
Friday, November 29, 2024

The Club - Meeting 500 - Community-Based Spanking Discipline and a Real DWC Club

Suddenly summoned to witness something great and horrendous, we keep fighting not to reduce it to our own smallness.” ― John Updike


Hello all.  Welcome back to the Disciplinary Couples Club.  Our weekly meeting of men and women who are in, or interested in being in, Domestic Discipline and Female Led (FLR) relationships.


Once again, before we get started, I would like to thank the female commenters who have recently joined us and to extend an invitation to all others who may be inclined to move from “lurker” to “commenter” status. We like having you around.


I hope you all (in the U.S.) had a great Thanksgiving and are getting a good start on a long holiday weekend. It’s never been one of my favorite holidays, but ours was good; a short trip, some time with extended family, and a short trip home.


We might kick off a bit of a milestone - 500 posts!  I'd make a bigger deal out of it, except that we really passed that milestone a long time ago, when you consider how many "no post this week" posts ended up with lots of comments and great discussions. But, in any event, thanks again to all of you who have stuck around for so long, regardless of how many it's actually been.


I expect this could a pretty quiet weekend here on the forum.  So, I decided to post a little early, given that some may be traveling over the weekend, and because I may be tied up tomorrow.  But, even if many are out and about, some trying not to get spanked, and some thinking about the ones they already earned, let's try to get a conversation going.

On that preliminary note, we are heading into the season where both preventative and deserved punishment spankings tend to spike.  If that was part of your Thanksgiving experience, please help out the more voyeuristic among us.  Give us some details!


Second, this may be less a well-defined topic than conveying my own recent reaction to an old comment and satisfying my curiosity as to others’ reactions.


As part of my recent review and culling of some old blog comments, I came across this one from Aunt Kay’s husband, known as Tomy here and as Jerry within the DWC.  In a comment from a years back, he reflected on this memory from the DWC:


"When Aunt Kay held her occasional Couples Gathering, the high point was the Confessional sessions. The men would bring a written description of something they craved punishment for and release from. They were completely confidential.


She studied them and then assigned each man to a different wife who would discuss the confession and administer the spanking. Believe me. The women took their responsibilities seriously.


The therapeutic result for the men who took the whole exercise to heart was beyond belief. A couple of guys reported getting rid of guilt from decades past."


Something about that scenario really got my attention, which is somewhat odd, because usually the whole group dynamic leaves me kind of cold.  In fact, while I have always been very into all things DWC, my one reservation was the some of the group activities always seemed a little too “play-like” for someone like me for whom DD is, at its core, about real accountability for real offenses.  



I think this scenario struck something within me, despite my “group play” reservations, because the stated therapeutic goal  included—and, indeed, hinged on—the husband being honest about some failing that might be deeply embarrassing that he wanted to pay a price for.  That injected a “real disciplinary” element that fell well outside typical “funishment” or “role-play” group scenarios. The scenario checked several disciplinary boxes:


  • the humbling inherent in basically asking for an immediate spanking for a specifically identified bad act;
  •  an outsider knowing about the bad act and the spanking to come, and either delivering that spanking, or facilitating it happening;
  •  the “all business” nature of the exercise, exemplified by the seriousness with which the women apparently took it; and
  • the further humbling in taking a spanking that, unlike in most group settings, reflects a real offense that everyone, including you, know you deserve and fully support you getting;
  • while she may not deliver the spanking to her own husband, the wife is still in control of the situation by virtue of participating in it herself


I don’t recall seeing anything like this on the DWC website or any of the DWC materials, but it must have been a known “thing” among people who knew about the DWC, because during my comment review I found this one in a different post from the one Tomy was commenting on:


"While I have been spanked by wives in our DWC circle of friends many times, only once has DeeDee had another wife give me a true disciplinary spanking. It was during a get together where we kind of "mocked" Aunt Kay's confessional idea.


It was very powerful. The other wife spanked me, while lecturing me on some things she saw in my life where I was over-extending myself to the point where, by "helping" others, I was hurting myself. It was something blatantly obvious to her, yet swallowed up as part of our "normal" life by DeeDee and I.


Mostly however, discipline spankings are a very private and intimate time that are shared only between DeeDee and I.” – Anthony Payne


The logistics aren’t quite clear in either scenario, but it says something about the extent to which I internalized Tomy’s description of Aunt Kay’s session that, in my mind, the husband was taken to another room and spanked in private.  I was actually surprised when, upon a closer reading, I found that element wasn’t actually part of the description, and the spankings may have happened in front of a group.  I don't know but intend to ask Jerry.


Maybe it’s just how my own imagination depicts it. Or, perhaps I subconsciously intermixed the described scenario with some of Tomy’s other stories involving men being sent to Aunt Kay for punishment spankings.  He was always instructed to take himself elsewhere in the house when those happened.  So, while he sometimes overheard them, he seldom actually witnessed them.


That relates a bit to an exchange between Miss C and Alan.  Miss C related a story regarding her own husband being spanked by Aunt K. and how watching him spanked by another woman left her feeling confused.  It led Alan to observe:


“I do get this. I have been spanked with her sister present several times. But neither her sister nor any other woman has spanked me in my wife's presence. If it did happen, as it apparently did for you –i.e., another woman in effect demonstrating her technique for your benefit- neither my wife nor I would be comfortable with that as your husband was not.


However, if my wife told me she was sending me to another woman for discipline (there could be several reasons for doing that), then the spanking would feel like an extension of her authority: she is delegating her authority to someone else. Then, the spanking from another woman would be an extension (an embarrassing one) of my wife’s authority. So, in the example you cite -if you had asked Aunt Kay to discipline him on your behalf, that would have been an entirely different situation.


In the real world, do disciplinary wives delegate their authority like that? I don’t know, but plenty of instances of it are recounted on various websites. If my wife decided to do it, her motive would probably be to help someone else with their relationship. But the point is, if she ordered it, I would obey her. But if we were at a spanking party or another social setting, I would have no interest in being spanked by another woman.”


The element I subconsciously read into the scenario—of the husband being taken to another room by the assigned disciplinary wife and the spanking taking place in private—would seem to address the concerns Miss C and Alan’s concerns about a spanking being delivered by another woman in front of the wife, and it would involve Alan’s scenario of the spanking being conducted as an extension of the wife’s authority.



