
Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Club - Vol. 251 - Performance Management, Grades, Consequences, etc.

"No horse gets anywhere until he is harnessed. No stream or gas drives anything until it is confined. No Niagara is ever turned into light and power until it is tunneled. No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined.” - Harry Emerson Fosdick 

Hello all.  I hope you had a great week.  Sorry I was slow in posting this week, but I had another commitment interfere.  Unfortunately, I can't say that the wait was worth it.  I had some alone time yesterday evening and thought about topics.  And thought. And thought. And thought.  I am just really uninspired this week for some reason.  Not about Domestic Discipline, but about anything specific or "topical" for the blog.  I tried to post last night, and finally just gave up, hoping I would wake up this morning to a flash of inspiration.  No such luck.  So, I'm just going to meander a bit and people can comment on anything that seems worth following up on.

While inspiration for a new topic has been elusive, it's not for lack of interest in the Domestic Discipline aspects of our relationship.  To the contrary, those have been on my mind a lot lately. I think it is because I've been even more frustrated than usual with my own behavior.  Now, objectively, I haven't been doing all that badly.  I haven't had any major blow-ups at work, though I did have a minor one on Friday in which I got very frustrated with an unhelpful response to a technology issue and went off on the unhelpful person.  The person really was deliberately obtuse and unhelpful, but I could have toned my reaction down a bit, and the way I handled it probably did run afoul of my own personal aspiration not to "punch down."  I did a really good job with my diet and exercise program for most of the week, then slipped again on Friday and again at a family event yesterday.  Same with my most prevalent problem behavior -- too much alcohol.  I had none until Friday, then had a few beers when one of my employees asked me to do some mentoring over a drink, then a few more watching a movie at home.  Again, it wasn't any major behavioral slip, but I had very recently set a goal for myself of going completely dry for a couple of weeks as part of a pretty rigorous diet plan, in order to break through a diet and fitness sticking point.  So, while none of my slip-ups were major, I was also just never quite living up to goals I had set for myself.  In each case, I had some excuse for doing the opposite of what I told myself I was going to do, or I just forgot about that rule or goal in the moment.

These thoughts about my multiple failures to live up to my own rules and goals tie in nicely with, and to a large extent result from, the discussions we've been having over the last couple of weeks.  ZM's discussion of his wife's efforts to use DD to help him live a more disciplined and productive life, and thereby achieve greater success in his business, have really stuck with me.  Similarly, Jr's trip to the woodshed for an ongoing grammar problem that his wife was determined to deal with.  And, Alan's recommendation of adopting a goal of complete obedience. Whether the focus is on total obedience, or zero tolerance, or "unmade beds," from all these different angles I have been mulling the extent to which it is helpful in these DD relationships to take small things seriously, and how consistency in both detection (getting caught or self-reporting) and enforcement (not accepting excuses, not allowing loopholes and punishing near the time of the crime) play a role in real behavioral change.

I recognize that not all of us are using Domestic Discipline to address things like work performance, staying healthy, being more orderly and disciplined, etc. But, many of us are, and looking back, that focus on personal growth and improvement was a major part of what attracted me to DD in the first place.  For me, it was about bad behavior and poor performance having actual consequences.  I thought about this a little more this week in relation to my parents.  While they cared and did many things right, looking back there really were a shortage of consequences for bad choices.  To some extent, that was because I put a lot of pressure on myself, but that becomes very circular, because I think one reason I crave DD is because I get tired of the burden of being 100% accountable to myself and myself alone, and I've been doing it since well before high school.  I might not have had to put so much pressure on myself had there been more certainty of external enforcement.  This same pattern holds true for my career today.  I think it was Darren who said a few weeks ago that he had reached a point in his career where there really isn't anyone "above" him to hold him accountable, hence the craving for a Strict Wife to play that role in some respect.  It's that accountability and performance management aspect of DD that has really been on my mind lately and that I feel just never quite gels for us.

