
Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Club - Christmas 2019

Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection. - Winston Churchill

Hello all. Welcome back to The Disciplinary Couple’s Club.  Our weekly on-line gathering of men and women who are in, or would like to be in, a Domestic Discipline relationship.  I hope you all had a great week. 

Thanks for joining me for this, the final post of 2019. For both good and ill, I feel like I could just do a mish-mash of 2017 and 2018 Christmas posts and it would accurately represent my 2019.  It’s been a chaotic two- or three-year run, and for the most part I can’t say I’m going to be sorry to see 2019 in the rearview mirror.  It was a year that could perhaps be summed up with that phrase about “the best laid plans of mice and men.”  I ended 2018 with a fairly detailed vision of what I wanted from 2019 from a career perspective, and by mid-January virtually the whole of that plan had fallen apart and things actually went in the opposite direction.  

It was a year that proved to me that while many hard things are growth experiences precisely because they were so hard, some are just mistakes. There were some career decisions I made very early in 2019 that made my whole year a roller-coaster with too much travel, too little sleep, and too much bad hotel and airport food and drink.  I have to call out my wife for not only putting up with it but supporting it by, if nothing else, just going along and keeping everything semi-normal.  Though, it has become a running joke with us that perhaps I should be concerned that she has taken it so well, maybe I need to come home early from a business trip to make sure there isn’t a new boyfriend I need to kick out of my bed.  But, in all seriousness, she has put up with a lot this year.

Still, as I said at the end of last year, I can give thanks for a few simple things.  All my immediate family made it through the year in one piece, as did most of our extended family.  Most of our family and the important people in our lives made it through the year in relatively good health.  None of our close friends or family suffered health or financial calamities, and one of my family members who was having a rough time on the financial and career front seemed to stabilize and improve her situation by the end of the year. And, while all the business travel truly sucked, it did lead to making some new friendships and deepening others. 

Deepening relationships also applied to my anonymous blogging life.  I’ve had more regular, though mostly still anonymous, contacts with people I’ve met through blogging world.  I’ve exchanged thoughts with Tomy about how amazing it must have been that during the days when he and his wife were actively running the Disciplinary Wives Club website it seemed to almost operate as a real club in which people actually got together and got to know each other on a personal level.  I really have only one relationship from the blog that is kind of like that, but that’s a start.

It also was a good year for increasing the female participation on the blog a little.  Danielle, Cecilia, Belle, Liz and others.  I hope we can ramp that up a little in 2020.

So, as I said last year, as we all run around buying those last-minute gifts, let's think a little about what a blessing it is to have people in our lives to buy those gifts for.  And, maybe do something nice for a stranger who may not be as lucky. I remember last year around this time I pulled up to the drive-through window at Starbucks and started to pay for my coffee, only to be told that the woman in the car ahead of me had already paid for it. I'm going to spend the next few days looking for opportunities to do little things like that.
I tend to try to keep these Christmas messages at an elevated level. But, I feel like I want to end 2019 with something more attuned to the spirit of this blog, which I like to think of as elevated but naughty. Plus, there is so much great Christmas-themed adult art out there, I just can’t resist.  So, let’s end with some visual inspiration. 

From the sublime . . .

To the explicit.

We haven't finished trimming our tree yet, though with kids around I doubt the event will be anything like this.

For whatever reason, I seem to be having a lot of conversations, with both blogging and "real life" friends about "hot wife," cuckolding and multiple partner scenarios.  It's not something we've done, but maybe if there were a case of mistaken identity . . .  I also really like the swinging pearls.  Nice touch.

We were so exhausted this year, we ended up skipping most office and neighborhood holiday parties.  Maybe if more of them were like this . . .

I do need to get some last-minute gifts, but if I can't find anything that seems appropriate . . .

Or, maybe a cute Santa's helper could make a delivery for me . . .

While our dynamic is exclusively F/m, here is a little something for those with other inclinations . . .

