
Saturday, May 5, 2018

Club Meeting 249 - Talking Your Way Out

"You can't talk your way out of a problem you behaved your way into." - Stephen Covey

Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly gathering of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline or Female Led Relationships.  I hope you had a great week.

Mine was more than a little stressful.  Of my own making, both good and bad.  I ended last week with some good news about a work opportunity I had been pursuing for about a month. It was something I thought was a major longshot, and I decided to give it a try without having any real sense that I might actually get it.  (Sounds a lot like how we ended up with Trump as President, no?)  Even though I began the effort as a lark, I did take it seriously as the process went along, hustling and pushing and trying.  Somehow I pulled it off, though over the course of the process it became abundantly clear that the role involves trying to fix a totally fucked up and dysfunctional organization.  My week was spent trying to get my bearings, in a situation in which it is pretty clear that some people not only aren't happy to have me on board, they almost certainly will try to undermine everything I'd like to accomplish.  Not because they don't like me, but because they don't agree with the direction I'd like to set.

So, the issue of undermining others who are trying to do the right thing was already on my mind this week in the work context.  Yesterday, it became an issue in the Domestic Discipline context as well.  It really had been a rough week, and my wife was well aware that I was starting to go into my dysfunctional spiral of trying to control the storm around me then doing self-destructive things to cope.  I also had not gotten a lot of sleep over the week and was rolling into Friday very exhausted.  As I was leaving for work, she told me "By the way, you are grounded from drinking today."

Now, the problem was, my team had scheduled a happy hour to welcome a new member, and as team leader it was something I really couldn't get out of.  I explained that to her.  She was clearly aggravated, but ultimately backed away from her initial order, telling me to be sure to moderate my alcohol consumption.

Now, when you look at the situation closely, there really was no conflict between her order and my previous work commitment.  She didn't order me not to go to happy hour.  She ordered me not to drink.  So, I could have gone to the happy hour and had non-alcoholic beverages.  But, instead, I talked her out of the order she gave me.  And, I've caught myself doing that more often lately, probably because she has been stepping up the quantity and forcefulness of her orders, creating both more opportunities to resist and more internal inclinations to do so.  As I've said, I am NOT naturally submissive.  I don't like rules, but I know in my head that I need them.  But, while the head is willing, the gut resists.  It's a pattern I need to stop, because it isn't doing me any good and is frustrating a lot of what we are trying to accomplish with DD.

This all relates to some of the discussion last week, including the comments by ZM, Tomy and Jr.  ZM and Tomy both talked about the role their Disciplinary Wives play or played in helping them perform better in their daily lives, by setting goals and being strict in holding them accountable.  I talk to my wife about doing that, but it's my own "But, Honey . . ." moments that get in the way of those efforts. And, unfortunately, so far she hasn't developed quite enough strictness to just put her foot down. 

So, we both bare some responsibility here.  She does need to get more comfortable with not only  giving an order but with actually making it stick in the face of some moderate resistance or questioning.  But, I also need to get much better at simply doing what she tells me to do, without argument or undermining.

This also came up with Jr.'s recounting of his recent woodshed experience, though in a slightly different way.  (By the way, as always, I find anything involving a woodshed incredibly hot!  So, thanks Jr. for sharing.)  There, his wife held him accountable for one of those "little things" we talked about, and when it came time to take his medicine, he tried hard to talk his way out of it, bargain, etc.  I do that too.  Just last week I was scheduled to get spanked for something, and I managed to delay it, and then delay became getting out of it entirely.  

Now, I do give Jr. and myself and the other husbands a little more slack in trying to avoid a spanking once it has been ordered.  Real disciplinary spankings hurt.  A lot.  I really, really do not want one.  So, I think it is understandable that I would at least test the waters to see if I might talk her out of it.  The problem isn't so much that I try to talk my way out of it, but that too often I succeed in doing so.  Deep down inside I know that I'm not doing myself any favors by doing that.  Ultimately, I need to "take my medicine."

I'm going to start with the premise that most of the men who visit here who are genuinely into DD and not just stroking (perhaps literally) a spanking fetish do, in fact, want to cooperate with the process.  But, sometimes it's hard.  A rule that is imposed may genuinely conflict with something we like to do or even feel we kind of need to do.  And, real disciplinary spankings are to be avoided, though better to do so by not misbehaving in the first place.  I am assuming, however, that because boys will be boys, from time to time we are going to question an order or try to get out of a punishment.  When that happens, how does she deal with it?  And, have you found any ways to stop yourself from engaging in that behavior that undermines her authority?  I'm genuinely curious on this, because I know that I am getting in the way of the process we agreed to, and I truly do want to stop doing that.  It's just hard in the moment sometimes.

I hope you have a great week.


  1. Hi Dan, I guess we march to a different drummer. We have rules, occasionally I break one and a punishment looms it the air. I have never tried the talking out of it scenario and don't actually believe it would work. Recently I broke a rule and confessed to her. All here knows she does not like to punish, but will when necessary. Part of my confession is checking the list for the prescribed punishment and bringing the implement(s) to her. She scolds, spanks and the issue is over. I wonder, since reading your post, what would happen if I tried the 'talking out or it' bit. Perhaps someday I will test those waters. I am anxious to hear what others in this group have to say about this matter.

