
Saturday, October 3, 2015

The Forum -- Vol. 7 -- Poll: Where do Your Spankings Happen

Hi all.  Welcome back to the Disciplined Husbands Forum, our weekly discussion group of topics near and dear to the hearts of those practicing or interested in Domestic Discipline or Female Led Relationships.  I hope you all had a great week and have a fun and relaxing weekend ahead.  Doesn't everything just feel better now that football season is back in swing?

One of our polls closed last week.  It asked where most of your disciplinary spankings occur.  We got 123 responses, which is about average for our polls, whcih I usually leave up for about three weeks.  Here are the results:

  87 (70%)
  6 (4%)
Living/family room
  20 (16%)
  5 (4%)
  5 (4%)

Not unexpectedly, the bedroom won this one decisively.

 The living room/family room came in a distant second.

The kitchen got a handful of votes.

I neglected to ask about the bathroom, which is another obvious candidate.

 Or for those lucky few, something earthier, like a barn or woodshed.

For us, it's the basement.  For most of our DD relationship, we have had kids in the home. The layout of the house makes bedroom spankings less than ideal, as they can be easily overheard through a door or a wall.  Fortunately, our current house has a small storage room in the basement, which we have converted to a makeshift discipline room.  It is barely large enough to serve the purpose, but we've made it work. It is currently in a cluttered state, but over time I would like to make it a bit more ornate and formal, to suit the seriousness of the disciplinary instruction that she delivers there.

So, tell us all about where you get spanked the most, and why that particular room or place was chosen.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Hi Dan,
    Yes football makes it all better although watching football has got me in trouble more than once. To this weeks question: I answered bedroom in the poll but its actually a guest bedroom that is now more or less a dedicated room for discipline. I do almost all of my corner time there and her " tools" are kept there. It can be locked when guests are in the house. One exception to this is witnessed spankings ( her sister) which are in the family room or living room and " on the spot" spankings which can and have happened almost anywhere.. Very early in our DD relationship it was decided spanking in the marital bedroom sent the wrong message. One unexpected result of having a dedicated room is that I become submissive and cooperative with her just being in there through association with earlier experiences in there. I don't want to leave the impression I never get spanked any other place. Some of my spankings have occurred during travel and on vacation, a lot of them in hotels.But the question was where it most often happens and that is in our guest room.
    Alan .

    1. Hi Alan. I agree about the value of having a dedicated room that you associate with being punished. It's one reason I want to innovate our little indoor "woodshed."

    2. Hi Dan, We have a store room next to the kitchen ,which I have had to convert to a ' school room, 'as well, on my wifes orders! She has a cupboard , where she hangs her 3 canes and a strap and hopes to add to this collection ! She gives me detention ( grounding) which I spend in there for up to an hour, waiting for her to come in and punsh me! This can be for Role play or real punishment! I find the anticipation is exciting and very stimulating as she notices when she undresses me, removing my trousers and underpants ! I stand in front of her whilst she pins up my shirt tails and I feel rather embarrassed as my 'excitement' is revealed ! I then have to bend over or ly across the table with cushions under me lifting my buttocks ! She takes her time caning or strapping my bare bottom and thighs, raising stinging red stripes ! She feels up to 25 stokes is suitable punishment! She likes to have me standing facing the wall for half an hour afterwards and slaps my bare if I try to rub my burning rear! JK

    3. Hi JK. Sounds like a great space you have created.

  2. I prefer to use Stitch's bedroom, rather than the bedroom I share with Shilo because it's the coolest in the summer and has a good layout for filming. The living/dining room is second, with our bedroom third. Hotel rooms when traveling are nice as well.

  3. Oh, and football? BAH!!! The only football Shilo watches is the occasional OU game.

  4. Dan,

    Love the football, but team is getting spanked. For for us it is our bedroom closet. It's large enough for a chair and I added a lock to the door for privacy. All my wife's spanking tools are keep their. We have used the kitchen, other bedrooms and outdoors while hiking. John

    1. Hi John. Thanks for joining the conversation. I have two teams -- one college on pro. One is getting spanked, the other is winning but winning ugly.

