
Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Club - Meeting 358 - Risky Business


The rate at which a person can mature is directly proportional to the embarrassment he can tolerate.   - Douglas Engelbart


Hello all.  Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couples Club. Our weekly gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, Domestic Discipline relationships.



I hope you all had a nice Halloween.  While we got a few trick-or-treaters, it was very few and overall it felt like the Halloween that wasn’t.  There also is not much Fall left to enjoy where we live.  It’s too bad.  I really do love this time of year.



Thanks for the participation last week on the subject of rules and who sets them.  It remains a timely topic in our household.  We weren’t together for part of this week, so there were limits on the momentum Anne could build when it comes to exercising more authority.  But, there was not a complete interruption in the dynamic either and there was one somewhat titillating incident.  As I said, we weren’t together for part of the week, and for once it was because Anne was traveling. She had promised me a spanking for some mid-week bad behavior, but time kind of got away from her the night she had promised to deliver.  The next morning, she was busy packing and getting ready to leave for her trip.  My mother-in-law was at our house that morning, and as my wife and she were getting ready to leave, Anne turned to me and said something like, “And, don’t you worry. I’ll be back on Sunday and we can deal with things then.”  It was a very cryptic comment, and I’m sure her mother had no idea what she was talking about.  But, to some extent the comment was SO cryptic and without context that it almost certainly would have raised the curiosity of anyone who overheard it. 


While the context was a little different, her comment and her increasing openness to at least make some risqué statements alluding to her role dovetailed with something else that has been on my mind a lot.  I’ve mentioned here a few times that I ride motorcycles.  A few months ago, I explored some of the less populated areas of the hills near us. I went up a road that adjoins several hiking trails through an area with a lot of open space.  It is a winding road, with lots of small pull-over areas big enough for only a single car to park.  The road winds back and forth, and as you get close to the end there is a pretty good visibility of the way you just came.  For no real reason, it occurred to me that it was kind of the perfect spot if Anne was ever inclined to embarrass me with a semi-public spanking.  It is an area that is pretty sparsely populated, but it is close to a fairly busy crossroad and people do use it to access hiking and other outdoor activities.  So, while the risk of exposure is manageable, it is not zero.  I’ve ridden up and down that road a few times since then, and its suitability for a risqué punishment session strikes me every time.



The possibility struck me again this week, because I’ve had a fair number of traffic offenses in the past, and there have been times that I’ve had too many drinks and gotten behind the wheel.  A spanking in a car, in a somewhat exposed place, for an automobile related offense would be an example of “let the punishment fit the crime.”


In a comment a week ago, Belle said: “It seems to me that you are craving others finding out that you wife spanks you, both in your dreams and your dreams. Since Anne has already mentioned it at a family party, I would suggest she do more of the same.”  Whether Anne’s comment in front of her mother resulted from taking Belle’s advice to heart, I’m not sure. In light of the extent to which I’ve been dwelling on the possibility of being spanked in a car where we might be discovered, and the dream I had about my mom spanking me in just that context, Belle could be right that part of me really wants others to know that Anne spanks me, though I what I seem to want is the risk of being caught or found out but without full openness.  That would kind of explain my fascination with being spanked in barns and woodsheds – places where a spanking might be overheard but it wouldn’t be certain to happen.



After a few weeks of fairly serious topics, I thought I would keep this one light this week.  For those of you aren’t “out” about your Domestic Discipline or Female Led Relationship, what is the furthest you’ve gone in letting others know or risking discovery?  Have the wives (or the husbands) alluded to spankings to friends, family members, co-workers, etc.  What is the most risqué place you have ever been spanked?  Is there any place that might risk exposure that you have an interest in being spanked or giving a spanking and that is at least a somewhat realistic option?  Or, is any risk of exposure just too much for you?


I hope you all have a great week.