It’s interesting how our minds may read elements into stories and pictures that may or may not be what the author/artist intended.  For example, this drawing, which I’ve posted many times, came up when I was searching for art for today’s post.  In the past, I’ve assumed the woman leading the man upstairs was his wife.  But, when I viewed it with today’s topic in mind, it occurred to me that the woman on the far left, looking slightly nervous or concerned (or, that's how she looks to me), might be the wife, watching her husband being taken off to be spanked by an Aunt Kay-like disciplinary surrogate, wondering how much he's in for.   


My search also pulled up this other picture by the same artist, which seems to suggest either his wife, or another Aunt Kay-like woman, sending a reluctant husband off for a private session, while the other women look on knowingly.



I think one reason the whole scenario got my attention is my attitudes toward witnesses and others knowing seem to be changing subtly.  Though, I think the change is not so much about witnesses or groups per se, as about the whole “community” aspect that the DWC seems to have pulled off in real life; an aspect this blog, as stable as it has been, has never managed to extend into or replicate.   


It’s ironic, as we found the DWC near the time it was starting to come apart, but long enough before that actually happened that, had we been more open at that time, we probably could have participated in something like the sessions that I know find myself oddly attracted to but have no present outlet for exploring.  This isn’t the first time over the last year or two that I’ve found myself much more interested in an in-person community-based experience, though that ebbs and flows.


Another reason I find it increasingly appealing has little or nothing to do with any prospect of me getting spanked in such a situation. Rather, it’s about the imagined prospect of Anne participating by being the surrogate for some other wife. In real life, I think her jealousy, which she acknowledges is firmly-rooted, might preclude any scenario involving me getting spanked by anyone else (at least by any woman).  However, I don’t seem to be similarly wired for jealousy when it comes to DWC-oriented spanking, as I don’t think I would have any problem at all with her spanking another man.  Although I think it is very unlikely to ever happen, I think I’ve crossed some threshold where it’s all about Anne’s reluctance to engage in anything more “community” oriented, and not really my own.



And, of course, things can change.  KOJ has related how his own wife’s transformation from purely private disciplinarian to having little problem “outing” her problem by spanking him at a party, where others didn’t see it might have overheard, and how it happened astonishingly quickly after she retired.



Anyway, as I said, I don’t have a fully-articulated topic in mind.  Instead, I’ll leave it more open-ended and invite you to talk about your reaction to the scenarios depicted above.  Do they have any appeal, whether as something you would want to explore in real life, or as just a private little “what if” scenario?  If so, what elements do you find most appealing. 


This topic very much invites responses from the wives as well.  Does anything about the scenario Tomy/Jerry depicted, with wives taking on the assignment of spanking another man for something real that he has confessed a need to have dealt with, seem appealing?  Why or why not?  If doing the spanking isn’t appealing, do you find anything appealing about your husband being told to participate in anything like that scenario, perhaps for its humbling aspects?


And, generally, how do people feel about the kind of real life “community” the DWC built, for at least several couples who were open to it?


Have a great week.


  1. I unfortunately tripped up (behaviorally) this week rather badly and broke several of our agreed rules in the space of about 10 minutes. Next morning was payback time. She wanted to change my position from bending over the end of our bed to lying on the bed with a pillow positioned to raise the 'target'. Quite an improvement (from her perspective!) in that it is more difficult for me to 'clench' or wriggle about - two accusations that I often have leveled at me... It was quite a long session and very 'effective' as I can still feel some soreness three days later. I have been on best behaviour since as that punishment was sufficiently impactful for me be very keen to avoid a repeat.

    In terms of the main topic I can see how being spanked by a third party would be very effective as the embarrassment levels would be very high (for me). Equally being punished in front of witnesses has a huge morbid fascination for me especially if it were delivered by a third party with no emotional connection to me. I would imagine that would be a very clinical punishment and the thought of it is both scary and magnetic.

    In reality I struggle to see a situation where my wife would involve a third party so for now it will remain a 'safe' fantasy! TB

    1. "I unfortunately tripped up (behaviorally) this week rather badly and broke several of our agreed rules in the space of about 10 minutes" They do seem to come in clusters, don't they?

      "Equally being punished in front of witnesses has a huge morbid fascination for me especially if it were delivered by a third party with no emotional connection to me." I think what got to me about the DWC "confession sessions" was that while there wasn't a husband-wife relationship between spanker and spankee, it wasn't a commercial relationship either (like seeing a pro), and there was a very strong element of the spanking being given "for your own good." So, it wasn't exactly no emotional connection, but it was much more objective and purely functional than most Wife/husband spankings.

  2. I don't know about Mother Christmas, but I've gotten very into Krampus legends and artwork lately, even though I'd never even heard of it before last year. There's a travel-oriented channel I'm into on YouTube, and last year they hit 9 Christmas markets in Europe in nine days. One of them had a big Krampus theme, including guys in Krampus costumes going through the crowd swatting visitors (mainly) women with switches. The whole thing was totally weird, and in combination with Christmas festivities, totally fascinating.

  3. I discussed this subject with my wife, as it is a substantial one. From the beginning, we have both been firmly opposed to a "community" that crosses gender lines, e.g. a woman spanking another woman's husband, multiple men being present at a spanking etc. However, we quite like the idea of "communities" existing within gender groups. We further discussed how we might like it to go within our own gender groups and this the result of our discussions.

    I must point out that we talked about ideals and completely disregarded questions of likelihood, practicality etc.

    On my wife's side, she likes the idea of say having a community of women to share best practice. She acknowledges the danger that this might turn into a group where women endlessly trash-talk men, which is not helpful, as it just creates more things to be unhappy about. However, maybe such a group could do something like sharing expertise about which instruments are best, share instruments (a sort-of "try before you buy"). Also, they could maybe acquire a mannequin (a soft one) to enable women new to the lifestyle to practice techniques (or improve them, maybe). Another thing they could do is encourage women admitting to reluctance to spank their husbands as agreed.

    On my side, I like the idea of say an "encouragement group", where men involved in the lifestyle share experiences, encourage best practice and accountability. Such a group could say rent a sauna, or other space where nudity is normal: I think physical nakedness can increase the sense of emotional nakedness. The men might ask their wives to spank them in a way that leaves marks, so that the group could see they weren't lying about having had a spanking. I have no doubt that a lot of men have struggled to stick with the lifestyle after having received a very severe spanking for an infraction. They could help other men mentally prepare for something coming, say expressing an interest to their wives in the F/M DD lifestyle, his wedding night, not chickening out of going home when he knows a spanking is coming etc. After a member sheds his mortal coil, the group could then look back on what he achieved over his life and how F/M DD spanking contributed to it.