      I have never had an outdoor spanking.

  5. The bedroom is the default location for ease, comfort (relatively speaking of course), and privacy. That said, I have been spanked in every room in the house. We also have a bit of an understanding that if I leave a mess in the kitchen, that the wooden spoon hanging there is going to see action there as well.

    Location usually depends on 'why'. But for us, the more serious it is, the more likely it will be the bedroom. Also, the homemade 'rack' we have for punishment switchings is designed to lay on the bed, and folds down to store under the bed.

  6. We have a lower back bedroom that we used as a guest room while my parents were alive and visiting. It then became my wife's workshop and the place the spankings occurred. We have moved a futon into the room and so it serves as part workshop, part spanking room, part sex room. it is where all the implements are kept. in the basement where I have my model railroad, there are some dowels that can be used by wife if she sees fit.

    1. Thanks, Baxter. It's great that its her workshop in multiple ways

  7. My wife often takes me to the basement. We don't have children at home but she does it because it works to set the mood like nothing else. I have to walk down the stairs led by her hand with pants around ankles and that is part of it. But there is something about being punished down there that takes me out of my comfort zone and eager to submit to her or whatever she decides. All the defiance goes out of me when I descend those steps..I don't remember ever being spanked in the basement as a kid so there is no memory that .explains it. There is just something real and scary about being punished down there and then being taken back upstairs almost like being transported to a different world when it's happening.

    1. Hi Ed. My feelings are similar. I think descending or ascending stairs subtly emphasizes that you are being taken to a different place literally and figuratively.

    2. Wow! Me too Dan!!! Walking slowly upstairs behind Anna! It is as if her walk takes on a new

    3. Hi Peter. That probably is even more intense that walking down alone and waiting!

    4. This is so interesting. I think our bedroom is even more powerful than other places because it sends the message that I'm NOT going to another level, place, or dimension. I'm going to get it in the here and now because getting spanked is not 'separate' but intrinsic to us as a couple. I like a bit of "punishment ritual" but too much makes it seem 'apart' from real life and I think Rosa and I see it as part of our real life. Interesting how we can see things so differently!

  8. Hi I am Jan and I spank my husband on regular basis. I administer most spankings in the kitchen with Robin over my knee. The chairs are just the right height for OTK spankings and there is plenty of room for kicking legs and struggling bad boys. My husband has been caught numerous times over my knee by my neighbors when the have come to the kitchen door but that is his problem since he is the one who didn't behave. I keep a paddle hanging convenently on the wall and there is a good spot for him to do corner time in. He gets very embarrassed at times but I just tell to learn to behve. Jan

    1. Hi Jan. Thanks verymuch for joining. There are so many of us who choose spanking spots precisely because they are the most private and insulated places in the home -- it's great hearing from those for whom that is just not a concern.


    2. WOW! - Jan. Can you tell us more about the times that neighbors have caught your husband over your knees - were they women, men (perhaps other spanked husbands), good friends, relatives, or what? Also, did they stay and watch or beat a hasty retreat? Is it common knowledge in that neighborhood that Robin is a spanked husband?

      Carl H

    3. Please. Talk a little about your neighbors see you discipline your husband.

      I already had neighbors with a disciplinarian mother. She discipline her children soon after they do something wrong. She used belt or a stick from a tree called goiabeira (item has already been widely used in Brazil).
      She did not care if other people were present believe this was part of the discipline strategy.

      Sometimes we hear the slaps them as a discipline her husband. She sends the children to play outside. The windows always open and we could hear the sound of the slaps applied to the husband. The sound was a belt being used in severe form

    4. Hi Jan here. I don't go out of my way to spank my husband so he will get caught. I spank him when he need its and deserves it. I once gave him a good sound spanking in front of his mother and sister. I simply took by his ear lead him to a chair put him otk I then forced his pants and underwear down and spanked his bare bottom like you would any naughty little boy. When his bottom was well blistered I marched him off to his corner. His mother was totally amazed at the way he acted and how his attitude changed as the results of his spanking and has introduced his sister to similar discipline when needed. I also employ certain methods such as petticoat punishment when necessary. If you want I write about that another time. Jan

    5. Jan, Thanks for the response, especially about you M-I-L and S-I-L. Do you remember what they said after you spanked your husband? Also, what about any neighbors?