    1. What you are describing, self-reporting accompanied by bringing her the tools, is something I've been playing with instituting or otherwise building in some formal check-ins again. We used to do things like that in the beginning, in order to get her used to giving disciplinary spankings. I now think we may need to re-institute something like that in order bring me back into more of a state of compliance.

    2. Dan, you have identified an issue that I currently find myself struggling with, so I'm very interested in how you approach it. I'm conflicted within my relationship between a genuine desire to be in a FLR and all that it implies. At the same time, I have a desire to be spanked (of course, as with most of the men here I'm sure, thinking about it beforehand and remembering it after are much more enjoyable than the actual getting of it). My wife enjoys her status within the relationship but is often not that interested in finding faults or mistakes to punish. In other words, the FLR is not really working for either of us at the moment. I now wonder if the solution might be to go to her and ask to be spanked when I feel that I need it (either because of something that I've done or not done that requires addressing in this manner....or simply because I feel a NEED). Is it manipulative, or is it actually stepping up to the ideals of the FLR by freeing up my wife from having to police all of my actions? Of course this approach would only work if the resulting spanking is just as severe as it would have been for a regular punishment. Hope this makes some sense.

    3. Hi Strap 51. You say the FLR is not really working for either of you at the moment, but it sounds like it's really the DD part that isn't working very well. You say you have a desire to be spanked, but if I understand you correctly, it is a desire for the spanking itself and not necessarily to be spanked as a consequence of some bad action such that the spanking serves some disciplinary purpose. Similarly, she enjoys having an elevated status within the relationship (though I can't tell from your comment whether you are OK with that), but she either isn't that interested in punishing for faults or she doesn't see all that many to correct. Therefore, it sounds like your actual interests are in alignment, in that neither of you are actually very into using spanking as discipline, though you feel a need for the spanking itself. It sounds like the problem lies in you are trying to impose a DD veneer on the situation when neither of you really have an interest in it, and neither of you really fee a need for her to be in charge of initiating any kind of punishment for behavior. Under those circumstances, I don't see any problem at all with simply asking her for what you want and need. This whole "topping from below" concept is basically bullshit outside the BDSM context, so you are hardly violating the ideals of an FLR in communicating what you want, particularly when what you want seems to be fairly well-aligned with what she wants (or is willing to do) as well.

    4. Thank you for your insights, Dan. As usual, you have a way of tunneling to the heart of a matter. I guess I should have said at the outset that I find FLR extremely interesting as a concept, and have come close to it in previous relationships, but I don't find my wife (actually common law girlfriend) who I love very much, to be forceful enough in that area. As a result I don't feel as submissive to her as I would like. I thought that by me asking to be spanked, it might increase her desires to take charge more often in other areas. Thank you for taking the time, and I value your experience.

  2. Hello Dan, I'm like you always trying to talk my wife out of spanking me. It's probably a carry over from when, I was a boy and tried to talk my Mom, out of not spanking me also. It does sometimes work, but deep down I wish my wife would not let me get out of it so easy.


    1. That is a good analogy, and one I thought of at the time I was writing the post. Few men ever, when they were boys, confessed breaking a rule and brought their mom the paddle. Or, went to the Principal and said, "I did something bad. Will you take that paddle down off the wall and spanking me?" No, instead, most of us tried to get out of it.

  3. Interesting questions, Dan. I want, first of all, to respond to the following statement: "I'm going to start with the premise that most of the men who visit here who are genuinely into DD and not just stroking (perhaps literally) a spanking fetish do, in fact, want to cooperate with the process." I don't think it's fair to assume that those of who are "stroking a spanking fetish"--even literally--can't be into DD. Just because being spanked is a potent erotic fantasy, that doesn't mean the paddle or strap hurt (the bottom or the ego) any less and that disciplinary spankings aren't possible. In fact, that's the only kind of spanking my wife gives me. I'm also skeptical of the claim that people who are into disciplinary spanking have no erotic motivation at all. With reference to Jr.'s post, you said, "I find anything involving a woodshed incredibly hot!" How is that not a sexual response?

    Now, to your question. Ironically, even though being spanked is my most potent sexual fantasy, I do sometimes try to talk myself out of spankings. I also try to argue my way of restrictions my wife imposes on my freedom sometimes. The reason is simple. Sometimes I really want to do something and she says no to it, and sometimes I really don't want to do something she tells me to do, and that feels unfair. "Why should you be the boss of me?" a part of me asks inwardly. Likewise, sometimes when my wife judges that I deserve punishment, I argue that her judgment is unfair because that is honestly how it feels to me. You may ask, why would a guy who has a spanking fetish not welcome any spanking? That paradox puzzles me too. I'm not afraid of punishment spankings because my wife's spankings are never extreme. Because she uses spankings to express displeasure with me, however, they are deeply humbling. Most of the time I know I deserve it, so my feeling of shame accords entirely with my wife's displeasure. Being spanked after trying to argue sincerely that I don't deserve it is doubly humbling because my submission is an acknowledgement that her judgment of me trumps my own. Those spankings may not be any harder on the butt, but they are doubly painful to the ego.