Why doesn't it?  Well, it's all sorts of things.  We have really let formalized check-ins slip over the years even though, as ZM and I riffed about in the comments to the last post, consistent detection and quick enforcement are essential in focusing attention and driving change.  Certainty of enforcement also is a problem for us  There are just way too many times that bad behavior goes unaddressed or I get away with subtly undermining a rule with some one-off justification or loophole.  Severity actually is not a problem for us, and I'm starting to think that spankings may actually have become so severe that it has created in me a desire to avoid them at all costs, which sounds good except that "at all costs" sometimes includes less than full cooperation in the process, looking for loopholes, etc.  It's made me think that ZM is dead right that the focus for us needs to shift from the intensity of the spanking--the severity of the implement and hardness of the delivery--to the duration of the spanking, coupled with a mechanism for tamping down avoidance and rule-skirting.

The discussions last week included Glen conveying a system he and his wife used to have in place for formally "grading" his behavior over dinner or lunch, then her "taking care of business" based on the kind of grades he had earned that week or month.  This idea of using spanking to fix bad grades used to be a pretty prevalent part of our culture.  In fact, it was just part of the family-cultural background where I grew up that if you brought home a bad report card, you could anticipate a hard spanking.

That cultural proclivity for using spanking to address bad grades had all the earmarks of an effective motivational system.  Reporting happened at regular intervals.  Parents knew when report cards were due and expected to receive them.  The delivery and content also were outside the recipient's control.  The report cards were both filled out and sent by someone other than the recipient.  The parents receiving the report cards also saw correcting bad behavior and encouraging better performance as part of their maternal or paternal duties; providing consequences for less than stellar performance was "for his own good."  The whole combo for effective behavior modification was there:  consistent, formalized and unavoidable detection and reporting, followed by certain and swift consequences, delivered in a business-like manner for the recipient's betterment.

The other thing I've been thinking about a lot in connection with this is a question from Anna, which I did ask but that didn't get a lot of response, namely how openly are we communicating what we need--and what we deserve--to our disciplinary spouses?  The commenters with positive stories about DD really changing behavior--Anna and Peter, ZM, and Glen, among others--seem to have some formalized communication system in place that began with him being very open about the kind of behavior he wanted to correct or what she wanted to see corrected, coupled with formalized "meetings" to discuss the progress or lack thereof.  It is hard for me to admit given how much I've stressed the value and necessity of communication in these relationships, but I think my wife and I have kind of fallen down on this facet of our relationship.  I have been forthcoming about what I think I need or want to accomplish, but it's rarely in person.  We do communicate, or rather I do, in journals, texts, etc., but the face-to-face communications that would help reinforce our roles--empowering her and humbling me--and that would put some formality into the reporting process, have been few and far between over the last few years.  The volume of communication actually has increased thanks to the required journaling by me, but the in-person feedback loop has been missing.

As I said, I don't have a real "topic" for this week, or even a firm view on where all this is headed.  But, I think it is in the direction of suggesting to my wife that we go back to where we started, putting the DD part of our relationship on a firmer footing by building in some formality, including more regular reporting.  With that in mind, Glen was kind enough to pass along the "report card" he and his wife used.  I will probably suggest something like it that she can use as part of some kind of formal monthly meeting to "grade" me, possibly over dinner or lunch.  But, I also wanted something to build some formality into the day-to-day reporting process that will keep me on track in the moment.  So, I put together this slimmed down "report card," based on something I found a long time ago on the internet, combined with some of the content from Glen's report card.

My thought is I may propose to her that I have to give her this daily for a month, then scale down to weekly, followed by a monthly check-in in which she formally grades my efforts and behavior from her perspective, giving me that feedback in person and laying out her expectations.

Well, my inability to come up with a topic somehow still resulted in a long-winded post!

