
Saturday, December 8, 2018

DCC Meeting 277 - An Invitation to the Wives

Hello All.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly gathering of men and women who are in or interested in being in Domestic Discipline Relationships.  I hope you had a great week.

Mine was a mixed bag.  On the one hand, it felt like some blockages were finally breaking up on the work front, with some new projects finally coming in after a multi-week drought.  On the other hand, we missed out on a massive project, for reasons that pushed every one of my anti-authoritarian buttons.  

Whether and when I should be disciplined for workplace issues is something I continue to struggle with.  It's a complicated dynamic.  On the one hand, I've done fairly well in my career to some extent precisely because I don't pay a lot of deference to convention or hierarchies and don't readily take "this is how we've always done it" as an answer.  On the other hand, I don't doubt that my temper--or more precisely my reputation for having a temper--has held me back in some ways or at least put upward mobility at risk.  On the (third) hand, there are weeks like this one when someone "above" me does something conventional and safe that ends up costing us a huge opportunity, after I warned this would be the likely result, and it becomes very hard not to go off about it. 

I also have been experiencing sustained bouts of insomnia, which has always been a problem for me but for whatever reason has been much worse lately.  I normally wouldn’t comment about it in this forum, except that the lack of sleep and a resulting temper tantrum directed at something that aggravated my sleep deprivation probably will, and definitely should, get me spanked long and hard sometime in the next few days.  Like this Christmas-time spanking, but with something much harder than her hand:

 It was against that sleep-deprived backdrop that I awoke this morning to this article on sleep and dreams:  It’s one of the best descriptions I've read of what it’s like to chronically try to sleep and fail. Unfortunately, I doubt the sleep-deprivation problem will get much better until after the holidays, given the sheer number of holiday festivities and weekend gatherings.

With that self-indulgent whining wrapped up, on to this week’s discussion. Last week, I got the following comment from Jerry, whose wife Colleen posted earlier in the week:

“We see that you have changed the title of your Blog slightly to accommodate our fabulous spouses who keep us in line. Colleen said she would like it if there were more women posting here, and we think one thing that would help would be to have a weekly question for them as well (or in place of) for us. Colleen said that she feels that since the questions don’t apply to her and her group on the other side of the paddle she has no way of adding to the conversation. That may help to attract more spouses to post regularly. I know your job running this Blog has to be a serious load on your time. We really appreciate it! Maybe eventually one of the ladies would come forward to assist with the women’s question.”

I agree it would be great to get more women posting.  One impediment is there is a simple numbers issue at play here – far more of this blog’s readers are men.  Last time I polled the demographics, it was about 9:1 men-to-women.  I also always just assume that the women will sort of flip the topic around and comment from the other side.  But, you know what they say about assumptions. . ..  So, I will try to be more expressly inclusive with future topics, phrasing them with suggested angles for both the Disciplined and the Disciplinarian’s respective points of view. 

But, this week, let’s take it a little further.  I’ve done this a few times before, but it’s been awhile.  This week’s topic is not really a topic at all but, rather, an open invitation to the Wives, whether regular readers or those whose Disciplined Husbands can beg them to come over to the computer and spend a few minutes telling us all about yourself and your DD relationship from your perspective as the Disciplinary Wife, HoH, Domme or however you see your role in this thing we do and share.  While you can talk about anything you want, a few things I know I’d like to hear about and that the men have covered recently:

·      How did you come to be a Disciplinary Wife?
·      How long have you been in your DD marriage?
·      Do you enjoy the role of Disciplinarian?  If so, what do you like about it?
·      Do you enjoy spanking your husband and imposing other discipline or punishment?  How does it make you feel?
·      How much authority do you exercise over him with respect to both discipline and non-disciplinary facets of the relationship?
·      How has your DD role or your authority changed over time, and how do you feel about that?
·      Is there a specific spanking, or a specific DD event, that is particularly memorable?

Remember, you aren’t just satisfying the curiosity of the Disciplined Husbands. You're coaching, mentoring and teaching other women who might be willing to give this lifestyle a try or who already have but are interested in other women's ideas and collected wisdom.

You’re also giving useful advice to the Wives who choose to lurk but not comment, and you also can use this as an opportunity to give each other some encouragement. 

(By the way, Sean/Jack - don’t even bother posting under one of your made-up female personas.  We both know I’ll just delete it.)

