
Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Forum - Question of the Week #35

Welcome back everyone.  I hope you had a good week.  Last week I got a little philosophical.  This week, let's go in a much more concrete direction. 

What is your most feared "weapon of ass destruction"?  What implement does the best job of getting your attention, turning a spanking into a real punishment. What implement strikes fear in your heart?  Or, if you are the spanker, which implement do you turn to when the goal is to leave a very strong message.

Hope you have a good week.  As always, please take a minute to say a few words in the Guestbook and please think about contributing something (fact or fiction) to the User Stories section.



  1. You'll probably think im crazy but, I can't go past a bent coathanger. Silent but deadly.. Kinda discovered this because of grown kids in the house so noise of spanking is a problem. A little, almost silent, 'sting' from that coathanger hurts like a cane stroke with a tenth the effort for my lady. Go on, try it for yourself :)

  2. Without doubt it is the long handle bath brush which she prefers to use and I fear most. When she spanks me OTK I can get through it without breaking down but if she bends me over the table or the bathroom counter I lose it fast. My wife is strong and loves the sound that brush makes as it smacks my bottom. It just takes my breath away with no warm ups and rarely less than 40 cracks of it. I think it is the only tool she uses that does change my behavior because the memory of it lasts a long time.

  3. We use the bath brush too. I agree, it is a very nasty implement. Much worse than a hairbrush.

  4. For everday punishment my wife prefers a natural bamboo bundle from Caneiac. There are 10 strands of bamboo all 18 inches long. They sting and sometimes leave marks but they arent really that bad. For serious punishment
    wife has recently purchased an 18 inch wooden paddle called the Unforgiving Hardwood Paddle. This paddle always reduces me to tears. The bamboo strips applied say 5 times a day with no less that 100 do leave an impression.Trust me!
    peter b

  5. Years ago on a cruise, my wife got very mad at me for something I said or did. I don;t remember which. When we got to our room, she wanted to punish me but didn't have a silent way to do it. She found a hair dryer with a long cord. It was awkward for her but she managed quite a severe session holding on to the hair dryer and plug and swinging the wire. The marks that were made lasted the entire cruise. Unfortunately, my wife was impressed with the results and continued this kind of discipline when at home. She uses a six foot extension cord, holding the two ends in her hand. I'd rather she use a belt or cane which I can tolerate much better. Sometimes my hands shake just plugging in an appliance.

  6. While I 'fear' nothing, and if anybody thinks that is bragging, they can contact me for some of my pictures on my blogs or on Fet, here's a few that I know are going to give me a 'bad time'.

    At an auction, we bought a long, skinny, kinda heavy bamboo paddle which they called the "Zombie Killer." ERRRGH.

    We also have a hard but flexible plastic paddle with plastic studs molded on each side, one side longish studs, the other side sharper studs. The long studded side creates red impressions on me in a waffle design, the sharper-studded side often draws specks of blood.

    Finally, there's a sjambok. We don't own one, but I've 'felt' the one that friends own.

    1. You think? Here's pix right after: (but you have to be registered on Fetlife)

    2. if no Fet, try this, but these are 'fuzzier':

  7. When my wife first implamenting DD, she would spank with just her hand. It proved quite ineffective as her hand would hurt more than my rearend. She quickly realized that she needed an implement to be more effective. She found an oversized wooden ping pong paddle that gets the job done! It stings like crazy and she can swing that thing until I'm brought to tears and pleading for forgiveness!

  8. I don't really "fear" it but since my wife is not that adept at the cane between all the "toys" we have I have to say its a black strap the DWC used to sell. It is a very thick rubber strap about an inch and 1/2 to two inches wide but it packs a wallop. Sorry, I can't recall what Aunt Kay called it. Hurts even more than our full sized spencer paddle. We've tried various similar designs from Cane-iac but none of them come close to the strap from the DWC. (pretty close to your new toy, the "oh shit" but thicker/heavier I believe)

    1. I remember that one but, like you, I don't remember what it was called.


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