    Again, a lot of this might be unrealistic, impractical etc, but my wife and I intentionally approached this with "blue sky thinking", i.e. what we would like if there were no obstacles. What do people think of the ideas above?


    1. I do think sometimes when thinking these "what if" questions through, it works best when you set aside probability and practicality issues. It helps me to get deeper into my own motivations when I think about what I would do if there were no obstacles, even if in reality there are lots of them.

    2. Dan,

      Underlying motivations is an interesting question.

      I suppose the reason for us not wanting it to cross gender lines, even under a blue sky scenario, is that we view F/M DD as an extremely intimate act, even if it is meant to have a serious purpose. It is inextricably linked with sex: I definitely can't forget the wedding night of alternating spanking and sex going on for hours and hours into the night!

      Regarding the reasoning behind the thing about male groupings, I like the idea of being able to talk openly about my spanking relationship without people thinking it is weird, support other men and receive support from them, say when it feels difficult to go on.

      Regarding the female grouping thing, I suppose our underlying reasoning is that we like the idea of women sharing best practice and therefore becoming better at it.

      Does any of this make sense to you or anyone else?


    3. Hi J,
      I can see where you are coming from regarding the inherent intimacy of spanking, though for me it feels less sexual than it seems to be for you, or at least not as clearly linked to sex.

      Regarding groups or "communities" not crossing gender lines, I struggle with this concept mainly because I always far, far prefer mixed groups to either all-male or all-female groups; I just hate the dynamics of single-gender groups, and it doesn't matter if they are social, civic, church, political, or whatever! But that is just me...

      And Dan, I agree whole-heartedly about the benefits of thinking about some of these things more hypothetically, since it is far to easy to allow real-world practicalities to block us early on in the thinking process.


    4. ZM,

      Why do you personally hate the dynamics of single-gender groups?


    5. Hi J,
      I think it is just because of balance. Men and women tend to balance each other out, so I feel that almost any gathering lacks balance if it doesn't have both males and females present.


  4. Once again, I may be in the minority here, but I have been thru the experience of being spanked by a third party for discipline. It was quite some time ago when I was with my former Dominant Mistress/wife. She suffered occasional bouts with fibromyalisa, and could not issue discipline during those periods. I was brought or sometimes sent to another Domme for my discipline. Sometimes she was present and other times not. She told the other Domme of my offenses and my punishment was administered. Another point in this week‘s topic is the added humiliation of others knowing or witnessing the punishment. I had that happen on only one occasion. My infraction, a serious one, was committed just before we were to attend a weekend event. Once there, she announced my offense and that she and the Domme often used as the surrogate were going to administer my punishment in front of the group. I was then stripped, blindfolded and placed bent over in a pillory type restraining device. Both women then delivered a long session using several implements. Not yet satisfied I had received a punishment equal to my offense, she announced I would be left in position for an hour and anyone was allowed to add to my punishment spanking. During that hour, I know three others added to my punishment. When released, I was told to stay nude, displaying my very well spanked bottom. My current Dominant issues all my discipline herself without the aid of any other Dommes. I still get spanked by many different women at events, spanking parties and dungeons, but not for discipline.

  5. Spankings in our family are strictly private matters, but this subject does intrigue me.
    If my wife were to send me to another woman for a spanking, I would obey of course. I would find it embarrassing, but have to admit I would find the prospect exciting. I asked my wife if she would ever consider such a thing, and she laughed and said probably not, but would not rule it out completely.
    On the other hand, I would never want my wife to spank another man.

  6. I suspect that many of us wish we could have attended a DWC event. It would be very freeing to be with a group of like-minded people. FWIW, I think that a husband getting spanked in front of a group would add to his sense of shame and accountability, especially if that audience included other men. Witnessed spankings can be very effective. A lot more could be said on this topic. Graham

    1. To Graham. To be spanked for discipline in front of a group does add to the humiliation factor. The group I was in front of contained both male Doms and subs and female Dommes and subs.

    2. For me,my comfort when being spanked in front of a male, would depend almost solely on whether he was under feminine authority or not. this also might point to the possibility of heterosexual males forging friendships with other males also subject to spanking. A lot of alpha male dick waving could go away when both guys have both their dicks and their asses fully under control


    3. Well put!

      In thinking through issues around DD and other males, I seem to gravitate toward two somewhat contradictory things. In terms of sharing and friendships, I do have an attraction to forging closer, in-person relationships with other disciplined males. On the other hand, while I agree that my comfort level with being spanked in front of a male probably would depend on whether he too was a disciplined husband, part of my attraction to the thought of a group setting is about NOT being comfortable. Both physically and emotionally, part of my attraction to DD, and being under "feminine authority" as you put it, is about NOT being comfortable. The essence of the attraction is inextricably tied up with being taken outside my emotional and physical comfort zone.

    4. “Part of my attraction to the thought of a group setting is about NOT being comfortable. Both physically and emotionally, part of my attraction to DD, and being under "feminine authority" as you put it, is about NOT being comfortable”

      The paradox is only apparent. Surrendering to her and experiencing the embarrassment of a hard and long witnessed bare-bum spanking is the essence of not being comfortable ( and if it was witnessed, she would make it hard and long).

      But simultaneously in, having it seen by another male, himself under discipline, allows me to reveal a deep part of myself to a peer hetero male. Such honest openness is something that, in our culture, if it happens at all, occurs only within long, intimate, and rare hetero-male friendships. The embarrassment would be acutely uncomfortable, but it would also resonate deeply with the social animal within all.


    5. "if it happens at all" . . . is mostly right for me. There are a whopping four people who (a) know about our DD lifestyle; (b) know my "real identity" (I have a hard time even thinking that phrase without conjuring memories of super hero comics);and (c) I've had a live conversation with that included actually seeing the other person and them seeing me (whether by video or live). Three of those are women (one vanilla friend and women I "met" through their blogs and subsequently formed real friendships with. The only male that fits those criteria is Tomy/Jerry. I've never gotten close/open enough with any vanilla male friends to tell them about it. There is one commenter on here who I've shared enough with electronically that we at least know each others real identities, but that's as far as it's gone. We males certainly are reticent about who we let into this part of our lives, aren't we?

    6. "Both physically and emotionally, part of my attraction to DD, and being under 'feminine authority' as you put it, is about NOT being comfortable. The essence of the attraction is inextricably tied up with being taken outside my emotional and physical comfort zone." - Wow. Spot on...!

