
Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Club - Meeting 338 - Spanking Phrases

We are not won by arguments that we can analyse but by tone and temper, by the manner which is the man himself. - Samuel Butler

Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline relationships.

I hope you all had a good week.  Week four of my lockdown. You’d think I’d be settling into this new routine, but I’m really not.  Instead, I’m getting downright stir crazy.  Really missing having coffee somewhere other than my house.

I’m finding myself frittering away more and more time, accomplishing less and less. That is something of an accomplishment in itself, given how little I was getting done even before having way too much time on my hands and no one around to observe how I’m using it.  And, all those Skype and Zoom calls have me wondering how many people are dressed appropriately only from the waist up.

Something that has not been happening is spanking or FLR.  That’s a little surprising, given that one would think that with this much “togetherness,” she’d be so good and frustrated that I’d be getting my ass warmed daily. Part of the explanation probably lies with just getting out of the habit.  But, another reason may be some mercy resulting from the back problems I was having. Thankfully, those seem to be mostly gone.  I’m not sure that I could take an extended session in a bent-over position, but perhaps some testing of the over-the-lap position with rapid-fire delivery that ZM brought up near the end of the week?

Thanks for weighing in on the issue of the relative merits of the OTK position.  I’m sorry it took me a while to get to some of your comments.  Unfortunately, I can’t really claim that was because I was busy.  As I just said, I wasn’t.  I’m finding as this slowdown goes on, even my usual diversions aren’t diverting enough to divert me from ever more worthless diversions, like getting into political fights on Facebook.  By the end of the week, I’d even burned myself out on that.  Thankfully, somehow a narrow topic like OTK ended up covering a lot of ground.  Outdoor spankings, witnessed spankings, nude spankings versus pants at the ankles, and lots more.  Thanks to all of you who weighed in and kept the discussion moving.

While any one of those non-OTK references could be a good topic, none of them really resonated with me today.  Instead, a short statement by Cecilia dovetailed with something I’d already been mulling.  Her comment was to the effect that she sometimes uses phrases like "a trip across my lap" when talking about disciplining her husband. Pete’s Wife said that she often tells her husband: “Pull down your pants and get over my knee."  Those are classic spanking phrases that can get a man’s attention in a hurry when used as a threat or a command.  I’ve been thinking a lot about commands lately, because we’ve been alone in the house for four weeks with a dog that is really in need of some training. He has problems with chewing on things, including people.  He’s gotten better with me, because I say “no” in a tone that gets his attention and lets him know I’m serious.  Anne tells him “no” too, but it often comes off more as a request or plea than a command.  Until the last day or two, when she finally started being very firm and commanding, and doing it consistently, he just plainly didn’t respect her or know that when she said “no” there were consequences.  

There are two parts to verbal communications: content and tone.  One could argue that Anne was not really training the dog until, eventually, his obstinance ended up training her.  At some point, she started giving directions that sounded like actual orders, not like requests.  As soon as she made that change, the dog started behaving better.  Both Danielle and Tomy discussed how coming into the room showing some real anger can be very effective in setting the tone.

Are there specific phrases that really get your attention and let you know that either you are going to get a spanking to remember if you don’t correct your behavior, or maybe it’s too late for that and a spanking is now an absolute certainty in your near future?  Perhaps you heard such phrases growing up? There are a few that I either did hear growing up or that for whatever reason really resonate with me when I hear or read them today.  They include:


“Not as sorry as you’re going to be.”

“I'll give you something to cry about.”

“Did you hear what I said?”

“Not as sorry as you are going to be.”

“I am going to spank you so hard you won’t sit for a week.”

“You’re going to remember this spanking for a long time.”

When I think about the phrases that really get to me, or that I recall hearing directed at me or at friends by their parents, I notice that many of them have to do with threats (or promises) regarding severity or the effect on one’s bottom.  Express threat to leave one’s butt blistered, bruised, too sore to sit for a week . . . those can really give me butterflies if expressed with a tone that is resolute and commanding.