In addition to this open-ended invitation to the Wives, this also is an invitation to my own wife, who for purposes of this blog wants to be known as Anne.  She has become a regular reader, and she’s told me that she’s thought about contributing but hasn't so far.  That's fine, and she can and will do things at her own pace and in her own due time.  But, I’ve also been joking with Tomy lately that if he ever feels like shouting out to my wife the advice he thinks Aunt Kay (his wife and the founder of the Disciplinary Wives Club) would have given about how to handle me, he should feel free, since Anne may be reading and might even respond.  While it is totally her choice (of course), I hope she will feel free not only to weigh in on topics but also to respond to comments from her Disciplinary Wife perspective and her evolving position at the top of our chain-of-command.

I hope you all have a great week.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. · How did you come to be a Disciplinary Wife?

    N. - L's late first wife - was a disciplinarian (and a close friend) , and I often witnessed her spanking or whipping him (as did, I know, some of her other friends)

    · How long have you been in your DD marriage?

    Now over ten years...

    · Do you enjoy the role of Disciplinarian? If so, what do you like about it?

    I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it (or if L. didn't... but I knew that he had grown accustomed to being disciplined, and actually liked to be subjected to a stern, but loving discipline.

    · Do you enjoy spanking your husband and imposing other discipline or punishment? How does it make you feel?

    Of course I enjoy it! And, like N, I also enjoy (occasionally) letting it be known, witnessed, or overheard.

    · How much authority do you exercise over him with respect to both discipline and non-disciplinary facets of the relationship?

    · How has your DD role or your authority changed over time, and how do you feel about that?

    Not significantly - other than the fact that I am more willing to spank or whip him in places where we can be overheard (e.g. in hotel rooms)

    · Is there a specific spanking, or a specific DD event, that is particularly memorable?

    Quite a few - but mostly when my sister comes to visit (or when we go visit her) and the two of us take turns paddling or lashing L's derrière -which he has learned to accept... and even to appreciate!


    1. My sister just joined us to spend the holidays with us - and, as we have done on previous occasions, we will observe the "12 days of Christmas" by applying one, then two, then three etc. "tools" on L's derrière - until Jan. 6 when we recap with the twelve of them for the "grand finale"... by which time his backside should be well seasoned. :-)

  3. A brief note to Dan's wife Anne. I think I speak for many who read this Blog when I say we feel like we sort of know you, a little bit anyway. And should you decide to join in your voice would be especially welcome.

  4. Dan
    Anna here. Little has changed since I outlined our story four years ago, under User Stories. Our boys are in high school, but nothing and everything has changed. Our new home we remodeled las year has a soundproof room off our bedroom. When Peter is punished it is there. The biggest advantage is I no longer have to wait for the weekend when the boys were at Peter's folks place.
    I do enjoy giving discipline. Peter is much improved of course or we wouldn't be together. In truth Peter like most men who submit find some solace or arousal or both in it. We do have one couple who shares our beliefs and a few times the men have been punished by the wives when they needed it. For some reason the side by side discipline is the most arousing to me and has the opposite effect on Peter. I do enjoy it i confess. I might add so do the men. Men, even you crave it i know. The one rule i won't break is no sex for Peter after discipline.
    Of course he may service me and does most weeks. Any lady curious ask me !

    1. Hi Anna. Thanks for the update. I don't think you've updated us on the "side by side" development. Care to share any details on how that came about?

    2. Dan
      Wasnt sure if I should delve into this particular aspect of discipline. There was never anything sexual going on but the idea well ... I'm hesitating but I will just say it. More and more I sense the sexuality of any act of spanking. Note I said sexuality not sensuality. Disciplining her husband as she spanked mine seem to take on more of a sexual aspect. The four of us have discussed this and all agree to leave it at
      discipline only. Should I go on? Tell me!

    3. HI Dan
      I hope Anna does elaborate on the” side by side” experience she mentions. My wife (as well as her sister) is interested in this (her sister maybe even a little more so). Her husband so far has resisted being spanked in front of a witness ( who would be my wife if it happened ) but if my wife’s sister decided to do it I have no doubt it would happen. He apparently is very comfortable being present when I am spanked and my wife has threatened it but so far it’s more teasing. Talking about it is a big turn on for my wife. For me it was originally but actually being spanked in front of her sister took most of that turn on factor away. A guy might fantasize about it but when it is happening it is not sexy and I am just completely embarrassed and just concentrate on getting through it with as much dignity as possible. Also in my limited experience women spank harder and longer when they have an audience. So what Anna is saying really resonates and would love to hear her talk more about it especially Peter’s reaction as well as the other male that was punished with him.

