
Friday, November 18, 2016

Love Our Lurkers 11

Hi all.  Welcome to Love Our Lurkers week.  Officially, I think it is supposed to cover only today and tomorrow, but I'm going to be gone next week, so Love Our Lurkers weekend will take the place of our usual weekly topic.  As always, thanks to Hermione at for organizing.

The idea is pretty simple.  If you are a silent reader who has never dared to leave a comment, now is your chance. You may remain anonymous, use a pseudonym . . . whatever.  As for what you should say,  "Hello" is fine.  Or, if you are feeling more adventurous, tell us something about your interest in Domestic Discipline or Female Led Relationships.  We would all like to hear from you, so don't be shy!

To all our lurkers and our usual commenters, I will be out most of next week but will try to respond to comments from time to time.  For those of you in U.S., I hope you have a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving with friends and family.



  1. Hi, I've stopped by here a few times but never left a comment. Happy LOL-Day.


  2. I don't leave a whole lot comments mostly lurk. Wife and I have been married 30+ years and been FLR for the last 8 years. Love your blog keep the good work.

    1. Hi Frank. Congrats on the 30+ and the 8. Both great achievements. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Not a lurker really but I don't make too many comments. Thanks for the blog listing.

  4. Great blog, Dan. Keep up the good work, Rod of The Canery

  5. I'm not in a FLR but I find your blog interesting. Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving!


  6. Not a lurker but wanted to wish you and everyone else a Happy Thanksgiving.


    1. I don't know. Your participation has been so spotty lately, may have to give you temporary "lurker" status. ;-)

      Seriously, a Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!

    2. It still hurts to sit at the computer. Recovery could take a year or more, but I read weekly

  7. Dan
    I read your blog weekly.. love all the regular contributors.... thanks for your work on this subject.
    I so long for this sort of interaction with my lovely wife. Who knows ? Hope springs eternal! My thanks
    to all who do contribute.


    1. HI Sam. I very much hope your wish will be granted. Thanks for contributing.

  8. Found this blog about a year ago. Been lurking ever since. First - thanks for sharing. I very much like the 'real' stuff, not fantasy. I have a very vanilla wife, but one who occasionally indulges my kink. It's been awhile, but next weekend we're going away together and I'm planning several bottom thrashing sessions. I hope to not be able to sit comfortably for a few days afterward. :-) Happy TG to you and yours, Dan! TL

    1. Hi TL. Thanks for joining in! Hope you do so again in the future, Good luck on your weekend!

  9. Happy LOL Day! I need to get reading :)

    1. Hi Daisy! Thanks for joining in. I hope something you read here is at least mildly interesting.

  10. Dan I am a regular reader of your blog. My own situation is too complex to explain in a few words but I really do think you do an absolutely splendid job here. You are evidently a guy who is so busy with his seemingly demanding job and with a family too, who week in week out finds the energy and creativity to keep up this thoughtful and imaginative blog on the subject that is so mysterious and close to our hearts. Sometimes I actually do not know how you manage to see it up each week ( apologies to Mrs Dan for that double entendre) but you do. Amazing when Aunt Kay popped up recently. How good mis that have been !!!. God bless you sir and I wish you and yours a happy thanks giving from good old England the land of 'le vice anglais'

    Very best wishes and much love to you and yours from me, Tommy Tucker !

    1. Hi Tommy, Thank you so much for the kind words, and double entendres are almost always much appreciated! Thank you and your countrymen for that English Vice we all know and love. I have actually thought about devoting a topic to letting you and your fellow enthusiasts speculate about why that particular vice so appeals to to residents of your island,

  11. Just stopping by to say Happy LOL Day!!! :)

  12. Hello, Don't think I've been by here before. Happy LOL day. Have fun.

    Hugs Lindy


    Any lady lurkers, please come and join us, I know there are many more
    out there than anyone might think. I was a LOL a long time ago!
    Happy Holiday to all of us!

    1. Hi Anna. Much agreed on getting the lady lurkers engaged. Hope you and Peter have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that he stays out of trouble. :-)

  14. I mostly lurk, but occasionally post a comment. Love the blog, now that Aunt Kay is no longer updating, I believe this is now the "Go To" website for the FLR lifestyle.