How about you? What phrases do you ladies use to let your husband know you mean business?  What phrases does she use that let you husbands know that you’re really in trouble this time?

I hope you all have a good week. Stay healthy!


  1. Well, I can certainly recall many of those phrases while growing up. I might add one my folks used often...'somebody needs a spanking'. It seems now with adult spanking, at least in our household, they are hardly ever used. My Dominant, a former school teacher, seems to have a more controlled, direct, simple statement. For discipline she usually shows up with the implement(s), states the offense and says "you're getting spanked". If another asks her how she handles poor behavior, she says "he gets spanked". If the location requires the punishment has to be put off a bit, she will say, you will be spanked later. That is rare as she (and I) agree that punishment should be administered at the time of the offense, if possible. She she spanked me in adjacent rooms and upon returning someone will ask What happened? She says calmly "he got spanked". If she is angry, she has the ability to remain calm and I simply know what will happen at the first opportunity. I know it is not cute or has a double meaning or any innuendo, but the statement 'You're getting spanked' resonates with me.

  2. When I was a kid growing up in the 70's, Led Zeppelin released the eerily tranquil 'Stairway to Heaven' in 1971. It became iconic. For a while those beloved lyrics were played for us again and again on the radio and we couldn't get enough. And then they were played some more. Every prom in the 70's used it as their "slow song" requisite. For a while it seemed as though it would be forever bound to first kisses, puppy love romances, and a whole host of indelible memories. Later, hearing it would rekindle those memories. The song became more than just a song.

    Time went on and it was still being played......a LOT. It was perpetually on the radio. Cover bands did it at dances. Wedding bands did it at weddings. After a while you couldn't escape it. It wouldn't stop. Eventually we heard it so much, so often, so unchanging, so locked into one slice of what we all hoped would be long, exciting, varied lives with much more to recall fondly than just a prom dance in a pastel colored tuxedo that now, rather than smile at the familiar chords, we winced or rolled our eyes. We changed the station or shut off the radio entirely.

    The thing is the song did not somehow get worse. It was just as good as when it first came out, but it just didn't feel that way anymore. It was overdone. Relentless. Pervasive. Hearing it again a decade later, or two decades later, didn't feel as nostalgic as it did manipulative, trite. Using it too many times in too many places ruined it. If only it had been played a bit more sparingly.

    As a writer of spanking stories as well as a person who engages in the practice, I know words and phrases can be as powerful as a sturdy paddle. But perhaps because of being too involved in the writing and reading of the genre, for too long, for decades.....the most iconic and usually beloved spanking phrases have turned into "Stairway to Heaven" for me. Hearing them now just makes me want to roll my eyes..........and we all know how dangerous it is to roll your eyes at the person who is about to spank you.

  3. Get naked and stand in that corner. Now sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bat" until I tell you to stop!

    1. barrel riding bat? I've seen them, but we don't have one.

    2. It’s a Mad Hatter reference. Lewis Carroll.

    3. Another author who is perpetually on my to-do list

    4. Well, I didn't respond to the first one because it wasn't so much a response to the topic as a statement that there aren't any spanking phrases that you like, so they all draw an eye roll. It seemed more like an expression of dislike of the topic. The second also seemed to suggest dislike of the topic, though I did like some of the whimsical statements you came up with. And, you're not inferior or exclusive at all! I ignored LOTS of comments this week. I ignored WHOLE CHAINS of comments! :-)

      Though, I do like the inventiveness of your list, and anything from the Godfather gets my attention. In the context of a spanking threat though, I'd probably go with: "It's not personal. It's strictly business."

    5. A *truly* psychotic woman and a great movie about consequences and escalation.

  4. Dan,
    "What phrases does she use that let you husbands know that you’re really in trouble this time?"
    I've heard my share of phrases over the years. Some are lighter in tone, and some express real anger:
    - "You seem nervous. You should be."
    - "Don't challenge me again. Ever."
    - "You're sorry? Well, you're going to really be sorry in a little while."
    - "So you think you had enough? I don't think we're done yet."
    - "We're just getting started."
    - "You better hope I cool off before we get home."
    - "If you forgot who's boss, you'll remember soon enough."
    - "Did that hurt? It was supposed to hurt."
    Some of those phrases are interchangeable whether my wife is really angry, or just giving me a reminder spanking. I know her moods pretty well.