Similarly, while not exactly Christmas themed, I just love this cartoon and can never resist an excuse to post it.

Finally, this one, just because I'm in that kind of mood.

I hope you all have a great Christmas, happy holidays and a very happy and prosperous 2020!


  1. Merry Christmas to All! Anyone getting switches from Santa? :) --al

    1. Same to you, al. As far as I know, I have no spanking gifts coming.

  2. It's amazing to me how many drawings and pictures there are of Santa spanking a woman after coming down the chimney. Does it tie into some home invasion fantasy? Or the jolly old Daddy? Or after years of sitting on his knee, she now wants to bend over it? Or admitting to being naughty to Santa and suffering the consequences? It seems to be a female fantasy as much as a male placing a female in his fantasy.
    I've never been in a Santa suit but maybe I should consider it!

    1. Santa does seem to lend himself readily to be used sexually. In fact, based on the number of sexy drawings out there, Christmas seems peculiarly pervertable on a scale rivaled by, at most, Halloween.

  3. B. (J's sister) is joining us -from France- for the holiday season, as she does ± every other year... and if the two of them follow their "tradition", I will surely be "chastised" every one of the Twelve Days of Christmas... with different "tools" each time (which guarantees that my derrière will be permanently sore well into the new year!)

    1. B. arrived today, and we decided on a "rehearsal" tonight - before the "12-day" sequence begins on Xmas Day! L. was ordered to go cut some fresh switches -which we may (or may not) use later today...

    2. After two such "rehearsals" (the first one with those switches, and the second one with the martinet), the actual 12-day "tradition" begins later today - and I know (from earlier experience) what I can expect from the two sisters!

    3. This is only Day 3 of the "Twelve Days" sequence! B and I are enjoying it...
      Wait and see what's in store for you!

    4. What was "in store" for me over the last three days were the martinet, the rattan cane and the strap... The riding crop hasn't been used yet - but I know it will be... sooner or later!

  4. Seasons beatings at our house. JR

  5. Such thoughtful reflections by our Blogmaster are inspiring. May Joy find you one and all. And I know for sure, I am ready for a NEW year.

  6. Have a happy and peaceful Christmas Dan. It's an amazing job you do with this blog. Take a well deserved long break and come back next year well rested and ready to lead this discussion into another year.

  7. I have never been spanked by Santa or my wife on Christmas although once on Christmas Eve ( by my wife). But this season of the year, from roughly Thanksgiving week until end of the year, accounts for at least one third or more of the spankings I get in any one year. Many things have changed in our DD over the years as it has matured and evolved but that seasonal pattern has not changed. Some of these spankings are preventative ( or as she is now calling them "reminder" spankings, but most come from other behavior. I am always excited to see the holidays come and not unhappy when they are over.
    Alan (AKA, The Grinch)

    1. I definitely love this time of year, spanking or no spankings. Plus, this year we were so exhausted by 2019 that we skipped almost every holiday social event, giving her less cause to light up my ass. Well, sort of. I probably have at least one coming.

    2. Yes - 'Tis the Season, indeed - for blistered behinds! Always at least a couple of preventative spankings, and then with all the family around, it's a sure bet I going to earn one or two more anyway. But, like Dan, I love the Christmas Season - red ass or not. :) --al

    3. Less than 5 minutes after I wrote the above, my wife walked into the house unexpectedly, taking advantage of a time when she knew our visiting kids would be out Christmas shopping, and told me to go upstairs and get ready for a spanking. That's two in one week. So much for fewer spankings this Christmas season.

  8. I have received a Christmas spanking every year since entering into this lifestyle. The most memorable was actually from Santa Claus. I was working late hours and went to bed early on Dec 23. I was awakened abruptly by my wife stripping the covers off and sitting on the back of my legs. I sleep nude and through sleepy eyes could make out Santa Claus standing next to the bed. He put a hand on the small of my back and paddled my exposed backside to a crimson red. I later learned he was a friend of hers that had a Santa gig at a party earlier and she set the whole thing up.
    Merry Christmas to all blog readers and to Dan for hosting the DWC blog.