    So, I have a couple of follow-up questions for the guys here. Do you always agree with your wives' judgment that you deserve a spanking? If not, do you still submit? And how does that make you feel?


    1. Hmm, so I don't recall saying that there is no erotic motivation at all in disciplinary spankings. In fact, I've said the opposite, over and over and over again. The distinction I was making, have made, and that I suspect pretty much everyone else got, is between those who are genuinely interest in discipline, whether it has erotic overtones or motivation or not, and those who are into spankings as "funishment" and most and dress it up with a DD element or who don't care about the DD element one way or another and who are just looking for spanking porn. So, your question about my woodshed comment is what is referred to as a non sequitur. I've never once said that there isn't an erotic component to most disciplinary relationships and to most men's interest in DD. On the wives' part, I think it is likely more mixed. Some of them participate in DD because they've been asked to and may, or may not, be turned on by it or eventually become turned on by it.

    2. DJ I agree we share a similar situation in that being spanked by my wife is probably my strongest erotic fantasy. That being said when my wife does spank me the spanking is for real and very much a disciplinary in nature. They are painful and powerful to be sure often turning my back side a very deep crimson, and of late have brought me very close to tears. Despite the intensity and tone of these sessions by the end of the spanking I feel a deep sense of love for my wife and almost always lead to an intense love making session with me always pleasuring my wife orally.

      So yes the spankings are severe, disciplinary, and intense and in no way a game or role playing. No they are very real but as you point out there they are also a very erotic fantasy of mine.

    3. Point taken, Dan. My apologies for misunderstanding you. I am new here and have not yet had time to read all the previous posts. I think we are all, to varying degrees, in the paradoxical situation of being punished with something we desire.

      I agree with you Greg that being punished leads to a deep sense of love for my wife. In our case, the punishment doesn't usually lead directly to sex, but it certainly increases the erotic bond that enriches our sex life.

      I am still interested whether guys ever feel that they get disciplined unfairly and how they deal with that.

    4. It has been said that the idea of a true disciplinary spanking can be erotic before and after, but probably not so much during.... (because real disciplinary spankings do indeed hurt - a lot..) -al

  4. Dan
    If I had told Peter, in your situation, not to drink I would leave it at that. I dont discuss if he should or should not be allowed to drink. When he came home I would expect him to tell me if he had or had not done as he
    was told. If he only had a beer I would punish him. That nite.
    The fact that you talked her out of her rule not to drink is all on you. Is it not you who went to her and wanted this sort of control from her ? I am sure if she was looking for a boy who might try to talk mommy out of a spanking I would say to her adopt a boy.

    1. Come on Anna -- don't hold back! Tell me what you really think. :-)

      You raise serious points, but here is one counter. You point out, rightly, that I went to her and wanted "this sort of control." But, if I succeed, with a pretty mild objection or counterpoint in diverting her from the rule she set, then am I really getting "that sort of control" from her? As you and I have discussed before, the power exchange relationships are a two-way street. There is the part that involves me trying to give up control, and there is the part that involves her taking it from me. As you point out, had Peter tried the same with you, it would not have worked. I will totally own my role in not taking direction, and I think I did in the post above. But, my role was only one part of the reason that the rule didn't get enforced.

    2. And with that attitude you will never have what you want from all of this!
      just an opinion

      with affection

  5. "Trying to talk her out of it" does seem to me to go against the spirit of FLR or DD. There may be practical reasons to ask for a postponement, but when those are out of the way, it's time.
    Even if there are real disagreements on what's an offense, I think the fair thing is to 'take the spanking, and talk later.'
    Otherwise, you may have to ask yourself if you're really still interested in proceeding with DD at all.

    1. I don't deny that resistance goes against the goals of FLR or DD. What I don't agree with is that resistance necessarily means one is not "really still interested in proceeding with DD at all." If that were the case, let's follow the logic a bit. If your wife has set rules, and if the punishment for breaking a rule is a spanking, and you are still getting spanked, then you must not really be interested in obedience or FLR at all, right? Because you did break a rule she set, even though she set it. If the absolutist position was right, then the fact you are still getting spanked must show you don't respect her rule setting authority, right? Because, if you are still getting spanked, you must not have obeyed, and that is not in the spirit of FLR or DD.

      Now, I don't believe anything I wrote in that last paragraph, because these things are more nuanced than that, and it is a matter of degree. If resistance is active and chronic and is in material respects non-compliance or its equivalent, then you do have to wonder how "real" it is for that husband? But, I think that is different than being faced with a painful reality and seeing if you might be able to put it off or get out of it, but complying if she does move forward with the spanking or insist on the rule.

      Because, the other way to spin this is, if she was so easily talked out of her own rule, then is she going against the spirit of FLR?