  5. Dev has several. “ you aren’t too big to take over my knee “. “ We will discuss this later “. “. You’re already getting one spanking . Do you want two “? “ we will take care of this out in the woodshed”. And the biggest one. “ BRING ME THE PADDLE !” JR

  6. Husband has been getting more trips across my lap since this started. While both of us do still have to go to the job, our hours aren't what they used to be. The hotel is mostly empty. We have a few guests who have to be here, but, that's all. Most of what I'm doing at the hotel is dealing with stuff that had to be done, but never got done. This is a great opportunity to get it done. Husband's job is doing pretty much only emergency requests to keep everybody's exposure chances to a minimum.

    Some of my fave phrases:

    "I think someone needs a trip across my lap."

    "How is your makeup and perfume holding up?"

    "I think it's been too long since you've seen me in my Disciplinary girdle."

    "Is the white bullet bra with the bow clean? I haven't seen you in that in a while."

    "You do have some clean Disciplinary lingerie at home, right?"

    "You've got at least one clean Disciplinary dress in the closet, right?"

    "What's this on your computer?"

    I've already mentioned he's dressed for a Disciplinary Session. The bullet bra with the bow is one of his items of Disciplinary lingerie. I can ask a similar question about another item, like the white ruffled panties with the pink ribbons. Mentioning specific items of his Disciplinary lingerie lets him know he's pushing it or he's going to be disciplined.

    I usually wear a black panty girdle and long line bra or a black all in one or other one piece when I administer discipline.

    If, say, I'm giving him a hairbrush spanking and I'm not sure it's delivering the message I want:

    "I don't hear any sobbing. Do I need to let you up long enough to bring me the Brown Spanking Paddle?"

    To reinforce my authority, I use the word "spanking" in front of an implement, where it sounds good.

    "Bring me the Brown Spanking Paddle". (That sentence alone brings all kinds of pleading and promises to be good.)

    "Bring me the Spanking Strap."

    "Bring me the leather Spanking Paddle."

    Phrases like "spanking hairbrush" or "spanking tawse" just sound funny, so I don't use them.

    1. "Most of what I'm doing at the hotel is dealing with stuff that had to be done, but never got done. This is a great opportunity to get it done." I thought it would work like that for me with no travel, no commute, reduced workload, etc. But, no, I seem to be getting even less done than usual.

  7. Things have changed over the years. In the beginning my wife would yank down my pants and say "over my lap NOW" or if we were out somewhere she would say "if you don't knock it off when we get home you will get a spanking you won't soon forget". Now most of the time she will say "get naked and stand in the corner and wait for me" and during a spanking while I tell her I'm sorry she will say "you're not sorry but you will be by the time I'm done". Sometimes she will say "you're about to get the spanking of your life".

    1. "You're not sorry but you will be by the time I'm done." I've always kind of liked that one.

  8. When the kids were in school and we had a regular time Monday mornings, I would sometimes say "Time for your reminder" or "Reminder time." But often he would just bring me the paddle. I did tend to ask questions during the paddling, such as "Why are we doing this?" "Are you getting the message?" "Am I spanking the arrogance out of you?" "Are you feeling this yet?"
    Now it's more like the summertime when we don't have a regular opportunity. So when all the kids are out of the house and I am in the mood, I will just say "Get your paddle."

    1. Hi Liz. Since he's not going into the office these days (I assume), do you see the prophylactic spankings for arrogance as still necessary?

    2. Much less necessary. Things have been good around the house. A couple of times he has gotten frustrated with the kids and used sarcasm, which can be very biting. After the second incident, I waited for the opportunity and then paddled him hard. First one in more than a month (when before he was getting two a week). I wanted to nip that behavior in the bud. He knows it is unacceptable with the children. When I told him to straighten up and handed him the paddle to put away, he kissed my cheek like he usually does and said, "I had almost forgotten how effective that is." I patted his bottom as he turned to return the paddle to our bedroom closet.