    6. Hi Carl, Well I remember that his mother commented that he was long over due and she now felt confident that her son was going to be a respectful and well behaved individual. Jan

  9. My spankings occur almost exclusively in the bedroom. If it is a disciplinary spanking I am normally bent over the end of the bed and restrained by my hands and feet. We found that this keeps things safer as I can't jump around and move her target. It takes a while before I can settle down and accept my spanking so the restrain helps me to get to that point with less risk of off target spanks. We keep the implements in the bedroom, and she chooses what is used. Sometimes I am given a choice, such as between the spencer or lexan paddle, and sometimes when I choose one she uses the other. We use the bedroom mostly because it is the best location to keep the sounds as private a possible. We like to keep our disciplinary relationship between the two of us.

    1. Thanks, Anonymous. We recently started using restraints. Not so much to prevent off target swats, but because it makes me even more acutely aware that I cannot prevent what is going to happen even if I tried.

  10. If the occasion calls for it (and it often does, according to her!) almost any location will do...
    At home, the kitchen (with a wooden spoon or spatula) is a preferred site - especially when I am slack in performing my household chores - or the bedroom (early in the morning or at night - after I have misbehaved during a "social event")
    Also "indoors" - but not at home - in quite a few hotel rooms while on vacation... and even (once) in an airport restroom, and in a department store's fitting room... with the chance of being overheard !
    And then, quite a few "outdoors" locations - mostly when hiking in the woods (with a switch she cuts on the spot) but also, on two occasions, in the keep of some old castle!

    1. Wow -- airport restroom and department store fitting room -- very adventurous! Thanks for sharing.

    2. I suspect we were overheard in that fitting room - if only by whoever was in one of the adjacent booths... As for the airport, because this was a late night flight, there was only one middle-aged German woman in the "facility"- and I know she was aware of what had been going on by the way she looked at us when we emerged from the cabin where my derrière had just been soundly paddled with the hairbrush !

  11. All my spankings are given in the bedroom. Both the wooden paddle and the wide leather belt are in the closet and readily available. Most times it is over her knees in the overstuffed chair, but there have been times where I am laying flat on the bed. If corner time is to follow it is the same corner of the bedroom.

  12. Almost always in our bedroom. That's where I started and have seen no reason to change. But I begin discipline ( stripping him and some scolding) anywhere I happen to be in the house.I make sure he folds his clothes and leaves them in wherever I begin so he has to return to get dressed again after its over. In that sense he has been punished in every room in the house plus the tool shed out back and the basement. Spanking him on the same bed we make love has made him more submissive in lovemaking which I like

    1. Hi Holly. Thanks for sharing. I envy you having a tools shed apart from the house. That seems so quintessentially disciplinary

  13. Like KD posted - my spankings are normally given in the bedroom but I have been spanked in every room of the house. The privacy of the bedroom was the obvious choice when we had teenagers at home, and we still had to be cognizant of noise - got a lot of "silent switchings" back then (often with the DWC mini-cane). But at the times we knew we were safe for a while, my wife made it a point to break in every room of the house over time. Now that the kids are gone, we still use the bedroom the majority of the time, but I also get spanked regularly in the kitchen and den as well. Also, when the kids were at home, we had access to a private office only a few minutes away that was available after business hours and on weekends - that office became the woodshed. I received many paddlings there bent over the office desk or across her lap on the large leather sofa - she still has a hairbrush stashed in a closet there just in case she needs to take me there when the kids are home. I've also been spanked in motel rooms, family restroom at the mall, in the storage shed of her Mom's house, her sister's house, and in the car. --al