One last thing, and maybe this one will end up meriting its own post, but despite my efforts to open up the blog to more female participation, if anything we seem to have less than ever.  A couple of week ago I reviewed some old posts, and I was struck by the quality of participation from wives like Marisa and Holly who have stopped participating entirely, and I really do miss hearing from them.  And, unfortunately, while they have stopped commenting, others have not stepped in to take their place.  Recently, some of you have stated that you read this blog with your wives.  If any of them have the slightest interest in participating, I hope they will do so from time to time. And, I hope that other female readers will chime in as well.  (Though, this most definitely does not include "Sean" in all his manifestations, pretending to be a woman, which he has done several times.)

I hope you have a great week!


  1. Dan
    Here is an issue that might affect some of your readers, who might wish to share their own stories.
    Last night, after falling asleep, I became wide awake and got up for awhile, waiting to get sleepy again. Given my advanced age, I have a sleep disorder, so this is a “normal” experience, for a couple of hours at most. But last night my wife got up after four hours of my being awake, scolded me, told me that she was worried that I was not ok, and told me to come to bed immediately, which I did. She was right, of course. If we were in a formal DD relationship, I would have deserved and received a punishment spanking. Instead I was strongly scolded. Not enough, but at least it was clear that the scolding was done out of concern for my welfare, and in love.
    She does give me real painful spankings twice a week, but not “for punishment,” to satisfy a spanking fetish I have.

    1. Thanks, Doug A good reminder about the effectiveness of scolding.

  2. Aunt Kay put a contract form in the original DWC Handbook. It served exactly the purposes you are talking about and resulted in a lot of positive feedback over the years.
    I hope the report card you included in your post has the effect of inspiring others to use a system of some sort.

    1. Thanks, Tomy. As you know, I posted a few months ago about contracts as, for the first time in our several years of DD practice, we adopted one. We went into it with seriousness and purpose, yet once executed it didn't really change the dynamic very much. I'm hoping that a more scheduled, formal reporting and check-in process may do the trick.

  3. Hi Dan,
    My husband and I have been together for 20 years and he has only recently opened up to me that be would like to be in FLR/DD relationship. I must confess at first I wasnt sure but now we are closer and more in love than ever. Over the past week or so Ive been binge reading your blog. I love it! And decided to put down on paper some ground rules. My problem is he has had to travel for work so has not been completeing any of the task set (including the ones he could do whilst away) My question is should I let it slide as he has been super busy or go to town on his arse when he gets back?

    1. Hi M, and welcome. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying your binge reading. Far be it from me to hand down sentence on another man, but I will say that if you were to ask most of contributors to this blog what they would like to change or improve, consistency of enforcement probably would be at the top of their list. So, you'll have to decide for yourself, but . . .

      Now, fair being fair, I am doing some traveling myself in the near future, and I do hope my wife will be diligent in making me pay a price for any misbehavior.

    2. It seems to me that when a husband requests an FLR/DD relationship that he should not expect every punishment he receives to be reasonable, nor always fair. If he has been given chores to do and, for whatever reason, he fails to do them, then, for the sake of the relationship, he should be punished/spanked. Ideally, his wife should not feel guilty for doing this.
      The wife as well as the husband in an FLR/DD relationship is not perfect; it is a learning experience for both of them. In the future, she can modify what she tells her husband to do, to be more reasonable from her perspective.
      My two cents.

    3. Hi Doug,
      I agree totally about this. Even as we cannot expect ourselves to be perfect at following rules and changing often deeply ingrained habits, we cannot expect our wives to be perfect at this. Consequently, given enough time, each of us will encounter times that she will punish us unfairly and/or unreasonably. When you ask for this lifestyle, you must recognize that this comes with the territory.


  4. Hi Dan,

    As there is no set topic this week, I would like to pose a few questions for discussion.

