
Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Forum - Vo. 99 - Apps & Other Tools

Hello everyone.  Happy Saturday, and welcome back to the Forum.  I hope you had a great week. 

Particpatory spanking blogs like this one often host topics relatedt to implements and tools.  The discussion almost always centers on those tools that are applied directly to our upturned bottoms.  This week, let's talk about tools of a different sort.  Tools that facilitate our DD and FLR relationships in a slightly more indirect way.  Let's talk instead about the various apps, programs, communucation tools, etc. that our wives can and do use to control or monitor us, and other such DD and FLR facilitators.

I will kick things off with a couple of apps we use.  The first is a very simple little calendaring app called Streaks.  From its App Store description: "Streaks is a motivational calendar application.  It is a simple tool for fracking the consecutive days it takes to reach a certain goal.  For each day that you accomplish your task, you mark it on the Streaks calendar, motivating yourself to keep the streak going."  I use it to enter some self-improvement goal I want to accomplish or, in the DD and FLR context, some rule we have agreed to.  Like "No Excessive Alcohol" or "Daily Exercise."  Every day I check off whether I accomplished it or blew it, and I can show her the status at preset times or whenever she demands.

Another app we started experimenting with recently is called Chorma.  It is described as: "Chorma is an easy and fun way to organize chores with your partner, kids or roommates. Chorma synchronizes between devices, so it's easy to cooridnate who does what . . ."  We have just started to play with this, but it seems to be a great tool for any Head of Household, as it is basically a chore assigning tool that can sync across multiple devices.  When installed on multiple phones used by household members, it allows the administrator to assign tasks to each person, and they must check things off the list as they are done.

One other tool we use is an electronic journal.  We had experimented with paper journals tracking my behavior, etc., but there was a two-fold problem. First, they could easily be discovered and read if left around the house.  Second, the logistics fo exchanging them were not always ideal or convenient.  They also didn't work well given my business travel schedule, which made daily updates virtually impossilbe.   The solution we struck upon that seems to be working pretty well is I keep the journal as a password-protected word processing file, which I then send to her via a daily text message.  If I were ever to accidentally send the text to the wrong person, they wouldn't be able to open it without knowing the password.  Same with prying eyes looking at her phone or tablet -- unless she leaves the document open, all anyone can see is a blandly named, password protected file.

So, how about the rest of you?  Are there any similar apps and tools that you use to facilitate your DD or FLR relationship?

Have a great weekend.



  1. Hi Dan,
    For several years we have used a written log kept in a note book (not electronic) that records every formal punishment (pants down) It has evolved some but now includes date, the offense, instruments used, severity (1 -5) supplemental punishment given (if there was one), space for comments by her which usually is evaluation of how well I accepted it and I must sign it. It is used for all our behavioral reviews (now once a month) and every time I am given a warning. She has asked me to put it all in a spread sheet so I am working on that. It really is a good feedback tool that motivates me and helps her see patterns. The log is one of the reasons she started using preventive discipline, spanking me before certain holiday parties and family gatherings that tend to get me in trouble with her.

    1. Hi Alan. Seem like a great feedback tool. We haven't used a spreadsheet. Maybe I'll give something like that a try, though my spreadsheet skills are more or less non-existent.

  2. Over a year ago, I noticed a "OO" in red felt tip pen written on the calander on the kitchen wall. There were actually a few of them I noticed as I was totaling up the accumulated rainfall that I enter when it rains. I asked my wife what these were and she smiled and said ... those were your spankings ... how could you forget them?

    1. Thanks, Anonymous. It's great that she found them important enough to memorialize.

  3. Hello Dan,
    I like the idea of a spread sheet documenting a disciplinary spanking. I don't think I need it for keeping track of my husbands' spankings . I am very aware of each one and why he received it. But I think a spreadsheet might help with another problem.Jay sometimes doesn't understand the gravity of what he has done without my intervention ( scolding) I want him to be more self aware of what he is doing and the consequences for him and me. Keeping track of each spanking and entering it into a data base might help him to acknowledge what he does wrong and take responsibility for it . I can just picture him standing in the corner studying the record of past spankings while I am getting ready to light up his tush for his current behavior. I love it.

    1. Hi Marisa,

      Perhaps Alan could be persuaded to share with you once he is finished constructing his spreadsheet? It does seem like a good idea. As I said, we use a journal, which serves part of the purpose you identify, but Alan also referenced how it helps his wife see patterns in his behavior, and a spreadsheet might be better suited to that than a journal.