    4. "A guy might fantasize about it but when it is happening it is not sexy and I am just completely embarrassed and just concentrate on getting through it with as much dignity as possible." This is why I'm not sure whether witnesses would make a punishment more effective or less so. On the one hand, it would be humiliating and that in itself is extra punishment for those of us for whom humiliation and embarrassment are not turn-ons. On the other hand, I think that having a witness present would make it even harder for me to really surrender and let go, as I would, as you say, be trying to get through it with as much dignity as possible.

    5. I experienced something like this years ago while I was experimenting with female control. I was seeing regularly a dominant woman who I knew was probably also seeing other men although that was not discussed. She was in my town for the weekend and ordered me to report to her motel where I expected both some hot sex and a spanking. I got there knocked on her door and was told to come in. She was in the bathroom but another guy about my age was standing in the corner with his briefs around his ankles obviously awaiting a spanking or recovering from one. She didn’t even acknowledge him but shouted me orders from the bathroom ordering me to strip and wait for her. When she emerged fully dressed she ignored me but ordered him to stand in front of her while she sat on the bed. He had a huge erection but she seemed to ignore that too. She then scolded him viciously over seeing someone else and lying to her about it. She then made him lean over the desk and paddled him hard enough for that erection to disappear and tears beginning to form in his eyes. She then sent him back to the same corner and turned to me. She used the same paddle she had used on him and then made me bend for a dozen with her cane. This was a typical punishment from her. But then without another word she told me to pull up my pants and I was dismissed and told to leave. I never saw her again although we talked by phone but never made another connection. Once I asked her about him but was told he was none of my business. Eventually I moved on but have always wondered what was going on that night. I think she was putting on a show mostly for him but she was a strange girl and she might have thought disciplining both of us together was just fun. I know she had a fascination with large cocks and he had the largest I have ever seen even in porn. So maybe he was a serious boyfriend and she was making a point with him using me to demonstrate her control. But even if she was using me it was an experience I have never forgot and would do it again if the opportunity was presented

  5. Dan,
    Tomy probably has something to say about this. But as I remember Aunt Kay reported she sent him to other trusted women for discipline at times and she also disciplined in her home men who were sent to her by their wives.This is somewhat different from the discipline Anna seems to be describing but again maybe Tomy could tell us more about that. Speaking just for myself being sent to another ( non-pro) disciplinarian away from home and having to confess guilt to a ( relative) stranger and request correction would be deeply humbling especially if her husband or boyfriend was nearby and aware what was happening. I think just the threat of one of these would make me a paragon of domestic virtue Come on Tomy : tell us more about these experiences

    1. I too hope Tomy will weigh in. The scenario you describe--being sent somewhere else for discipline, i.e. somewhere to be punished with my wife NOT present--somehow seems even more threatening and humbling to me. No idea why.

  6. Before responding to the stuff about being sent "elsewhere" for discipline. I want to emphatically concur with Alan's conjecture that women spank with greater intensity when other women are either present or in the same house. I'm giving that a big, friendly "duh".

    Women are more collaborative then men, but also more competitive. They just generally handle it with greater aplomb. So regardless of the scenario, two spankers, wife in other room, being sent, the competitive juices flow and the ass burns...

    1. I agree that women's sense of competitiveness is sometimes under estimated. In fact, I think they can be both more competitive and more hierarchical than men. Maybe that's another reason they take to DD so well.

  7. My experiences with husbands being sent to Aunt Kay varied a great deal. In that some were more social and we all visited afterwards, and some couldn't get out of the house fast enough.

    With a couple of exceptions, that means two, I knew the men who were sent beforehand. Once a guy was in the US for work, but lived in another country. His wife had communicated with Aunt Kay and so he arrived as a stranger but left as a friend. In fact they eventually visited us as a couple and became good friends.

    When someone was there for discipline, I usually located myself as far from that room as I could get in the house. Was I insanely curious and tempted to do some door listening? Absolutely. But I did not do that and not because I was told not to. It's just the way I roll.

    Yes at those times I was very urbane and I guess what I might label as suave. But when it was me on my way to another wife's house... how to put it politely...I practically crapped my pants. The driving, the knocking on the door,the always business-like greeting, and the real discipline session were exhausting. I have never been one who could muster much stoicism during spanking. So forget about any dignity.