      "Surrendering to her and experiencing the embarrassment of a hard and long witnessed bare-bum spanking is the essence of not being comfortable ( and if it was witnessed, she would make it hard and long)." - I have often supposed that this is the case. I can imagine if my wife were spanking me in front of a witness, she might very well show off a bit by making it longer and harder than usual, especially if the witness was getting into it at all. Women can be pretty competitive with each other.

      As for another male, I agree it would certainly be less embarrassing if he too were "under discipline" because it would keep the "peer" aspect intact. Having said that, I have also thought about how much more embarrassing it would be if he wasn't also a disciplined male, if he was punishing me, or even more extreme, if I was in a cuckold relationship of some sort. In real life, I don't know that I would want things to go that far, since it feels fraught with risk, but it is still interesting to think about.

      "We males certainly are reticent about who we let into this part of our lives, aren't we?" - Yes, for sure. And probably, in reality, not just about DD but really about much of anything.


    7. You're probably right about not sharing as much with males outside of DD, too. I'm not sure whether I've always been more open with females than males, but I would say that over time I've probably opened up to more women about more sensitive things than I have to men. Of course, it's also always been the case that I've had many female friends, and they all tended to be very open, non-judgmental people, including in a few instances women who were more of a "wild child" than I ever was.

      I've also thought about the prospect of a male doing the punishing and have, at times, been turned on by the whole 'hot wifing' thing. If the circumstances were right (and they almost certainly never will be), I could see Anne allowing a male to punish me, especially if it was for some repeated bad act that she was tired of dealing with. A cuckolding or hot wife scenario would be extremely unlikely, as she's never had the slightest interest in an alternative sexual arrangement. But, I'm also cognizant of the fact that many women end up doing things in their 50s that they were once adamantly opposed to. Our former commenter Danielle admitted in one of her comments to being in a cuckolding relationship, but she began as anti-kink to the point that she initially refused her husband's DD requests. Strange things happen . . .

  7. I asked Aunt Kay's husband at one point about the emotions he experienced when sent to another woman for a spanking. For him, it was a pretty simple answer: "Scared."

  8. btw I seem to recall that in Aunt Kay's time, she sometimes held get togethers with other couples where the wives spanked other women's husbands. Is this true, and did anyone here experience that?

  9. That's what the first quote in the post is about.

  10. Of course. Somehow I missed that. I would not have wanted to take part in that kind of group meeting. But a less pubic arrangement would interest me.

  11. I find the idea of being spanked for a past offense particularly interesting. I know guilt fuels a lot of my spanking cravings and therr are some serious offenses from my past before my wife started spanking me that I wish could be dealt with. My wife has no interest in spanking me for things I did years ago or that didn't involve her. But I would welcome the chance to "pay for" my transgressions.

    1. I kind of do too, but the one thing I tripped over when I read Tomy/Jerry's comment about the DWC confession sessions was I couldn't really think of something I would confess in confidence that I wouldn't tell my wife about and ask her to deal with. But, as I've thought about it more, there are some things from before I met my wife that I've told her about and, it's not that she isn't interested in dealing with them (though I've never asked her to) but that she disagrees with some of the guilt I feel and thinks I'm holding myself responsible for things that I shouldn't feel responsible for. I actually get that on some things I'm probably holding myself to an irrational standard, particularly things that happened when I was young, but that doesn't really change the way I feel about them. Now, I don't have any idea whether a spanking could ever help resolve those feelings, but there's no way of knowing until you try, right?

    2. I was just thinking about this. I can see where my wife may not be all that interested in punishing me for something that doesn't involve her, but at the same time, if freeing myself from some of the guilt and shame from things earlier in life somehow resulted in me being significantly better adjusted and easy to get along with, maybe it would be beneficial to her as well?


    3. Yeah, this is why I don't think you can remove the DWC's "confessional" thing from a 'sharing some naughty kink' context. It's too hard for me to imagine something that I would share on a confidential basis with someone like Aunt Kay that I wouldn't share with Anne or that Anne wouldn't at least accommodate me on if she thought it would help get over some kind of guilt or shame. Though, like I said, I can think of at least one thing from teenage years that I do feel guilty about, and Anne flat-out feels that I shouldn't. So, I can see something where someone who had no feelings about it one way or another might be more effective in that particular context.

  12. We also found the DWC at the end of its run and were too late to participate in one of their in-person get togethers. We actually registered our interest in joining the next one, but it never happened. We used to go to a local spanking group over twenty years ago, so are no strangers to the idea of spanking in a group; however this was when it was more a D/s play thing for us, before we discovered DD. We would certainly have gone to a DWC gathering at the time if we’d had that opportunity. If the chance to do something along those lines came up now, I would be up for it, I’m not certain if my wife would or not. I think this week’s post is the first time I’ve seen any detailed information about how the gatherings were structured. Doesn’t sound easy, but I’m sure, an interesting experience. On the in-private vs in-front-of-the-group thing, I think that if I we’re being spanked by another woman in my wife’s presence, I’d would be trying to be as stoic as possible, kinda like conducting myself well in her presence - that doesn’t quite cover it but I can’t think of a better form of words that describes it. I will say however that my wife is the only person to whom I give that kind of authority and so if I’m over someone else’s knee, it’s because she put me there and I am obeying her through her proxy and not accepting punishment from this other person in her own right. Å´e did have a situation about five years ago when she had rotator cuff surgery and her spanking arm was out of action for some months. One afternoon we had a friend that we knew in the lifestyle come round and be her spanking arm. There was no specific transgression at this time but this was one of the heavier maintenance sessions I’ve been through. My wife was present and directing the whole time. So this is certainly not a scenario I have a problem with in real life. Speaking purely for myself, I have found this blog a very welcome resource since I discovered it a few years ago, with the opportunity to communicate with others in a similar type of relationship. Moving one step further to real life meetings with small groups of like-minded couples words be something I’d find interesting. TG

    1. "We would certainly have gone to a DWC gathering at the time if we’d had that opportunity." I do wish I could say the same, but I really can't. We were both very paranoid about anonymity, and I don't think any group-oriented thing would have happened even if the DWC had stayed vibrant. For me, the paranoia has given way to increasing openness, probably a result of early retirement. I'm not sure Anne is in the same place. In fact, I'm pretty sure she's not. What I don't know is whether there is some "nudge" that might move her toward greater openness. I don't see signs of it right now, but I'm a big believer in people changing and in all sorts of "inconceivable" things happening.