  4. Hello. I've been lurking on the site for several weeks and figure I need to jump in the discussion.
    We don't really use any tools to track behavior or punishments. But sometimes, as part of my discipline, I have to copy definitions (I hate it!). I am allowed to use the dictionary app. I can look up the word electronically, but of course I have to write it all by hand. Other than that, there are times I must text my wife a picture with my smartphone to show her that my chores are completed on time.
    Thank you for the great site! I love the conversation!


  5. R -- Welcome! I'm glad you decided to join. Great uses of the smartphone. We tend to use it in reverse -- my wife sends me pictures of things like dishes left in the sink as a way of voicing her displeasure about chores I did NOT do.

    Hope to hear from you more in the future.

  6. Dan

    We have recently begun maintaining a chart that is posted on a wall in the kitchen. Initially it was a means of reminding the boys, without nagging , about the basic rules of the house. If a rule is broken or forgotten then a
    checkmark goes next to the name. One of the rules that created the most resentment from the boys was that the cell phones were to be turned off during dinner and/ or any family meeting. When the boys fussed that Peter could use his during dinner, he very sweetly agreed he would turn his off during dinner. Other rules to follow are, no bickering or yelling, no computer or cell phone till homework and chores are done.
    At the end of the first week the boys came to me and wanted to point out that their Dad had the most checkmarks. They suggested that if Peter kept breaking the rules he shoudnt be allowed to play poker
    with his friends on fridays. Out of the mouths of babes. Peter now has a clean record. He plays on
    fridays. Of course we never speak of my list of infractions that I keep in a special journal.

    1. Hi Anna. Great system, and kudos to Peter for cleaning up his record!

  7. Thanks for the information on those apps. We currently use an excel spreadsheet which we call the "Chastity Calendar" to monitor the percentage of time i spend in chastity. Doubt these apps will replace this, but i believe my Wife might find them to be very complimentary to what we currently do now. Thanks again.

    sissy terri

    1. Hi Terri. Thanks for contributing. Good to have you.


  8. The entire apps subject is timely with the rise in interest in all sorts of adult discipline.As far as I know there is no generally available app for download to PC or phone that helps monitor or organize a discipline program like some of the exercise apps or calendar apps and so on. There seem to be plenty of techies in the spanko world. Maybe one of them will give some thought to developing something. Probably not good for my butt but good for the cause

    1. Hi George. That is a great idea, and I haven't seen or heard about anything like that. The closest I have seen was an app on a blog in which someone could enter the severity of an offense and the number of implements, and the program would dictate a certain number of swats with each implement. But, the website I saw it on was removed some time ago.

  9. Sorry I'm late... Our favorite tool is

    Also, Shilo keeps an online diary for me to use.

  10. Along with my online day-to-day diary, I keep an online In-Chastity Diary.
    For chastity play, we use a random number generator to determine for how many days I will be locked up, with the period beginning on Sunday afternoon, before my work-three-night-week begins. The smallest number allowed is 3, ending on the following Wednesday, and up to 13 days, almost two weeks, but never allows a Free Day on my work days (Sunday - Monday - Tuesday).
    She knows what the Free Day is; I do not, until it happens.

    For impact play, funishments, and videos that we produce, Merry often uses the RNG to determine how many implements will be used, and how many swats or strokes with it. Again, I don't get to know the numbers that Merry arrives at, it's all a 'surprise' as it were.

  11. Hello everyone, I thought i may be able to help all of you. I am not in a FLR per se but have had the pleasure of "dealing with" many naughty boys and the odd naughty girl over the years.

    I used two different apps to assist me in behaviour management and the administration of discipline and punishment. The first is very easy to use and called "spinnywheel". It's a completely customizable wheel of fortune or fate...for lack of a better term. I created wheels with times in minutes, for cornertime. Implements and even wheels of full-blown punishments. Spanking, grounding, enema, mouth soaping etc. My naughty boy would earn "spins" which I would then display on a large screen as he stood naked and watched his fate. Very humiliating and shaming for him as he watches the wheel land on 7 days of chastity for instance...or maid uniform and polish all of my high heels. Give the wheel a try ;)

    The other app I used, also completely customizable was called iRewardChart. This was based on a system of points and gold stars for good behaviour, red stars for poor behaviour or failed achievements. The best part about this one is that you can set automatic rewards and punishments. 7 points earned for instance, he's permitted to worship my feet. 12 points he gets a ruined orgasm, 15 he gets a full release etc.

    ...and of course on the negative side of things. Minus 3 points, an OTK spanking, or one wheel spin maybe? Minus 8 points earns him 3 spins of all three wheels: cornertime, spanking implements and alternative punishment means.

    Both of these apps worked great and in conjunction with one another.

    Miss R


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