  6. Anna and others may be correct but I believe it is natural to try sometimes to take her out of what is an impending ass warming that you don't want and maybe think you don't deserve.But it is also wrong to resist when she has made her decision. In that situation we all hope she will be firm and follow through But wives and girlfriends are human and love us and sincere pleading along with real remorse for the behavior can limit the consequences and I imagine we all learn that along the way. I have had the experience of either mitigating the punishment ( a few cracks instead of a full spanking) or occasionally letting it go altogether. I have never felt good about that afterward and that alone has greatly cut down on the times I whine about an impending spanking. I have also told her several times that I was wrong to resist punishment and sorry that I did ( never tell her she was wrong because it was your fault). My wife rarely backs down today and I rarely ask her to do so. Whenever this comes up I think back to an old girlfriend who often spanked me so hard I couldn't take it and often stood up and stopped it doing real harm to that relationship. One night she brought me to that place again where I felt I couldn't stand another crack and then my thoughts became dominated by the idea that I asked her to do this and I deserve it and should take it like a man.I just completely surrendered to her and even raised my bum to her brush after every smack. I never resisted her authority after that and try to do that today with my wife.

    1. "I believe it is natural to try sometimes to take her out of what is an impending ass warming that you don't want and maybe think you don't deserve.But it is also wrong to resist when she has made her decision. In that situation we all hope she will be firm and follow through But wives and girlfriends are human and love us and sincere pleading along with real remorse for the behavior can limit the consequences and I imagine we all learn that along the way." The first part of this is pretty close to my own view. In an ideal world, she would be unyielding and I would be perfectly compliant. But, human being generally don't do things perfectly, even when deep down inside they want to. And, as you said, I have never felt good about it after I have put off what I have coming.

      Now, my efforts to get out of it or put it off usually don't involve sincere pleading or expressing remorse in hopes she will go easier. I don't think I've ever actually tried it, and I'm not sure what she would do. My own skirting efforts are more often about trying to delay the spanking. With rules, it tends to revolved around trying to negotiate a loophole or some limited exception.

  7. I've been thinking about this subject a lot lately. Our FLR with discipline isn't autocratic. Like you, I imagine, I make a lot of decisions for myself and even us, as a couple. But my wife has ultimate veto power and enforces rules with her paddles.

    We've been evolving toward stricter enforcement of both rules and anything I do that might upset her. I never try to talk her out of punishing me, but I do try to convince her to let me do things she doesn't want me to do.

    It comes up rarely, but when it does, I argue too much. She's too patient with me. I've yet to be punished for arguing. Later, I almost always regret getting my way. It feels to me like I've hurt something I value. To me, at least, that's much more painful than trying to escape a spanking.

    1. "I never try to talk her out of punishing me, but I do try to convince her to let me do things she doesn't want me to do." This is pretty close to my dynamic. I never argue I should not be punished, though I do sometimes suggest a delay for one reason or another. But, I will argue about whether I can or should comply with a certain order or directive. But, it sometimes feels like you are winning the battle but losing the war when you get your way on some things.

  8. Hi Dan ,
    Am curious how difficult it is for you to talk her out if it? Does she give up easily or debate it with you?
    For us , as you know , our 'rules' are written in a commitment on my part so are not negotiable and any amount of arguing , however forceful ,will not change the outcome.

    1. Therein lies part of the problem. Where rules are concerned, it is fairly easy to talk her into an exception or agreeing not to enforce it in a particular case or situation. Some of the reason for that is she's an inherently reasonable person, and when I give her a reason that makes sense she tends to accept it. Of course, that can mean that rules that were put in for a reason don't get enforced because there is always some reason or excuse.

    2. We like to have the role of the DD wife to be the same as the Referee in a Soccer or Hockey game.
      The Referee is key to the 'game' and must enforce the rules and assess penalties as they see fit.
      Of course , the Referee is not always right and players and coaches will argue her decisions but they know that her decision is final and will not be changed.
      If she realizes she was wrong , she could give you a 'make up' call later , but that is at her discretion and she will still stick with her decision , right or wrong.
      Who would respect a Referee who waffles and changes her decision all the time?
      You may as well have no Referee and let the players and coaches call the game , which is kind of the game you and your wife are playing.
      She is still the Referee in name , but relegated to the level of a Referee in 'sham sports' such as WWF or Roller Derby where their role is purely symbolic.
      Hope this analogy helps for yoy. It did for us.
      I would even say , you owe it to your wife to go back and admit her decision to ground you was right and take a licking for trying to 'trick' her?
      Of course its easy for me to say as its not my butt on the line!

    3. Hi Glen. I like that analogy. On the last point, just to be clear, I didn't try to trick or mislead her. Someone really had scheduled a happy hour for our group, and I really had already accepted that invitation prior to her announcing the grounding. So, I was honest about the situation, and my talking my way out of it didn't consist of anything more than pointing out the pre-existing commitment to her. And, I did tell her (by journal entry) the next day that I felt I had mishandled the situation.

