
Sunday, January 10, 2021

No Post

Hi all.  I had planned on posting, but then along came the events of this fucked up week.  The funny thing is, for the first time in weeks, I had been feeling some interest in Domestic Discipline and FLR and was looking forward to getting 2021 off to a good start.  But, somehow, posting about DD seems too trivial for this moment. If the mood strikes me, maybe I'll post later in the week.  If not, see you next week if the world doesn't fall apart in the meantime.


  1. Even this (a post stating no post) is a post of sorts.

    Saying that to say this: Hang in there.

    1. Agreed, and in all seriousness, I do think it is important that we display some modicum of normality during these messy times. I just read a book about the German bombing of London during WWII, and you have to hand it to the British and their whole "stiff upper lip" thing.

  2. "If the world doesn't fall apart in the meantime"...
    I put that at 50-50.

    1. Vegas odds-makers probably think you are a tad optimistic.

  3. Other than a raging pandemic and the outbreak of civil war, the future looks promising.

  4. Well, this isn't exactly an alien concept for me right now. I actually feel RELIEVED that your words echo what just seems to make more sense to me right now. I think an opposite approach....say the continuation of "DD as usual"............. would just seem somewhere between merely strange and borderline inappropriate to me.

  5. The USA is not the whole world, dear friends... There are places in the world
    where they don't have your problem. Yours United States is like an insignificant banana republic for many other people in this world.

    Don't think about your politics. Your wife is your queen and goddess, She is your world and politics, only She is important.


    1. While I agree that Americans do tend to see the US as the center of the universe, there is a certain logic for an American to be concerned over their own politics. We happen to be mostly American here. If we were from elsewhere our concerns may well be focused on other issues.

      Your advice might well be of the best intention, but it comes across as myopic at best. I love my wife but she is not the entirety of my world.....nor should she be. To suggest that one person, due to some accident of sexual inclination, should become the only thing I should concern myself with reeks of unrealistic fantasy. I would rather keep a balance in my life with my wife holding an important place in it. But there is more to my life than just her. I do not mean to be overly critical but your advice seems more than a little naive.

    2. > "insignificant banana republic"

      Oh no, I live in Russia, this is really a fascist banana republic with extremely inflated conceit.

    3. While I agree that the U.S. has been in danger of becoming a banana republic for the last four years, the one salutary benefit of the insurrection is the ultimately it not only failed but may have finally pushed things onto a different trajectory. And, as the longest standing democracy in the world, we'll take credit for setting the stage for those democratic countries that "don't have our problem." And, I couldn't agree with KD more regarding the "your wife is a queen and goddess" nonsense.

    4. It’s actually refreshing that across F/M DD practice, with its strong theme of power exchange, the "female superiority” crowd are mostly on the fringes represented by (probably) mythical figures like Elise Sutton and a few of the extremist blogs . American history, indeed world history endlessly serves up examples of the harm produced by believing in any kind of superiority cult be it "white" superiority, female superiority or Aryan superiority. Our wives may be our disciplinarians or hold the whip hand as I believe one of our female contributors put it once – but save the “goddesses” et al for fantasy-land.

  6. Dear friends,
    I'm not a politician, I won't change anything. Once every 4 years there are elections, only that day I have power.

    Politics only destroys my mood and also my sexuality, my interest in a woman. And I see - you have the same problem.

    Why I should ruin my good mood for things what I can't change? For that I don't watch the news, no TV news, no internet news... (An exception is possible once a month.) And therefore most of the time I have no problems. I'm still happy and sexually horny. I have spiritual peace in my heart.

    I live in my private universe and here is the woman Queen/goddess. And I'm very happy.

    What would change in those political events in USA, if you absolutely don't know these political events (not exist information)? - Absolutely nothing. Do you understand? You only unnecessarily ruining your good mood and nice life. And life is short...