    1. It seems to me that F/M spanking is becoming more and more mainstream. I recently went to a sex shop to buy a new paddle. The sales assistant asked if she could help me, and when I said I was looking for a spanking paddle, she asked if the person who was going to use it had much experience of spanking, as that would make a difference to the type she would recommend. When I said that it was for my girlfriend to use on me and that she had been spanking me for a few years, she did not seem in the least bit surprised. She suggested a small leather paddle and remarked with a smile: "When she uses that on you, you will certainly feel it!" Do other people agree that it is now becoming socially acceptable for a woman to spank her husband or boyfriend?

    2. Among women who spank their partner, I wonder how many do it just for fun and how many as real punishment? (I guess it is often a mixture of both.)

    3. Some time ago I came across an old print on the Internet that shows a fully-clothed woman spanking her fully-clothed husband. Judging by the clothing, it seems to date from the late 19th or early 20th century. I printed it out and framed it, and it is now hanging it on the wall in the bedroom. I have thought of hanging it in another room, so that visitors would see it. My girlfriend was not sure if this would be a good idea. What do other people think?

    rgds, richard.

    1. My own personal views:

      (1) I'm not sure whether sex shop workers are the best barometer of societal views on any particular practice, given that they've probably seen and heard it all. I'm also not sure whether there is a big gap in social acceptance between F/m and M/f spanking, as long as it is in the erotic context. I think it is when discipline or real power exchange becomes part of the picture that social acceptance of the F/m dynamic drops. And, one reason I don't buy many implements is because the workers there see a small leather paddle as something you will "certainly feel." Feel it what -- swishing harmlessly over your bottom?

      2. Don't know.

      3. I personally would have no problem hanging such a picture in a public part of the house. My wife on the other hand . . .

    2. Meant to say, "one reason I don't buy many implements in sex shops . . ."

    3. Seriously. Fur covered paddles? Come on!

  5. Dan
    Rather than lecture you...each week I see in your answers as well as your blog content the hunger growing within you. When you and your lady are ready, it will happen. What Peter and I have found works for us, will not, perhaps, work for you. Try whatever idea comes to you. Speak with her about it. Be patient with her and more important with yourself. If there is an erotic element to this for you, make it ok for yourself.
    You and your lady are in my daily meditation .
    With love

    1. Hi Anna. Good thoughts directed my way are always appreciated, in whatever form that may take, definitely including meditation. I do that myself, though I when I told a co-worker that recently, she exclaimed, "Seriously? This is what you are like AFTER meditation??" Point taken. :-)

      We have been having quite a few discussions about this, and I think we are both more or less in the same place mentally about it, i.e. we both want to take it more and more in the FLR direction. So, the issue is (as usual) more about implementation than motivation. And, I definitely do not have any problem with there being an erotic component. There undeniably already is. The distinction I draw is between having an erotic element in an genuinely disciplinary relationship, versus having an erotic relationship with "funishment" trappings. I don't have any problem with the latter -- it's just not my thing and not something I have much interest in facilitating on the blog.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. That is an interesting spin on it. BTW, we tried to implement your public grading system a couple of days ago. It didn't work thanks to some logistical problems, but at least we did take a baby step forward.

  8. Glenmore...That's an very clever scenario for the right set of circumstances.

  9. But I do have to wonder about the idea of "discussing how effective" a spanking was - unless you are assuming it was effective and not are implying evaluation of her spanking performance.

    1. I don't know . . . I think my wife wants me to let her know if something that was designed to be a real punishment turned out not to be, whether because the implement wasn't effective, or it wasn't "hard" enough, or the duration was too short, etc. When he leaves a session feeling unpunished, I suspect it is more often not because she chose to give a "light" spanking but, rather, because she doesn't have a good way to judge what is happening in his head as she works over his bottom.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. So, I will give this *very* preliminary report. The check-ins themselves have been almost non-existent, because of travel and other insurmountable impediments beyond our control. But, I have filled out a report three days in a row, and just knowing that I will be giving her one and that it *might* result in a spanking has, in fact, had some modest impact on my work productivity and focus. The challenge now is to get the process really going, then solidified.