    Dan, I would like to know what is the best way to contact you as I have a few ideas for topics of discussion.

    Carl H

    1. Thanks, Carl. Much appreciated. Best way to contact me is to go to my Profile. Email is listed there. Only time it's not is when I am getting pestered by trolls, in which case I take it down for awhile and/or turn on content moderation.

  15. Hi Dan. We've been gone a couple weeks and I'd like to catch up a bit. A couple weeks ago you wrote about maintenance spankings. Dev and I have been doing that a little over a year now. She calls them " touch ups " and has given a few here and there. Not terribly bad but firm enough. We were Hawaii recently. When we arrived I fully expexted a touch up. When she unpacked her brush and gave me that look, all I said was " can we get this over with ". Once in position she said it was only going to be a little warm up but since she didn't like my tone she made it a very long and memorable event. Ok. Lesson learned. The following week you wrote about getting a message for a spanking that will be given later. I feel exactly as you wrote it. The anticipation kills me. The application is painful and the after effects are immediate. During our trip we were driving around the island. I get stressed in traffic when I don't know the area. The H 1 is the worst in the country! 6 lanes bumper to bumper for hours ! The more I bitched the more she tried to calm me. Finally she had enough and said when we get home we were going to have " a long discussion ". This means the paddle. We've been home a few days and nothing has happened yet. She's not likely to forget and my butterflies are goin wild. This is the only group I comment on and I thank you for allowing me. Aloha.

    1. Thanks, Jr. It's gratifying to hear this is your only comment stopover. Tone often gets me in trouble, too. Though I'm honestly surprised it doesn't happen more often. Given the way in which our new check-ins have awakened her inner Domme, I don't doubt I have more coming soon

  16. Dan

    If there is one thing that will send Anna to fetch , the brush, the paddle , the riding crop or cane, it is when i lose it in traffic. If I am not mistaken it was due to traffic snarls on that same H 1, that sent Anna over the edge. The following day after a long hard session with her brush, she smiled and put that brush in her bag.
    I didnt utter a sound when we were again in traffic later that afternoon. The one time I came close Anna
    smiled and pulled brush out of her bag and just hit in on her hand a few times. It does work !


    1. Hi Peter. I am very glad my wife does not stop b here (as far as I know), so she doesn't get any ideas from you nad Jr. Waiting in traffic is virtually guaranteed to send me into a rage, and so far she has not spanked me for it. Though, honestly, waiting for pretty much anything sets me off. Patience is not one of my virtues.

  17. I am a well spanked husband of some 44 years of marriage. I am very content with my situation and need the discipline my wife provides. Kudos to all spanked husbands!

    1. Hi Martin. Wow -- 44 years -- that's awesome! Thanks for joining in.

    2. We have only been there for about 24 years. Hats off to you Brother Martin!

  18. Hello, As far as the topic of this blog is concerned, I feel that spanking should be aversive so it is applied to that end in my relationship with my husband. Consequently, they happen fairly rarely. I initially relented as a concession to him but have developed a taste for it. We played at a FLR a few times in the past, and then I stumbled on to the concept of semen retention through my yoga/Qigong practice, and I developed a spiritually centered system that works incredibly well for us involving semen retention, an ejaculation schedule and agreed upon consequences for unauthorized ejaculation which is detailed extensively in my blog. Never thought of myself as a disciplinary wife, but I guess I am. I apply these principles for the good of my husband and his own growth.

    1. Hi Yoga Girl. I discovered your blog recently and have visited a couple of times. I even sent my wife an excerpt from one of your posts. We don't currently practice semen retention, chastity, etc., though I am always open to persuasion on trying new things. You'll note that I have a related poll open at the top of this blog. It closes in a couple of weeks, and I will probably devote a topic to it at that time. I hope you will consider participating in the discussion.

  19. I would be happy to participate. Just drop me a note in a couple of weeks in case I forget.


This blog is a curated resource for those genuinely and positively interested in DD and FLR lifestyles. Comments that are rude, uncivil, inconsistent with the blog's theme or off-topic may not be posted or may be removed. Please use a name or initials (doesn't have to be your real one) when commenting - it helps commenters keep track of who is "talking."