    1. People you're advising don’t need motivation to choose to be powerless, to be lazy, to not care about others or the future. They gravitate to it by their own dead weight. So ignorance is bliss. Maybe if enough do care, educate themselves, become activists, your chosen way of life will continue to be protected.

    2. "People you're advising don’t need motivation to choose
      to be powerless"

      You don't understand. They are powerless. And they need motivation.


  7. Dan,
    I suggest you change your regular posting schedule to every other Sunday and then try to stick to that. Then you won't need to be apologizing so much ...

    1. I have been perusing some M/F blogs lately and it occurred to me a topic we have not taken on directly ( so I remember) is the similarities and differences between the two expressions of DD – sort of a compare and contrast discussion. Some of us have been on both sides of the paddle, so it would be interesting to hear those impressions too . Judging from internet evidence (which may not be very reliable evidence) the M/F spanking orientation is much more common and apparently many more women are interested in being spanked then are men. But as we have covered, there is undoubtedly much cultural and social conditioning at work there –so maybe that’s up for discussion too. Anyway …just a fugitive thought going into a long weekend of football.

    2. Hi Belle,
      It seems to me that in the blog, like in DD, consistency and some regularity pay dividends. So the times that we have new topics each week are also the times that we attract new people and lively discussions.

      However, I don't think Dan should ever feel guilty, since he has plenty of demands on his time. Rather than posting bi-weekly, if anything I would suggest that he lower the bar a bit and not have such high expectations of what a blog post should be. So some weeks it could be long and well thought out, and other weeks more of a "here is the topic for this week. I will weigh in when I have time throughout the week..." kind of thing, so it wouldn't be so much work.

      Just my thoughts,

    3. Thanks, Belle and ZM. My issue with the every other week option is I probably wouldn't stick to it. While there have been a few times that I haven't posted because I just didn't feel like it, more often it has been because I just had other things going on or had something come up that interfered with my plans to post. Though, I do think that weekly posting is going to become more challenging as I get into some sort of real retirement or semi-retirement thing. While my pre-pandemic travel was pretty heavy at times, it was almost all work-related and almost always during the week. We weren't big vacation travelers. That meant I was home and relatively free most weekends. I don't know whether that will be the case going forward. It's certainly possible that with more freedom there will come a paradoxical drop in time to blog. Only time will tell.

  8. Husband doesn't lie. He doesn't volunteer information, but if I ask him, he tells the truth.

    I don't permit husband to look at pornography. He won't tell me if he's disobeyed me and looked at it. If I ask him if he has, he'll tell me if he has, even though he knows it means a trip across my lap. In fact, he'll tell me if he has even though he knows it means a severe Disciplinary Session. I had this thought, since the end of our annual holiday hiatus is about a month away. He knows the first Disciplinary Session after it is going to be more severe than usual. About 2 yrs ago, rather than check his computer, I just asked him if he'd looked at pornography after the hiatus end day. He admitted he had. I asked him how many times. He said he wasn't sure, but it was at least X times. I sent him to get dressed and made up for a Disciplinary Session. I looked on his computer and the number he gave me was about right. The Disciplinary Session was severe.

    At the same time, if he says he hasn't looked at pornography, every time I checked his computer he was telling the truth. He doesn't edit his history.

    He doesn't try to hide anything, he tells the truth if asked, he just doesn't volunteer it. I'm happy with that, especially when I consider how the men before him were dishonest with me a lot.

  9. I'm not sure where this goes. But the other day I commented on the issue of spanking a woman and said I would do so if she wished it. M/f spanking happens to have zero appeal for me personally. I click off sites and images of it becuase it's almost a turn-off (except I like the cute butts)

    I have been pondering it since then and it opened a window of understanding for me about why some women cannot easily find it in themselves to take on the disciplinary role.

    While I cannot imagine looking for opportunities to do that. If someone I really cared about desired spanking, I don't see how I could refuse to give it a try anyway. It's openness, generosity, and nurturing to brings women to the disciplinary role. So?


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