  1. Outted? Five years ago,my friend Sam was at our house; we were playing speed chess at the dining room table. The spanking bench was in plain view in the living room. Sam had not mentioned seeing it, so Merry felt she had to. "That bench..I have Shilo get on it for spankings." Sam shrugged, "I thought it was an exercise bench."
    Risque: Before Merry and I found a place together, she lived in a house with her half sister. She spanked me in the garage, several times.
    And: one time, I was helping her merge two storage units into one. Finished, she spanked me,while we stood in the empty unit.

    1. I see Shilo got here first!

      I have often "teased" about spanking Shilo around "nillas," but they tend to laugh it off.

    2. Hi Merry,
      I expect that this is the case with most vanilla people. Quite simply, they don't think about spanking all that much at all, and certainly never like we do. So consequently it is relatively easy to joke about spanking, but not too likely that most people might even consider that maybe you are being serious because the possibility just doesn't cross their mind.


    3. We *assume* it doesn't cross their minds, but it's hard to really know.

  2. I love Anne's comment , the tone and the timing within earshot of your Mother in law ! You are right that it was so cryptic that your Mother in law may ask Anne about it when they are driving.
    I would say my wife's cryptic comments have been more effective in curing my poor behaviour than any spanking.
    One of my worst traits was interrupting her when she was speaking.
    The day after receiving a sound spanking for doing that , we had friends over and I stupidly interupted her again.
    She paused before saying in that tone , "Excuse me! I'm speaking. Didn't we just have a discussion about that ?"
    I had to answer yes of course , and then she added , "Well we'll be having another one later!" Th an she continued her conversation without interruption this time.
    She waited for a while after our friends left and I was tidying up before she said ,"Ok let's go....Time for that discussion!" She applied the hairbrush with extra vigour this time.
    That was a couple of years ago and now I think twice before interrupting her.

    1. Glenmore is spot on about the effectiveness of the “cryptic comment” and I add to that various nonverbal communications like the firm pat on the bum or the eye lock. Once a women has established the expectation that she will spank and is no nonsense about that, she can use some very subtle verbal and nonverbal communication to control male behavior.

    2. Hi Alan,
      My wife has not done much with the whole "subtle verbal and nonverbal communication," but from what little I have seen, I can see that it is definitely a powerful tool that can be used in any situation.


    3. "That was a couple of years ago and now I think twice before interrupting her." It definitely does sometimes take a couple of times for a message to really get through.

  3. My wife has outed our lifestyle in front of a few people. First of all my mother in law and sister in law both know I am spanked because we told them before we got married which I explained on here prior as to why they were told. My wife has a couple of friends who also know she spanks me.

    There were times while we were out shopping when I might be complaining about something and my wife would just say "if you don't knock it off right now you will get a spanking when we get home". If people were around so be it.

    There was a time when we were in a park and no one was around and she felt I needed a spanking so she sat on a bench and pulled my pants down and spanked me with her hair brush while scolding me. When she finished I stood up and I looked behind us and there was a couple standing there watching. I pulled up my pants and we walked away.

    There has been several times when we had company over when she felt I was getting a little mouthy and she would say upstairs now and she would follow me up and spank me.No one ever said anything that I know of but I bet they heard me being spanked.

    I'm okay with some people knowing she spanks me. She can threaten a spanking while we are out shopping and that doesn't bother me at all who hears it. One lady said to my wife one time when she threatened a spanking "goo for you, keep him in line".

    1. How old was the woman who made the "good for you . . ." comment?

  4. A couple of my really close friends are aware of my turn from spanker to spankee and of my occasion use of a disciplinarian but they tend to associate it as a sexual kink thing. Cheers GLM.

  5. Once we were having a house party and the place was crowded. I don't recall what set her off. But she went into our bedroom, slipped a cane down her pants leg, and subtly hustled me into a little room in the garage.

  6. It took her all of about 2 or 3 minutes to absolutely correct whatever it was she felt needed fixing.

    1. It really doesn't take long to get our attention, does it?

  7. and then there was the little stroll in the woods before our wedding; fresh cut switch and me over her knee while she was seated on a big log.