    1. That actually sounds more than little scary!

    2. >sounds more than little scary!

      That it does!


    3. Would not seem scary if "Santa" looked like the image portrayed by Dan's top drawing above. That would be enough to make me believe in Santa again and try to get on his "naughty" list

    4. While Art and I have never involved anyone else in my erotic spankings, I find this scenario extremely hot and wouldn't mind Art arranging it if:
      It came as a total surprise.
      I never find out Santa's identity, as I could never look him in the eye in real life.
      He used his hand, not an implement.
      "He spoke not a word but went straight to his work."
      Art then took care of business with me in the same position.
      True confessions! Whew!

    5. After Santa leaves, that last step, of course.

    6. Very naughty fantasy, Liz. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Or "Life's what happens to you while you're making plans". Wishing you a Merry Christmas Dan and a more manageable 2020. Thanks for all the time and work you put into this blog. I am a regular and long time lurker. I really appreciate your efforts.

  10. Happy Hanukkah/Merry Christmas/Happy New Year! (I decided to do this according to calendar dates)

    I received a wonderful early Christmas present this year, and I'm eagerly awaiting the year 2020, although it promises to be busier than 2019 has been.

    I'm really grateful for you Dan, and that other gentleman as well, but I want a Christmas present from every man over 40, and every woman who is with a man over 40. If you're than man, get both a digital prostate exam, and a PSA blood test. If you're a woman, encourage your man to get it done. In most men, prostate cancer grows slowly, but not every man is that fortunate.

    Thank you for a place to discuss Female-led relationships Dan, and for being so welcoming.

  11. Merry Christmas, Dan & blog-friends! I wish I could ask Santa for the gift of being endowed like the guy in your second image, but it would be pure fantasy. Never going to happen.

    Not sure what else to add. I am also not going to be overly sad at 2019's departure, but unfortunately I don't have a lot of high hope for 2020 either, so really just hoping the holidays are as enjoyable as possible.

    1. Yeah, Zimmer is all about the gargantuan boobs and male equipment, god bless him!

      Have a great holiday, expectations for 2020 notwithstanding.

  12. Happy Holidays and best wishes for the New Year!

  13. hey this is Daniel from The Venus & Cupid. Just wanted to say thanks for this post, & for all the work you do to keep this forum going. The insights I encounter here, both yours & others, mean a lot to me, & I’m sure to many others as well. Here’s to a marvelous 2020 for you & yours. Thanks again. Cheers, Daniel

    1. Daniel, thanks for the kind words. I enjoy your blog, too,


  14. This post applies to Christmas and last week. As mentioned, I promised Art a "reminder" before we got together with family for Christmas because of his unfortunate sarcasm at Thanksgiving. But with the children home for the holidays, I wasn't sure how it would happen.

    On Christmas eve I convinced all of the children that they needed to retire early so "Santa" could prepare. The older ones knew that meant we had presents to wrap. They went upstairs and Art and I spent an hour or so wrapping. Then we took a break, got in our pajamas and snuggled by the fire. After a time I suggested that he go outside and cut us a switch for his reminder spanking.

    He looked shocked, but put on his shoes, grabbed a utility knife and went out the back door. I watched from the kitchen window, and he sure did look cute in his pj shorts, reaching up to cut off a thin branch. He stripped off the leaves and brought it inside. I pointed at the basement stairs and he led the way.

    I had placed a chair in the middle of the basement, which we mostly use for storage. I suggested he place his hands on the seat. He handed me the switch and did so without a word.

    He looked so much like a naughty schoolboy in those short pants, socks and shoes. I asked him pur purpose and he said to make sure he held his tongue at Christmas dinner. I reminded him to not make a sound. Then I began with the switch. It felt so different then the paddle, but was much quieter. He yelped once when I caught his thigh. Otherwise he was quiet. I found the whole thing quite different from our Monday mornings, and rather enjoyable.


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