    I would be remiss if I didn't touch on the incredible bonding between couples that came from all elements of shared spanking experiences. Whether is was in a party situation, a private couples visit, or the sending thing, it really felt like family. We spoke openly about spanking and discipline with one another and that was a deeply liberating experience for me.

    1. Hi Tomy. A couple of follow-up questions. First, was there any particular offense or problem that led to her sending you to another wife to be disciplined instead of just handling it herself? Second, you were obviously a gentleman in not listening in when Aunt Kay disciplined another man. Did the other wives' husbands extend you a similar courtesy?

    2. I have to chuckle because I have zero recollection of what the instigating events were. And just to be clear, it was not a common occurrence. The only times I was ever sent somewhere were when she was not feeling well and did not want the discipline delayed.

      I have no idea what the other guys did at when I was there. But if you mean where they present in the room, that would be a no. But I always felt a little like we were brothers afterwards. Experiencing the reality of what another guy's disciplinary experiences were kind of did that for me.

    3. Yeah, that was basically what I was getting at -- were they present in the room while you were getting it.

  8. Oh one more point I will share about going to another wife for discipline. For me it was almost like traveling to another country and experiencing their culture. Once I went through that door, I was in her house and given the treatment her hubby received. Whatever her routine or method was, that was what I got.

    I seriously doubt that Aunt Kay sent any specific disciplinary instructions in those notes I had to hand over.

  9. From Elizabeth:

    How did you come to be a disciplinary wife?
    My husband asked me in a lengthy email on his 50th birthday.

    How long have you been in your DD marriage?
    Almost 15 years, but less than half our marriage.

    Do you enjoy the role of disciplinarian?
    Enjoy is an odd word for me when discussing imparting pain to a loved one. I don't enjoy or dislike it. It is good for my husband and our marriage so I accommodate. If he had not asked, we wouldn't be doing it.

    Do you enjoy spanking your husband and imparting other discipline and punishment? How does it make you feel?
    Again, it is not something I consider enjoyment. It has practical benefits that I appreciate. The feeling of power can be a little intoxicating, I admit.

    How much authority do you exercise over him with respect to disciplinary and non-disciplinary facets of your relationship?
    I don't consider myself the authority in our marriage. This is not FLR for us. We have agreed to punish him for certain behaviors and I do so. Other issues are decided together.

    How has your DD role or authority changed over time, and how do you feel about that?
    At first i spanked him for behaviors that he suggested. Now it is about 50-50; we both make lists and he is punished every Friday night. I would say I have become more authoritarian with him, including in public. For instance, I have no problem telling him at a party that he has his last drink in his hand, and I don't much care who hears it. But he has agreed that I have such authority and that I am helping him by imposing a limit. The response I expect (and get) is "Yes, Ma'am," and i don't care who hears that, either. But that is part of the culture here in southern Indiana. Men are expected to be gentlemen. My husband is, and spanking helps him. Again, for us it is all about practical results.

    I may post again to tell a specific story.

    1. Hi Elizabeth. Thanks for sharing this. It fits in perfectly with some comments last week about women simply being very practical creatures who seem to take to DD because it has practical, real world benefits. Though, I have no doubt the sense of power can be intoxicating as well.

  10. With my husband and me, similar rules to direct sexual acts apply: - if something stays between the married couple, okay, if not, not okay, even if people can work out that it takes place. I never spank my husband in the presence of anyone else, even if people are reasonably able to deduce that it is happening, as we view spanking (even DD) as being an intimate act that should stay between a married couple. This is our personal preference, though I acknowledge we live in a free society.

  11. Dan
    Anna here. About 15 months ago Peter shared with me, that Ted, his tennis partner when he plays doubles, had confessed to Peter that his wife Laura disciplined him often. When I asked Peter how the topic came up, Peter got very vague. I didnt press it, but the following Friday night session after one of our punishment sessions I asked if by any chance Peter had admitted that he too was spanked. A few more swats with my favorite brush, he confessed that he too had told Ted.
    A few days later ran into Laura at the gym. We went for coffee after and Laura who I dont know that well brought up the fact that we shared the same views on keeping a man toeing the line. We exchanged a few
    stories and then decided to make the boys sweat a bit. We were invited to dinner the following week and
    Peter begged me not to mention anything about discipline. We had a lovely dinner and as we had brandies
    on their patio Laura casually brought up the topic of domestic discipline. The men were dying. But it was out
    in the open and was very awkward. Slowly all four of us got used to talking about what we were doing, why we were doing it and how each of us felt about it.
    As we all got to know each other it became our little secret. Finally Laura and I decided it might be interesting to spank the other woman's husband but to add to the punishment it should happen at same time and the boys as we call them should be side by side. Sometimes the boys are blindfolded sometimes not. The boys stand side by side in front of the sofas back. They drop trousers bend over with trousers and underwear at their ankles. Erections if they occur are usually taken away by five with a cane. Spanking continues to tears. then
    followed by corner time. In the spanking chamber, Yes Ma'am or No Ma'am to both Laura and I.
    There is no sexual play in the room at any time. I will stop here and allow the questions to follow if that is ok with Dan.