    4. Keeping my fingers crossed for it to work well.

  10. The report card approach is interesting and I'd love to have the ritual but sadly most of my punishments are a direct result of how I behave when I am with her rather than when I am away (bar a couple of items which I am honour bound to self report). My wife has little interest in using our DD to improve my productivity or any other performance measures other than respect for her, moodiness, etc. She seems to have an in-built score card that tells her when I need a taste of discipline and is rarely dissuaded from making it pretty memorable, each and every time...

    Incidentally, as a convert to mindful meditation some time ago I can think of very few more 'in the moment' experiences than those long moments across the bed, having my cheeks roasted! Difficult to have my mind on anything but the sting... TB

    1. Hi TB. It sounds like the report card might be superfluous for you, since it your wife doesn't hesitate to give you what you deserve when you deserve it. My desire to try the report card is really about trying to elevate the level of consistency and certainty, while it sounds like you already have that.

      I agree that spanking definitely has a way of keeping one "in the moment." Conversely, I've found that at times when meditation is working exceptionally well and I feel more balanced and settled, I lose much of the desire for DD. I am pretty accepting of the fact that my drive for DD is in some a means of offsetting or balancing a normally disordered or unbalanced state. Meditation serves a similar purpose. To me, they're both tools for self-improvement. Though, improving my balance is only one-half of the DD equation. Meditation really serves only my interests, while DD serves HERS as well, because being mindful doesn't necessarily mean I will behave any better.

  11. This has been an interesting week, because suddenly she has seemed to grasp that consistency is a key factor, especially on the small things we are working on. Several nights ago, she appeared in the living room in her camoflage shirt. I had no idea what I might have done wrong.

    When we went to our room later, she said it was because again I left socks and underwear on the floor. She told me that it may not seem like a big thing, but that since I am supposed to be learning to pay attention to detail and to not leave things undone, that it is a big deal to her.

    She scolded me for a very long time, and then said that since I had already been punished for this before, it was going to be significantly worse. She got out the loopy johnny and said that she was only going to stop once I was seriously punished or if it made too much noise (since kids were home).

    While she has punished me hard before (in fact she usually does), I sensed an intensity and resolve that I haven't seen before. Fortunately or unfortunately, after just a couple of strokes, she decided that it was making too much noise, so I got a reprive. However, she has mentioned several times since then our “unfinished business” so it is obviously only delayed, not cancelled.

    The report card is a good idea. We were doing something similar with regards to my work on my project that she monitors. Each day she assigns a plus (great day), a plus with a * (a good day, but maybe slightly short of what I was capable of, or a minus. She then tallies those at our check-ins, as well as any other minor things that have occurred during the reporting period (unless it is something she already dealt with). Recently, we haven't been as regular with the check-ins, simply because I got pulled into a bunch of consulting work so haven't had any time to work on my project.

    With regards to more females writing on the blog, I too would love to hear their input! As I have said before, I often show my wife the weekly topic and we read some of the comments, but at least so far she has not shown any interest in writing anything. Hopefully you at least get some of her perspective in what I write.

    Thanks for all your work maintaining this week after week!


    1. The Loopy Johnny really sucks. I hate that instrument. Would a cane be even more silent?

      For my report card, I had envisioned a letter grade -- A,B,C,D or F. But, I'm finding that's almost too flexible and nuanced. I seem to end up giving myself a B or B- on most days in most of the categories. Maybe it should be more binary like yours -- totally good, one step off of totally good, or fail.

    2. The grading scheme was one she came up with. But in retrospect, it did work better with less choices. I was thinking more like school grades, but that is harder. No matter what, grading fairly is difficult, especially because there is never a shortage of extenuating circumstances.

    3. You're certainly right about the seemingly endless extenuating circumstances. That's why it seems to make sense for it be much more binary -- either I complied or I didn't, without shades of grey in between. But that's easier on some things than others. For example, it would be hard to be totally binary about work productivity. Some days are just more productive than others, sometimes through no fault of my own

  12. I didn't used to hand her the report already filled in. We talked about each item and she decided what the score should be. Always very fair to me too. So I coldn't complain about required discipline.