      "On the in-private vs in-front-of-the-group thing, I think that if I we’re being spanked by another woman in my wife’s presence, I’d would be trying to be as stoic as possible, kinda like conducting myself well in her presence - that doesn’t quite cover it but I can’t think of a better form of words that describes it." I think that's probably true for me too, though I think for me it would be more about my ego resisting giving in in front of a large group. But, I think the opposite could be the case if it were done in private. I think one reason I have never been able to really surrender and cry is because deep down inside is I see it as a deeply embarrassing thing to do in front of my wife. (Which is kind of dumb, because she HAS seen me cry, just not from a spanking.) I'm not sure I would feel the same doing it in front of someone who I wouldn't see regularly and whose opinion I don't really care about.

    2. Two of the main things that I worry about with regard to being spanked in front of or by others (whether a group, a friend of my wife, my wife and a friend, etc.) are:
      - being naked or partially naked in front of others (I hate my out-of-shape body)
      - crying or generally taking the punishment in a non-manly way

      Both are slightly ironic. I am uncomfortable with my body, but not taking health seriously is probably the most likely reason I would ever be punished in front of someone else. Having to be partially naked in front of others would probably be about the best punishment for this, and any spanking would just be additional.
      And fear of crying or not taking the punishment "like a man" is also ironic in a way, since 1) I have only cried once from a spanking, with a few other close calls, and 2) spanking is a pretty childish punishment, so when someone reduces you to being spanked, maybe you aren't expected to be all that manly for a little while.


    3. That's a great point about the irony of the embarrassment in those two scenarios.

      I've never asked Jerry whether most of the DWC spankings by other women, or in front of other people, were in the nude or something less than that.

    4. On the anonymity thing, I remember one time when e went to that spanking group (pre-DD, over 20 years ago). E walked in and my wife saw an ex-co-worker there TG

    5. I've referred to this a few times before, but there was one person in my last firm who learned inadvertently that I had some interest in spanking. It's kind of hard to describe, how it exactly it happened. But, I was working from home and had a computer malfunction. I had to let our IT group take remote control of my laptop. I could watch what they were doing on my screen. At some point they tried to copy and paste a bit of code, but when they pasted it, instead of the code, what was pasted was something I had cut and pasted before they took control of the session. And, of course, luck being what it is, it happened to be very explicitly spanking related. I still recall watching in horror as it popped up on the screen, and there was a dramatic pause as our IT person clearly saw it, then deleted it and went on with what she was doing. And, very surprisingly, it was a she, which isn't typical for IT people. She never said a word about it to me, nor did I. But, there isn't a doubt in my mind that she knew at least that I was into spanking, though the snippet that she saw didn't reveal much beyond that.

    6. I accidently sent something on Facebook messenger to one of my dear friends about 7 years ago. It didn't specifically reference spanking, but it was quite "female led" or even "femdom"ish. She immediately saw it and asked what it was, and I told her that it was a joke, but I would explain it when I saw her in person, and then I conveniently "forgot" to ever mention it again. Ironically this is the same person who several years later I told that my wife holds me accountable and that she made a list of chores for me when she was gone, to which my friend asked, "and what happens if the things on the list don't get taken care of?" to which I responded in a joking manner "that's when the spankings happen" or something like that. So in the end, she may know (or at least assume) everything, or she may know nothing....


    7. Yeah, and people kind of know what they want to, right?

  13. Hi Dan,
    I like the topic this week. I am now back on "my" side of the ocean, so hopefully I will get to chime in more this week.

    My wife and I talked about this week's topic last night, even though I had barely read your post, and none of the comments. One thing that came to light through this discussion is that in the case of a "real" spanking (i.e. for a real misdeed or misbehavior) with any sort of third party involvement- whether as a witness, a participant, or a proxy - the experience would vary greatly depending on just what the cause of the punishment was. For example, in keeping with this week's theme, if my wife had someone punish me for not following an agreed upon diet, my focus would be almost entirely on the punishment itself, the one doing the punishing, and my reaction to it. On the other hand, if I was being punished by someone else for masturbating while looking at kinky pictures, my focus would be almost entirely on the embarrassment of the reason for punishment, and I would be more concerned about what the woman might be thinking about me (like the mental image of me masturbating) and less concerned about whether she thinks I am taking the punishment like a man.

    I will write more later on the overall topic.


    1. Those are great distinctions. For me, I think my reaction would vary a lot depending on the particular mix of who the spanker was and my connection to her, if any, and the reason. Using your example of masturbation (though it's not an "offense" for us), if it were someone I knew well and would probably see again, I probably would be very embarrassed by the offense itself. If it were by a complete stranger, I might not be very embarrassed, but I think that might change if the spanking was out in front of a group. On the other hand, if it were a spanking for not following a diet, I agree with you that my reaction, and particularly any embarrassment, would probably be related to the punishment itself.

      Though in the latter case, the DWC example shows that the context of the relationship with the spanker might matter, even if it was pretty ephemeral. In the DWC scenario, there was still some connection between the couples, if only their respective "membership" in a very small "club." The women were there for a common purpose and, according to Tommy's description, they took their roles very seriously. Somehow, that scenario hits me very differently than the idea of going to a pro. While the connection to the "surrogate" wife would hardly be long-lasting or robust, it would still some non-commercial, semi-personal relationship, with an accountability or non-erotic goal associated with it.

    2. BTW, welcome back to the States. I hope you get some quality time off with family and friends.

    3. "Somehow, that scenario hits me very differently than the idea of going to a pro. While the connection to the 'surrogate' wife would hardly be long-lasting or robust, it would still some non-commercial, semi-personal relationship, with an accountability or non-erotic goal associated with it." - Absolutely right!

  14. Well. Having Dev spank another guy is totally unappealing to me It be kind of like cheating and don’t like it all. However she did paddle our daughter’s best friend a few years ago but I think she requested it ? On another note. Our area made national news for getting 42” of snow the past few days ! We call it Monday here. 😅. JR

    1. Okay, you can't let something like paddling your daughter's best friend just hang out there with no details.😅

      42 inches is crazy. We've only gotten something like that here once and, by lucky fluke, we were laying on a Mexican beach at the time. By the time we got back, a helpful neighbor had taken his snowblower to our driveway.