  8. Some of our friends know, others do not. Of course all our lifestyle friends know. None of my family knows, but one Brother has an idea. All her family knows, some have witnessed and her S-I-L has actually spanked me. We have been seen in semi public places and the most embarrassing for me has been documented in this blog before. When I was spanked at a friends home in an adjacent room. Everyone heard and knew it was a bare ass spanking.

    1. I know I would find that hugely embarrassing, even if the people in the other room knew about our lifestyle. In some ways, and I'm not sure why, I think I might find someone overhearing a spanking and then having to go back and face them more embarrassing than having a spanking witnessed.

  9. Danielle here:

    Because Wayne has always been turned on by fantasies of public spanking, I like to push his buttons by threatening to take down his pants to spank him when we are out for walks. We both know I couldn’t do it in our small town environment, but it’s fun to threaten it.

    I have done a roadside spanking in the kind of place you describe, Dan. We were far from home on a road trip, so it was extremely unlikely that anyone we knew would be around. And it was remote enough that the risk of being seen by anyone else was pretty small. I did it because Wayne did one of his childish tantrums behind the wheel when we thought we were lost. His bottom was bared only briefly for a few quick smacks, but that sure improved his attitude. And made him horny. LOL

    Now that our FLR is back on, I plan to spank Wayne in front of my friend Barb soon. She has been onboard with the plan for a while. It got delayed first by the pandemic and then again by my suspension of FLR after discovery of Wayne’s infidelity. I know it’s going to be really embarrassing for Wayne, but I don’t see embarrassment as a form of punishment. I know that however uncomfortable the initial embarrassment might be, it’s going to turn him on, all the more so because he has always found Barb hot. I may not have the skills of a professional spanker, but I can do this.

    1. I for one will be eager to hear how it goes and especially if he is still so eager for a public (witnessed spanking) after you actually give him one. I wouldn’t be surprised if fails to press too hard for the next one and I doubt if he will be complaining about the severity of the spanking. The entire experience will be positive for both of you and your relationship. But it’s not going to be the fantasy experience he imagines

    2. Alan, may be right that the reality won't be "the fantasy experience he imagines." But I know a lot about his fantasies from years of reading his submission journal, and I am going into this with the clear eyed goal of playing with his fantasies.

    3. Hi Danielle my name is Jennifer I read Dan's blog and comment from time to time.
      Regarding your reply, in order to discipline your husband well in front of your friend and perhaps not "turn him on as much" you may want to not let him know it's coming. Possibly set up a time or visit with her. If he asks about discipline tell him no or you may have reservations about involving her.

      Before your time with her give him an orgasm or two, drain the testosterone! The perfect scenario could be to take him aside and quietly send him to the bathroom to masturbate for whatever reason. (He's a little too feisty, mouthy etc. he needs to calm down.) If it were me I'd make him call me prior to finishing and I'd go up and finish for him with a no nonsense jerking off making sure he was completely spent!
      He will not be in the mood for a fantasy after returning to the two of you!
      Then if you take control as a no nonsense disciplinary wife really scolding Wayne in front of your friend he will be taken down a peg and fantasy becomes reality and it's not so exciting at the time. Later it will probably be exciting to think about but not at the moment.
      Then the moment of truth when Wayne's 'angry and resolute' wife declares in front of Barb, Your going to get the spanking of your life! Then give it to him! A good bare ass beating that he will not want repeated any time soon!

      Then the cat's out of the bag and if Barb's ok with it all you have a friend that you can discipline your husband in front of if ever needed!

      Perhaps the full treatment? Bare bottom corner time then consoling him in your arms letting him know that you love him and that's why he gets sound spankings and always will as Barb sits by. Have him apologize that she had to witness his discipline or for acting up etc.