    4. Hi Dan
      I doubt if my Referee would have been so lenient.Likely she would sat it's not her problem as I should have told her sooner.Grounding remains and up to me to find a 'work around'.
      In Soccer and Rugby you often see the Referee give the player a stern lecture instead of punishment if there are exceptional circumstances. Sounds like this would have been appropriate in your situation?Sort of a suspended sentence.

    5. Good points. I could probably come up with a soccer analogy related to avoidance, too. It’s a sport that is notorious for all al sorts of things that could have a DD counterpart. Lying about offenses (by falsely accusing the other guy of fouls), feigning injury to get positive attention from the referee, flexibility in enforcement of the rules (like whether to add time to the clock at the end).

  9. To date I've never been able to get out of one. Although I always try. I've done dinners , flowers , gifts and sexual favors. She said she appreciates all of them but doesn't change the bottom line. The spanking is given in a firm business like manor. When she puts the paddle down all is forgiven and forgotten.

  10. None of us live up to the 'complete obedience' standard 100% of the time. Dan, you deserve credit for talking about that, and not just selling a femdom fantasy.
    I do think we need to be careful not to criticise our wives for letting us off the hook.
    We husbands did ask for this, and we promised it wouldn't be ... too ... weird.

    1. I agree that criticism for letting us off when we asked to be let off is a major way to undermine any forward progress. I suspect in most of these relationships, both parties are a work in progress, with the wives trying to be more assertive and the men trying to be more compliant (at least those for whom compliance and submission are not their natural state.)

  11. Depending on what it's about, what couple can't usually tell from a tone or look that some objection is genuine and therefore dangerous territory?

    I think if a guy wants this and 'objects' just to be difficult, the couple will have a problem with DD. If the objection is more whiney than genuine, I would think a confident and perceptive disciplinarian would stand their ground. But what person here would want their SO to 'stick to their guns' on a punishment for something you have a real problem with?

    And then there is always the issue of being an adult couple in a real and modern world, where 'punishing' is risky business to begin with. What spouse of any gender would want to risk damage to the relationship by ignoring objections that sound reasonable and genuine? Wouldn't objections like that sound very much like the withdrawal of consent? least for that incident? If genuine, isn't it? If the roles were reversed, would any guys here risk proceeding with a punishment after having just listened to an explanation of why their spouse didn't think a punishment was in order?

    I think this is as simple as: if you really want this, don't confuse the issue with objections unless they are very serious. And if you do object when you're not really serious about it, don't blame a loving spouse for not pushing the issue. What if they push the issue when your objections one day ARE serious?

    1. Good points, and I agree on your first two paragraphs. There are a lot of “real” and “really” qualifiers in there, however, that make it hard to advise anyone on what the approach should be, but that’s probably just the “real world” intruding again. What’s the line between having a real problem with something, versus just having an aversion to complying? I genuinely do not like taking orders from ANYIONE, so I am always going to have some aversion when told not to do something I want to do or to do something I don’t want to (with significantly more problem with the former than the latter). And, I do think there is some line between objecting and “withdrawing consent.” You can object to a rule or spanking, without taking the next step of withdrawing your consent for her to make the decision on whether to proceed. Many of us here have been spanked at one time or another when we didn’t want it or thought perhaps the punishment did not fit the crime in that particular instant. Yet, some would also say that being subject to a rule you object to or taking a spanking when you don’t want it actually ends up resulting in having even more respect for the disciplinarian, precisely because she stuck to her guns and because doing so is something many of us find very alluring.

      While I know it’s not a popular position in this egalitarian age, I do see some relevant differences between consent and its withdrawal based on the gender of the person on the receiving end of the discipline. On her best day and at her most angry, my wife could not *make* me take a spanking that I truly objected to, because I always have the physical ability to resist and to do so successfully and without any real fear that she could physically hurt me for resisting. In an M/f relationship, consent really does seem at least potentially touchier, because the physical power dynamic simply *is* different in most cases. BUT, all that said, based on what I’ve seen among the M/f couples, the situation is still complex there. Like here, many of the recipients want him to be tougher and more strict, yet don’t want he spanking when it is about to happen,. then crave it again a day or two after they get one.

    2. This is why I believe in F/M relationships that a total obedience rule ( anytime, anyplace for any reason ) is ideal if not always achievable.It eliminates arguments about what is or isn't punishable since that is her exclusive decision.So obedience and submission to discipline is the default position and it should take something pretty serious to change that ( such as illness or a genuine emergency). Also it does much harm to the DD dynamic if you seriously resist when you only are trying to avoid a spanking. I believe many women in a committed relationship are very comfortable carrying out consensual discipline that is deserved and consented to.But defiance changes that

    3. Hi Alan. I totally agree that serious resistance will not only harm, but probably kill, the DD dynamic.

      It's also probably true that a default "total obedience" rule is ideal. The older I get, the more I believe that one key to success is just eliminating other options. Now, the key question of course is, how do you get there? Does he need to just find some way to comply every time? Does she need to step up her strictness so that excuses or exceptions just aren't tolerated? Some combination of both?