  9. Dan,
    "Something that has not been happening is spanking or FLR. That’s a little surprising, given that one would think that with this much “togetherness,” she’d be so good and frustrated that I’d be getting my ass warmed daily."

    This sheltering seems to be having an interesting effect on the disciplinary and FLR aspects of our own marriage. I had asked Carol to turn up dominating the marriage and she did. She's also found a new source of inspiration that's given her ideas on just how to keep things fresh and claims that I'll never know the blog. Maybe those are also reasons for a change, too. Carol seems less concerned with discipline being associated to pain at the moment, though I got some paddling and lecturing. Her disciplinary phrases last evening, after I posted a comment, were loaded with more in the way of suggested threats and what she "could" do as the boss. One she said in an intellectual tone, "This paddle will help you understand there's paradigm shift coming," which I thought was one I had to remember though it seemed a bit ominous. I guess DD discipline can also be mental.

    1. Hi LH
      " DD discipline can also be mental."I strongly agree. In fact sometimes I think it is 90 percent mental, the proverbial "mind-fuck". Your wife's statement about a paradigm shift is an example ( incidentally my former girlfriend once said something similar I have long remembered: " My paddle will make you free"I am still working on that one. But the mental elements of DD become the most important as a relationship matures.The quiet confidence she exudes as she gives orders, the casual way she can deliver a spanking, the firm rules you no longer even test , the treat of punishment that stops you cold. The basis for a successful DD relationship I still believe is firm consistent spanking for clearly defined behavior. But gradually growing submission to her authority produces fewer spankings, stricter obedience and better behavior. Gradually you realize she is not getting those results by spanking you more or harder but rather because she has established her authority and you want to obey her. You have been mind fucked!

    2. Hi Alan
      Yes, you may very well be right. Things seem to me as much a mind game today as they are disciplinary in nature. I'm always amazed Carol can be such a loving spouse on the one hand, and comfortably wield what's clearly growing authority on the other.

    3. Alan,
      I learned another discipline phrase from my wife, maybe more than one. I answered a simple question she asked with a nasty comment about her “Harping”. I was totally wrong because she really wasn’t. She said, “Maybe you want another paddling. Is that it?” I said, “No, I’m sorry.” She said, “Ok, you can do something else. Lock your CB on, and wear it until bedtime.” You know I didn’t want to make her angrier and I did it. It was probably best because she dropped the matter, but sort of gave a limited silent treatment afterward. That was a different experience and she did unlock me when we turned in.

    4. The mental is just as important as the physical. Dressing up husband makes him more submissive. As he became more submissive and behaved submissive more often I became more and more confident in myself and My Authority.

    5. Miss Cecilia,
      My wife seems far more confident and in control than she did a month ago. I got corrected verbally by her after breakfast this morning for something else. I had totally forgotten about this, which happened before I raised my voice to my wife and said she was “harping” yesterday. I had gone to the pharmacy drive through and the ATM at our bank. She sent me a text merely to make sure I was ok. The lines were long. It slipped my mind to answer because I was paying for the medication and left the line. Carol said she was angry. New rule: “You answer when I text immediately from now on, or as soon as you safely can. Focus more on things. My texts are number one. I’m the boss, remember that.” She also told me not to worry because she’s planning a review of rules this Saturday evening when we “go over things”. Then she headed to the den to start work. That’s another phrase I hear from time to time, “We’ll need to go over things.” That’s a mental game though, telling me on Tuesday there’s new rules to be announced on Saturday. Obviously I’m going to be thinking about them.

    6. LH,

      Usually, when I tell husband "I have something to go over with you", "we have something to discuss" or "we need to talk" (of course, I do most of the talking, he does most of the listening. Most of what he says is "Yes, Miss Cecilia" or "Yes, Ma'am"), it's to announce new Rules or rule changes. Usually, I tell him no more than 2 days ahead of time. It's enough time for him to go over in his head what he thinks is coming. The day before, I'll tell him "For our little discussion tomorrow, you'll be putting on X, Y, and Z and be in front of my desk at (time)." I sit behind a big desk when I announce new Rules to him.