      Send him for coffee "like a good boy" maybe keep him bare?
      Just suggestions from my mind if I was going all out like that.
      Hope I don't offend you in anyway. Jenn

    4. Hi Jenn,
      Thanks for your suggestions. I like the idea of having him serve us coffee after the spanking. Or maybe before, I could have him make and serve us lunch. Even before I told Barb about our FLR, I did have her over for meals prepared and served by Wayne a couple of times. I don’t plan to take the erotic element out of the situation though. I plan to make it really embarrassing for Wayne, but I don’t mind if the embarrassment turns him on. Barb is totally onboard already.

    5. The methods described by Jennifer are similar to those my wife has used when her sister is present. Removing the erotic energy from it (for me) is because she absolutely doesn’t want any sexual display in front of her sister. I get that but there are other ways to achieve that aim as apparently Danielle intends. Even women who could be labeled extreme on male discipline, such as Elise Sutton, don’t recommend post orgasm spanking. But some women do use it and my wife is one of them if a witness is involved

    6. I can see where Jennifer's ideas would be pretty impactful. Right now, I can hardly imagine a spanking after orgasm, and I can hardly imagine being spanked in front of any of my wife's friends, so combining the two just is too much to get my mind around. But I guess it would pretty clearly remove any erotic element from it, and there is little question that it would be very humiliating.


    7. Danielle: "I did it because Wayne did one of his childish tantrums behind the wheel when we thought we were lost." Once again, Wayne and I seem too much alike.

      Jennifer, Alan, ZM: I agree with ZM. A witnessed spanking and a post-orgasm spanking would both be hugely impactful in different ways. The combination would be hard to imagine. Though, I wonder if the post-orgasm aspect would actually lessen some of the embarrassment? I imagine getting hard in front of a friend or relative who was about to see you spanked would add a lot of embarrassment to the whole thing.

    8. I think Jennifer's idea is excellent. Post-orgasm spanking will remove the erotic element and you'll learn whether the witnessed spanking desire is sexually motivated or submissive. It seems to me like a nothing ventured, nothing learned opportunity provided, of course, that it's consensual for all parties beforehand.


  10. We don’t consider ourselves “out” in the sense that our DD relationship is public in any real way. Her sister knows as does her husband. And we have had friendships with two other F/M couples , but the interaction has been limited to talking and swapping stories ( with one notable exception during a wine lubricated summer evening when one very pissed off girlfriend demonstrated her technique in our kitchen). We also have recently become friends with the male half of a DD couple with an unusual background. He works (more a hobby I think) as a “master’ hiring out to mostly couples who want to experience discipline together (that’s his story anyway). But at home he is strictly under his wife’s control (and I mean strictly). So we are “out” to that extent but not very far out. But even if there was more acceptance in our culture (there really is much more than even a decade ago) I am not sure either of us would want to be more open. There is something private about discipline, an intimacy that changes it when third parties become involved. As far as risky places to be spanked, I have been spanked in the backseat of an SUV, two or three times, off trail several times, and once in a backyard shed by my former girlfriend. (That was probably the riskiest, close to neighboring homes and she had stripped me and taken my clothes away before she spanked me.) Both women who have disciplined me have shown a definite interest in administering out of doors. That has surprised me some but being spanked outside (or in a car) definitely takes me out of my comfort zone and maybe that’s the appeal

    1. Alan, I don't recall whether you have already discussed this, but have you had any discussions about spanking with your brother-in-law?

    2. Dan,
      No direct conversations beyond his remarking that he knows about DD as a practice. Her sister’s has been interested in the life style (apparently had some experience before her marriage), but he apparently has limited it to mutual erotic spanking so far. I think he is at that place some of us go through where “I do, I don’t, I don’t know” has put anything but role playing on hold. I don’t intend to bring it up but if he does I will be candid with him. His wife is a natural disciplinarian, so if and when he is ready, DD should work well for them.