    2. From what I remember, her friend came over feeling bad about something? They talked for a while and said she thought a good spanking would help and asked her to do it. Dev was hesitant and suggested her own mother handle it. She said she considers her a second mom and would trust her. They talked while longer and she agreed to do take care of it. Dev came down and asked me to get something from Walmart. I knew what was going to happen and wanted to stay but went to Walmart. The spanking was done while I was gone. When I returned a while later they were talking again and obviously she had been crying. The paddle was still on the couch. Dev said she handled it the same way she does me. J

    3. Did the friend know at the time that your wife was a spanker, and that she spanks you?

    4. We had a four footer in Match. Caused me to go out and buy a much bigger snow blower. TG

    5. It always takes me longer to get our snowblower to start each season than it takes to just get out the shovel.

    6. To JR. I can understand your feelings about your wife spanking others. I had to learn to get over that quickly here. My second wife was a NYC Pro Domme and we met in a dungeon, so I was very accustomed to her spanking others, even after she retired and we married. My current dominant/life partner and I attend spanking events, parties and visit dungeons, so she spanks others often. It is a two way street as I am spanked very often by other women.

    7. Above comment is from me.

    8. JR, that is amazing of your wife to do that. Your daughter's friend must have been very nervous, as well as how it could be easier than asking her own parents. It speaks well of your wife that she was trusted with the guilt and the request.

      I'd have been curious to overhear the spanking, too!

    9. I definitely wanted to be there. Just to hear it from another room would have been special. I asked a lot of questions and Dev finally said it be easier to just show me. I declined offer. Every once in a while when she’s over they will make mention of it but not much.

    10. Wow, blown away that another young friend of your daughters would ask for a spanking. Was she aware that your daughter was spanked by Dev? I was spanked by my Mothers friend growing up, but certainly would never have approached her for one. I know I wouldn’t have the balls to ask for one.

    11. Believe it or not. We didn’t spank our kids. They turned out great too. We grew up with spanking and has been part of our lifestyle for over 30 yrs. It works well for us. JR

  15. My wife is reluctant to let anyone know that she spanks me, but has on occasion publicly scolded me in the store and taken care of the matter when we returned home. This weekend I definitely went of the deep end. Thinking back it seems a little funny. I was busy trying to prepare the perfect Thanksgiving meal. However when removing the turkey breast from the oven the pan slipped out of my grip.and the whole thing ended up on the floor. My wife was not upset at all but I was. She rescued what she could and at dinner acted like nothing had happened, but I was beyond upset and she was getting over being sympathetic. I was so upset that I ruined our Thanksgiving that and said I wished she would give me something to cry about. She informed that after we ate and I finished cleaning everything she was going to spank me. I did all the work of cleaning up and assumed it was an idle threat. I needed a nap and went to the bedroom without saying a word a few minutes later she ca me in.with the paddle in her hand. She said "I'm not going to let you pout. I want to be clear you are not being spanked for dropping the turkey but for your attitude". My bottom was bare over the end of the bed and she put her paddle to work giving me something to cry about.

    1. When you suggested she should give you something to cry about for ruining Thanksgiving, were you referring to the turkey mishap or to your anger and pouting about it?

    2. I spoke to my wife again about this matter, and this was her reply: There have been a few occasions when she decided that a spanking had not had the desired effect, that I had not "learned my lesson", and gave me a second spanking the next day. She thought that on such occasions it might be a good idea to have another woman give me that second spanking. That thought is very appealing to me. But I would want it only with my wife present, or alone with the other woman. The idea of being spanked in front of any group, especially with men in it, has zero appeal.

    3. The DWC idea certainly grabbed me, but my now ex wife would have no interest, and her interest in spanking slowly disappeared altogether. She tolerated my visiting a pro, but she didn’t like it. The pro had several tea parties, and requested that I serve and wait on her lady friends, which I did, wearing only an apron. I was spanked by many of her friends, which was fun, but there was no emotional connection. I also went to a Shadow Lane spanking party in Vegas, which was a great opportunity to meet other kinky folks, and got the opportunity to get and give many spankings. When I got together with my current G/F, we finally discovered DD after a few years. That proved to be what I really needed and craved. She has helped me become a much better behaved partner, and a more stable person. We have talked about doing or watching another couple doing a spanking, but she hasn’t decided yet if that’s ok. We have met another like minded couple from this site, and had lunch with them, which was nice just to be able to discuss and normalize DD.

    4. Norton wrote:“We have met another like minded couple from this site, and had lunch with them, which was nice just to be able to discuss and normalize DD.”

      This strikes me as much more interesting than shared spankings of some variety as a planned activity . Neither my wife nor I would oppose a naturally developing disciplinary scenario (with or without spanking). But a planned “scene,” not so much. The pleasure would come from being with a couple utterly comfortable with female-led DD, sharing a real time disciplinary experience it if that need arises -but more importantly, being able to exchange ideas, thoughts, experiences, or plans. This is not a suggestion that F/M couples in each other's company should not enjoy TTWD if that evolves and both are comfortable. But in the same vein, there should be no pressure to “show and tell”.


    5. Alan, I totally agree. Also, I've found that in those few cases where I have developed a relationship with someone in this or a similar lifestyle, after the first few discussions, it ends up being like any other vanilla relationship. The person I have become the closest to is an adult romance writer in a F/f dynamic. We text pretty often, but 90% of the time it's about books, politics, career stuff . . . pretty much anything but DD. The female blogger in an FLR is a decade my junior and in my former profession. Most of our conversations are about jobs and career. Even my conversations with Tomy/Jerry are mostly not about DD stuff, though we do talk about such things now and then. My point is, even when DD is what brings people or couples together, chances are it will be non-DD aspects that make any real bond that develops.

    6. Norton, I suspect that without the emotional connection, neither a group thing like Shadow Lane or a pro would work for me.

  16. I understand Aunt Kay's gatherings were ultimately for fun and socializing, but:

    That Aunt Kay considered and assigned each man's offense makes the women something of a judicial counsel. Not in the sense that they reserved rights to themselves, of course, but in that they could give justice more effectively than the accuser, the wife of each husband.

    What did Aunt Kay see in each woman to assign them to the right man and his offense?
    Besides her writing, how did she coach the women to handle their assigned men more thoroughly than used to with their own husbands?

    I'm fascinated!