    1. Just a side note - when exiting the family rest room at the mall - where I had received a quick 25 or so with the hairbrush, two ladies were standing just a few feet down the hall way, looking our way with mischievous smiles. And to make matters worse, my wife had left the restroom with the hairbrush still in her hand as she wanted to make sure that if anyone had overheard - they they would know who was doing the spanking. Actually, though, it was early on a weekday morning and the restroom was way down a long hall way (as mall restrooms sometimes are) so I had hoped no one would be around - unfortunately that was not the case. I am sure those ladies knew that I got spanked - thankfully I did not know them. On a different note - I will be traveling on business for a couple of weeks and will be off line for the duration. -- al

    2. Hi Al. Have an empty office available sounds great.

  14. al's note above about being spanked in the car ( back seat?) makes me wonder how common that is.One of the first disciplinary spanking I got was in the back seat on a back road in a national forest. It's also happened in a local park and in a garage and in a mall parking lot. Every one of them were spontaneous spankings with a car chosen because it was available. Altogether I have probably been spanked in a car only about a half dozen times but they have all been memorable. The emotion I remember most of all was embarrassment and also fear that someone would see it.

    1. The car does seem like a really likely place, just because it is so readily available and failry sound proof

  15. I've received maybe 15 or so spankings in the car in the dozen years that we've been in the DD lifestyle - mostly in the back seat of her vehicle. However, the very first one that I received was in my car - a sports sedan with bucket seats. We were driving down the Interstate late at night, returning from a visit in a town a couple of hours down the highway, when Susan became irritated with the self righteous and condescending remarks I was making about a couple that we had me while visiting our friends. As we approached a dark country road exit, she told me to take the exit. I could tell by her tone of voice that I had better follow her directions, so I took the exit, and she had me park in back of an old, closed service station. Then I was instructed to reach back between the bucket seats to pick up an item that she had just dropped on the back floor board - whereupon she pulled my pants down and administered a full fledged hair brush paddling, easily a hundred whacks. In the short term, my bottom was very sore as I drove the rest of the way home, and it proved to be a very memorable spanking in the long term. --al

    1. Now this has got me thinking about it and I think its that mixture of spontaneity and ( small) danger of discovery that makes them so memorable. Also for me at least they are rare.

    2. I have been spanked a number of times while "on the road", but only once in the backseat of our car. Most other times (e.g. when driving home after a party where she felt I had "misbehaved") she chose to stop at a roadside spot where the spanking could be administered. This also happened a couple of times in broad daylight when, to punish me for my 'reckless driving', I was ordered to pull in at a "convenient" roadside area (including one with picnic tables) and to pulll down my pants to receive what she called "a well-deserved punishement" - once with her hairbrush, and once with a sturdy switch she cut right on the spot...


  16. We're lucky enough to be able to set a room aside for punishment. Years ago, when the last of our children moved away we dedicated one of the bedrooms. It's not used for anything else so unless one of them makes a rare visit home, the trestle is permanently set up and ready to go. We don't have a fancy name for it but know it as Upstairs but because friends often stay with us, its the only room in the house that's kept behind a closed door.
    We've taken most of the bedroom furniture away so it's very functional and not a place for discussion. That's happens elsewhere and usually over dinner with the visit Upstairs after we have cleared away. That way, if I'm feeling sorry for myself, I can put myself to bed afterwards.
    Noise isn't a problem because the nearest neighbours know of our disciplinary arrangement and those on the other side are too far away.
    It's ideal for us because we keep the discipline contained and not spilling over into the rest of our lives.


  17. All spankings take place in the bedroom, have always been that way when the children were at home as my wife could put our various hairbrushes away in the chest of drawers at the side of the bed, and now they have all left home, (children that is, not the hairbrushes), we see no reason to change


  18. @Dan: I'm sure you've considered insulation or other sound proofing material for your basement room due to the children. Just consider that you will also need to check the ventilation if you do a project like that. A split HVAC system would be a great choice for that room if it fits your budget.


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