    4. Frankly I think either option works and the combination of both work even better. When she is firm and aggressive and takes some physical action like going for my belt or grabbing her hairbrush, my resistance just dissipates ( not always but sometimes my legs even tremble)But at the same time I try very hard to follow the total obedience rule because it works and because in the past I did harm by violating it.I told her long ago and more than once that she really can't make a mistake ( or be unfair) administering a spanking because it is all about love and caring and every spanking makes me a better husband. I believe that and think she does too.

    5. Sorry but that 'she's always right'-thing would never work for me. Nor do I think it would work for anyone who had tried such an approach in another relationship only to have that person use the compliance to try to utterly destroy them. Never again.

      I often wonder about the backgrounds of people who are able to adhere to absolute philosophies. I know several, and I always think: 'hmmm, you must have never experienced anything to challenge that system.' For them, love is always forever, and people always have their best interest at heart....and never change. What happens when a once-trustworthy Top, given absolute authority, begins to abuse their power? Where is the line drawn? Or does an absolute deference policy mean there is no matter what? That doesn't sound too healthy.

      Dan: I tried (probably ineffectively) to differentiate between resistance and objection by using those words with the idea that 'objecting' is what someone does to something unacceptable while just not liking something in the moment might result in more of a show of 'resistance'. I have areas that are off-limits for DD and Rosa fully understands why. I see no benefit to going along with something that is going to fester into a distrust and ultimately lead to the deterioration of the relationship just to bolster a DD policy. There are plenty of areas for a dominant spouse to control and derive satisfaction from without having that control be absolute.

    6. Yes, we definitely were not thinking of those terms in the same way. I took the distinction in the opposite direction, i.e. that you can object to something without resisting it. In other words, you might object but would still comply, while resistance would entail actual non-compliance.

      On the issue of absolutism, I think it may be a question of whether we are talking about aspects of the DD relationship, the DD aspects of the relationship, or the relationship as a whole. The scenario you are describing seems to be a relationship that is dysfunctional as a whole, with the DD aspects being just one symptom of the overall sickness. In that case, yeah, get the hell out. I think a workable DD relationship assumes an overall healthy dynamic.

      But, on whether giving in every time is problematic, I don't know. Hence this week's topic. Speaking only for me personally, I have never said no when she has ordered a spanking, though I've tried to put off, avoid, etc. I haven't even tried to talk her out of one on the merits. Honestly, in over a decade of doing this, there really just have not been more than 2 or 3 occasions when I disagreed about whether I had done something wrong. For me, the shows of resistance have been more about the application of a rule to a particular situation, such as the one I described where she grounded me after I had already accepted an invitation to something.

      But, while I didn't behave in an absolutist way in that context, I can't say that I disagree that for some people that may be the way to go. I read a book last year on habit formation, and it went into some depth about how some people really must take an absolutist approach when trying to develop a good habit or replace a bad one, while for others that will just not work and they need more flexibility or they just won't do the new habit at all. On some things, I am definitely in the latter category. I gave up smoking years ago, and I had to lay them down, cold turkey, or I never could have done it. And, one reason I raised this week's topic is I realize that by arguing my way out of the rules, I definitely am getting in my own way to some extent when it comes to getting certain bad behaviors behind me.

      If I were to give in in a more absolutist way, I really don't know in balance how my overall life would be served. Possibly quite nicely. Or, I could lose a bunch of business opportunities, watch my contacts degenerate, etc. But, one reason I think that despite some of the heat I took for resistance, one reason this doesn't become a bigger battle is that, at the end of the day, my wife is a smart woman who gets that my job pays for the house and cars and college funds, etc., and she would be harming herself and the family as a whole by imposing a totally inflexible approach to the rules.

    7. Sorry, in the fourth paragraph, that should be "On some things I am definitely in the FORMER category."

    8. So basically this seems to be coming down to: "As long as my spouse acts as I expect them to, it might be advantageous to obey them on things I feel like balking at in the moment". That seems very reasonable. The only question that remains is how does one determine when something that goes against one's instincts is good for them or bad?

      When does an instinct like this: "Hmmm this punishment seems ridiculously unfair to a point that it's really bugging me and I'm thinking that even if I go along with keep her confidence bolstered.....I'm probably going to resent the hell out her for weeks. But maybe I should just go along with it anyway.....even if we never speak again." indicate that maybe total compliance is NOT a good idea? I think there is a big difference between something like that and just feeling disagreeable and 'resistant' about having gotten caught at something you kind of know deep down you need guidance on.

      But maybe my own bad experiences are coloring my view on absolute obedience?

    9. Well, like I said, I've never had things get to a "Hmmm this punishment seems ridiculously unfair to a point that it's really bugging me and I'm thinking that even if I go along with keep her confidence bolstered.....I'm probably going to resent the hell out her for weeks. But maybe I should just go along with it anyway.....even if we never speak again" scenario. The situation you are positing, in which a "a once-trustworthy Top, given absolute authority, begins to abuse their power" doesn't seem like something many others have encountered. It doesn't seem that hard to me to draw a distinction between being obedient within a range of things that don't qualify in the recipient's mind as "abuse" and being obedient when you think things ARE abusive. To me, there is a difference between "I don't agree with her" and "she is being abusive," and I don't think the fact that I don't agree makes it automatically abusive. I don't see the choices as anywhere close to that binary.