    1. I see your point about the judicial council. I do think that technically, the wife wasn't the accuser. Rather, it was the husband confessing in confidence to something. I also didn't get the impression was that the thought was that the surrogate would handle things more thoroughly or better than the wife. Reading between the lines, I assume that the big motivation for the get-togethers was simply as part of the "naughty little secret" Aunt Kay has referred to them sharing, and that it played out as a desire to make the club in part about facilitating the kink of group spankings but within a disciplinary context.

      That element of women being empowered to spank misbehaving men, whether their husband or a friend's husband, seems to me to have been pretty prominent in the DWC zeitgeist from the beginning. I mean, hell, the first two stories in the Fiction section include a plan in the first story to let the wife's friend spank her husband, and the second story was that sentence being carried out. In the story, the friend was sort of a victim of his misbehavior, but the wife casts the authority more broadly, telling him: "Oh, and in case you didn't hear my discussion with Glenda on the phone; when we go over there tomorrow evening for you to apologize, if she wishes to spank you too, you had better not object and embarrass me. As a DWC woman, and my friend, if she wants to punish you, she has my blessings." Her husband was also upset that his sister had told his wife that he had been spanked by his parents well into his teens. His wife advises him: "by the way, you are probably harboring some anger toward Helen for telling me about your spankings as a teen-ager, which was not that long ago. Take my advice, dear, let it go. Helen is a woman, and my friend."

      I think for years I under-appreciated that "women get to decide," very FLR-like vibe in some of the DWC stories. And, I suspect the whole thing was just kinkier than what might arise for most of us today. It seems like most of the participants really came of age in the late 60s for 70s, when there was way more experimenting going on than we've seen since the relatively prudish late 80s and on.

      But, I do see how your judicial council model could lead to a more severe spanking. It's probably true that some wives are more lenient than others, take more shit, listen to more excuses, etc. And, sometimes the wife just may not see something as a big deal while the husband does. See my comment to T-Mac above. There are certainly things in my life where I'm a harsher judge of me than my wife is. I could see how, in some circumstances, a judicial council of women--or just another woman who didn't have a wife's close relationship with the husband--might be inclined to treat him more severely, either because she thought he'd earned it or because she accepted his desire to be punished more harshly than the wife might think was merited.

      In any event, I agree with you about being kind of fascinated by the whole thing.

  17. The idea of meeting up with other actual DWC-style couples in a social situation (or even an organization) is an idea that is fun to discuss - but most of us are so far undercover in this lifestyle that it could never be more than entertaining speculation. Aunt Kay did pull it off to an extent - but she was "world famous" within our limited genre and had contacts all over the world. I suspect that few others would have similar success.

    I will point out that in the FAQ section on the old DWC site, Kay stated that she thought it was just fine to "have fun" with spanking in addition to its disciplinary purpose. And while Kay didn't reveal too much on the website about her own spanking adventures, she did spank her share of men. My wife and I had a standing invitation to visit her and Jerry in the Bay Area - which would have included a promised demonstration spanking from Aunt Kay, but it wasn't logistically practical at the time (kids). And honestly - despite the "honor" of being spanked by Kay, it was also a very scary thought!

    When I was assisting Aunt Kay with her private Yahoo group, I recall that we discovered that were three DWC couples (including my wife and I) in the major metro in which we live. I set up a group email to see if we all wanted to all meet for dinner or drinks, but it never worked out. I think most of us saw it as too much risk. My wife herself was on the fence about it. She thought it sounded fun but was very leery of possible exposure, especially since she had a high enough profile career that exposure would have created significant issues. (Just as she would not have gone to a local BDSM event or a strip club, for example).

    As I have shared before here, over the years a few have come to know of our DD lifestyle. Her sister came in the house when we thought we were alone and overheard a spanking which intrigued her greatly (turns out she spanking-inclined as well) and ultimately led to her witnessing me being spanked and spanking me herself (a couple of times for "fun" - birthday, etc - and later a couple of real disciplinary spankings as a proxy for my wife when she was out of town).

    Then, a few years back, one of my wife's old "wild child" college buddies came out to us as being heavily into kink/bdsm - which led us to share our DD relationship with her. That led to her witnessing me being spanked - and her spanking me as well (for "fun" - but it might as well have been disciplinary - the woman knew how to spank). She's spanked me a couple of times since as well (for "fun").

    Finally, just recently a male friend of ours learned of our lifestyle. He is a close friend and one night (over a few drinks) he asked about the paddle he had seen in the bedroom. Susan - somewhat to my embarrassment - told him of our lifestyle. He was completely nonjudgmental although he said he had no desire to be spanked - after Susan told him he could use a good spanking. He has not witnessed me being spanked - which would be incredibly embarrassing (and I don't ever see that happening), although it is not out of the question that he might overhear a spanking as he hangs out with us quite a bit (he's a single guy). Susan has, however, nonchalantly said in front of him that I got spanked that morning or that I have a spanking coming - which was initially very embarrassing, but less so now as I've come to accept the situation.

    Susan does love to spank for the joy of spanking - and she has said she would enjoy spanking other men as well if the situation arose and she knew it would be safe. And I would be fine with that - as long as I was close by. Preferably in the room, but in the next room at the very least. (Just out of caution). And perhaps that will happen at some point. I think she was really hoping to end up spanking our male friend - but his current stance is that "he wants nothing to do with getting his bare ass paddled".

    Happy Holidays to All!

    1. I too am confident that Kay and Jerry's get togethers with other couples very often included a spanking session. A few months ago, he and I were commiserating about what a shame it was that we didn't get together before Kay passed. I said something like, "It would have been great, even if it might have ended up with a very sore ass for me." His reply was, "No 'might' about it buddy." And, he has talked about people coming from foreign countries to meet with them. And, timing really is everything. In the early days of our DD experiments, up through my retirement, we didn't live in the Bay Area but my career was heavily focused there. I was in San Francisco and Silicon Valley about as often as I was home. It would have been incredibly easy to meet them if I'd been more open to that at the time. But, like Susan, I had pretty high profile career at the time, and it was in a very "dick waving" profession, which led me to feel like I had a lot to lose if exposed. Probably far less than I thought, but that's the way it goes, right?

      I can understand your male friend saying he wants nothing to do with being spanked. To me, it would be hard not to be naturally curious about it if you were around someone who was into it. But, Anne too has always been adamant that she has precisely zero interest in ever receiving a spanking, even though like Susan, I think she's come to enjoy giving them. Maybe not quite as openly and fully as Susan, but she definitely does like it and likes the whole dynamic and her role in it.

    2. al wrote:“ Susan does love to spank for the joy of spanking.”

