
Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Forum - Vol. 96 - Switching

Hi all.  Welcome back to another weekend here at the Disciplined Husbands Forum.  Our participation seems to be waning, as we work our way further into this beautiful summer.  Understandable.  I can't say I am anymore inspired than the rest of our participants, or I guess I should say I am equally distracted by other things.  Pondered and pondered this morning for a good new topic, and I can't say I succeeded.  Sometimes that's just the way it is.

So, no new experience or real-life scenario motivates this week's topic.  Rather, it's just been on my list for awhile.  Let's talk about "switching," i.e. the spankee becoming a spanker and vice versa.  How many of you have "switched" roles in the past?  Is it something you still do today? Do you want to?

For me, the answer is no.  I've never had any real desire to spank my wife or any other woman.  For whatever reason, my interest in domestic discipline and corporal punihsment runs exclusively one way.  The only slight exception is that when looking for DD-oriented drawings, I often find myself attracted to ones showing female spankees, but largely because there is just more high-quality work out there depicting M/f scenarios, and they tend to show more emotion.  I really wish there was a deeper body of F/m oriented spanking art out there.  Unfortunately, I won't be contributing to the genre, as I can't even draw stick figures.

Have a great weekend!



  1. I contribute F/m spanking images on a regular basis.You just need to know where to look!

    1. Then help me out with that! Seriously, I have collected many over the years, but I've hit this point where I seem to have seen virtually all of them at least once, and most just aren't that interesting. Most depict a guy bent over with his mouth open and sreaming in protest as a paddle lands on his ass. So few show any real trepidation or fear before the spanking, or the emotions associated with the after-math, or anything resembling real remorse, release, etc. There is a lot of that kind of thing out there with female spankees. Very little where the spankee is a man.

    2. Hi Merry, Thanks for sharing a glimpse of your real life with Shilo! -al

  2. Dan, you and I are in the same camp on this one. I really have no desire to be the spanker - as you so plainly put it "for whatever reason". Maybe someone really understand why we do this thing we do - but it sure ain't me. My wife, otoh, truly enjoys her role as the spanker - and has made it very plain that she will never be the one being spanked.

    As to spanking art, I probably enjoy F/F spanking pics the most - the best of both worlds, so to speak - a woman spanker and a lovely female behind being spanked. But F/M runs a close second - especially those pics that depict the male in obvious discomfort - reality pics, I guess. --al

    1. Hi Al. My wife feels the same as yours -- no interest at all in being the spankee.

  3. Hi Dan,

    Yes, I do have fantasies of spanking my Wife, but only under very specific circumstances. She would need to essentially order me to temporarily treat her like a submissive and spank her. I know there are times when Mistress K. would love to just let go and not have to be in charge for a while. Before we became an official FLM, would switch roles when we role played in the past.

    1. I can understand a wife wanting not to be in control for a while. I'm just afraid it would confuse the roles too much for us. Though, honestly, I have no interest in switching anyway, regardless of role confusion.

    2. I totally agree Dan, it would confuse the roles a great deal, which is why it never happens. It will remain a fantasy. I believe that if Mistress K. were to ever feel the need to accept a true punishment spanking, it would be at the hand of someone other than me for that very reason.

  4. The spanking in my marriage is that I am the spankee most of the time, rarely my wife. I seem to get more out of the anticipation of a spanking, the actual spanking and the enjoyable residual pain and afterglow. I do enjoy F/M stories and pictures a lot, trying to picture myself over the knee or whatever position, receiving the spanking. But I also enjoy M/F a lot also I as I do enjoy looking at female posteriors.

    1. Yeah, that is the other undeniably nice thing about M/f art -- women's bottoms are just soooo much more attractive.

  5. I very much liked spanking women's bare bottoms and in my youth happened on to a number of very beautiful women who really liked being whipped. And even a couple who liked to both receive and give.

    For the past couple of decades, however, I have strictly been on the receiving end - and love it for all the reasons cited above.