    7. Miss Cecilia,
      Regular disciplinary activities and any big discussions in our home are on Saturday nights, 8:45. Normally, I’m in my birthday suit and occasionally in panties. This could happen other times too. My wife will tell me how she wants me to show up. I’m always supposed to be showered and shaved. She will bring down whatever discipline tool that she wishes. She stands or sits in a comfortable chair in a finished basement apartment in our home we use for added privacy. I kneel before her. She always looks stunning and it elicits scary and submissive feelings from me and it normally leads to intimacy. Though today I’m preoccupied with wondering what she is going to say and have 4 days to think about rules.

      I love your use of the big desk, though like your husband I’m supposed to do the listening. I stay quiet or answer her appropriately until I’m asked if I any questions or concerns.

    8. Miss Cecilia, Alan
      I was a wrong about new rules and got 10 today, some expressed as phrases for discipline. They will be discussed Saturday, but they were given to me on 10 separate pages. Each page containing one rule or phrase which Carol typed up and printed out. She gave them to me after breakfast this morning. Carol put some in the form of phrases because she said she was somewhat inspired by this week's blog topic. She told me to review each one and then print it neatly below, filling up one side of the page. That's a lot of work and makes me feel like a child. I told her this and she said, "Tough. We'll start with these. Writing them will help your remember them. Have it done by Saturday or a hard caning awaits. Nothing takes effect until we go over the rules, unless we've done something already." She left the kitchen and went to start work on her laptop. It was such a busy work day for me. I really had to put the whole thing out of my mind because I had an 8:30 meeting and it was a pressure cooker afterwards. I only reviewed the rules in any detail now. A few are like:
      - You're in trouble. No sitting in the living room until _________.
      - You're in trouble. Chastity cage until _______, and I'll lock it.
      - Text me EVERY HOUR. Report exactly WHERE you are and exactly WHAT you are doing until I text back STOP.
      - Carol's texts are always answered immediately, or as soon as I can stop if I am driving and I can text safely.
      There are others but they are outside the spirit of discipline and seem to be more in the D/s and FLR area. Some are unexpected. Carol told me she thinks some are fun discipline that don't have anything to do with pain but do reinforce her position as boss. I'm going along at this point, rather than upset her, and see where it's going to go.

    9. Alan: "My paddle will make you free." I do get that one. I know some see it as inconsistent or nonsensical. I see it as paradoxical, but nonetheless potentially true. From Socrates to Christianity to Zen, many philosophers and religious thinkers would say that someone dominated by their own obsessions and compulsions is hardly "free."

    10. I've heard of naughty children getting banned from a room as a disciplinary measure, but not a lot. It always seemed to have another purpose. If a naughty boy was banned from the living room and that was where the TV was, the purpose really was to take away the TV. If a naughty boy was banned from the dining room and had to eat his meals in another room, it was because his table manners were bad so his parents were taking away his family time until he could learn to stop acting like one of the pets when he was eating dinner. I knew one lady who used to ban her children from a certain room in the basement. She then put some of the child's things in that room. If one of the boys was in trouble, she'd put his bicycle, baseball glove and Gameboy in there. If the daughter was in trouble, she'd put her dolls, her fave clothes or softball equipment in there. What she was really doing was taking that stuff away from her kids for being bad. It was efficient, since she could put alot of things in there so she could discipline all 3 at once if she had to.

    11. Miss Cecelia,
      "I've heard of naughty children getting banned from a room as a disciplinary measure, but not a lot. It always seemed to have another purpose."

      Thanks for commenting, Miss Cecilia.

      My wife doesn't seem to want to talk about the rules now, but I asked what she meant by banning me from sitting in the living room which was in those pages and Carol said, "You won't be allowed to sit on the furniture if I get angry. You can go in but you can't sit on the furniture if I decide to punish you that way until I tell you otherwise. So, don't bother me now. We'll go over the rules like I told you, and I might add one more." She kissed me and walked away to watch the news. I guess if Carol imposes that rule as discipline, I sit on the floor.

