head. This is probably mostly because I don't think that the specifics of how old someone is or exactly where they are from are all that relevant to our conversations here.

      Regarding verification, one thing I have noticed is that people have automatically equated some sort of verification with loss of anonymity, which certainly does not have to be the case. The primary problem I see with verification is that it at best would establish what sex someone is and where they are from. But to me it seems the bigger issues when someone is posting here is whether they are indeed in some kind of disciplinary relationship, and if so, which end of the paddle they are on, since that certainly changes perspective significantly!


    3. BTW,
      I certainly don't think that all women should be under suspicion here, and absolutely hope that never is the case!

      My point was merely that we are always likely to have an inordinate amount of submissive (for lack of a better term) posters - whatever sex, age, role, etc. they might choose to portray themselves as - since generally the fantasy part of the drive/motivation runs stronger in the submissive partner than in the dominant partner, regardless of genders. Since we are talking almost exclusively about males being spanked here, it follows that the blog will likely always attract more males who post regularly.

      As for me, I have pretty much resigned myself to never knowing who is genuine and who is fake, except for cases that seem just way too obvious. So no suspicion here :-)


    4. I never gave any real thought as to whether you are female. I like to read your comments. They map well to our experience as a DD couple. Actually, we inadvertently provided proof of our genders. We were interviewed for a podcast that is probably still out there. You can find a link on our site. Mrs. Lion doesn't comment on other blogs. She writes on ours almost every day. Until this Belle post, I never gave much thought to whether people thought we accurately reported our gender.

    5. Danielle, definitely no suspicion from me! I have no doubt at all you are the real deal!

  7. Alan wrote: >Most if not all of us actually in a DD have learned that a woman usually requires some maturity (say early to mid-40’s and up) as well as a long term committed relationship –before she becomes seriously invested in DD.<

    In following forums similar to this for a couple of decades now, this is certainly my observation. Like Danielle, my wife and I are also now a bit older - and we had been married 20 years or so and in our early 40's when we adopted the DWC lifestyle.

    I once saw a quote somewhere that said that "kinky' women were subs in their 20's, switches in their 30's, and dominants in their 40's. And we actually hand a "kinky" friend for whom this exact scenario played out. And it is interesting that the dominant phase correlates with our observations as to when most women tend to be willing to become disciplinary wives.

    One difference between a forum/blog such as this and the old DWC groups was that the DWC group were closed/private Yahoo groups (not public, such as this forum). So one had to be admitted before they could see anything. And the price of admission was that call from Aunt Kay to ensure legitimacy (you had to email her your number and she arranged to call at a certain time from a "private" number. I remember that first call well!) And even though private groups - most everyone still used pseudonyms. So, joining was kept very private -and was not as big a risk as it might seem - thanks to Aunt Kay's impeccable integrity (and Tomy's as well, of course).

    Too bad about Belle turning out to be a fraud - but that sort of thing is to be expected in forums such as this (most are much, much worse - I do believe that most of the "regulars' her are legitimate, allowing for a bit of latitude for purposes of disguise).

    Dan - I hope you enjoyed your family vacation! And a belated happy Independence Day to all the US participants. --al

    1. Thanks, al. And, thanks for dropping by. Always great to have you here. I hope you and your wife are having a good summer.

  8. I assure you, Merry Contrary and I (Shilo) are a Real Couple.

    1. I will second that. Feel free to message me(as seen on my profile) and I will gladly prove myself and Shilo

  9. Hi ZM,
    Missed this earlier post from you, so responding down here, so that you might see it. I wanted to react to three specific points you raised:
    ZM wrote:” Your mention of younger generations was interesting (and likely mostly true). How old were your previous disciplinarians? I guess I was just imagining at least one of them as being quite young, though I don't know that you ever said anything to make me think that.” Not sure they were “quite young” but I had a few (2 or 3) brief spanking experiences with women in their 20’s but as you noted it was mostly role play/experimentation/ and certainly not DD. The woman who gave me my first real disciplinary spanking was early 40’s, several years older than me at the time. She actually used the paddle on me that her ex-husband had used on her. I don’t think of that as actual DD because it didn’t last long enough. The woman who really introduced me to DD was in her mid-thirties at the time and a natural disciplinarian although vanilla before we met.
    ZM wrote: “my wife brought with her many very bad experiences from her first marriage, so she was quite open to there being some way to help me become a well-behaved husband! This made me wonder how many others in our group might be re-married and if that plays into the likelihood of pursuing DD?” ZM, I think that definitely does play a role. My experiences have convinced me that a bad marriage with a badly behaved husband makes a woman more open to F/M led DD in a subsequent relationship. In fact counting a brief relationship in my late 20’s I have been disciplined by a total of three women including my wife. All three had first marriages with men that left them very interested in having more control over male behavior. Interestingly two of the three had some experience with spanking in those marriages and knew (especially my wife) which side of the paddle she wanted to be on as a result. It seems important to note however that while all three were more than open to using spanking to discipline, I think all three gravitated to spanking because of my need for it and my responsiveness to it. With another guy they might have moved on from spanking. It was authority and control of behavior that mattered.
    ZM wrote: “Also, I was able to introduce it early in the relationship, which I think was probably much easier than springing it on someone that you have been with for many years.” To this I say YES, YES and YES! Early reveals are good for the relationship and fair to your partner. They are probably easier today than years ago because people are both more sophisticated and more open about their sexuality. But easy or hard, if you are a spanko, it won’t go away and for me actually became stronger. There is nothing but relationship trouble ahead if you conceal your core sexuality from a romantic partner.
    Thanks for the interesting topics.


This blog is a curated resource for those genuinely and positively interested in DD and FLR lifestyles. Comments that are rude, uncivil, inconsistent with the blog's theme or off-topic may not be posted or may be removed. Please use a name or initials (doesn't have to be your real one) when commenting - it helps commenters keep track of who is "talking."