    I think I like f/f spanking art because it provides the best of two fantasies - deliciously beautiful bare bottoms that I identify with, coupled being spanked by a strong-willed female.

    As for subject matter: how about a vote on who has been spanked outside (it is summer after all) and the details of that spanking?

  6. Hello Dan,
    I am very much like your wife on this question. I am the disciplinarian in my family and there can only be one.I do actually know one or two women who very much need a good spanking so my views are not gender biased. Men as well as women can be disciplinarians but once you have accepted that responsibility it is yours as long as the relationship lasts

    1. Hi Marisa. I've had a couple of topics on people we know who desperately need a dose of DD through some good bare-bottom spankings. While it's a topic that interests me, because I know several, it never seems to get much response.

  7. Dan

    I will have to join both your wife and Marisa. I truly believe there can be only one disciplinarian in our home. It is possible perhaps for others to switch, but not for us. I know When I say us I am speaking for Peter since we
    discussed this topic at brunch today. It has taken us many moons to get to this place in our lives. It works for us both and I think makes things better for our family. In our home it is purely for discipline. It is what works for Peter and therefore works for me.


    1. Hi Anna. Your answer suggest another possible connotation of "switching" that I didn't think about, i.e. switching between discipinary spankings and other more fun or erotic kinds. I agree with you -- we don't mix the two and I don't think it woulld work for us.

  8. My wife is the one in charge - period! She makes the rules and I have my specific instructions on how I am expected to behave. She is the disciplinarian and when I step out of line I am the spankee.

  9. There are all kinds of spanking. Given the theme of this forum, most of us gravitate towards spanking as genuine or at least 'semi-genuine' punishment. We guys are on the willing receiving end of the painful yet loving discipline traditionally experienced from strict mothers. As such.....(to quote Highlander) "There can be only one!"

    Rosa has no desire whatsoever to be on the receiving end of what she has no problem in dishing out. To her, things just make sense as they are and she feels no need to be genuinely punished. However, on rare occasions, she does get in a "mood" and sort of gets horny for being treated roughly, biting, hairpulling...even to a point of some mildly stingy open-handed slaps to her bottom.'s all a game at her initiation and it ends when she says. She also tends to conclude these sessions with a very clear re-establishment of role. Sometimes a bit after we've played this way, she'll instruct me to kiss her feet or even find some concocted excuse to spank me,,,,,much harder than she had been. Just to put things back in place.

    For me? I have the ability to switch and even make a good Top in BDSM play if encouraged to do so. In a relationship I am content to submit. Sometimes when Rosa is in one of these moods it takes me a while to get my head where it needs to be to effectively take charge in a forceful way, but we have found a practically fool-proof formula to get me to be "the evil vampire".

    one satisfying orgasm ( for me) earlier in the day
    one large, painfully cold and relatively dry gin martini after dinner
    one doe-eyed Sonia pretending to be the passive and breathless victim

    Mix well.

    Works like a charm!

    1. HI KD. I'm glad that you are able to go between top and sub like that. It's a flexibliity I don't seem to have

  10. Hi Dan.
    I am very much agree with you -I could never spank my wife! She is the boss and I like it that way! She would probably react with-'You must be joking!" if I mentioned it and promptly send me for her strap or cane! There is one exception which happens when she has her birthday party for her female friends and carries on a tradition which they had when at University- a birth day spanking! When her friends come I stay out of the way in the kitchen,, having been spanked by them once! Regarding art there is no comparison between a male bottom and a lovely soft rounded female bottom- aesthetically speaking !! John

    1. Yeah, I sometimes feel sorry for women, being stuck with the aesthetically unpleasing male physique to look at, including a not-so-aestthetically pleasing bottom draped over their lap for an OTK session

  11. A playful slap on the butt as I pass by is as far as I would ever go

  12. While it's more often me on the receiving end my wife knows she will end up over my knee if she gets too big for her boots.
    However her spankings would be considered mild compared to mine and I will stop once her bottom is red.
    I believe it brings great balance to our relationship.


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