  11. Hmmm's been a few days since Anne's return and we still haven't heard from Dan.
    He must be still too sore to sit down at his computer !

    1. As often is the case, things didn't work out as planned. But, my silence was more about being glued to the election returns non-stop since Tuesday.

  12. >>>>>>>For those of you aren’t “out” about your Domestic Discipline or Female Led Relationship, what is the furthest you’ve gone in letting others know or risking discovery? <<<<<<< We are pretty far.
    >>>>>>> Have the wives (or the husbands) alluded to spankings to friends, family members, co-workers, etc. <<<<<<< In a word......'yes'.
    >>>>>>>> What is the most risqué place you have ever been spanked?<<<<<<< Probably the bedroom of a bed and breakfast, although we've done some outdoor stuff too, but we were pretty careful.
    >>>>>> Is there any place that might risk exposure that you have an interest in being spanked or giving a spanking and that is at least a somewhat realistic option? <<<<< I have thought about our backyard as a possibility, but it would be tricky. Possible.....but tricky.
    >>>>> Or, is any risk of exposure just too much for you?<<<<<< Obviously not.

    1. KD, could you elaborate on your statement that spanking in your backyard would be "possible...but tricky"?

      I have thought it might be fun to spank Wayne in our backyard to increase his feeling of exposure. There are spots in our backyard that are shielded from the view of neighbors by bushes and fences. But a spanking out there might be overheard by neighbors, and if that made them nosy they might be able to get a view if they made an effort to look over the fence or through the bushes. Or somebody could walk into the back yard (the gate isn't locked) and take us by surprise. Is that what you mean by "possible but tricky"?

      I am curious from a legal standpoint whether a backyard spanking that is sort of hidden could be considered to constitute public lewdness. I'm pretty sure that spanking in a truly public place would. But if you were on your own property and neighbors would have to make an effort to see you, would that be legally problematic?

      Incidentally, I wonder whether everyone here would agree that the whole purpose of spanking outdoors instead of the privacy of the home would be erotic, for the thrill of making it risky. So strictly speaking, outdoor spanking is kink rather than DD, right?

    2. Hi Danielle,
      In general I would agree with your "the whole purpose of spanking outdoors instead of the privacy of the home would be erotic, for the thrill of making it risky. So strictly speaking, outdoor spanking is kink rather than DD, right?"

      There is little question that the purpose of spanking outdoors is the thrill of making it risky (I guess unless it is just situational, like if you were spanked while hiking because of something you did and she wanted to spank you on the spot).

      However, even though that is probably pretty erotic - risk usually is, at least for me - I can also see how it could be used to good effect to amplify the overall experience of a punishment, to make it much more memorable and a little more "traumatic." So I can at least envision why someone might want to do it just to make a punishment a little more effective, though I do expect in most cases it is purely for erotic thrill.


    3. My backyard would be similarly problematic. It is very easy to see into our backyard from at least three nearby houses.

      I think in general spanking outdoors would be erotic, but I can see who it might also be a genuine deterrent. But, maybe paradoxically, I think the deterrence would depend on whether someone actually saw or overheard. I think the threat of possibly being discovered could be a deterrent to future misbehavior. But, if I knew a neighbor actually did see it or overhear, it might lose its deterrent effect after that. Though, that doesn't seem to be what Alan has experienced with witnessed spankings.

    4. Eroticism is certainly increased with outdoor spanking. But Dan is correct about the additional deterrence effect. The real possibility of embarrassment being spanked out of the house has made me focus much more on what is happening and why. Most outdoor spankings for me have not been particularly severe, especially those in a car. But I think I remember each one and the reason for it. I can’t say that about some other spankings, but there is something about the atmospherics of being outside that burns itself into my memory. So yes enhanced eroticism but also enhanced effectiveness. Some of this may be the novelty. If outdoor were a common event, the impact might lessen

    5. Danielle: "Incidentally, I wonder whether everyone here would agree that the whole purpose of spanking outdoors instead of the privacy of the home would be erotic, for the thrill of making it risky. So strictly speaking, outdoor spanking is kink rather than DD, right?"