      Speaking about Alex Comfort, isn’t it time for someone to do the spank version? You could ghostwrite it for Susan -and she could try out her rough drafts on your ass. More joy for all!


  18. I’ll start the post by reiterating I can’t stand traveling anymore. Although, we were smooth sailing without delays, the traffic where we were was a nightmare. A normal commute took an additional hour to get our desired location. Addressing this weeks topic, my wife would have zero interest in attending a group/meeting social. She would never be open to thrashing someone else and I wouldn’t be into being spanked in front of a group. I definitely wish I had the opportunity to meet Aunt Kay. I think she championed the DD cause and I think it’s great Dan; that you still communicate with her husband. I read that site probably a hundred times. While away we visited some friends and one was recently divorced. He made a comment about how he wished his wife would have reined him in during their marriage. Maybe things would have worked differently. My wife just gave me that stern look and said, “ we don’t have that issue”. He nor his GF have any idea about our DD. One of the other wives made a comment about beating him. The comment was made in jest though. I am to be thrashed tomorrow for my snarkiness and sly comments on the way home. I screwed up a few times, but fortunately for me there was no opportunity for her to punish me while away. We were around friends and family at all times. I can’t see us sharing our DD with any of our friends. They wouldn’t understand the relationship. There is one of friend that we see once in a while in a group setting. After some wine, she admitted she loves a good spanking every now and then. I almost spit my cocktail through my nose. I admit, I did check out her rear end a few times at the gathering.

    1. T., totally agree on travel. It's crazy that I spent years flying a bare minimum of twice a week and lots of drive time on congested freeways. Now, I hate all of it.

      It's interesting how many times in your conversation with friends oblique references to spanking came up. Is there a reason you're sure they were made in jest?

    2. Dan said: “Is there a reason you're sure they were made in jest?”

      There is no way to know what meaning, if any, the spanking allusions reported by T intended. But I think that “jokey” similar comments are sometimes used to check the room temperature, as it were. I have done this myself a few times. Other spankophiles must do so occasionally. People have actually done it to me, and I have missed the implication at the time

    3. Alan, that's what I was getting at. I can't think of a time others have "taken the temperature" with me, but I have done it with others.

    4. Unfortunately, it was definitely said in jest. Although I don’t know the couple very well, he laughed hysterically. My response would have been a light chuckle and more demure.
      Alan, I’ve tested the waters a few times and have never got a bite. The single female has brought up spanking a few times. Unfortunately for me, she is in the inner circle. I have to admit I would like to receive a strapping by her. There is something peculiar and stimulating about her. I’m loyal to my wife and it would never happen but I have thought about it. I’ve never been around a female who wanted one. I was definitely thrown for a loop.

    5. T wrote: “… he laughed hysterically.”
      I don’t have the full context, but this could have been a nervous, defensive reaction to what may have made him feel vulnerable. Checking the room temperature can be a high-risk strategy, so someone doing it may be quick to pull back if you didn’t respond in a way that reassured him. Just a thought


  19. Hi Dan,
    A few comments from your original posting:
    I love, love, love the photo of the woman outside the door greeting the person she is to spank, offering coffee, etc. As you know, I like captions a lot, but when I read this one, I can just totally imagine the feelings involved.
    “The therapeutic result for the men who took the whole exercise to heart was beyond belief. A couple of guys reported getting rid of guilt from decades past." – This is very powerful. We have often talked here about one of the benefits of DD is that it wipes the slate clean, which is great for relationships, and also about how spanking can be cathartic for both parties. But I have never thought about how spanking could be used to lighten the burden of guilt for things in the past, which may have nothing to do with the other partner.
    I also really liked your little checklist of the disciplinary boxes checked by the group scenario:
    • the humbling inherent in basically asking for an immediate spanking for a specifically identified bad act; - This is difficult one for me, because I think it is really this humbling that I both crave yet also I tend to resist.
    • an outsider knowing about the bad act and the spanking to come, and either delivering that spanking, or facilitating it happening; - There is just a whole different level of reality that comes by someone else knowing, both with regard to the bad act and the spanking.
    • the “all business” nature of the exercise, exemplified by the seriousness with which the women apparently took it; - I like the thought of the “all business” nature. It makes it much more serious and less like a kinky game.
    • the further humbling in taking a spanking that, unlike in most group settings, reflects a real offense that everyone, including you, know you deserve and fully support you getting; - This would be very difficult I am sure, but also very powerful.
    • while she may not deliver the spanking to her own husband, the wife is still in control of the situation by virtue of participating in it herself – I agree
    Regarding my wife spanking someone else, I think I would be fine with it, particularly if I were there or in a nearby room. This is especially true if she were acting in a surrogate role for some other wife, since that just changes everything.
    And of course, for me, all of the scenarios you mentioned this week are compelling to me.

    1. I don't know why exactly the scenario in which someone who knows you well knows about the offense, knows you are going to be spanked for it, and agrees it *should* happen is so powerful - but, to me, it is. Someone knowing about the offense and that a spanking is going to happen or did very recently is very powerful to me, but something about them being in full agreement with it in advance really amps it up.

    2. I love that photo too, other than a prominent type in the captioning. It does seem like if I ever were to be sent to another wife for punishment, it probably would have kind of a casual, no big deal, come on in and let's do this, kind of vibe.

  20. We have read the recent comments. After a few interactions with Aunt Kay we attended a meeting. We thought there might be some relief for him from his embarrassment about someone knowing he is a submissive. I thought that being with others who engaged in a relationship like ours and other men who get spanked might be helpful . Some 15 years later he feels that getting spanked in front of a man was totally humiliating. I watched another woman spank him and he was significantly more stoic then when i punish him. He said he would never try anything like that again .

    1. Your husband and I share an intense dislike of the idea of being spanked in front of another man. I would be open to being spanked in front of another woman, or being spanked by another woman. What are your husband's feelings about that?

    2. Miss C., I see how that could happen. It's the thing about pushing your comfort zone in some substantial way. There are often good reasons that something outside your zone makes you uncomfortable, and you don't really know how pushing the boundary will turn out until you do it.

  21. This topic has come up at an interesting time. I recently went back to our kink friendly family therapist (a woman) to discuss with her how best to suppress my craving for discipline and spanking, as it is a massive turn off for my wife. Her response was that maybe it's time to outsource this aspect. I wish there was someone like Aunt Kay that my wife could send me to for a good spanking. The idea of going to a professional somehow doaesn't work for me. Mike


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