
Saturday, April 3, 2021

No Post This Weekend

Now that most of those in our family circle are at least partially vaccinated, we are going to be spending sometime this weekend with people we haven't been able to see face to face.  So, as much as I enjoy our electronic community, I'll be spending this weekend with some important people from my other community and won't have time to post.  I hope you all have a relaxing Easter Sunday.



  1. Great news for you. Up in Canada 5 million have had one dose, and 35 million are still waiting. Will be at least three months before we can do as you are doing.
    bottoms up

    1. I have friends in the UK and Europe, and the vaccine roll-outs there have been terrible. For once the US isn't setting the low bar.

    2. I understand the domestic politics involved but we are sitting on a huge surplus of vaccine. We could and should "lend" some more of it to Canada. he border will remain closed until Canada approaches herd immunity and both countries and millions of people are being economically impacted by that.

    3. I can't really comment on surplus. Whether the issue is logistics limitations or supply limitations, people I know personally who want vaccine are still having a very hard time getting it unless they fit into a particular, elevated risk category.

    4. Trudeau tried for 3 months to do a vaccine deal with China , before the Chinese finally left us in the lurch, then he had a plan to build a facility in Montreal to produce vaccines in Canada and that fell through also. Meanwhile a local company in Calgary was already to get started and asked Trudeau for funding which he ignored as he hates Alberta. By this time the only option he had left was to bath in line for the Pzizer and Moderna vaccines and a lot of other countries were way ahead of us in the line.
      His next mistake was to use his little French buddy Macron to get us the Vaccines from the EU facility in Belgium and we all know what a mess the EU made of their rollout and that bumped us further down the line.
      I tried making an appointment for the past week for the Astrazeneca as many people will not take it due to the scare stories by France and Germany that it was not safe .
      I'm on a wait list so hopefully will get a call in the next week or two.
      Despite all this, Trudeau is leading in the polls and will get re-elected later this year when he forces an election.
      Just like you guys he is going to 'build back better' and take more of our tax dollars to spend on useless'infrastructure ' projects.
      We are in bed shape all around with an imbecile at the controls in Canada so don't count on the border with the US opening before 2022!

    5. Hi Glenmore,

      I enjoyed your take on Trudeau and frankly I haven’t been impressed much with reports here about the vaccine rollout or his management of the border issue. He has been inconsistent on the latter in particular and I fear is going to do irreparable harm to the Canadian tourist sector, which itself will further weaken the Canadian economy. But on the vaccine rollout his performance isn’t much worse than much of the world. Our own has been uneven until lately, allowing individual states to create a patchwork of chaotic policies that have frustrated many. We are blessed with a surplus of domestically manufactured vaccine and that together with Biden’s focus on getting supplies out have given us an edge for now. But I need to add to this that Canadians have done an exemplary job of managing the pandemic to this point , recording infection rates only a fraction of ours and 23.000 deaths compared to our 560, 000 and counting. The Maritime Provinces in particular have all but avoided the pandemic because of mitigation policies. So bad as Trudeau may now seem, both he and Canada has performed much better during the pandemic than the US and most other countries.

    6. The reason we have done so well in managing the pandemic in Canada uo to know is the Provincial Premiers who acted to slow down the spread of Covid by implementing very difficult measures. Trudeau's only job was to get the vaccines and he blew it big time. Now the virus is getting ahead of us again because of a lack of vaccines.
      Trudeau also took too long to shut down our borders and International travel.
      Without the Provincial Premiers taking charge we would be in even worse trouble.

  2. Happy Easter all. And in the original spirit/intention of this blog I am pointing you to a new post on my own blog - Tomyswife. (I hope that's OK Dan)

  3. Happy Easter, Dan! Enjoy your time. --al


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