      I don’t think kink and DD must be mutually exclusive, at least not for me. Coincidentally, I just started a blog, and this is my first topic, an attempt to explain briefly how and why erotic punishment can be effective discipline. This gives me the idea to title my thoughts “Kinky DD.”

  13. "For those of you aren’t “out” about your Domestic Discipline or Female Led Relationship, what is the furthest you’ve gone in letting others know or risking discovery?"
    I wouldn't say we "out" but a woman my husband and I have known for years guessed our relationship very closely when she overheard my husband speaking to me on his cell phone. Since my husband has a business relationship with the person I never mentioned anything to her about discipline. My sister is a couple of years older but she is on the conservative side. She doesn't even think my husband should be allowed to go camping a few times a year with friends. He likes the outdoors and I trust him. He knows better than to get involved with anything he shouldn't. While I have never told my sister I discipline him, I know she is aware that I'm the boss in our home and marriage. My husband told me husband is turned on by my sister knowing that, but I know she would never be comfortable with the whole spanking thing. I gave my husband a spanking in a barn he uses as a workshop and a place to store firewood but there's nobody around near that home and the chances of being discovered are practically zero.


    1. Carol, I'm curious, how do you know the woman with whom your husband has the business relationship guess at the nature of your relationship.

    2. Dan,
      This person has been a friend for many years. My husband worked in the same company as she for a few years and that's how we know each other. My husband was working late and thought he was alone. He was calling me "Ma'am" and "Mistress" and apologizing as I'd bring up some things to him. The woman didn't hear me, but overheard my husband. She was amused by it and questioned my husband later about being in trouble and about me treating him mean. It was actually light verbal play, but my husband wasn't careful and she heard it. Our friend knows my husband just well enough to have teased him about it. He said he was joking. We would never confirm anything to her, though I have teased him about letting our friend see him being disciplined. Since there's a professional relationship between them, it's better not to go there.

  14. For those of you aren’t “out” about your Domestic Discipline or Female Led Relationship, what is the furthest you’ve gone in letting others know or risking discovery? Have the wives (or the husbands) alluded to spankings to friends, family members, co-workers, etc.

    I have discussed it with two girlfriends; one knows just about everything. Jimmy knows about that, though I did not ask his permission ahead of time. He is embarrassed. The one who knows everything recently commented in front of him how she has seen a big improvement in his attitude ... and then laughed. He blushed and told me later that he didn't like it. I told him if he respected me more he would be spanked less, and BFFs have no secrets.

    What is the most risqué place you have ever been spanked?
    Well, not very risque. In our living room. But I have done it with the curtains open, though you would have to be right up to the window to see anything.

    Is there any place that might risk exposure that you have an interest in being spanked or giving a spanking and that is at least a somewhat realistic option? Or, is any risk of exposure just too much for you?
    Jimmy's worst behavior is usually at bars and parties where he has had a few. I wouldn't put it past myself to threaten him with a spanking or even do it at a bar or party. I might whack him on his jeans and tell him to behave. He would hate that in front of his macho guy friends, but serves him right! As I have mentioned before, I don't want him losing his swag so I would have to be careful how much I embarrass him. But after a few glasses of wine, no telling what I might do. If he disrespects me in public I might handle it in public! If I was really going to spank him, I would take him somewhere private. I could see my one girlfriend watching, though. I absolutely know she would like to, as she and Jimmy once had a thing. He would hate that, but it might make for a powerful punishment.

    1. "BFFs have no secrets." That could be a problem for me, since I think my wife is BFFs with one of our kids.

