
Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Forum - Question of the Week #32

Happy Holiday to you all.  For those of you who celebrate it, I hope you had a very Merry Christmas.  The Disciplined Hubby Family a good one and are enjoying some downtime before 2014 kicks off and the inevitable challenges and triumphs of a new year begin.

Speaking of New Years, our topic this week is simple:  What are your resolutions for the New Year with respect to your DD and spanking relationships?  Here are a few I am considering presenting to Disciplinary Wife to consider:
  • Generally, more DOING sex and domestic discipline, and less blogging about it, reading about, etc.  
  • Move about further along the spectrum from DD to FLR.   In other words, move from a relationship in which she spanks me for offenses to a more fully developed Female Led Relationship  
  •  Without fully revealing our FLR relationship (neither of us is ready for that yet), make it a little more obvious to friends and family that she is the one who wears the pants in the family. 
  • Explore more non-spanking forms of discipline, such as grounding 
So, what is in store for you in 2014?  What are your DD and FLR goals and hopes.  Tell us all about it!

On a different note, I am sad to note that Bonnie over at My Bottom Smarts is hanging it up after eight years.  She was an inspiration to a lot of us in the blogging community.   In my case, her blog suggested a format for dipping my toes into blogging.  Bonnie's blog suggested a collaborative format in which the readers are central, with the community providing most of the content.   So, while I am very sorry to see her go, her inspiration lives on, directly at the Hermione's Heart blog, and indirectly through other blogs she inspired, such as this Forum.


  1. I believe revealing little more obvious signs of a FLR might make an interesting topic for discussion. Wish you both a great New Year and thanks for your insight. Cheers!


  2. Just started a spanking blog featuring comics and stories of spanked husbands
    Please visit and enjoy. post as a link to your blog.

  3. I'm sad about Bonnie too... I love her blog. I'm a husband who would like to be spanked... I have a vanilla wife and am not sure it's ever going to happen. I have explained my desires to a counselor... and that was hard but good I think. When you mentioned less looking and reading, it struck a chord with me. My counselor said "what we feed... grows." and I realize that the more I feed my desires by doing research, the stronger the feelings have become. I think a guy with strong desires can be overwhelming for a vanilla wife. Hope things go well. Wish me luck in someday getting my needs met.

    1. I'm curious. Have you told your vanilla wife about your desires?

    2. You need to sit down and have a talk with your wife. If you don't share how is she going to know.

  4. DH, very interesting comments re your DD to FLR lifestyle moves.

    We've realised that we have been trying to run our DD regime alongside our 'vanilla' relationship so our goal is to have a more rounded relationship where our DD regime is simply a part of us. We are also looking at other types of punishment.




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