
Saturday, March 14, 2020

No Post This Week

Hi all.  I hope you all are staying safe and well.  I don't plan to post this week.  I'm feeling crappy and don't feel like trying to come up with anything new.  Not coronavirus!  I pulled something in my back and haven't been able to sleep, so I'm tired, cranky and generally uninspired.

In the meantime, a few of you commented on the pictures of hot older spankers.  Here are few more, plus some older spankees.  Let's kick things off with a cartoon from KD that doesn't show an older spanker but is a reminder we may have one in our life and not even know it.

Glen, who has a blog at often has cartoons featuring mature spankers and spankees.

An ironic take on older maternal discipline that I think is pretty amusing.

As in real life, older women in spanking drawings seem to function as mentors and teachers.


Though, some are just taking a very direct role in disciplining deserving young men.

Older women also aren't immune to the need for discipline and accountability.  The caption on this one seems apropos in light of Belle's comments and my response regarding DD and self-awareness about immaturity.

I'll sign off with a handful of pictures showing "hotness" is NOT a function of age.

Stay healthy and safe.


  1. Feel better!
    This is an excellent post!

  2. Dan,
    The photo with the lady sitting holding the cane is my favorite. It reminds me, this is the first dinner for Carol I’ve cooked on a weekend. Grilled steaks, baked potatoes, fresh string beans, wine and pie and ice cream for desert. When I told her the menu she said she’ll probably go easy on me. It’s Discipline Night though, and I hope she’s not too easy on me :-)

  3. Hi Dan, Godspeed a healthy return for you. The drawings and photos are very good and oh so accurate. The message is clear, age has nothing to do with the concepts and the carrying out of Domestic Discipline.

  4. Once that paddle, belt, or cane goes into action, you and your butt have zero bandwidth to think about who'se holding the other end. Am I right?

    1. My wife's voice is going constantly while she is swinging away, so I can never forget who is on the other end. She is scolding ("You are such a naughty boy") or asking questions to which she expects answers ("When are the dishes going to be done from now on?") Or making comments indicating her enjoyment ("Ooo, it sounds like you really felt that one!")

    2. Pete,
      ""Ooo, it sounds like you really felt that one!"
      Yes!!! I've heard that one.

      I've also heard, "The way you squirmed it must have really hurt". Answer: "Yes Mistress".

      One thing I hear from time to time, "You're not such a big man now, are you?" Answer: "No Mistress, I'm a little sub."

      If she's in a put down mood I've heard, "I wonder how many of your guy friends know you get punished by your wife? I wonder what they'd think if they knew your wife makes you wear panties?" Answer: "I don't know Mistress. Please don't tell them."

      (The panties were a complete surprise too. One day I came home and she had me try a cheap pair on to make sure she had the right size. Then she decided to buy multiple pairs. She picks them out.)


  5. If you were asking me, Tommy, YES, you are correct.

    1. Spanked Cowboy,
      I second your opinion.

    2. Spanked Cowboy - I was asking the general readership even though your last post inspired my comment/question.

  6. I just read somewhere (in my imagination) that spanking produces certain chemicals in the body that strengthen the immune system. Maybe so, maybe not. But we should try every option to stay healthy.

    1. Tomy,
      I once read dopamine and adrenaline and some other chemicals are released. I'm not sure if those chemicals directly impact the immune system or not. My guess is yes. But, being honest here, my wife Carol said that when she makes me role that little red rubber ball around on the floor in patterns, getting a stroke of her damn cane if I make a mistake, it counts as exercise. LOL

    2. Great advice! May not help, but it certainly couldn't hurt

    3. Dan,
      I hope you are recovering!

      I am not sure about your choice of wording "...but it certainly couldn't hurt." Based on my experiences, I am not so sure about that!


  7. Lucky guy to have a personal exercise coach.

    1. Tomy,
      Yes, I am lucky.
      Funny thing is that Carol really is like an exercise coach at times, especially last few years. She looks great. She had a health scare (not too serious) and decided to be tough on making us both exercise and eat healthier. She makes fruit and vegetable concoctions in our juicer and prepares more healthier meals for dinner. That's why she assigned me weekend cooking. She decided takeout and restaurant food is ok occasionally, but we were doing too much of it. Home cooking is preferable. Some of my exercise is going to be at the stove.