    10. KD, obviously you have suffered from some negative experiences, so you bring an interesting perspective. My own experience has been only good, so I probably can't fully relate, and hopefully will never be able to.

      For us, obedience is expected even when I don't necessarily agree, but this is within the context of a loving relationship. My consent is a blanket consent to all the DD aspects of the relationship. I could of course withdraw that consent at any time; she would be fine with our relationship not including DD if that is what I wanted.

      However, unless or until I remove that consent, I simply have no choice but to obey and submit to punishments, whether I feel they are deserved or not. My consent is to the lifestyle, not to each punishment. For us, this is the only way to make it feel "real," since if I can choose when she can and cannot punish me, any control of hers is merely an illusion. The way we have it, I always know that I can stop it at any time, but I also recognize I am not stopping a punishment, but rather a lifestyle, and if I choose to do so, I may or may not ever get the DD lifestyle back.


  12. J. (as well as N. before her) usually spank (or whip) me for a specific reason that calls for no discussion - but there have been some cases when I did not actually challenge the verdict, but pleaded for mercy... to no avail, of course! In fact, I realized that both enjoyed hearing me beg for mercy (especially if one of their friends was present) and I have learned never to complain when I am ordered to bare my derrière -even when witnessed...

  13. If my wife has announced a spanking, there was nothing in the world that killed her. Begging and pleading only leads to a stricter punishment!The success is right for my wife! strictpunishedhubby

  14. Part of our 'agreement' is that I have committed to never resisting - and I never do. I may try to postpone - 'I'm tired' you're tired', 'We will have more clear time tomorrow' etc ...' with some success but it is always clearly understood what I am doing is trying for a postponement. Sometimes I get away with it completely (I think) but it is simply added to the next session. She seems to be able to keep an informal but accurate 'totting up' scorecard in her head!

    More difficult and related is that although I am mainly comfortable (and grateful) to be in a broadly FLR relationship with a strong focus on DD, are those situations where I try to advise on something that I know more about than her. Mostly it goes well with my input being accepted for what it is. Occasionally it does not and we end up in an 'old-style' pre-DD squabble which doesn't work for either of us. I am always right (!) and she may allow us to argue and become emotionally engaged in that dispute. I tell her after the dust settles that she always has the 'nuclear option' and the most recent episode ended up with me at the receiving end of a very robust strapping the next day.

    Our goal is not to get into any heated disputes and we have made very good progress. Uncomfortable as it may be I would (and she would) much prefer a swift punishment to re-establish world order to any kind of drawn out bicker. Complete harmony is visible but is still a work in progress! TB

    1. Hi TB. For whatever reason, decision making authority on day to day issues hasn't been much of an issue for us, maybe because we aren't trying to force an FLR framework onto most of those decisions. There are areas we each gravitate toward, and within those areas the one with the most interest and knowledge tends to make the decisions and defer, for the most part, to the other. And, on major financial decisions, we tend to just sit down and hash things out until we both converge on what the outcome should be.

    2. Agreed and we very rarely have a dispute a) because it will most likely end up we me at the receiving end (!) and b) we also naturally split the various tasks. The only issues occur where there is a 'skills' overlap which is why I raised this point if that makes sense?And as for the FLR 'template' - neither of us has any interest in role play or doing anything that does not fit with our already strong relationship - the 'Hesitant Mistress' (the only book on the topic that she has any time for) seems to capture what we both want pretty accurately, without the fantasy stuff. TB

    3. The Hesitant Mistress is, indeed, about the only book I've read on these topics that is actually worth the time. There's another called The Good Wife's Guide to Taking Charge that is good, though I think the Hesitant Mistress' strength is in giving practical advice to the aspiring Domme on how to walk the talk, stop equivocating, find her voice, etc. Though, even it it drifts off at the end into "Scening," i.e. fantasy play.

    4. I have read both books. For some reason, I really preferred The Good Wife's Guide to Taking Charge. You are right that the Hesitant Mistress had some great tips in it, but I felt like it was really all just a game. Since my wife and I practice both actual DD and also occasional femdom roleplay (which we refer to as #1 and #2) I see the Good Wife's Guide as the perfect resource for her for the DD aspects of our relationship, and the Hesitant Mistress being a great resource for our femdom play.


    5. I can understand that. I do think that the Good Wife's Guide is a little more DD oriented and the Hesitant Mistress a little more Femdom. The reason I liked the Hesitant Mistress a little more as an introduction is the focus on demeanor and how a traditional wife can become more dominant through some simple changes in the communication style. But, the Good Wife's Guide is more focused on the punishment and consequences aspects of DD, which is something that many of us here gravitate toward.

    6. Yes, good point about the demeanor. I can see what that could be very helpful for many women. For my wife, she is totally a natural at all this, which is amazing considering it is so unlike her normal personality. Anyway, she took to dominance very quickly and is getting really good at being sufficiently strict and demanding.