    1. Have to agree with you Tony Nash. It is why Peter and I have set aside at least half hour a day to go over his behavior. I find Peter to be more honest and open when he has to verbalize it to me. The moment we made it our priority things fell into place. We still only punish on fridays bu ti personally like the buildup.

    2. I can see how that would help make sure a discussion actually takes place.

  13. Hi Dan,

    I am a new "lurker" but did post on a November entry for Lurkers. My newbie status into this LS will probably keep me pretty quiet for a bit as I am trying to soak up all I can, but I do look forward to participating in the future. Thank you for this blog and thank you to all of your contributors for sharing your experiences and knowledge.


    1. Hi Heather. Thanks for contributing. I hope you will stop by again!

  14. Helen ( 27, 2018 at 5:35 AM

    I am a Disciplinary Wife whose husband has been lurking on this blog for a long time (he is not allowed to post without permission), and he begged me to start reading. I have to agree that this is one of the best blogs I have ever seen, and since you are asking for more disciplinary wives I have begun commenting. This post has so much in it that I can't respond to it all at once. Wonderfully written, too.
    My first comment is about the report card idea and the binary grading ... and binary consequences. Like your wife, I only spank one way: hard! That is partly because Andy is a spanko and would tend to enjoy anything less than severe. But it also because punishment should be punishment: It should hurt (emotionally or physically or both) and it should be severe enough to teach a lesson (at least temporarily, as in my view men tend to need a lot of "reminders" about how to behave). And as a Disciplinary Wife, it is my place to decide what is severe enough and when the lesson has been learned.
    We also both believe that a task or behavior should be graded on a binary level: It either is up to our agreed-upon standards or it is not. Anything else just leaves too much open to opinion. Andy does a pretty good job of meeting our standards, but he has a tendency to forget the little things. For instance, he will clean the kitchen very nicely but not wipe up the water that is all over the sink top after he is done. So I enter a spotless but wet kitchen. Is that up to our standards? No! So I order him to bend over the kitchen counter and he gets a dose of the wooden spoon. Then he dries off the counter and all is well! Sometimes, if I am feeling magnanimous, I will say, "Would you like to dry off the sink now or get spanked and then dry it off?" That sends him scurrying!
    Which brings me to my main point: Andy needs quick consequences for his misbehavior. A weekly report card would never work with us. He just doesn't learn that way; it is too cerebral to think back several days to what happened, or to combine a large number of behaviors into a weekly grade. Frankly, I don't think that way either. Instead, we deal with individual behaviors as quickly as possible: "Are you late getting home from work?" "Yes, dear, the traffic was horrendous." "Did you call to let me know?" "No, dear, it slipped my mind." "It slipped your mind? Well, slip off your pants; you won't be needing them for a moment."
    You can be sure he will call the next time. If it was part of a weekly grade, no way. For the same reason, we don't do maintenance spankings. We both believe that punishment works best when it is visceral: Misbehavior, correction, lesson learned. When we have to delay it because of the circumstances, we deal with it as soon as possible. And we do not combine behaviors; when I have to address more than one misbehavior with Andy, I spank for the first thing, send him to the corner to contemplate, and then put him back over my knee to spank for the next thing. I know it may work differently for other couples but that is how DD works for us ...

    1. Hi Helen. All this makes sense to me. Punishment delayed is a problem, as is how to deal with multiple offenses. It sounds like you are dealing with both of those. I”ve been wrestling a lot lately with this multiple offense issue. One danger of adding too many rules, is there is some point where I just say, “ Well, fuck it. I’m in for a severe spanking already . . .” But, what if one was broken up into multiple, hard, hard sessions, as you are doing?

      Thanks for stopping by.