  8. I surveyed 51 couples total. 39 hetero. Of those, 20 have never done spanking. 11 have done erotic only, all with the male spanking the female. 3 have done disciplinary only, 2 with a male spanker and 1 with a female spanker (me). 5 have done erotic and disciplinary, 4 with male spankers and 1 with a female spanker.
    Of the 12 gay couples, 8 are ff. All 8 have done spanking. 5 erotic only and 3 erotic and disciplinary. Of the 4 mm couples, 3 have done spanking, 1 erotic only and 2 erotic and disciplinary.
    These people ranged in age from 24-42, so virtually all are Millennials.
    I know there aren't enough couples to draw broad conclusions. But I do find it quite interesting that way more than half have done some form of spanking. But mostly erotic. Only 2 out of 51 couples (4%) have a female spanking a male, and in both cases there is disciplinary spanking. So wives disciplining husbands seems to be rare, as Dan says.
    Dan, maybe you can discuss these results in a future post.

    1. Some demographics of the 51 couples: about 80% white, all middle class, about 90% college educated, all living in or near a city in the eastern time zone.

    2. This is fascinating keeping in mind it is not a scientific sample and not a large sample. But a couple of things do stand out worth noting.(1) One very striking result is that well over half of the couples (almost 60 percent) have experience with adult spanking in some guise, apparently most erotic only. If this proportion held in the general adult population, spanking is a very major kink in today’s society. (2) A second, is the educational levels with 90 percent having college degrees, compared to about 35 percent of the general population (higher among millennials). Even among their age group, the level of higher education (degrees) is probably about double the general population in that age group. (Spankers are smarter, but we knew that)(3)The proportion of gay couples at 11 out of 12 is very high suggesting perhaps gays are a bit more adventurous about trying the forbidden fruit.( 4) As I read Belle, a total of 16 ( of 48 responding) have done disciplinary either exclusively or in combo with erotic spanking. That is about one in three of those responding which to me is surprisingly high particularly since erotic often blends into disciplinary and back (Strict Julie might be the ultimate example of that). That’s a lot of disciplinary spanking going on although we don’t know the mix between erotic and discipline)(4) Finally, exclusive disciplinary spanking seems the rarest with only 4 of 48 which is under 10 percent. But more probing with gays might produce higher propositions of disciplinary only or mainly, F/m seems to be the rarest of all. But as many have discussed on the forum there is likely resistance to reporting or admitting F/m spanking because of the social implications, so it is not unreasonable to believe it is higher, although we simply don’t know. Also as we have discussed, F/m seems to peak in the 50 and older group, so that could be going on here. Thanks Belle. This is valuable

    3. Alan,
      "spanking is a very major kink in today’s society."
      I believe that's true. A coworker I know very well recently moved from an a apartment to a condo. He told me there was a young couple in the next apartment in their early 30s. He said were nice but tended to be noisy. He could hear the husband spanking the woman, normally on the a weekend night. He said, they would do it late and you could hear she was moaning and laughing so it wasn't abuse. In 2018 my wife and I heard a similar story from a woman we both know. She and her husband moved from an apartment to a house and said people above them "must have been kinky, and you could hear them spanking and carrying on." Funny.

    4. Belle, sorry if I missed this (been a busy week), but where/how did you do this survey?

    5. I am part of a large social circle interconnected by several arts and entertainment organizations and businesses. I put out the word that I was doing a 50 Shades-style survey with just a few questions. I texted 79 couples and got 50 replies (plus my own)

  9. What's going on out there causes me to think about the idea of community. I am actually gratified to see how people are helping one another. Sure there are the crazies trying to hoard everything they can get their hands on. But more are in the reaching out, sharing, helping mode. I'm encouraged. We who come here are also a community. We are brought together by our common interests and the fact that those interests are, um, still outside of "social norms". My fondest fantasy is that some of you will make it through the membrane of anonymity and physical isolation and meet up and help one another. Aunt Kay and I had so many deeply enriching connections and I want that for you.

    1. Also; and I'll drop it after this note, IF any of you do decide to set up a real life meeting with others, you will have some great stuff to think about while you're stuck at home.

      Stubborn old coot, ain't I? :)

  10. Tomy,
    That's an excellent idea. And, even if we need to, or prefer to, retain anonymity, there's a way to help others. We're only in our 50s but Carol said since we’re working from home we’re both grounded (I had been doing our shopping, but she doesn’t want me to go out except for drive through activity). She set up online ordering a couple of weeks ago. Before she submitted a big food order she asked me to ask older neighbors if they wanted anything. We told them not to dilly dally and let us know pronto so we could get locked in. I told them they HAD to understand that with online ordering sometimes you can't always get exactly what you want and there might be substitutions. They gave us some basic items on a list (bread, soup, beans, pasta, etc.) and we put them through with our order. I just screen printed the order list, so they saw how much their items cost. I’ll hand their items over the fence to them.

  11. LH That's outstanding. Good on you and Carol. Thanks for sharing that here.

  12. Tomy,
    Thanks. The process was fine with a few more groceries added on.

  13. The last Lady intrigues me! I'd so let her use that strap on me. Something very casual yet engaging in her presence.


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