
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Blogger Content Policy

It is with no small sense of irony that, the day after Alan posted a comment suggesting spanking is out of the closet and no longer that controversial, I learned that Google has issued a new content policy under which it will make "private" sexually explicit blogs.  They have exceptions for sexual content that has some independent scientific or artistic merit. Whatever that means.  And, of course, they don't really tell anyone what that means.  It isn't at all clear to me whether drawings would be included or even whether it applies to sexually-oriented text that doesn't contain graphic images.

While I think an invitation-only blog could work fine, Google has capped partipants at 100 people, and it is by invitation only, which is a problem given that even our more prolific contributors are often posting anonymously and don't even have a fake profile and email address to which to send the invitation.

Given that there is little actual sexual content on this blog, I'm hoping we fly under the radar of the sphincter police.  But, there is some content that could placee our "public" status at risk.  So, I will over the next few days remove some of the more sexually explicit drawings, and I also will likely start deleting comments that have a lot of sexual content, especially content that doesn't have a whole hell of a lot to do with DD or FLR.   Sorry, this really is annoying, and hopefully there will be a big enough outcry that they will rethink this, but i doubt it. 


  1. Hi Dan,

    Can I enquire is it just photos or also writing?


  2. My suggestion is that you not delete anything. Some of us would like to capture a few portions of the blog. I don't think you have much of a chance at this blog not being considered sexually explicit no matter how much you cut. Instead consider some other avenues, e.g. Wordpress, and migrate.

  3. I'm really upset that the new policy is so unclear on their policy. I mean, I rarely, if ever, post any pictures, but I do have sexual content, mostly in the BDSM sense. I asked them about written content, and they said nothing in return. GRRRR!

  4. Dan, there already is a huge outcry on the Blogger Help Forum, and I don't think it will help one bit.

    They are only looking for pornographic images, so text should be safe.


  5. mistress marie and her slave have already moved to fetlife. No restrictions so check it out

  6. Having no crystal ball I don't know how Google will ultimately implement its new and purposely ambiguous policies.Google has much at stake here and it doesn't appear that this was at all well thought out. What I don't need a crystal ball to know is efforts to censor internet adult expression is doomed to fail. The internet is a dynamic expanding force and no one, not even Google, will alter that. For every door that is closed to self expression, many more will open. Google's apparent direction is going to create opportunities for other providers, other platforms and other venues. One day, not that long away, Google will lament it's ill -advised decision.Those who act in haste usually do repent in leisure


    1. Not at all hard. Download foxfire and you have switched search engines

  7. I got the Google message through my blog. So much for freedom of speech. My thought is to either quit - or switch to Wordpress or expand my Fetlife profile. Maybe we could build our own Fetlife community? Switching to WP means building from ground zero - or does it? Can I transfer blogger to WP easily without losing contacts and content I've built? I have no idea really. And if we all go to WP, won't they just do the same as Google? But I agree with Alan, whatever Google try to do, they won't solve the problem with the net ever expanding.

    1. Hi RM,
      Fetlife always seemed a little " out there" but honestly I don't know anything about it. Maybe you or someone else who belongs can enlighten


    2. Fetlife isn't "out there", but for people who are into FLR/DD they might find it interesting.

  8. Good news, indeed! --al

  9. I was going to say that both Shilo and myself have a fetlife page, but we like to keep our blogs separate. Guess I don't have to worry anymore. Glad they backed out!


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