  15. I just don't understand how you learn anything when you are being spanked for a week's worth of offenses. What behavior do you promise to improve? How do you associate a certain misbehavior with the pain of a spanking? Corporal punishment with a human needs to be like you would use it with a puppy, in my humble opinion. Otherwise it is unlikely to work. And I don't say this to demean men in any way. Are others successful with it working otherwise? By successful, I mean that behavior is changed (at least until the pain is forgotten in a few weeks)?

    1. I think we do have slightly more ability than a puppy to connect a later consequence with an earlier offense, though may not much more. To me, the real problem with delayed punishment is it is more likely to become no punishment at all. I do think that just instituting our weekly report has made me at least slightly more prone to think before I act, knowing what the consequences might be. But, as I said, it also has the effect of making me no less likely to offend if I know I already earned a spanking. But, the solution there seems to be something like your system for making sure offenses are not combined into one punishment and that each is treated separately.

  16. Hi Dan,
    The week has come and gone, and just now I am getting to answering your questions, though I don’t feel bad since it appears that almost nobody else has either!

    Q: What level of consistency have you achieved in your DD relationship?
    A: Almost none. I think consistency MAY happen when we are truly empty-nesters, but even then I am not so sure about it. As I said before, quite often, even though she is the one who brings up spanking and things more than me (since she is much less shy about such talk), she has told me that on those infrequent occasions that I irritate her, for some reason it simply doesn’t occur to her at the time to go to discipline. And also, quite often even when she says a punishment is coming, it simply never arrives because life gets in the way. We live in a small, un-insulated apartment in eastern Europe, so almost any noise, even that from repeated cane strokes, is out of the question unless we are home alone, which has hardly happened for the past year or so.

    Q: Is consistency even a goal, or are you content with an on-again-off-again approach?
    A: I think consistency is a goal, but not a huge priority for us. We would like MORE consistency, but nothing rigid.

    Q: For those for whom consistency is a desired state but remains challenging, what are the big impediments to getting there?
    A: Kids… And also general lack of time alone.

    Q: What are you and your spouse willing to do, if anything, to overcome those impediments?
    A: Wait, since there seem to be no alternatives right now.

    I didn’t ask her, since we were interrupted while talking about the forum this week, but I will wing it based on previous conversations we have had.

    Q: For the wives for whom consistency is a problem, what are the challenges? Is it practical things like lack of available time, or is it more an an attitude issue?
    A: Both. It is mostly lack of opportunity, but when we are alone (seldom as that is), she would prefer to be romantic rather than stern.

    Q: Is it concerns about “fairness” or whether he really wants it, or does training a husband like you would a child or a puppy just seem like too much of an investment of energy sometimes?
    A: Fairness is not a huge issue, since she knows she is fair. Plus, she pointed out that the whole thing is by its very nature somewhat unfair, but she knows it is what I want. I think that it is not so much that “training me” seems like too much of an investment of energy, but rather that she is just often tired from life, and likes to chill when we can.

    Q: Does that kind of diligence and "always on" responsibility have a maternal vibe, and is that good or bad?
    A: She has said before that it does, but she kind of gets into that. Not so much the mommy thing, but rather the fact that moms have pretty much unlimited power when it comes to smaller children.

    Q: For the men, do you want your wives to be more consistent in setting boundaries and imposing consequences?
    A: As I said above, yes, we both would like more consistency, though not too much.

    Q: What do you do that makes it more difficult, like not reporting when you’ve been bad, trying to avoid a spanking or punishment, etc.?

    A: She doesn’t want self-reporting, except on the few things she has chosen to monitor. Even then she prefers asking me at the end of the day (like for work things) or maybe every week or so (like for online habits). Also I prefer it that way since it seems much more imposed.
    Q: Have you talked to her frankly about any desire you have for her to keep you on a tighter, more consistent leash?
    A: Not really. We talk about it generally, but I think we both realize the current reality is the way it will be (and probably should be) for now.



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