
Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Forum - Question of the Week

Welcome back everyone!  This week's question comes from one our anonymous commenters:

"I am always interested in when people became aware of their passion for spanking. For me I was quite young when I noticed that seeing someone being spanked or even being threatened to be spanked in movies or on TV excited me."

How about you?  How did you first become aware that you were interested in spanking and/or Domestic Discipline?  Did you discover it early or late in life?  Was there any particular event, or something you read or viewed, that started your journey down this path?

As always, if you haven't done so or if you have something to share, please take a moment to enter something in the Guestbook, below.


  1. Early in life, movies and tv shows were the first, magazines came in late teens. The desire got stronger the older I got and finally mid twenties an older lady I became friends with the subject came up, she understood. It was about a month later that as an adult I was spanked, this friend with no warning or thought it would happen, just decided it was needed. I did not resist, I accepted, I felt relief, unburden and while rubbing a very spanked bottom, Thank her. She introduce me to the woman who would become my wife. She was informed of this and our wedding night began with me across her lap and understanding that she would be in charge. The hairbrush we got as a wedding present, from my older friend really got my attention and has ever since. Five years later I have no regrets.

  2. Fairly early on. maybe 13 or 14 when I read about spanking in the letters pages of Mayfair and Penthouse. I had been spanked by an Aunt before that aged about 11. At 15 I was spanked by a niece who was only a year older than me and after that I was hooked.

  3. Mine began very young. I'm pretty sure it was watching Patty McCormack getting a spanking at the end of "The Bad Seed" on TV. It fascinated me and I've been "interested" in spanking ever since, but particularly after puberty. I fantasized endlessly about getting spanked by my mom, my dad, aunts and uncles, neighbors, teachers and, even my one year older cousin. Never got those spankings but it didn't stop me from wanting them. I've been collecting pics, videos and artwork, along with stories from many places and stories I've written myself.

  4. As I stated in an earlier entry, my story may be a bit atypical, because my interest in DD and spanking did NOT arise early. I had never even considered engaging in it, whether giving or receiving, until I was in my '30s and saw an HBO "Real Sex" episode focused on erotic spanking. It was a massive turn-on that lead me to start looking for other spanking content. Soon after, I discovered the Disciplinary Wives Club, which lead instantaneously to an interest in Domestic Discipline.

  5. I'm sure the interest was there pretty early, probably as a result of childhood spankings. They were infrequent and never severe, but always bare bottomed over my mom's knee. As an adolescent I can recall getting excited reading about spanking in Penthouse letters or in various erotic books.

  6. When I was 15 my older brother,who was 16, got caught by my dad smoking grass. It happened on a saturday night in our garage. My dad didnt do anything but told my brother that he would be punished severely until he had some sense knocked into him. He made my brother wait until the following friday after dinner.
    As my younger brother and i had dessert my older brother and dad went downstairs in the basement to my dads workroom. Through the vents we could hear the swats of my dad's thick black belt landing on what we all knew was his bare bottom.
    Only when my brother was sobbing and begging to be forgiven and swearing he would never touch grass again did my dad stop.
    A few minutes later Dad came up had his dessert and as Mom cleared the dishes my younger brother and I were brought down to the workroom where my brother bare assed was still bent over a work bench. His ass was raw. Dad told us to look and learn and we were then sent to our rooms. I dont know why but i was so aroused by it all.

  7. I think I was about 11 years old. My 16 year female next door neighbourhood came to mind me while my parents went out for the evening. I was a bit of a spoilt brat and I got a bit cheeky with her. I will never forget that first spanking. She grabbed by the arm, lead me into my parents bedroom, picked up my mother's hairbrush from the dressing table and sitting on my parent's bed hauled me over her knee. As she spanked me on thin cotton pyjama covered bottom she lectured me telling me that I was a spoilt brat and that this spanking was long overdue. The spanking hurt but I remember the nice tingling I felt in my penis at the same time. It ignited in me a life long desire to be spanked by women and on occasions to give a woman a spanking. I have been very fortunate these past 48 years since that first spanking to have received and given 1000's of spankings from and to many lovely ladies. In recent years my beautiful partner has provided me with a very special d/d relationship.

  8. I have posted here before about being spanked by an attractive aunt when I was 11 years old. Although I did not enjoy the spanking (otk, bare bottom, with a hairbrush - about 50 whacks)at the time and made it a point to avoid another one, this was most likely the trigger that led to a fascination with F/M spanking that began about a year or so later as I entered puberty. --Al

  9. I was spanked by my mother as far back as I can remember. By my elementary years, it was a weekly occurrence on the same evening, at the same time. When puberty arrived, I started getting excited before and during the spankings. Mom thought this wasn't healthy for neither me nor her. The woman next door was recruited to continue my weekly routine...actually I think she was paid by mom to do it. She didn't mind my erection, and I think she took it as a challenge to see how quickly she could spank me hard enough for it to subside. I've been hooked ever since. All through college, every time I dated a girl, I always thought what it would be like to be draped over her lap. My wife was one of those dates, and last month we celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary.

  10. At school, age ten. We all knew a boy had been sent to the Headmaster to be punished. This was a time when parents spanked, strapped and caned their children, and school discipline was strictly maintained with the cane, strap or ruler. I've no idea what happened to the boy, whether he'd been had the cane of ruler on the bottom or hands but I remember being scared to death at the thought of being in the same position as him. And each time I saw the boy, I wondered how he'd coped in the situation and how he felt about others knowing he's been sent to the head.

  11. My female cousin who is 2 months older than me, and I always had a relationship where she was pretty much my boss. Our mothers were close, and we saw a lot of each other.

    When we got older, on Sunday afternoon our moms would leave to do . . . something, somewhere, leaving us alone either at her house or mine for a good 5 or 6 hours. As we started to mature sexually, she would take the time to tease me and assert her 'authority' over me.

    One day, when we were 15 or so, I didn't want to do what she wanted so she decided to spank me. At first it was through my jeans, but when that proved inadequate, she ordered me to stand and drop my pants, she put me over her knee and let me have it.
    It was the most erotic thing I had ever experienced up to that point and my erection was hard to miss. And after that, I looked for reasons to disobey her and she looked for reasons to spank me. That lasted for 2.5 heavenly years.


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