    anna & laura

    1. Anna and Laura
      Thank you for courageously and thoughtfully opening this topic of having friends knowing or involved in the discipline you practice. I do have several questions plus one from my wife, so I will just fire away. First from her: how did you know you could trust Laura or what made you comfortable opening up to her. This seems to be the number one obstacle to folks in our community reaching out. Second (mine): I know from your previous comments you are very serious about behavioral change. Do you feel lining” the boys” up together and allowing another woman to punish him increases the effectiveness of the discipline. Is Peter better behaved when he is punished this way or for that matter his friend Ted? The spanking to tears really raises many questions. A man is totally emotionally naked when a woman brings him to tears and frankly I can't even imagine the feelings I would have if another woman punished me that way in front of my wife. It would be devastating but also teach an unforgettable lesson. Finally, the sexual aspect: is there something about disciplining a man together with another woman that triggers erotic feelings. It seems clear that sexuality and spanking are connected for most people but the more I hear other people’s experiences the more I realize how deep and complicated the connection is. Again thanks for your contribution and I look forward to your response.

    2. Alan
      Let me start by saying the boys, as Laura and I refer to our spouses, have been best buddies since college. Often they behave like boys. It was Laura who first mentioned discipline. I had said something about Peter coming home after playing tennis and going to lunch where he had one too many beers
      and managed to put a large dent in the car. It was Laura who said something like " when men behave like boys they need to be spanked and spend some time in the corner."
      I laughed and then she laughed there was a long pause and I said " i've heard how you handle your bad
      boy." It turned out her Ted had never mentioned to her that I also spanked Peter. The idea that the men were talking about it surprised her. From that chat she and I then felt free to talk about why and how.
      Neither of us mentioned it to our boys that we chatted about discipline.
      Several months later the boys went to their alma mater annual football game with their schools arch rivals. Our boys got drunk and got into a brawl with the rival fans. They got arrested and fined.
      Out of that came the idea of the boys being punished together. They were humiliated but both boys knew that Laura and I meant it. They were ordered to stand side by side drop trousers leaving the pants and underwear around their ankles. The first time we administered punishment I spanked Peter and
      Laura took care of her boy. They were both humiliated and humbled.Seeing them try to walk to a corner with their pants etc around their ankles for corner time. The next day when we had sex it was the best we had in ages. Laura said the same.
      We have spanked them this way several times. They are never aware when it will happen. Now we take turns spanking one then the other. Sometimes I spank Ted Laura spanks Peter. It has made us all much closer friends.
      We all agree that there is a sexual tone to it all but I want to state there is no sex involved with the discipline session. For me venting on Ted is empowering for me. At the same time to hear Peters whine brought on by Laura's very different strokes with the belt or paddle and occasionally the cane.
      Anna & Laura

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Since Rosa does not interact online with anyone about anything and really has no wish to start (regardless of the subject) we will have to sit this one out. I will be more than happy to share her perspectives through my own posts as the weekly topics call for it.....just as I've always done.

    It's interesting how detailed, enthusiastic, and forthcoming she has been in discussing DD with Marta & Wally, Nickki & Jean, and several other couples we have had over or visited.....even including my own biological daughter and Son-in-Law. So it's not like she's shy, inhibited, or has no opinion......she just REALLY seems to dislike interacting online. (even as she has admitted to "liking" several of you that she has come to "know" through me telling her things.)

  13. Hi, this is Elizabeth. The story I am going to tell is about my sister. She and I share just about everything. When you've been spanked to tears side-by-side by your mother, you don't have any secrets.

    Early in her marriage, she told me that her husband spanked her and that it worked well for them. I wasn't surprised. Spanking has always been a part of the culture in southern Indiana. It went on in virtually every family when I was growing up, and in many households there was a paddle prominently displayed. We saw our friends and relatives getting spanked.