    7. That's great. For mine, giving true disciplinary spankings came very easy, but not so much with respect to the demeanor and general dominance.

  15. Very little is said here about the sexual element of these spankings, but underneath is is an important element. We want to be spanked,but we want it on our terms, and if we get a hard humiliating spanking not on our terms but on hers, it is real punishment. What would make a spanking perfectly good for you, and what would make it perfectly awful?

    1. I think your overall point is right. We want things on our own terms, which is really the exact opposite of what we say we want in these relationships, right? We want to hand over control and be subject to someone's direction, but the rubber meets the road when we have to comply with something we don't like. I don't really link that to the sexual element, as I think the tension is more general than that.

      But, as I said above in response to KD, I don't see these as purely binary options. It's more like there is a spectrum of levels of control. If it's too light, it isn't serving any purpose and is basically just fantasy. If it's over the top and demeaning, it enters the abuse zone. Somewhere in the middle there is a a wide zone of levels in which she is exercising genuine authority, and it can be both genuinely difficult and genuinely beneficial for him.

    2. Responding to Johnsk’s question: “What would make a spanking perfectly good for you, and what would make it perfectly awful”? This is a fascinating question although I think we have fully discussed the “perfectly good” spanking but what about “perfectly awful” For sure a post - orgasm spanking and (for me at least) the double spanking is awful. But I take the question to mean what would destroy trust and love that disciplinary spanking brings. What is the opposite of having loving female authority imposed on you while you are still receiving corporal punishment? I have never had a perfectly awful spanking in that sense. The worst was still pretty good. So I am speculating. But I think it would be getting spanked by someone who didn’t like me and maybe hated me and of course completely non –consensual with no post discipline support or care. This sounds a lot to me like spousal abuse and I think that what a “perfectly awful” spanking would be.

  16. I never resist punishments, but I am too quick to offer reasons or excuses for my behavior. She is my loving wife, soulmate, partner, and friend, and is also very reasonable and fair, so always gives me a chance to explain. Once she has heard my reasoning, the decision on punishment is hers alone to make, and I submit to whatever punishment she chooses, since I have given her this authority over me.

    But this week's subject has me rethinking the whole offering of excuses, which is a mild form of resistance. While in some cases these excuses may delay or prevent what will certainly be an unpleasant (and at times even unjust) experience, they may also undercut the long-term effectiveness of DD. Quite ironic considering that one of the primary things that we are trying to address with DD in the first place is my tendency to choose whatever is easiest in the short term rather than what will bring the most long-term benefits!

    My need for DD primarily springs from lack of discipline with time, particularly if the event horizon is longer, For example, it is hard to lose weight because I can't just think “if I eat less now, in several months I will feel better, look better, and be in better health.” Instead, all I can think about is the now, and now I want to eat whatever is in front of me. And it is not just diet, but every part of my life that is impacted by lack of self-discipline. Since I procrastinate on everything, I am always doing yesterday's tasks today, and because I am short on time I far too often skip over details and leave things partly done. DD shortens the event horizon and provides immediate consequences to help me procrastinate less and I know that it will help me achieve my long-term goals.

    Of course, “in the moment” I don't want to be punished, particularly when I don't think the infraction deserves punishment. And, in the moment, she doesn't really want to punish me for something relatively inconsequential either. Is it really fair to spank me fast and hard, and possibly even to tears, over something like me leaving socks and underwear on the floor? So, considering I am quite good at rationalizing most everything, I could probably talk her out of punishing me, especially if it is for something “small.”

    But stepping outside the moment and thinking longer term, I don't want to be the person who leaves a trail of undone or partially done tasks. I want to be someone who lives an organized life and who exhibits self-discipline in all that I do. I want to be the person who gets things done and done on time, which is critical if I am to achieve my ambitious goals. And she wants to see me happy and powering forward, not stuck in the eternal chaos that results from my lack of self-control. And she of course wants to live in a peaceful, orderly home, where all the details are taken care of as necessary. Also outside the moment, thinking about her wielding this power and control over me is just hugely exciting since it is so firmly rooted in my desires and passions.

    I am going to try to stop offering excuses, or at least a lot less often since I can see that it is counterproductive to our long term goals for DD.

    By the way, one idea we talked about but never got around to doing was the concept of “buying” an appeal. The idea was that if she thinks I need punishment, I can either choose to just accept it or if I thought I didn't deserve it, I could choose to explain myself. If my reason was acceptable, she wouldn't punish me, but if my reason was inadequate, she would add an additional fixed punishment to the end. That could be interesting too...


    1. ZM, there is a lot in this that really resonates with me. The whole reason I raised this topic is that, like you, I do not actively resist but I do things that undermine the process. And, that really is too my own detriment.

      While I do have some procrastination problems, most of my issues at home are more around not remembering to do something, or doing it in a half-assed way. At work, my issues revolve more around temper and intensity. But, there is one work-related task that I *always* procrastinate on, but fixing it through DD requires self-reporting and probably taking the next step of actually bringing her the paddle each day that I don't do the task. So far, I am really struggling to take those steps.


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