  15. Hi Dan,
    I hope you have had a good week.

    There is a lot to be explored regarding “cryptic comments.” They communicate a very clear message to the recipient, even when in very public places. But they also leave the door open to people asking about it if they are curious. My expectation is that if those around happen to be in any way into anything related to spanking, they are much more likely to have their curiosity piqued by a cryptic comment. At least I know that there is a 0% chance that I would miss anything that anyone says that even may involve spanking or punishment! So if my wife said anything like that in front of me, even though I intellectually know that the other people probably didn’t even notice it, it would also really keep me wondering if they did indeed ask more about it later, just because I am so wired to be attuned to ANY spanking references.

    Of course, comments can be a little less veiled and more risque either to really amp up the embarrassment factor or to test the waters to see if someone might be interested in hearing more, since these comments can also be quite easily laughed off by all parties with no awkwardness.

    As for motorcycles, I love riding, though for me it is dirt bikes; I currently have a KTM 525 motocrosser. I have never been riding and seen a place and thought “that would be a good place for a spanking” but this is because I tend to ride rather fast for my abilities and physical shape, so any loss of concentration might well result in me landing on my head!

    Now on to your questions:
    “For those of you aren’t ‘out’ about your Domestic Discipline or Female Led Relationship, what is the furthest you’ve gone in letting others know or risking discovery? Have the wives (or the husbands) alluded to spankings to friends, family members, co-workers, etc.”

    As I have detailed a lot in recent weeks, we have one mutual friend who I told all about my wife holding me accountable and having weekly reviews, but with her I only VERY jokingly referred to spanking so she certainly doesn’t KNOW about our DD relationship, though who knows what she may suspect? Two nights ago, we took her out to dinner and she made a reference to it being “dangerous” for me to order anything with mushrooms, and I was perplexed. She reminded me of a previous time when we went to dinner and I joked about refusing to share fried mushrooms I ordered; while I was only joking, later that night I found out that my wife thought I was being rude and that it was obvious that our friend noticed. And clearly she did, since this is the second time the friend has mentioned this, so maybe she does suspect something?

    And then there is the other friend of my wife and my wife’s sister, who she recently told about a role-play we did, and the friend immediately jumped to “so did you come in with a belt and spank him?” and my wife just went with it and said “yes, he was a bad boy” or something like that in a very joking manner, and they all laughed. But of course they don’t know how much she was just joking and so they may suspect we use spanking for play or something.

    What has NOT happened is we have never told anyone about both aspects together - the imposed boundaries and control to help me with discipline and the physical discipline to reinforce that control.

    “What is the most risqué place you have ever been spanked?” - Home, with the possibility of kids coming home at an inopportune time. Though this was only out of necessity, and never intentional.

    “Is there any place that might risk exposure that you have an interest in being spanked or giving a spanking and that is at least a somewhat realistic option? Or, is any risk of exposure just too much for you?” - I don’t know. This is very fertile ground to explore. Maybe not in our current situation, but certainly in the future.


  16. Love KTM's, though I don't own one. I rode motocross and enduro bikes back when I was a kid, but they would probably beat the hell out of this 50 year-old body now. Though, I can still daydream.

    It shows how separable disciplinary and spanking aspects of these relationships are that you have been somewhat open about both separately, but not both aspects together.

    1. Yeah, I love my KTM. It is ridiculously fast. And my 54 year old body objects, but my 25 year old spirit tells my body to get over it! Thankfully I have already lost 4 1/2 pounds in the last two weeks, so if I just do that another 20 times...! ;-)


      And yeah, totally interesting that we can talk about accountability and spanking, but everything changes when we put them together.


  17. My riskiest experience was a few decades ago when a former girlfriend decided to give me a birthday spanking in our bedroom at a posh B&B. In the excitement of the moment, we forgot about the noise. For those of us (virtually all of us) who worry about the reception, we got a standing ovation from everyone as we came down and entered the breakfast room.

    One would think that after such a fortunate experience, I'd have tried it again. That's not happened, at least not so blatantly, as I figured we had lucked out with a fairly sophisticated "audience" that might not be repeated again.



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