    Many years later I did begin spanking my husband, at his request as I have previously related. One day I was punishing him in the kitchen with him bending over and holding a chair and me using a wooden spoon on his bare bottom. The doorbell rang. I told him to stay where he was and went to get it. There is not a clear view from our front door or our living room to the kitchen, so I wasn't really concerned. I thought it was just a delivery, but it was my sister and she wanted to talk.

    So we went into the living room, sat down and began talking. I asked her if she wanted something to drink, and she said yes and I went into the kitchen to get it. My husband had heard her voice and his cheeks on top were just as red as the ones on bottom. He asked me if he could get dressed and we could finish the punishment later, but I was in a mood with him and I said no. I got drinks for my sister and me and went back into the living room. She easily could have followed me into the kitchen to continue our conversation but she did not. But she did hear me talking to someone, and she asked if my husband was home. I said yes and that he was quote-unquote indisposed. She gave me a smile, and I knew that she knew what I meant.

    Hi, this is Elizabeth. The story I am going to tell us about my sister. She and I share just about everything. When you've been spank to tears side by side by your mother, you don't have any secrets. Early and her marriage, she told me that her husband's paint her and that it worked well for them. I wasn't surprised. Spanking is always been a part of the culture in southern Indiana. It went on in virtually every family when I was growing up, and it many households there was a paddle prominent Lee display. We saw our friends and relatives getting spanked, too though beer bottom was restricted to private punishment. But it was just part of the natural order of things, both at home and it's cool. I shared with my sister that my husband looked at spanking magazines no I didn't share that he referred to be in the submissive position. This was well before the Internet. Many years later I did begin Spanky my husband, at his request as I have previously related. One day I was punishing him in the kitchen, with him bending over and holding a chair and me using a wooden spoon on his bear bottom. The doorbell rang. I told him to stay where he was and went to get it. There is not a Clearview from our front door or are living room to the kitchen, so I wasn't really concerned. I thought it was just a delivery, but it was my sister and she wanted to talk. So we went into the living room, sat down and begin talking. I asked her if she wanted something to drink, and she said yes and I went into the kitchen to get it. My husband had heard her voice and his cheeks on top we're just has red is the ones on bottom. He asked me if he should get dressed and we could finish the punishment later, but I was in a mood with him and I said no. I got drinks for my sister in me and went back to the living room.

    We talked for at least half an hour. Eventually she said she had to go. She put on her coat and called out into the kitchen to my husband, "Hi, Frank! Hope you're doing okay!" And she giggled and left.

    Ever since my husband has been extremely deferential around her, as polite as he could possibly be. I'm sure he's hoping she never brings it up.

    1. Hi Elizabeth. See, this is why I'm really glad my wife doesn't have a sister she is close to -- way too much sharing!

      Thanks for the story. I hope you will keep contributing!

  14. Hello Dan and everyone!

    I've been lurking and not posting much. So much going on! Anyway, to answer your questions:

    How long have you been in your DD marriage?
    I’ve been married to Shilo for just over 5 years (September 2013)

    Do you enjoy the role of Disciplinarian? If so, what do you like about it?
    I do enjoy it, mostly because I like the control aspect.

    Do you enjoy spanking your husband and imposing other discipline or punishment? How does it make you feel?
    I do enjoy it, very much so! Describing how it makes me feel is difficult. Ideally, discipline is supposed to prevent and deter from repeated “misbehavior” and, in our case, it has, so the actual “need” is no longer there.

    How much authority do you exercise over him with respect to both discipline and non-disciplinary facets of the relationship?
    I am considered the Head Of Household. It means that I am the Primary Decision maker, but in some cases, I have delegated responsibilities, much of which happened when I had my accident, and I decided to keep them that way. Still, when it comes to other decisions, I will consult with both Shilo and Stitch, and I might even decide to follow their suggestion, but the decision and responsibility is mine.

    How has your DD role or your authority changed over time, and how do you feel about that?
    I no longer need to be the “enforcer” and sometimes I miss that. Other times, there’s the reward of knowing that I was effective when I needed to be.

    Is there a specific spanking, or a specific DD event, that is particularly memorable?
    I would have to say the time he raised his voice at me at the grocery store. I calmly walked out and waited. When he got outside, I lectured him, and warned him that he would be getting punished when we got home. Unfortunately/fortunately, I was still angry, and he was put in the corner for over 1 hour and forced to sing “Twinkle twinkle Little Bat” over and over until I calmed down ( For Shilo’s (clearer and more verbiose) version , feel free to read


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