  10. These re some of the emotionally loaded phrases used and remembered across two long DD relationships. There are more but these are top of mind
    1. “You are in trouble” 2. “I am very close”3. “Do you need a spanking?
    4. “I own your ass” 5. “Get your naughty bum over here” 6. .”Bring me my brush” 7. “STRIP”8. “Did you disobey me? 9. “I decide when your pants come down and they don’t go back up until I give you explicit permission”
    10. “I gave you a COMMAND” 11. “Bum up, legs touching floor”
    12. “Our neighbors are going to hear you”

  11. Danielle here:

    Some of the things that feel empowering to me to say and that push my husband’s buttons:

    “This isn’t open to debate.”

    “I’m not going to tell you again.”

    “You’ll do what you’re told.”

    “Because I said so.”

    “This place better be spotless when I get home!”

    “Just wait until we get home.”

    “Do I have to spank you? Is that what you want?”

    “I said NOW!”

    “Do I have to take your pants down and spank you right here? Don’t think I won’t do it.” (This is an unrealistic threat in a public place, but boy does it push Wayne’s buttons. LOL)

    “I’ve had about enough of that attitude, mister.”

    “What did I say would happen if you did that?”

    “Okay, you know what? You can just go to the bedroom and take your pants down.”

    "Aren't you ashamed of yourself? A man your age who needs to have his bottom smacked like a naughty little boy!"

    I don’t think any of these lines are original to our FLR. Some of them are things I heard from my parents when I was a child. Some are things I used to say as a parent and have now repurposed to FLR.

    1. "Because I said so" didn't come out easily at first. Now I say it with relish. I like saying it so much I even give him a couple of extra birthday spanking swats "and another one because I said so."

      Another fave phrase I like to use during a Disciplinary Session, especially when he begs and pleads, is "I SAID_________", with a raised and firm voice.

      "Bring me the Brown Spanking Paddle."
      "Oh, please, Miss Cecilia, not the Brown.........."

      "Lick it up."
      "Please, Miss Cecilia, Miss Amanda's here, she'll see me with....."

      "I'm going to help you count." (for a tawsing)
      "Please, Miss Cecilia, I can count properly. please....."

    2. Two of my favorites
      Because I said so!!!!
      Lick it up......"I SAID LICK IT UP! NOW! ALL OF IT!"

    3. Danielle, I definitely gravitate to the first four.

      Cecilia, I can understand why you had a hard time with "Because I said so," though I also suspect that for those who really want to surrender control to someone else, it is compelling.

  12. Since I'm teaching Jimmy to respect me (and all women), I have been playing off that: "I think it's time for a lesson in respect." In front of one of our friends I said, "I think I hear Aretha."
    I have been smacking him with the bath brush in sets of 14, saying
    R E S P E C T that's what re spect means to me. By the third set he is promising anything.

    1. Hi Belle,
      That's very clever . Repeating a single, simple message to him during punishment ( with a bath brush no less, will get his attention and he will remember the lesson.My wife's belief is that there is a direct line between my bum and my brain and any message she want to send me is going to be received more clearly when that bum-brain circuit if activated.My very first experience with this technique was with a former girlfriend who was spanking me for arrogance and defiance.She simply repeated over and over again matching the strokes she was administering: "No is not in you vocabulary when talking to me" I actually woke up the next morning with that phrase running through my mind as I awoke.I won't claim I n became a paragon of male virtue after that, but I don't think I ever said No to her again in a disrespectful or defiant way

    2. Belle, I hate those lessons. I've been spanked in front of my wife's friends when I was rude to them. It is very humiliating but I did learn respect.

    3. I see bath brush-induced progress, but not enough to tell him to go buy the much bigger ring that he can now afford. Am I asking too much for him to be macho AND to respect women? I want it all.

    4. I think I'm pretty macho, yet I respect women. Most of the time anyway.

      My wife does have an itty-bitty diamond in her wedding ring, because it was all we could afford at the time.

    5. Belle, Dan,
      I've never been spanked with a bath brush. My wife's hair brush, paddle or one of her infamous canes seem to work very well.

      On that tiny diamond, the one I gave Carol is small too. I wanted to buy her a larger one later, but she said the original will always have sentimental value.

  13. "Am I going to have to make you get the strap oil out again?"

    1. Julie,
      That’s a great one. It reminded me of another phrase my wife has used a few times, “Hand me your belt and be quick about it.”

    2. I've actually made by husband condition and oil up the strap I would use on his backside immediately after he was done. I like a nice supple strap. And he knew the power of that strap from previous application. So imagine having to sit there and extensively fondle and stroke the instrument that you know will have such a devastating impact. Context matters!

    3. Hi Julie,
      In view of your recently assumed position, you might not want to remind David how much a strap ( especially freshly oiled) can hurt. As I recall you made sure he had plenty of strap attention on the receiving side and he might now feel obligated to return the favor

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Julie (juliesp)
      You are lucky you're husband is keeping you in check. My husband comments on Dan's blog too. He gets all my attention when he's naughty. He said he wants my stronger leadership and I've cautioned the poor boy to "be careful what you wish for," an overused, but still appropriate, warning for a submissive. I'll have to order some of that strap oil (thanks for the idea) and then I can tell him, "Oil that strap thoroughly and meet me basement for your punishment." I wish he'd have been willing to turn the tables on me for some discipline, but I do get to make him pay my rear attention for, um... other reasons.
      Have safe fun!

    6. Julie
      "So imagine having to sit there and extensively fondle and stroke the instrument that you know will have such a devastating impact."

      How about having to kiss it, both before and after it's applied? Husband is required to bring each implement I use on him, kneel in front of me, kiss it and hold it up to me with both hands. When I'm finished with it, I require him to kneel before me, accept it back with both hands, kiss it again, then take it back to where I had it.

      My implements have lipstick prints all over them!

    7. Hi Julie. Alan seems to have a damn good point given your recent switch!

  14. Occasionally, such as last night, when my wife is through spanking me, she will announce "Another spanking bites the dust!" I take it to mean that she thinks she has done a very thorough job,and is satisfied with what she has accomplished. She uses a long-handled wooden paddle, and has every reason to be pleased with what she has done to my backside.

  15. There is nothing more thrilling than an earnest spanking threat from my wife.
    You can check out some of my favourites from this post on my blog.

    1. Definitely some great stuff there. FYI, some of my favorite spanking drawings and pictures involve "rolling up her sleeves," as shown in one of the pictures in your post.

  16. ....and here are a few more of the spanking threats featured on my blog:

  17. When I've announced a date and time for a Disciplinary Session or put him in chastity, husband has to follow certain protocols at all times (or at least when it's possible). Sometimes he forgets his place and is impudent (I've had to get husband to teach me some of these Disciplinarian big words). So, I have to remind him (Speaking sharply, of course).....


    1. Miss Cecilia,
      Our session is a Saturday night ritual. My wife uses it for fun and games, disciplinary games (rolling a ball around with my nose in patterns she wishes, getting a stroke of the cane or paddle if I make an error), and serious punishment.

      The phrase I hear, normally on Saturday afternoon. is on the order of "Discipline session is tonight. Be downstairs 8:45 showered, shaved and naked. Wait for me." This past weekend she came into the room carrying a glass of wine for herself. She doesn't allow any internet use from dinnertime until the next morning.

      Oh, I'm not complaining, but this session is different because we're going to review Carol's new rules. We only had frozen pizza this evening and there was little food preparation or cleanup. Since we ate early and had plenty of time to talk Carol brought up the fact that she added another rule, the 12th one;

      "My wife reserves the right to punishment me without pain: giving more housework chores, having me wear the chastity device, wearing uncomfortable clothing, eating food alone or cold, etc."

      It will prove to be interesting.


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